Horse Whispers - Cover

Horse Whispers

Copyright© 1999 by Jillian Anonymous

Chapter 2

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 2 -

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Bestiality  

The next day I felt a little apprehensive about seeing Robert, but as it turned out he had been sent out on an errand and would not be back until evening. Elaine and I worked side by side cleaning the stalls after turning out the horses into the field. She was pleasant company and I listened to what she said with half an ear as she chatted on about things, the most of which I can not remember. Eventually she stopped and asked me what was on my mind. I tried to shrug it off saying that I had some recent events to think about and I did not really wish to talk about them. Elaine immediately asked if it was to do with Robert and what had happened the previous evening.

I was stunned. What did she know about Robert and I, and what had gone on last night. I tried to say that nothing had happened but she would have none of it.

"You were alone together for almost two hours and afterwards when you went home last night you did not reply when I said good evening to you, something was weighing very heavy on your mind, and this morning you have hardly said a word, so something is troubling you. You had better tell me or I will beet it out of Robert. If he has done something to you that he should not, I will have his guts for garters and worse."

"It was nothing like that, he did not do harm to me." I said and then I told her about what I had seen between Elaine and Robert. Elaine, for all that she was only nineteen, was a motherly sort of person who inspired confidentiality. She was a little bit on the plump side and did her hair in the old fashioned stile of the nineteen century work house.

But despite her motherly disposition I did not dare tell her about what I had done with Rum and the things that Robert had enjoyed with Ruth's Ambition.

"There are times when the male of a species can become a little demanding on a girl and may need to be brought back to heel. I did that to Robert, I gave him something that he liked and told him that he would not have it again if he assaulted me again. I can guarantee that he will not spank me again, and if he dose I can tell him that he just lost his privileges for a month. I did not have a hold over him before so I blew him off, now I have a good hold by which I can control him. I advise you to watch out, he may try something on you, though I doubt it as you are quite under age and Robert for all his faults is still a good lad. I expect that he will go a long way in life." This was a great relief to me that Elaine had, it seemed, no notion of the previous evening's animal sexual encounters. After another long silence on my part Elaine tried again to get me to talk about my troubles and I fended her off by getting her to talk about her sexual experiences particularly about what I had seen her do and about how it felt, tasted and things. She did not seem to mind talking about it. She said that I was getting to the point when I would need to know anyway and parents were not always good at preparing their children for the realities of life.

She chatted on for some time about her sexual experiences and I was glad to listen while I raised the question that had been troubling me all morning. If she seemed to be flagging I would prompt her with some innocent query and with her wealth of knowledge I was able to pick up many little hints and tips. Eventually we got to the last stall to be prepared. It was Rum's and I was glad that he was not there to embarrass me. Then I realised that that morning Rum had not presented his huge member for inspection the moment I had walked through the stable door. I wondered why but then I realised that I had probably satisfied his need.

"Oh god I hope I do not have to do that often" I said without even realising I had spoken allowed.

"Sex is not that bad, in fact its very enjoyable with the right person, you do not have to worry about it. You either take part and enjoy or you let the man do all the work and think of some other thing.

You win either way." Said Elaine not realising that I had not intended to speak.

"Do you think it is possible to have sex with animals!" I said.

Elaine looked at me in amazement, stunned by my question momentarily.

"Well" she said slowly, there was a long pause, and then "I have heard of cases of people trying with dogs and sheep but I do not know if there is any truth to what I heard." Again a pause followed by

"However the anatomy is the same, ish, I suppose that it could be done, but how do you get what ever animal to agree." Another pause. "After all you cant just say "Hay Fido do you fancy a bit of rumpy tonight." If he understood you he could hardly say "Oh yes dear, that would be lovely, get your knickers of then" could he. I mean how do you converse and come to an agreement?" I thought about this for a moment and decided that I reckoned that Rum had managed to talk well enough and it had only been my ignorance that had taken the message so long to get through.

Maybe it could work the other way, use actions not speech.

"You could always use actions." I said in a musing voice. "Have you noticed how Rum always seems to present his member when ever I am near him?"

"Yes, come to mention it, I have noticed that, it started shortly after he was ill." She frowned, deep in thought for a while. "I will give this some consideration and watch Rum when we bring him back to the stable after lunch." That was the last we spoke of it until we actually went to collect the horses and of course Rum behaved impeccably. We came to the conclusion that it must have been a phase that Rum had been going through and that it was over now. I did not mention the other things that I knew and the effect that they had had the day before.

It was about a week before Rum started to feel amorous toward me again. It court me unprepared early in the morning when I went in to feed and clean. I was on my own thankfully and so I did not have Elaine by me to notice the reaction I had. My first thought was, my god am I going to have to look after his need every week! Then I thought that I could draw it out quite a bit because it had taken about a month after the illness before I had the idea that I needed to administer treatment, and I only got that idea because of Elaine and Robert being together. I figured that I would leave it for a couple of weeks and see how Rum behaved. I set about my chores and everything went fine until the second time I went into Rum's stall.

The first time nothing had happened, I had gone in with some food and left again saying a few words of nonsense as I went. The second time I went in to sweep out the old bedding and when I was about half way in to the stall he decided to move his hind quarters over effectively closing off my exit. I got on with my work and thought nothing of his action until I needed to get past him to finish the task.

He would not move for me and I could not move him. I pushed and shoved at his body for about five minutes until I felt quite dizzy then I called for help and Elaine gave him a bash with a riding crop, I made good my escape and then looked back at the assailant. He was looking round at me with an expression as though to say, You have not had the last of this!

I thought that I had better arm myself with something like a ridding crop in case it happened again. I did not want to have to hit the animal, and I knew that I could hardly cause much pain to him unless I really struck out at something soft and tender, but if he was going to continue with this sort of behaviour then I would need some sort of deterrent. As it happened the ridding crop was of no use to me anyway.

During the afternoon I went in to groom Rum and one of the other horses. I started with the other horse and had got about half way through when Rum kicked the side of his stall. I went to see what was the matter, taking the ridding crop with me and as I walked up the side of him to confront him face to face he swung his hind quarters across again blocking my exit. I thought nothing of it, I would simply give him a swat with the crop and tell him to move out of the way. I had a few words with him and gave him a stroke, then I went to leave. I raised the crop to swat him lightly and as I did so he moved the rest of his mass across pinning me to the side of his stall with his body. He did not hurt me, he just leaned slightly so that I was fixed immovable between his body and the stall, with one arm raised and all the air knocked from my lungs. There was nothing I could do. I could hardly breathe and certainly could not draw enough breath to call for help so there I was, stuck. I do not know how long it took but I must have fainted from lack of air because I was found by Mr Rice lying in Rum's stall. He must have let me go when he felt me go limp. Mr Rice called the doctor who said I was probably a little anaemic and that I should eat well and rest for a day or two. I never told Mr Rice or the Doctor what had really happened.

So I was packaged off home and poor Elaine was left to cope almost on her own for three days.

When I returned I was put on to some light work for a while and fed extra well. I was the best fed out of all of them, humans or horses.

I did not see Rum for nearly a fortnight all told and when I did see him and actually had to go into his stall nothing happened. Maybe he realised that if he hurt me he would not get what he wanted. He was very docile and very friendly almost as though he was trying to give me a kiss and ask for forgiveness. I stroked him and spoke quietly but I left quickly.

It was not long before I got back into the usual way of things, grooming, cleaning, feeding and riding the horses as required. The rest of the folk seemed to look out for me more than before, and I seemed to have slightly more food on my plate than the others at meal times, but other wise everything was back to normal. Even Rum quietened down and refrained from the display he had been want to show me. In fact by Christmas I was thinking that I may never see his monster again. In a way I was quite relieved but I was also a little sad that I would not be honoured by this attention. I had become quite curious about sex, and after several chats with Elaine on the subject in general, was beginning to think that I mite like to try it. I had also been quite lucky on a couple of occasions when I had been able to spy Elaine and Robert together.

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