Spell Of The Beast - Cover

Spell Of The Beast


Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Novel-Pocketbook  

Sensitive nose snuffing, huge grizzled body moving gracefully on silent padded feet, ears and eyes attuned to everything that made a sound or moved in the primeval forest, his home and natural habitat, the great Grizzly Bear moved through his territory, the man-scent strong in his nostrils, the hated odor rankling and irritating him. He was not hungry, his carnivorous appetite was satiated; there was plenty of small game in his forest, fish in the streams, berries growing on bushes and honey dripping from not a few of the lightning-blazed hollow trees. Now, the hated humans were in sight; he stood still and watched. They seemed to be harmless, unaware of his presence and no present danger to himself. Then, he smelled it! It was the gun-smell! He hated and feared it! That odor spelled danger to him, and he lumbered about turning to leave that place to the humans and their gun.

There was something else! The odor of it wafted through the air to him. Another animal had entered his domain!

From the branch of a pine tree tawny eyes surveyed the ridge, nose wrinkled above half-snarling lips as the great cat sorted out the scents, the hated man-smell, the odor of his gun... and stronger, the smell of the giant he-bear. The mountain lion swished his tail, angrily, and a low growl escaped him.

The Grizzly paused, snuffing and listening. He recognized the cat-scent, heard the low, throaty growl of warning from the mountain lion and uttered his own barely audible growl of irritation; then he moved off into the underbrush until he came to a tall pine tree. Standing up on his hind feet, the huge Grizzly Bear reached high up with his forepaws, the lancet-sharp claws slashing into the rough bark nine feet above the ground to leave his mark... his territorial warning to the mountain lion who had violated his domain. Dropping, now, to all four feet, again, the Grizzly moved off down the slope toward the stream. His stomach told him that it was time to catch a meal of speckled trout from the stream, below.

The primitive drama was played and the man and woman on the blanket were unaware of it. Their senses were not attuned to the affairs of the forest. They were in that wilderness but were not a part of it. They were truly alien beings in that place, in that time. Their concentration was on each other and the feral, rutting sensations of their senses.

"You're hot, now, Baby!" Buzz croaked. "Hot enough to fuck... and that's what I'm going to do! I'm going to fuck you so hard... you'll never forget it!"

Joan couldn't talk... she couldn't move; her naked body was petrified with fear, suddenly, as with her thighs raised and splayed wide open to him, her breasts swollen and painful where his hands had dug cruelly into them and as her breathing came in short, passionate, panting gasps, her belly quivering and cringing, her eyes locked upon his long, thick, lust-inflamed cock that jutted from his loins like a giant cudgel, capable it seemed to her, on the instant, of inflicting grievous wounds on her tender genital parts.

Dear Lord! It's so huge! I won't be able to take it... inside of me!

"Oh, God, Buzz... don't..." Joan whimpered as he wedged his hips between her legs, holding himself up slightly above her, supporting himself on his lean, strong arms. "I-I can't... take that monster... inside of me! It'll split me... wide open!"

He ignored her plea; he dropped his head and sucked up a coral nipple of her breast into his hungry mouth, his teeth nipping into it painfully, as he bit hard enough to break the skin and the sweet taste of her blood was strong on his tongue, then, he raised his head, pulling the nipple grasped in his teeth, stretching it and causing her to writhe in pain under him. She groaned aloud at the sharp twinge of delicious pain, the fluttering agony of it mixed with her sexual desire that caused simultaneously a spasm of masochistic sensual delight in her undulating crotch that moved up, uncontrollably, to brush against the hard, swollen head of his cock. The unexpected contact producing racing thrills that beat wave upon wave of nerve-searing need into her consciousness, and she moaned an animalistic, choking paean of urgent need.

"Oh, shit... am I going to fuck you... Mrs. Wright," he hissed down at her, lewdly. "When you get this cock of mine inside that tight little cunt... you'll be begging me to fuck you with it!

"N-Never!" she managed.

"We'll see!"

Cock! Cunt! Fuck!... Oh, God!... Why does he have to use those vulgar... filthy, dirty words?

Joan lay, trembling, beneath him, as though she were struck immobile, paralyzed, her eyes watching his mouth, fixedly, as he spouted the obscene words at her, their vile, lewdness revulsing her, but, at the same time, they arced with searing heat into her brain, exciting her, filling her with their salacious meanings and she struggled, desperately, to control his gradual subjugation of her mind. Already, her body had betrayed her... but she must not let him distort her mind with his filthy talk. Love and sex were perverted when it was lowered in this way... ground into the dirt, as it were, by the use of these forbidden, vulgarities.

Dear Lord... help me! Help me... to resist it! I can't... I won't let him... drag me down... brutalize me... make me act like an animal!

"All right... Baby... take my prick in your hot, little hand and put it in that luscious pussy of yours!" he commanded, his lustful eyes burning down into her own fear-filled face.

"Oh... God, no... Please! No! I-I can't... I just can't... !" she groaned in her further humiliation, her body trembling in trepidation and abject shame... yet even as she spoke her disavowal, her hand, unbidden, uncontrollably slid down across her belly, between them, to pause only inches away from the rod of hardened male flesh, as she began to shake her head from side to side, frantically, the hot tears, again, streaming down her face, the battle between her senses, driving her hedonistically and her brain, trying to steer her on a straight course, raging in her contorted, indecisive facial expressions.

"Do it! God damn it!" he snarled down at her. "Take it in your hand and put it in! Do it, now... you little bitch!"

"OOOoooh, God... !" she groaned, once more, as her tiny hand reached across the remaining few inches that seemed to her a mighty gulf, the simple reaching movement, the decision to make it as difficult, in her mind, as the first step she took down the center aisle of her church on the day that she became James Wright's bride. God! How could she forget?

Jim! Oh, Jimmy!... You'll understand... won't you? Oh, God... ! Help make him understand... l don't want to do this!

Her fingers tried to encircle his mighty, throbbing shaft, and a great, stabbing fear pierced her belly, as she truly realized for the first time the true size of his monstrous, lust- inflated cock.

"What in hell are you waiting for... ? Put my cock in your fucking cunt... quick, before I shoot all over your belly!" he rasped out at her.

Buzz lowered his hips toward her while Joan spread her thighs even farther apart, as she guided his heavy, pulsing prick toward the quavering, moist portal of her vagina, using the thick, bulbous head to part the sparse blonde pubic hair and divide the full, fleshy lips of her cunt, the fleshly contact galvanizing the sensitive nerves, her body-mind in a whirl of both fear and wild anticipation.

She gasped aloud, her head flailing in uncontrolled agitation, a great shudder passing through her body as the shiny, surprisingly soft and resilient red-cowled head of his rock-hard cock pressed against the wet, sensate flesh of her quivering cuntal slit, and she held her breath, as she lay paralyzed with fear beneath him, the tears of her shame flowing in scalding cascades down her cheeks;... then, he moved down on her, jerking his hips forward, slightly, that caused her a sharp, splitting, tearing pain from the stretching pressure of his engorged rod of flesh at the tight, little hole of her vagina.

"OOOOOooooooh!" she cried... and he pushed again, the smooth, rubbery head moving forward, the tip of it barely finding room in the tight, resisting passage. "AAAAAaaaagggh!" she wailed, chokingly, as the huge organ, blood-inflated and aching forced its way into the tight, elastic opening, stretching it painfully, brutally, the resilient flesh resisting yet allowing the entry, but Joan was sure that she was being torn and ripped apart by the almost unbearable pressure that bore down between her widespread legs.

"Buzz! Buuuuuzzzz! Oh, God... Buzz! You're ripping me... in two... ! My God... I can't stand it... ! It hurts... too much! Please... ? Please... no!" she screamed, but the lust, the savage animal lust on his face, the look of pure, sadistic delight he was taking, as he forced his giant cudgel into her resisting channel told her that she would gain no quarter of mercy from him. It would be a waste of her breath to plead with him, beg him to ease her torture.

"Dear God... Oh, Dear God!" she shrilled as he pressed down upon her, shoving his massive cock into her, inch by excruciating inch, until, suddenly, she saw his expression change from lust to agonizing need, as if he could no longer stand the waiting and watching game he played with her helpless, debauched body. He glanced down between them to see that little more than half his length was imbedded in the quivering coral depths of her pussy, his stud-horse shaft straining at the tight, elastic nether mouth at the cusp of her marble-like thighs. With all the strength of his strong, young body, he thrust, forcefully, sending his long, thick prick racing and plunging up, up, into her cringing, palpitant passage with the feral, animal ferocity of a rutting stallion.

"AAAAAaaaggh! God in Heaven!" Joan screamed as the thick, blood-engorged head pressed the resisting coraline walls of her vaginal vault in surging wavelets ahead of it, the great breadth and length of him soaring heavily up into the deepest depths of her belly until she felt his heavy, pendulant, sperm-loaded balls smack hard up against the rounded, upturned cheeks of her trembling buttocks.

"Dear God... !" she keened beneath him as she lay perfectly still, not daring to move lest she be split wide open! His cock had stuffed her cunt full... fuller than it had ever been before and the walls of her vagina felt as though they had been scraped raw from the brutal entry of his massive, foraging prick. It lay in her like a log, every bit of the hardened rod in contact with the moist sensitive tissue of her cuntal passage, every wrinkle and ridge of his tumescent flesh discernible to her as that giant man-cock lay sunken, deeply, up into her churning loins.

His breath began to rasp in his throat as he lay heavy upon her, momentarily; then he expanded his cock, flexing it deep inside the tender flesh of her moist sheath, and moving it inward, deeper, another fraction of an inch.

"OOh! AAAAaaaagggh!" Joan moaned and he repeated it, again and again, each flexing, outward expansion against her vaginal passage eliciting tearful groans of agony and shameful degradation from deep in her throat; presently, however, slowly, she became aware that her passage was beginning to adjust to the abnormal size of the hardened rod imbedded there. Now, her whining, sniffling whimpers of pain decreased as the man lying on her naked body began a slow, undulating, circular motion of his pelvis, grinding his cock into her tight, naked cunt, expanding the quivering fleshy walls of the channel until her whimpers of pain became mewling trills of pleasure that she could not contain.

Slowly, Buzz hoisted himself up to full arm's length and looked down at her, lewdly, anticipating in advance her reaction to his next move. His ice-blue eyes penetrated to her very soul, the sadistic pleasure of subjugating her to his will shining through them.

"You're ready to beg for it, now... Joan! Beg... Baby! Beg me to fuck you!" he croaked.

Joan stared up at him in total surprise. She gasped, but her pelvis already ground in little undulant circles under her, an involuntary movement she couldn't control. Her passion-glazed eyes pleaded with him for mercy... for gentleness and restoration of her morale. She wanted him, now, but not at the expense of further degrading shame and humiliation.

"Please... Buzz? Just... love me... now!

"Beg me for it, I said! God damn you, beg me to fuck you! Say it!"

"Oh, Buzz... haven't you done enough to me... already?" she groaned. "I w-want you t-to do it to me... please... ?"

"Beg! Bitch! Beg! I've got to hear you beg me to fuck you!" he roared.

The shame of it pounded in her ears. She had to say the vile words! She had to have his pounding cock... now! Now!

"Yesss! Oh, God, yes!... I-I need it... so bad! Fuck me! Fuck me... Buzz! Please... fuck me?" she strangled through her tightly clenched teeth, turning her face away from him as she felt the reddening flush of her ultimate shame on her tear-wet cheeks.

Dear God! There's nothing left! Nothing! He's stripped me of everything I've ever held dear to me... my pride... morals... even my faith! I can't believe tats has happened to me! All there is... in the world... for me... is this time... this wonderful cock... in my cunt! There's nothing else!

"Where... Baby? Where?" Buzz chanted above her.

"In my count... Buzz! In my fucking cunt!" she responded.


"Hard! Deep!... And fuck me... good!"

"God, Joan! I'll fuck you... so you can't walk straight!"

"Yes! Buzz! That's what I want... ! I want you to use that big cock in my cunt... to fuck me half to death! Come on! Fuck me... now! Hard and deep... and don't stop!"

Buzz began rocking above her, using short, smooth strokes in and out of her moist, expanding vagina; her body reacted of its own volition, her determined fight against the lewd sensations of sexual desire that rampaged through her were now vanished. She did not fight against herself any longer, the obscene pleasure of wanton, unbridled sex looming before her forced all reason from her mind. Now, there was only surrender to the sensate flesh!

Giving herself up to the surging power of the sensations in her loins, chills of mounting excitement began to build in her, as the easy tempo of Buzz' cock began to thrust longer and deeper into her moistly throbbing pussy, the spiraling ecstasy of total commitment easing her conscience, as consciously, now, she responded with countering thrusts of her own.

As he slowly increased his speed and the depth of his penetration, Joan felt her whole nakedness responding to him, and she writhed undulantly beneath him with ever-increasing vigor, the piston of his cock in her working ever more smoothly in her moistly viscous cuntal passage. His mouth sought hers, found it and her tongue shot upward into his mouth, between his teeth, to be sucked, her moans of pleasure emitting unceasingly from her throat in sex-crazed acceptance of whatever lewd, obscene desire he wanted of her. Now, she began to move her tongue in and out of his mouth in imitation of the genitals below, and he ovaled his lips to accept her thrusting, demanding lingual member even more sensuously. Already, he sensed the wanton abandon rising higher and higher in her--

Joan began to grind her crotch up at him, in tempo with his smooth, stroking beat, her lovely face contorted with a passion she never knew existed until this point in time, her mouth working on his lips around her plunging tongue while she began to pant, her nostrils flaring in abject surrender to the rapture being generated in her slaving loins.

He could see her straining neck muscles, the contortion of her lovely passion-flushed face, the thin film of perspiration forming on her forehead and the tangled blonde hair, its wild disarray caused by her flailing head only moments before; from deep in her throat, there came a low, gurgling mewl of wild abandon, vibrating against his lips as she kissed him with fervor and new-found elan. Buzz was thinking as he drubbed in and out of her now responsive cuntal passage.

God! She can really fuck... like a mink! I'll bet any odds Jim Wright's never had it like this... with her! He'll have to thank me... for thawing her out for him! Damn! What a luscious piece... a hot, tight cunt... round, full ass... beautiful, big breasts... and blonde all over! Christ! What a gorgeous cunt... ! And, the way she's using it... ! The sensations in may cock are about to drive me out of my skull!

Sliding his hands down her flanks, he worked them beneath the soft, satiny protuberances of her flexing and hollowing buttocks working under him, clutching at them, kneading and massaging, his hands clenching and unclenching as he alternately caressed and punished the soft, warmly resilient flesh.

She groaned, loudly, her breath caught in her throat as his big hands hauled her pelvis tighter up against his grinding loins, and he felt her pulling her hips back farther, only to thrust them back again, her vibrant cunt crawling up his driving cock in opposition to his every forward thrust; then she began to draw her thighs back toward her chest, flattening her breasts as she presented him the moist, flowering portal of her cunt for his deepest penetrating thrusts, absorbing all of his great length and breadth of rock- hard cock to ever greater depths.

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