Taste of My Kink - Cover

Taste of My Kink

by Caesar

Copyright© 1999 by Caesar

Erotica Sex Story: A man cheats on his marriage with another mans wife at work - because he lusts after what his own will not give him.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Anal Sex   Lactation   .

Copyright© 1997-2003

There was a young peasant named Gorse
Who fell madly in love with his horse.
Said his wife, "You rapscallion,
That horse is a stallion --
This constitutes grounds for divorce."

If you have a kink, something that just draws you sexually towards it, you will understand what I now write. Perhaps its not the same as my own, but the draw that pulls us towards that desire may very well be the same. The idea excites you, the vision at times can be overwhelming, and the anticipation for such an enjoyment may be nearly as heavenly as the action. Of course, that may or may not be true - have you ever enjoyed your kink? I have - just recently I'm proud to say.

For me, it has always been just the idea of a mothers milk. Or rather, a woman lactating. Is that kinky? Some may say no, some will say it is. I do agree its a little outside the norm, but certainly not dangerous or damaging to anyone. And as long as it does not hurt anyone, or myself, then it should be of no one else's business.

Full round tender flesh filled with warm delicious milk. The wrinkled dark nipple dripping with pale white liquid as it is just waiting for lips to suckle upon it. Just the thought hardens my manhood, and causes the few images that I had seen to come forth into my mind. Until I finally enjoyed my kink, I devoured images and stories involving such things. Wanting to experience my desire though another's eyes. Not nearly as fulfilling as enjoying the real thing, as I can now attest.

I've never seen a woman milking a baby, I've not been exposed to any woman who I had known was lactating. My wife, whom has never known of my kink, was childless and thus her round breasts dry. Yes, I've suckled and played with them for hours - yet something was missing. Laying above her, our bodies moving in sexual unison, and my lips move down to suck upon a wide brown nipple, I wish just once I could end up with a mouth full of sweet warm milk. My mind has fantasized these very things many times.

The images throughout the last few years have gotten more graphic, to the point that I imagine even the most minute details about the liquid filled breasts. From the mental image of a saliva covered dripping nipple to the image of my own cock still covered in dripping white milk. I want to suck upon that nipple and taste the spend, as I also want to pump my sex between full dripping breasts.

Until just a week ago, I had been content with my kink solely in my mind. It was a fantasy, something that wasn't real, and in my current situation, was improbable. The situation being married and childless.

Thats right, a week ago it was no longer a distant fantasy, I finally had a taste of my kink.

Her name was Alley and we met at work. She was a temporary receptionist at my employment and other than a few quick peeks at her voluptuous and sexy body, I thought little else about her. Within a week of her four week stint, a small crowd was gathered around her forward desk and passing around small photos while laughing and talking all the while. Well, not being a total recluse, I joined the peripheral and took the next photo.

Nothing spectacular I assure you, just Alley holding a cherub of a baby. Tiny, bald and pale it was. I had not even known she had a child, or if she was married or not. I passed the photo to the next person to my right, keeping the chain of pictures moving and reached for the next from my left. That image that was revealed was of a smiling mother holding a tiny cloth wrapped baby to her chest. Yet, when I realized what the baby was doing, what the photo revealed to my eyes, was that the tiny newborn was feeding from its mothers teat.

I was rather startled at the knowledge and looked up between the small crowd to look at Alley in a whole new light. I really didn't think much of it, at that moment, just devouring her image and imagining her with naked dripping breasts. She, between answering the common mother-baby questions, must have sensed my gaze and Alley looked into my eyes. I couldn't hold it for very long and passed the photo onto the next person and quickly departed.

That image, her face and what her body had been doing in the photo, was enough to fuel my imagination and I knew it would fire my fantasies for months to come. Yet, I had no idea what was to happen next.

A voice startled me, sometime later still at my desk, "Didn't you like the photos?" It was Alley, standing calmly in the doorway to my office.

I couldn't speak until I took a swallow from my water glass, and my eyes turned away from her. Just that initial sight of her in my doorway refreshed the image of her feeding her milk-heavy breast to... me!

Not sure what to say, I probably said the wrong thing, "You looked beautiful." My tongue felt very thick in my mouth. She did, yet it wasn't something to say after viewing pictures of a mother feeding her baby.

Her reaction surprised me, and I stole a look to see that she wore a sad smile. "What was it that startled you?" Evidently, she must have disregarded my first comment.

Was I that transparent? My nerve was returning and I was able to look up into her eyes, "What do you mean?"

"You only saw one or two pictures when you went white as a ghost and it looked like you were about to be sick."

"I didn't feel sick." Well, I hadn't. "I'm just not used to babies." That, also, was true.

She nodded, "Neither is my husband." Alley looked very sad.

"I'm sorry." And I was, her comment implied more than the few words she spoke. Alley turned and was about to leave when I stopped her, "It was your nursing."

She turned back to me, "Pardon?"

"What startled me, it was the picture of you nursing." I couldn't meet her eyes and starred at the screen-saver on my computer.

Her next comment startled me, "I'm sorry - my husband doesn't like to see me do that either." I looked up in time to see her fight off what could be a sob.

I spoke rapidly, anxious to correct our misunderstanding. "No no, I mean you looked very pretty in it."

She laughed surprised, "Pretty?" I just nodded. "You thought me pretty when I was nursing?" Again a nod, and found that I needed more water to wetten my dry mouth. I realized the position that I placed myself in, that offence could be taken and I could be conceived as some type of weird pervert from this woman yet my kink drew me forward.

"Beautiful." It was the second time I said that, but this time I think she realized I meant it. I was nothing but sincere.

When she turned to leave this time, I didn't stop her but she only went a single step before she turned and asked, "Would you like to have a drink after work?"

No, I was married, "Yes." Strange how powerful lust and passion can be isn't it?

The next couple of hours dragged on and I never saw her until she came again to my office, wearing her coat and carrying her purse. Without a word I grabbed my own jacket and followed her out the building and down a couple of blocks to a pub that some of the office people frequent. We were seated across from each other waiting for our drink order when she finally broke the silence, "What about that photo did you find pretty?"

I just shrugged my shoulders, nervous to tell her the truth. I couldn't be honest with her, could I - how can anyone else understand my kinky desires.

"Do you find me pretty because I am a mother?"

Not exactly, "No." She just looked at me for a few awkward seconds until I finally revealed what caused my reaction, "I had never seen a woman breastfeed before."

Surprisingly, she nodded sagely. "My husband gets very turned off when he see me feed my baby."

"I thought it was very sexy." That didn't even sound right even to me!

She looked up at me, her eyes revealing her surprise. "Breastfeeding turns you on?"

I shrugged, not wanting to reveal just how much it turned me on. "I find ladies that are lactating attractive." I half-expected her to laugh at my inner-most thoughts. Echos of fantasies that even my wife didn't now. I just had to add, "I find you very attractive."

It was an eternity, and my delivered drink nearly empty, when she spoke up. "Lets go somewhere more private." My eyes snapped up into hers, and she shared a long gaze and I knew she didn't find my kink humorous. She also didn't let me wallow in her words very long, "Lets go before I loose my nerve."

That was enough, I practically jumped up, paid for the drinks, lead her gentlemanly out the establishment down a few hundred feet to a rather nice hotel. One benefit to working downtown, all amenities were close by.

Mere minutes later, the door closed to the room I had just rented for the evening, I found myself alone with Alley. Immediately her arms encircled my neck and her lips found my own. She kissed me with much passion and emotion until I caught up with her and my hands encircled her waist and my tongue slid into her mouth.

Her body felt good pressed against mine, soft, warm, feminine. I barely knew this woman, yet we shared some type of bond. An attraction and a desire that seemed to be in parallel.

Alley's lips became frantic with desire, smashing against my own as her hands began to rip her own clothing from her body. I wanted to watch her disrobe, but her mouth held me just by the sheer passion it contained. Hurried seconds later she suddenly grasped the back of my head in both hands and pulled me down to her chest, to her bosom, to her full very white round breasts.

I remember in great detail that first quick image before my face was pressed between those heavenly globes. Extremely white orbs, with light blue veins running through, light pink puffy aureole, very round slightly hanging (to guess, probably a 'D' cup). To me, I could see no indication that they contained the focus of my kink.

Her skin smelled of baby powder and a light feminine scent - motherly is how I'd explain it. My face was pressed into her flesh and I found my open lips in contact with her smooth skin. As if a will of there own, my hands hefted each meaty breast and pressed it to either side of my cheeks. I rained kisses upon her tender skin as she gasped and squirmed in reaction.

Even with the firm gasp pulling his head between her breasts, I was able to move outwards towards her right nipple. My hands mauled the pale flesh and she squirmed in response as my mouth came upon the soft inch-wide light pink nipple. I kissed it with forceful lips, lapped at it with my tongue and nipped with my teeth. Then I enclosed the soft skin and sucked, just gently. I wanted and expected a mouthful but found nothing.

Barely I was able to pull up at her in confusion, her eyes met mine and I saw her hunger, her sexual desire within her. "Harder... suck harder." She pulled me back to that one nipple and my mouth enclosed it yet again.

My mouth was filled with warm sweet milk. Mother's milk.

At that moment, and I realized it with extreme pleasure, my fantasy had been fulfilled. Alley's knees gave out and she felt down upon the harsh carpeted floor as I gently guided her fall. My mouth never left her right breast. I was in heaven, a joyous abandon overcame me and no longer was I just experiencing a sexual moment, but I was living my greatest desire, my kink.

Alley's hands were rough as they forced my hungry mouth off her breast and guided her left nipple to my open mouth. I realized my face was wet with her milk, that it coated the front of her chest down to her navel. My own shirt a soiled mess. Yet, I cared not. It left a wonderful mess that I wanted to lick it all up. I was far from finished.

I sucked and licked and nibbled and sucked some more. I alternated between each nipple, realizing how large and puffy each had become at my ministrations. Her clothing, only half discarded on her lower extremities, was hindering her movements as I realized her sex pressed up into my thigh near frantically.

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