Spell Of The Beast - Cover

Spell Of The Beast


Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Novel-Pocketbook  

From the adjacent ridge another pair of eyes had watched with lascivious interest... eyes that stared through the field glasses with the intent concentration of a microbiologist studying a newly discovered sub-species.

Having gathered and chopped the supply of wood for the day, Andy Sloan had decided to climb to the ridge paralleling the one chosen by Buzz Henson as lookout point and signal area. Buzz had placed three piles of wood and tinder at the crest of the ridge to be lighted as soon as an airplane was heard or spotted in the vicinity. The ridge, to the north, where Andy sat in the branch of a tree, the glasses held, avidly, to his eyes, was the ridge that Andy had wanted to establish as a lookout point, before he was deposed as the leader of the small band of crash victims, but Buzz, trying to reason with him, had pointed out that search planes were more likely to come from the south; Havre was only a few miles from the Canadian border and was a smaller airport. Great Falls to the South would send their search planes to the north; therefore, the ridge to the south was the logical one upon which to establish their observation and fire-signal base. The resultant conflict of opinions coupled with several other blunders on Andy's part had pushed Buzz to take control of the situation. Afterward, Gayle had convinced him that he should cooperate; he did his share of what was required of him, but the acid hate in him for Buzz Henson gnawed at him, constantly; however, as he gaped through the glasses, watching the lewd sex coupling on the next ridge, he couldn't help but admire the pilot's masterful domination and subjugation of the haughty young Joan Wright. God! Even at the distance, he could see the massiveness of the hard cock the young pilot buried to the hilt between her lovely slim legs.

He had watched almost the entire performance, and as he watched, he had become sexually aroused, his prick jerking to erect hardness in his pants, below, reminding him that he, himself, was supposed to get a crack at that little bitch.

Son-of-a-bitch! Look at that woman fuck! I've never seen or heard of anything like it! She acts like she can't get enough of that big cock of Buzz'! God! I can't wait to shove mine into that cute little cunt! Christ! If we hadn't crashed in this God- forsaken place... I'd have gotten some of that three days ago! It was all set with Jimmy... and Gayle! What a God damned crock this turned out to be!

The architect watched the couple on the opposite ridge until they climaxed and lay still for several moments. He guessed there wouldn't be another coupling, at least for a while; certainly, not after a fuck that had lasted that long and had been so obviously satisfying to them both. When he saw Joan reach for her clothing, he knew that his private peep-show was over. He climbed, reluctantly, down from the tree. God! His cock ached! Watching the pilot fucking the living shit out of his employee's wife had been fun, but he was so damned hot, now! He had waited too long! That son-of-a-bitch had beat him to her! But, by Christ, he'd damn soon correct that.

Planning how he would approach her, Andy headed back down the slope toward the little glade, a lewd smile playing across his lips; the anticipation of holding that luscious, proud little piece in his arms and fucking her silly held his attention to the exclusion of everything else.

Half way down the slope, his reverie was interrupted by something moving on the opposite slope, slightly below him. The tawny color made him think there might be a deer in the brush; he swung the glasses up to his eyes and spotted the animal, easily. He gasped aloud! God damn! It was a mountain lion! He watched as the graceful animal picked its way down the slope toward the stream. The big cat drank, daintily, then, suddenly, he was gone, bounding up the hillside at an angle and disappearing over the opposite ridge farther and lower down from where Buzz and Joan had been lying. With his glasses, he searched the slope to determine what it was that had caused the lion's sudden departure. His perusal of the whole hillside, visible to him, revealed nothing, but he remembered that he and Gayle had heard something moving about up there, this morning; later, they had discovered those huge paw prints.

Damn! This place could get a little dangerous!

Joan dressed herself languorously; her still sensual body, tingling in the after-glow of satiation, the euphoria she felt made her resist covering her body, immediately; it felt good just to relax for a few moments savoring the tremendously exhilarating experience of full sexuality.

One thing I know for sure... ! I'll never be the same!

After several minutes, she roused herself and began, slowly to dress. She sensed that Buzz, too, was reluctant to get dressed; he dallied, having pulled on only shorts and undershirt by the time she was fully dressed. Joan stood to her feet and stretched, felinely, looking down at Buzz where he still sat on the blanket.

"I was just thinking," she said. "About all the ideas I'll have to change!"

"Do you feel it, already... ?"

"Yes... Yes, I do... ! And, I suppose... in a way... I should be grateful... "

Suddenly, she saw it! Her eyes widening in terror, she tried to speak, but only a horrible croak came from her lips. She froze! One hand went to her cheek; the other hand flailed helplessly toward Buzz.

"B-B-Bear... !" she finally managed.

Buzz twisted, looking behind him up the ridge. The Grizzly Bear walked, purposefully, toward them, his burning eyes watching their every move.

"Damn! Up the tree... Joan!" he snapped, jumping quickly to his feet. "Quickly!"

Joan turned blindly to the trunk of the huge oak. Buzz boosted her up, climbing up, himself, behind her.

"Higher! Climb higher!"

She sobbed, "Oh, Buzz... what'll happen... to us?"

"Nothing!" he assured her. "Just keep climbing! Bears don't like to climb... unless they have to!"

From a limb fifteen feet above the ground, Buzz looked down to see the bear reaching up the trunk of the tree, slashing at the bark with his razor-sharp claws, snuffling and making sounds in his throat. Suddenly, he growled and reached toward one of the lower branches.

"Up higher!" Buzz commanded. He tore a small, dead limb from the tree and hurled it into the bear's face. Unaccountably, the bear backed away, grabbed the stick and crushed it in his huge jaws. Now, he seemed to have lost interest in them. He turned to sniff at the blanket and Buzz' shoes and jeans.

Joan was frightened; tears ran down her cheeks, unnoticed.

Buzz looked over at her and cracked, "What a hell of a time to be caught... without my pants!"

In spite of her trembling fear, Joan smiled, as she looked to see that he only had on his underwear, but the former huge bulge of his penis was gone. She smiled. She could be light-hearted, too!

"Did that big thing of yours get scared... and pull in its head... ?"

Buzz looked down, his hand going to his genitals, unselfconsciously. "Well... I'll guarantee there's nothing like a charging bear... to make a guy forget about sex!" he chuckled.

Below them, on the ground, the Grizzly Bear had found Buzz' jeans. He slashed at them, furiously, cutting and ripping the garment with seeming lack of reason for so doing; finally, after several moments, the small pistol Buzz had put in the pocket of his jeans flew through the air to land several feet away. The huge animal lumbered over to it, picked it up in his mouth and melted into the underbrush.

In the tree, Buzz and Joan watched with fascination, not daring to breathe. It was Buzz who broke the silence.

"I'll be damned... ! He took the gun!" he exclaimed; then, thoughtfully, "I wonder... He's disarming us! That's it! The gun was a threat... he's been shot at, before... and he's taking the gun... so we won't be a danger... to him!"

"Really, Buzz? But, that's so implausible... !"

"You saw it happen! It's almost a believe it or not... and I wouldn't believe it... if I hadn't seen it!" Buzz enthused.

"You're giving the animal credit... for thinking?"

"Yes! There have been cases like this... even more unbelievable! I remember reading about some of them... somewhere!"

"Now that he's gone... is it safe to get down out of this scratchy old tree... ?" she asked.

"Probably... but I'd better walk back with you."

"Heavens!... I-I wouldn't go by myself... now!"

Buzz helped her down from the old oak tree; she sustained a few scratches and whimpered about them, but when she saw the damage the bear had done to Buzz' jeans, she decided the tree- damage to her skin was really very minor.

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