Walo's Mistress - Cover

Walo's Mistress


Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

The young helpless girl whimpered in seeming despair, the almost wailing sound causing Lynn to shudder in a sudden strange, unwanted prurient fascination while Walo got to his knees and crawled between the wide held legs of the spread-eagled girl, his inhuman penis swinging like a wagon tongue as he situated himself between her opened thighs, the twin redheads letting free of her limbs once he was securely wedged before her defenseless, hair- fringed little vagina, Annie quickly moving behind him to caress and tickle his sperm-inflated balls while Maxine stroked and massaged his horrendously hardened cock, easing back the heavy foreskin and pointing the throbbing purple head at Jan's moist pink split.

Again, the helpless girl groaned pathetically, raising her head to gape frantically down between her firm erect breasts at the colossal prick poised above the small hole between her tender young thighs. Lynn could only imagine the horrifying thoughts that must be racing through her fear-stricken brain... that would be screaming through her own if she were that poor unfortunate young girl! Dear God, even if she wasn't a virgin... if she was a common street slut, there was a limit to the capacity of her vagina! It would rip her... split her open... and the pain would be unbearable!

"How does that feel, Bitch?" Maxine taunted, spreading the girl's tight fleshy cunt lips open with Walo's heavy cock-head, working the moist tip up and down through the viscid coral flesh of her velvety, hair encircled little aperture. "Like you wanted to blow your mind, maybe?" The redhead began to rub her clitoris with the spongy tip and Lynn saw the girl's soft white body jerk spasmodically, even as her own trembled and convulsed in sympathetic, if, aroused sensitivity. "Maybe you'll think twice before you try to hold out on us again, eh, Chickie?"

"For Chris'sake, put the damn thing in and get out of the way!" Earl snapped at Maxine. "We all want to watch this show."

Maxine did and Lynn sensed her own hand tightening around Virgin's as the brunette beauty moved close to her once more, standing beside her chair with her other hand fondly grazing her blonde head and smoothing down to caress the silk like skin of Lynn's cheek. She watched in uncomfortable lewd entrancement as Walo levered up over the small, slender girl, the bulging dark-red prick-head waggling for a moment as might a stallion's, poking at the pink, ragged edges of flesh, nuzzling gently between them.

"Ram it to her, Walo!" Rudy ordered, his body strained forward in the chair, his black eyes beading lustfully. "Now! Teach her a lesson!"

With a jerking, forward movement of his strong hips, Walo responded, forcing the blood-filled chunky head to penetrate a portion of an inch inside the cringing vaginal hole of her defenseless young cunt, brutally expanding the stubbornly resistant flesh almost to the ripping point.

Jan arched her neck back until she was nearly standing on her head and choked out her scream, while Lynn reacted with compassionate emotion, a whimper escaping her own parched lips as if the torturous instrument had been wedged into the tiny mouth of her own vagina. She moved her free hand up to clasp Virgin's other at her cheek, pressing it tight against her as she squeezed in carnally horrified fascination.

The huge cock had submerged no more than a tormenting inch between Jan's open thighs, and desperately she was trying to free her arms from the ruthless imprisoning hands of Earl and Mark which were shackling her, while simultaneously endeavoring to kick her legs free and escape the barbaric, agonizing impalement. But they held her tight and she screamed again.

"Uuuugghhhh! Oh, God! It's too big... too big! It's tearing me apart inside! Oooohhhh... goddamn you... stop him! Stop him! Oh please, somebody stop him... The men all began to chuckle lasciviously while Walo went about his vengeful act as if she were begging for more, forcing his giant cock into the grotesquely stretched pink mouth of her young cunt, and Lynn felt certain there would be no respite for her as she watched the heavy shaft worm its way deeper and deeper into Jan's squirming, pain- racked cuntal passage.

Nor could Lynn understand her own unwanted arousal that the salacious performance was inciting in her loins and trembling belly. She could fell the involuntary dampness rising between her soft, pressing thighs as she squeezed them together, the act libidinously pressuring her pussy-lips and erect clitoris. God, she'd never been a profligate girl... at least, not knowingly! It had to be the pot! How else could she face up to the fact that she was actually deriving sensual pleasure from the brutal raping of this helpless young girl? Dear God, what had come over her...

Jan was no longer screaming, only grunting incessantly with the obvious pain filling her writhing young body and both Earl and Mark had freed her arms that she was holding feebly extended against Walo's powerful chest. Her eyes were closed tightly, her teeth sunk into the flesh of her lower lip as she tossed her head back and forth, her long dark hair flailing wildly. The huge prick had begun to move in and out of her at a continuous, lubricated pace, but Lynn could see that there were still inches of it left yet unabsorbed.

Dear God, she can never take it all! Never!

"Here," Rudy said, interrupting her almost hypnotic stare. "You need this, Baby."

Lynn looked at his smiling, bearded face, then saw the cigarette he was holding out to her. The sweet odiferous smoke reached her. She hesitated, and Virgin said: "Go ahead, Darling. It'll help. We hadn't planned that you'd be shocked like this on your first night with us. Take it... go ahead..."

Reluctantly, Lynn accepted the home-rolled cylinder, placing it between her lips and dragging deeply. The effect immediately registered in her brain and she thanked the bearded man with a smile. He winked at her and Lynn sensed a little sensation of excitement ripple through her. She squeezed her thighs together subconsciously, feeling further venereal trickles lick through her from the genital provocation. Virgin squeezed her hand warmly... They were beautiful people... that's what Earl had said... beautiful people... there should be more like the... Her brain swam delightfully... she focused her eyes once more on the salacious spectacle taking place in the center of the floor... Jan's agonized grunts and grimaces had eased into unceasing moans, her tongue licking lasciviously at her opened lips, her legs slightly raised as she ran her hands up and down Walo's massive arms that were posted on either side of her. More and more of his long heavy glistening prick was disappearing into her slightly undulating pussy, and now Annette was behind Walo on all fours with her face nearly buried beneath his buttocks and between his thighs. She was licking his sperm coated balls and spreading wide his buttock cheeks to draw her tiny pink tongue up over his tightly clenched anus. And Mark was moving behind her, naked now, his own rod jutting out like a bow-sprit as he pulled at the wisp of bikini bottoms covering her full, rounded hips and buttocks... God, it was developing into a full scale orgy!

Annie had slithered out of her flimsy bottoms and crawled up to lie spoon-fashion in front of Earl, pressing her delicious ass back against his throbbing prick inside his jeans. He reached over her, cupping one of her full, firm tits while he watched crazy Walo fucking Jan. The redhead was working her ass in little circles back against his swollen rod, the way she knew he liked it! Bitch! She was a hot cunt, all right; he'd fucked her so many times he'd lost count, but it was always the best when he had them both together... the pair of them. Shit, they were a wild team all right. Suck and fuck a man blind!

He watched over Annette's head... staring at Walo's fence- post cock expanding Jan's tight little hole... and it had been tight, he remembered. He grinned to himself. The poor rattle- headed bitch. She'd probably meant everything she'd said about the tooth problem, but when Walo got through with her she wouldn't know that she had a tooth in her head! She was a crazy fuck, not very good either... pretty though, and she produced... Suddenly, he felt Annette's hand reaching behind her, down at the front of his pants, opening them and searching for his prick. Automatically, he looked up at where Lynn sat.

Shit! She was smoking another joint! The bitch! She was a pot-head amongst other things! Damn her; she'd certainly gone to shit! And when he'd thought of her he'd pictured her sitting back there in their Bratham apartment watching TV... knitting; she'd liked that... or reading a book. The cunt! She'd been out fucking or hustling, and no one could tell him different! But thank God, it didn't make any difference to him. He had the sixty Gs now. That's all he'd wanted... Uunnggghhh... Annie had grasped his cock and was massaging it as only she could! Fucking doll! Then, she was snuggling it up between her warm, full thighs, insinuating it between her fleshy cunt-lips into the velvety, moist flesh. He let his hand smooth down from her breast over her belly into the sparse, copper-colored hair of her cunt to find her clitoris. She jerked back against him and sighed as he began to manipulate it for her.

The Jan bitch was moaning passionately now. Walo had most of his cock buried in her. The poor, dumb sonofabitch. Once in a dingy hotel-room off the strip, the stupid bastard had explained how his grandmother used to suck him off! Earl didn't know whether to believe him or not, but the imbecile didn't have enough brains to make up lies. It was probably true... damn! Imagine, his own grandmother.

The goddamned world was filled with bitches and bastards! But he had Rachel... his Rachel, and the little Earl, his very own son! Christ, how he wanted to go to her... be with her... forever and ever! But first, they had to pull off the deal. He needed that money to make him the homecoming hero. Christ, Rudy had sounded almost chicken! He'd never've figured Rudy that way... but fuck him! He'd pull it off alone! The Blackman was ready! He didn't really need Rudy or anyone else... except for his cash. Though, that Mex, Lopez was hungry. Maybe, he'd take half as much...

Annie was squirming against him, reaching down between her opened thighs and clutching at his prick. She was trying to work the tip of it back toward her vaginal hole and he helped her. "You want some, Baby?" he whispered.

"Yes! Oh, Christ, yes! Give it all to me, Earl darling!" she hissed, half turning her head as she worked the head of his prick into her cunt, then ground her buttocks back at him. He did and she sighed loudly. "Ooohhhh! Ohhhh damn damn, Lover... That's good... good!"

Earl looked over at Jan who had drawn her legs back high while Walo slipped in and out of her... not the entire length, but what she could handle, the drool running down his chin and dripping onto her sweat-coated breasts. He wished to Christ he owned that prick for a night!

Then, behind him and still licking at the dim-wit's balls and asshole was Maxie, with her ass thrust high in the air and Mark fucking her furiously, fucking her cunt and reaching down in under her belly to get to her clitoris, while she waved her ass wildly.

Earl raised his eyes then and saw Virgin still holding to Lynn's hand... Lynn who looked as if she was spaced right out! Virgin had bent down and kissed his wife on the lips: she was saying something to her and Rudy was watching and waiting! Then, Lynn smiled at Rudy... got up from her chair and walked zombie- like around the table... Jesus Christ! She was sitting down on his lap... while Virgin came with her, still holding her hand!

Lynn felt stupidly stoned! She could barely make sense of anything, it seemed. That monstrous idiot was fucking the little girl... but the poor child was beginning to love it! And that made sense... the way she had drawn back her legs high, almost to the point where her knees were touching her breasts, and her round little buttocks and pussy were undulating in a fevered cadence! God, what a licentious sight it was... watching his tremendous cock slither lubriciously in and out of her young cunt! It didn't seem possible... but there was little question but what Jan was enjoying it... and... and Lynn was happy for her! She'd endured the agony... now, if there could be pleasure, she should have it! In fact, watching her body succumb had actually inspired new, more vibrant sensations inside herself... and then, the one called Mark had crawled up behind Maxine... and Earl... Dear God...

If she'd had her wits about her she'd probably run screaming out of there when her very own husband had drawn the naked, red- headed twin to him and began to fondle her breast! Of all the things she had witnessed in the short time she'd been there, that sight had shocked her the most, and dear God, why wouldn't it?

He was her husband!

She loved him!

Had swindled, cheated and lied for him!

Now, this? This was her thanks?

What was he trying to do to her?

She saw the girl reaching behind her naked body... and she knew exactly what was happening!

This is the uninhibited generation, Lynn! You wanted to know! That is your husband on the floor with that girl! She's reaching for his cock! He's going to fuck her... and right in front of you! Right before your very eyes... this man whom, you've gambled your life with. Lord, yes, he is...

"Baby... Baby..." Virgin was saying, the words confusing Lynn's thoughts. "Baby... Daddy wants you... You're letting yourself get uptight over stupid things, Honey. Listen to him..."

Lynn gaped at her, then at Rudy who was half-smiling and holding to her free hand. "What's wrong, Chick? Look, little girl, you don't tie your mind up over such nonsense. You've let that New England background imbed its warped puritanism into your very soul! Now, come over here and sit on Rudy's lap... let me talk to you. Come on, sit on Daddy's lap..."

Lynn felt as if someone had stuffed a wad of old rags in her throat. She could barely breathe. The whole spectrum was too much for her! Her loins and belly were alive with carnal excitement... and why wouldn't they be? Watching such lust- filled exhibitions, and she was certainly normal! But it was the blatant infidelity of her husband... or was it? Oh God... !

"Don't be afraid, Darling," Virgin whispered in her sultry voice. "Daddy's a good man... he wants to help. You need him... in more ways than one."

Lynn stared up at this girl, whom, she'd come to place some weird faith in while the lascivious minutes ticked away before her. Virgin drew her slowly erect, then led her to Rudy's lap where she hesitantly sat down...

He eased his arm around her and clutched at her breast. Lynn couldn't allay the feeling of stimulation as she jerked erect. She twisted her head to stare into his lusty, gleaming eyes. On the floor, Jan grunted out a passionate sound as Walo sunk deeper into her!

It was all too much! Lynn twisted away from him and bolted to her feet. Wildly, she looked about the room while Virgin sat quietly down to watch... her enchanting mouth broadening understandingly.

Not a fool in this room would ever understand, Virgin thought, not one of them! And that would make the difference! She loved her!

"Hey Baby, come on..." Rudy tried, but Lynn was up and away from him that fast.

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