Aunt Marilyn - Cover

Aunt Marilyn


Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Tricked into having sex with young men, she finds herself unable to stop.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Drunk/Drugged   Incest   Aunt   Nephew   Gang Bang   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Novel-Pocketbook  

Ronnie Goodge hoped that he had handled the situation correctly as he watched his eleven-year-old son saunter out of the house on his way to school. He had had a good talk with his son and had gotten the boy to finally admit that he and his friend Seth Roberts had been fooling around with young Jenny Phillips... the only thing that troubled Ronnie was that Peter swore that the girl's sweater was down when his sister- in-law had entered the room... which meant only one thing... that Marilyn had been watching at the door!

It wasn't easy for Ronnie Goodge to bring up his young son alone, his wife had left him when the boy was only three years old and he had never heard from her since, nor wanted to for that matter. Over the years Ronnie had had more than one girlfriend and several times he had been tempted to re-marry but he had never quite felt strong enough about any one girl to tie the knot. He was fatally attracted to his sister-in-law Marilyn, and now with his brother's death he had grown even fonder of her. He knew that it wasn't proper for a man to want his own dead brother's wife but he did. He never got very far with Marilyn, however, even on the occasions when they were drunk together, she was always aloof... holding herself back, not quite letting her hair down altogether with him.

Ronnie knew however that she must be madly frustrated, he knew that she hadn't had a boyfriend in a long, long time and now, realizing that she had virtually been a peeping tom with the children, convinced him even more than she was ripe to be fucked. The only problem is, he thought to himself, how can I do it!

Later on that day, after school, young Peter Goodge and his friend Seth Roberts were hanging out at Seth's house, talking about their mishap the previous day.

"So was your Dad hopping mad?"

"Not really, he just told me that I was a little young for such things and that I should watch my step from now on, he was kind of embarrassed if you know what I mean and didn't really want to talk about it anymore."

"Did he say anything else about your aunt?"

"No not really, only one thing did puzzle me, after Dad made the remark. Do you realize that my aunt must have been watching us for quite a while before she came in because she told my Dad I was sucking Jenny's tits, now you know we heard her cough and Jenny shoved her sweater down, so her tits weren't even exposed when Aunt Marilyn came into the room."

The two boys looked at each other, their eyes widening with excitement.

"You realize what that means, don't you Seth," young Peter Goodge grinned lewdly.

"No... puzzled the other boy.

"It means that Aunt Marilyn was watching us through the crack in the door because she's frustrated. She hasn't had a man in a long, long time and I think she's horny."

"What!" exclaimed Seth.

"That's right and what's more I'm going to find out if it's true."

"What do you mean Peter?"

"Well... I want to lose my virginity, you've already fucked your sister and your cousin, how about if I get to fuck my aunt."

"You're kidding!" "Nope, I'm not... I've thought about it all day long, I'm going to go to my aunt sort of tearful like, then I'm going to ask her to explain the facts of life to me, tell her I don't really know about girls or anything and that my Dad is too embarrassed to talk to me about it. Make her feet sorry for me, not having a mother and all. I've got something else too that will loosen her up a bit."


"Some hashish."

"She'll never smoke it, she's too uptight."

"I know, but I talked with Jenny at school today, her mother is at work all day long and tomorrow Jenny said she would bake me some brownies. I'm going to give her some hash for the brownies and then I'll give one or two to my aunt, tell her they are Boy Scout cookies or something! " "Oh boy, do you think she'll go for it?"

"She won't know what's hit her, she'll eat the brownies, then I'll start talking to her about sex, she'll start getting all worked up, because I'm telling you she's really horny and then hopefully after that everything will be a cinch."

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