Spell Of The Beast - Cover

Spell Of The Beast


Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Novel-Pocketbook  

If Buzz Henson was an opportunist--which he was--he was not dishonest; his sense of responsibility was strong, especially to the four people who were castaways in this northern wilderness, and his loyalty to them was unshakable. Buzz had been shaken just a few minutes before Joan stumbled sobbing into his arms.

Andrew Sloan had ambled over to the hulk of the wrecked airplane; Buzz was busy working on the radio transmitter. Without apology Sloan laid his cards on the line to the young pilot.

"Buzz... I've been studying a road map of this area. There's a road coming into these mountains from the north... I figure that if we moved west down to the lower hills... then northeast we'll strike that road! From there on in... it'd be smooth sailing... It is possible to walk out of here!

"It's too risky!" Buzz countered.

"Does five thousand dollars make it less of a risk?"

"I don't follow you..."

"I'm willing to pay you that much... if you can take Gayle and me out of here... in the next two days!"

"And leave the Wrights?"

"We'd send back other people for them..." Andy filled in, trying to make it sound all right.

"No! That won't do! There's that mountain lion prowling around here... there's bound to be more Grizzlies! Jim and Joan would be in too much danger, here... alone!"

"My offer can go to seventy-five hundred!"

"No! We all walk out... or we all stick here! There'll be no splitting up!" Buzz said with decision.

"The last offer is ten thousand!" Andy said.

Buzz speared the older man with a derisive, angry pair of ice-blue eyes. His voice was hard, his words spat out of his mouth with the force of bullets.

"No! God damn it! I can't be bought! We all stay here!... And that's my final word!"

Placing the transmitter chassis in the pilot's seat, Buzz had left the plane, his hot anger almost beyond control. He felt he must get away from the man... far enough away, so that he wouldn't be tempted to resort to violence. Sloan's proposition infuriated him... the very idea of abandoning two people up here was monstrous... preposterous! God! He couldn't do that!

Sloan's got the idea money will buy anything! The stupid son-of-a-bitch... trying to save his own ass... not caring about anyone else! Ten thousand dollars is a fair amount of money... and I could use it!... But, knowing that I'd left two people up here... if something happened to them... I'd never be able to live with myself! God damn him! He's almost trying to make a Judas out of me!

Then, as he walked out and away from the camp site, he had noted the absence of both the Wrights and Gayle Sloan; somewhat worried about their prolonged stay away from the safety of the fire, he had walked into the glade to try to find them.

Now, suddenly, Joan Wright was in his arms, sobbing almost inconsolably and he was trying to soothe her, when she tried to break away from him, spitting out, "Let me go... you bastard!"

He held her tight in strong, lean arms to keep her from scratching him, shifting to hold her from behind, pinning her arms when she tried to bite him; the soft sneakers she wore was, of course, no danger to him as she tried to kick her way free.

"Hold on... Joan, Baby! Not so violent! I'm only trying to help you... if you'll let me!" he said in her ear.

"Help m-me... ? How could you... h-help me? Nobody can... !"

"Settle down... tell me about it!... Maybe that'll help!"

Shame flooded through her. How do you tell someone that your husband was out there... making love to another woman? How do you communicate your own depraved fall, your loss of chastity that may have driven your husband into the arms of another woman... and how do you tell another person that your heart is breaking... that all you wanted was love, the love of your own husband? She couldn't! There was nothing for her but the refuge of tears and time. Her tears were copious! She wanted time, now... time to hide herself... to let the soul-wounds heal.

"No! You'd n-never u-understand... !" she wailed; then, pleadingly, "let me go!"

"Did you see Jim and Gayle out there?" he queried.

She slumped back against him, holding her breath for a long moment.

"Yes!" she spat with fury.

Her answer was his clue. His mind clicked, putting things together.

"Were they... making love... ?" he asked, gently.

She didn't answer. Buzz waited a beat.

"Well... were they?"

For answer she shook her head up and down.

"And that's what's bothering you?"

Her voice was low, almost a whisper, "Yes... I-I wanted him... t-to m-make love... to me! I was losing him... have been... losing him... f-for a l-long time!"

"Maybe not... maybe you'll both learn to love better!" he told her. "From the way you acted with me... I'd bet it was the first time you'd ever really been turned on... right... ?

Joan was silent, again.

"Wasn't it?" he pursued.

The memory of the early afternoon came swarming back to her, and she knew that he was right!

"Y-Yes... I-I guess... that's r-right..." she hesitated.

Buzz felt her body relax; he turned her to face him, still holding her.

"Gayle could do the same thing for Jim!" he suggested.

"So... ? What does that m-mean... ?" she asked, turning a tear-stained face up to him.

"That both of you might benefit from it..."

"How... ?"

"You could learn to satisfy each other... completely!"

She began to tremble, her body shaking, violently, as he went on, "... And others... also!"

"You mean... s-swapping... ?"

"Yes! You already have!" he pointed out.

"Joan gasped. "How did y-you know... ?"

"I told you I put things together... Andy must have fucked you half to death just before that bear came charging after him!"

The nearness of her, her loins pressed up against his pelvis, as he held her close, began to react on him; he felt the familiar, slow warmth in his penis, becoming tumescent and bulging, throbbing against her and transmitting to her own genitals the state of his growing, hardening member. Then, it came to him what he must do.

"What you need... is a drink under your belt... to help you get calmed down... How about it... ?"

"I don't like it... ! I hardly ever touch it!" she evaded.

Buzz ground his hips into her, his bulging cock making closer contact, but she tried to roll her pelvis to the side to avoid it. He dropped his hands to her full, ripe young buttocks and pulled her in even closer.

"It'll help... " he told her. "It'll help a lot of things!"

He continued to undulate his hips, suggestively, grinding into her loins, as he bent his head down to capture her lips with his mouth. The oscular contact almost melted her into his arms. His tongue lashed into her mouth, hungrily, to probe and savor, then he gently nibbled on her lower lip. She came, then, fully into his arms and her avid mouth returned his kiss, her tongue flicking out to burst into his mouth. She moaned deep in her throat.

Breaking the kiss and the embrace after a few moments, he led her toward the looming hulk of the crashed airplane.

"Come on, Joan... let's get those drinks!"

"All right... but just one!" she agreed. "It might help me get to sleep easier..."


"But... Buzz..." she said, her face troubled. "No more hanky-panky!"

"Whatever you say!" he replied, amiably.

Andy heard them approaching. He came from the shelter and came toward the glowing fire.

"Gayle... ?" he queried.

Buzz answered, "No... it's Joan. Gayle and Jim are still out there somewhere... having a party!"

"Oh... I see... thanks..." Andy said, disinterestedly.

As they went by him, Buzz said, "Join us for a drink?... You'll never regret it!"

Then, by the cooking fire, he stooped to pick up three enameled cups. He had released Joan, and she stood a pace or two away. Buzz motioned Andy to him, as he knelt and stirred the fire and added a couple of pieces of wood to it. Andy came to kneel beside him. Buzz' voice was low.

"She's ready for a real party... ! We can make it a trio... if you want!"

"Why do you think I'd want to be in on it... you hate my guts!" He took the pilot's cue and spoke soto voce.

"The feeling's mutual... but I think sex is one thing we agree on... right?"

"Right!" Andy agreed.

"Slow and easy!" Buzz warned. "We don't want to panic her!"


Their short, whispered conference over, Buzz carried the three cups, again taking the unsuspecting Joan by the arm, and led her to the plane. He helped her up the high step to the cabin, lit a flashlight he had hung up for illumination, seated her on one of the passenger seats and rummaged through his duffel bag, until he found a fifth of good Scotch... half full.

Andy came up into the plane behind them and seated himself on Buzz' sleeping bag. Buzz poured into the cups.

"We'll have to make do without ice, mixers or chasers..." he said. "But the Scotch is guaranteed... bottled in bond... and smooth when you drink it neat!"

He handed a cup to Joan, one to Andy, taking the third one for himself and toasted, "Here's to an early rescue from this forest paradise!"

The two men drank, silently; Joan sipped and found the liquor strong. She coughed. "Ugh! That's horrible!"

"Sip it slowly..." Andy suggested.

She tried it, again, getting it down, this time, and she felt the fire of it in her stomach, its warmth spreading in her. Now, she tried more... and a little more; before she realized it, she had drained the cup.

Buzz poured. She sipped, almost automatically, now, as the fire of the liquor spread to include her loins, a tingle of arousal was there, a lowering of inhibitions, as she looked from one virile man to the other. She was beginning to feel a little dizzy, and she knew that when she finished the second drink, she would have to excuse herself and return to her own shelter. Certainly, she had no intention of drinking more... or of giving the men any ideas that she was available to them, sexually. She told herself that she was there with them only to be companionable; after all, she had already warned Buzz. Andy, on the other hand, must have gotten the message, earlier.

Small talk had swirled among them; her second drink was finished, and Joan stood to her feet. It was time for her to leave.

Suddenly, she felt dizzy, dizzier than she had ever felt before, almost faint, actually, and it was new and strange to her. She almost fell. Quickly, Buzz caught her in his arms, his mouth clamping to hers hard, his tongue performing its sinuous dance of love in her mouth, and she melted to him with a great sigh. His hands became busy on her body as they massaged and smoothed down her back to the twin, full mounds of her buttocks where he grasped and kneaded with strong-fingered vigor.

Buzz signaled Andy with his eyes. The architect arose eagerly, setting aside his cup of liquor. Standing behind her, his hands, too, began to caress her, going up under her blouse to the magnificent hemispheres of her breasts. He found she wore a bra. Deftly, he unhooked it, and his hands went back up under the bra to capture a tit in either hand. His fingers grasped her hard, digging in and rolling the coral nipples to hard erectness between his fingers.

The pilot unbuttoned her blouse, then, and Andy removed it, as she dumbly moved her arms to allow it. Her bra followed, and she was nude from the waist up. Unzipping the placket of her shorts, Andy shoved them down her tapering thighs, over the calves of her legs to her ankles. She stumbled out of them, and Andy tossed the garment to the seat with her blouse and bra.

Meanwhile, Buzz had taken up the caressing of her breasts; he cupped, smoothed, massaged and kneaded, her warm flesh pliant in his hand. He had not let up kissing her, but now her mouth came alive, her tongue racing snake-like into his mouth to be sucked and nipped. Erotic sensations were rampant in her body; dimly, she knew that she must not... could not allow Buzz to do any of the things he was doing to her. She had vowed that never, again, would she succumb to the sensations of her body... except in the arms of her husband, Jim. But where was Jim? The answer came blazing into her mind with the force of a meteor.

Jim is out there with Gayle... and he's making love to her!

Andy's hands were on her buttocks and thighs, playing, moving, incessantly on her, until, suddenly, he grasped the waistband of her panties and in one motion stripped them from her; again, she stepped from them, and she was completely naked before the two men.

Taking her solidly in his arms, Buzz moved her to the sleeping bag, eased himself down on it and pulled her down after him. She lay on her back and he moved over her twisting his upper body to cover her three-quarters. He glanced up at Andy and mouthed the words, "Get your clothes off!"

Andy began to strip, immediately; meanwhile, Buzz began to kiss and suck on her milky-white breasts, taking a nipple in his rounded lips and blowing and sucking on it, forcing the erect tissue in and out of his mouth. It was the work of but a few moments before Andy was naked; he came to lie down beside her on the other side, his hands roaming over her flat belly and down to the golden flame of the perfect pubic triangle at the juncture of her thighs. Gradually, Buzz moved away from her and Andy moved in from the other side to take his place, his hand still fondling and rubbing at her pubic mound. Slowly, he began to slip his palm down between her legs, her thighs opening as he cupped all of her genitals in the flat of his hand and began to massage her with some vigor.

Buzz was, likewise, nude in a matter of moments, and he lay back down in the same place. It was then that Joan realized that two men were making love to her. Both Buzz and Andy were naked, their hardened cocks on either side of her. She felt as though she were a helpless, defenseless maiden being offered up as a sacrifice to two of the high priests of Sex. She couldn't believe that such a thing could be happening to her.

Both of them... together? At the same time? Oh, God! How did it happen... ? Buzz and Andy... both! I can't! l can't! God! Don't let it happen to me!

She wanted to be rational... she tried to think it through, get her thoughts in order. God! What had she let herself in for by stupidly drinking two drinks. It was the Scotch that had led her astray. She hadn't paid much attention to Buzz' pouring, but he had given her liberal double shots.

Suddenly, she felt hopelessly trapped. She groaned.

"Oh, Buzz... you promised..."

"Promised what... Joan... ?"

"That you... you wouldn't... t-try to d-do anything to me..."

"Let's see... I said, 'Whatever you say... '" he quoted. "And you've said it... !"

"N-No! No! I didn't... !" she moaned in anguish.

"Your body said it for you!" Buzz asserted.

"Oh, God! My body! I fight it... I fight it, hard... but it seems like I-I just can't... resist..."

"Don't fight it... Baby!" Andy said. "Just relax and enjoy it... that's the only way!"

Buzz recaptured her mouth, then; she felt the warm, moistness of Andy's mouth on her breasts now, his hand still smoothing around at the vee of her thighs, as the pilot's mouth worked on hers. She groaned out her abject feeling of helplessness to resist their marvelous manipulation of her body. Involuntarily, she reached out to put her hand behind Buzz' head to pull his mouth in hard to her own avid oral cavern. Below, her breasts responded to Andy; her other hand went down to caress the back of his head. Two men! It was impossible! Dear God! What had she come to!

Then, without seeming warning, a powerful thunderbolt struck her, the racing electric power of it jumped from her mouth to her breasts and to her loins; her cunt was on fire and she pressed her legs together tightly trying to smother the rising feeling of involuntary sexual desire between her legs, but Andy's hand was already there moving on her, the heat of his hand giving her an unwanted thrill.

The architect began to kiss her smooth, flat belly, then above her soft, golden pubis and his hands were now opening her legs, his pressure on her knees firm but gentle. She felt as though she would be consumed in the fire that emanated from her searing, seething loins. She groaned when Buzz squeezed at her breasts, then he withdrew his mouth from hers and kissed them, causing new and greater charges to build within her seemingly concentrated in the spiky, hard and painful erect coraline nipples.

Andy spread her curving thighs, kissing the inner softness, down, down until his mouth was in the golden, sparsely hair-lined furrow; he felt with his tongue, probing softly into the vaginal opening, his tongue flicking snake-like between his teeth. Joan groaned under him, her hips rotating and pushing up at him. His thumbs pressed her cunt-lips apart to expose the secret cavern of her, the pink, glistening-wet inner flesh fluorescent and open to his lascivious gaze, and she felt the exciting, warm wash of his expelled breath on the sensate, inner flesh of her feminine core.

His mouth moved forward, now, his tongue exploring her cuntal lips, then he slid his lingual member into the softness of her vaginal passage. He felt her undulate as her hips, again involuntarily, moved her pussy Up into his face, and he pushed all the way into her; she moaned and moved her naked, defenseless loins even more forcefully up to him, his tongue moving within her, his teeth nipping at the tender flanges of flesh between the thrusting in and out of his agile tongue; he reveled in the clean female odor of her. Soon, he heard a soft moan emitting from her throat; then, she flung her pelvis violently upward and groaned aloud, a soul-searing, strangled sound of animal passion.

"OOOoooooooh! Ooh! AAAAaaaaagh!" she screamed and ground her buttocks into the sleeping bag as he probed deeper and deeper into her fiery sensate cunt.

Then, Andy's tongue found the throbbing, hard clitoris in its soft moist canopy of flesh. He licked and licked, and Joan went wild with the pleasure of it, her hips moving in ever more violent motions, shoving her tongue in and out of Buzz' mouth, shrugging her white, quivering breasts up to his face as he alternately kissed and squeezed. She turned, twisting and squirming, the battle between her body and her mind lost again--her body the victor--and she threw her body at them, offering her mouth, her breasts and her cunt to their hungry, searching mouths. She knew that the dam of her will had been breached. There was nothing, now, for her but the final rapture of sexual fulfillment. She wanted it... needed it to come to her; she tried to hasten it, her body undulant and pliable under them, but she was thwarted, frustrated in her attempt to hurry them. Andy and Buzz exchanged places, slipping and sliding along her body, one on each side, and Andy's lips captured her mouth, the pungent, alkaline taste of her cunt on his lips as she avidly sucked and nibbled at him. She ran her hands over Andy's back, feeling the hardness of his muscles in his more compact frame, then pulling his head to her, taking his tongue deeply into her mouth to suck. She could feel her body beginning to perspire with the strain of trying to respond to the two virile men who labored over her naked, aroused body.

Buzz moved his hips between her unresisting thighs, running his hands under the soft whiteness of her passion-trembling buttocks, pulling them up in position to enter her and moved forward, dipping his lean, strong body at the hips to place his pulsating cock on the lips of the moist, viscously glistening pink cuntal opening. He pressed the soft, resilient crevice of her buttocks further apart, and he worked a finger into the rubbery aperture of her anus, the soft spongy tissue warm and pliant, resisting his probing only nominally.

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