Mom's Donkey Urge - Cover

Mom's Donkey Urge


Chapter 7

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 7 - They needed a getaway vacation, and it sounded like the perfect place with it's unusual attractions.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Consensual   Incest   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

Linda could not think of anything to say, for how did a girl explain a situation like this one? And she couldn't have spoken, anyhow, because she still had a mouthful of dog cock. She looked up at Dick Warden with an impish gaze, then let that gaze slide down to his cock and balls, making the visual suggestion obvious. Having fucked and sucked with his hounds, she certainly owed the man a crack at her. And, anyhow, that was no hardship. His big cock looked delightful.

Dick, grinning happily, knelt down beside her. Linda folded one hand around his cockshaft, holding the long fuckrod by the root, loving the way it throbbed in her palm. His fucker was so thick that she could barely span it in her grip. His prick was, if anything, even bigger than his dog's pricks.

She grasped Buck's cock by the hilt and slowly drew her lips away from the slimy cock-knob. The hound clung to her shoulders and whined. Then he hopped down. She turned her face toward the man, thinking that he might want to kiss her, as the first step in the seduction.

But her mouth was still foaming with dog cum, and Dick declined.

Linda reached back between her knees and grabbed Old Blue by the balls. She tugged. For a moment she thought that they might be stuck together, for his cock was still up her cunt. But then the dog's prick began to slip out. His cock-knob lodged in her slot for a moment, pulling her cuntlips outwards. Then it popped free.

The dog humped a few times, reluctant to dismount. She jerked her ass, and he whimpered and released her hips, jumping down from her ass. Linda guessed that if Dick didn't want to kiss her cum-drenched lips, he was not likely to want to suck her cum-soaked cunt. And that was all right--Linda needed no foreplay to arouse her.

She swung her head into the man's lap and began to suck on his prick.

Dick groaned as her mouth enveloped his cockmeat. He threw his head and shoulders back and jolted his cock up into her face. Then he slowly sank over on his back, stretched out in the grass.

His cock towered up, available for whatever use Linda chose to put it to. She knelt over him, her blonde head tossing as she mouthed his tasty cockmeat. The horny teenager couldn't decide if she should suck him off or fuck him. Being double-ended, that was always a hard choice to make. But although his cockmeat was succulent, it lacked the gamy taste and texture of a dog cock and, with her belly already full of canine cum, Linda decided to take the human cum-load up her fuck-hole.

She bobbed up and down on his rampant prick for a few moments, taking every inch of his cockshaft into her mouth and slobbering on it. She then pulled her lips from him and rose up. Throwing one knee across his hips, the girl straddled his heaving loins.

"Want me to sit on your cock?" she whispered.

They were the first words that either of them had spoken, and Linda giggled, realizing that fact, thinking how unique this whole situation was. Dick grunted a reply and reached up to grasp her pert tits in both hands, kneading the mounds and pulling at the stiff tips. A man had certain advantages over a dog, at that, Linda thought. It wouldn't be the same, getting her tits felt up by paws.

She squirmed over him, holding his prick by the base and guiding the swollen purple cock-knob into her gash. Cunt juice and dog jism poured down his prickshaft and soaked his balls as she poised over his fucker, squatting like a flagpole sitter atop his flaring cockhead.

Her cuntlips pulled on his cock-knob and her still-vacant cunt hole rippled in anticipation. The girl's slim thighs tensed and she began to slowly descend, taking his prick up into her pussy inch by inch.

Dick groaned. Her cunt hole was like a wringer, compared to his wife's well-used pussy, and the man knew he was in for a real treat. His hips heaved and he humped up from the ground, fucking more cock into her.

Linda pushed down all the way. Her cuntlips plastered around the root of his cock as she took every inch of the long prickrod up into her fuck-hole. She pressed down, holding it all in her and grinding her pussy around on the full penetration as she worked her clit against the hairy hilt.

His hands slid down from her tits and he grasped her by the hipbones. He lifted, pulling her pussy up his prick, as if he were using her cunt to jerk off with.

His cock slowly emerged, soaking with her juices, the thick vein throbbing and fluttering. He held her pussy on his cock-knob for an instant, then let her steaming cunt hole slide back down to the root. His balls jammed against her ass and his long prick pounded inside her pussy.

Linda began to fuck on his prick, her thighs tensing as she posed like an equestrienne in the saddle of his heaving loins. He heaved up and she pressed down to meet him, goring her gash on his cocklance and taking his burning cockhead deep into her cunt.

As Linda squatted on the man's rampant cock, her ass churning and her belly pumping, she was once again in a position that was very familiar to the dogs. Old Blue and Buck came slinking up, sniffing at her ass and dipping their snouts down into her well-filled pussy from behind. They were on either side of the agile, bouncing girl, lapping at her cuntlips and at Dick's balls.

Both dogs were getting hard-ons again.

But they were puzzled. The girl was placed just right for mounting, but her cunt hole was occupied, and the dumb brutes were confused. Dick raised a hand, starting to drive the hounds away. But then he saw that Linda was smiling, obviously enjoying the way they were lapping around the edges, and his hand dropped back to her hip.

Buck moved up, his tongue lapping at her swaying tits. Buck was not quite as puzzled as Old Blue, having already been mounted on the girl's head--and eager for a repetition. He hunkered down, then jumped up, throwing his front paws around her shoulders again. His haunches pranced as he shoved his prick out into her face.

Giggling, Linda glanced down at Dick and raised her eyebrows. She knew he didn't mind if she blew his dogs, but thought he might not want to share her attentions while he was fucking her, himself--and anyhow, it was his dog and it seemed only right that she should get his permission.

Dick shrugged, not minding at all. Far from it--he figured it would be a thrill to watch his dog fuck her in the mouth while he fucked her cunt.

Linda tilted her head and parted her lips. Buck humped, stabbing his slick red cockmeat into her mouth. Her lips clamped around his prick and her cheeks hollowed in and she slurped on that gamy slab happily.

"Ummmm--yummy," she purred.

Buck's hind paws scrambled on the ground as he fucked his cock into her mouth, his haunches heaving. His balls swung in and out over his master's upturned face. The dog dragged Linda forwards as he fucked his cock in and out of her face. She was riding on Dick's towering prick as she blew the hound, taking a cuntful, then a mouthful.

And Old Blue was howling in frustration, his cock surging with readiness, but neglected. He ran his wet tongue up through Linda's crotch, lapping at Dick's balls on the way, then slurped up the crack of her ass and dipped into her asshole. She wriggled back against his muzzle as she fucked her cunt onto Dick's cock and sucked Buck with moist, hungry whimpers.

Then, acting on pure instinct, Old Blue sprang up onto Linda's ass, mounting her in the dog-fucking fashion and clinging tight.

He humped, stabbing his tormented cockhead down into her crotch. But Linda's cunt was full. The dog's slick red cock bounced off the root of Dick's prick. The beast yelped and humped again, frantically, confounded by her blocked pussy. Again his cock-knob rebounded. This time, as his spine twisted inwards, his long prick slid up through the tight crack between the cheeks of the girl's grinding ass.

The smoking hot cocktip nudged her shit hole.

"Ohhhhh!" Linda gasped, her eyes opening wide. Old Blue was wedging his cockhead into her asshole, having discovered a new possibility. "Jeez-- your fucking dog is trying to get his cock up my asshole," she rasped.

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