Sharon's Busy Dildo - Cover

Sharon's Busy Dildo


Chapter 2: Home Sweet Home

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2: Home Sweet Home -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Novel-Pocketbook  

"Shit me around," moaned Sharon. "I ain't going no place until I get my twat good and hot, massaged the way it's supposed to be." She was preparing herself for the battle with her mother. Mrs. Pettibone, as if right on cue, pushed open the bedroom door. "Now, now, young lady," she scolded Sharon, "you get yer ass up and out of bed. No more of this SWINE FLU bullshit. I'm not going to listen to that kind of nonsense." Mrs. Pettibone was wearing a lace robe which showed off her big nipples. It was cut short so that her smooth ample thighs were clearly visible.

"You know, Mom," said Sharon, "if it weren't three days before Mother's Day I'd tell you to go to hell. And you know something else? I think we look alike." Sharon climbed out of bed and took a position--she in the raw naked nude--next to her mother. "Look," she continued, "my legs are full and shapely like yours, and I have big nipples like you, and my chest sticks out the same way. I think we could be twins."

"Yes, darling," said Mrs. Pettibone, "now just get that pretty little ass and those matronly legs and those pert nipples that are just like mine--get all of that adolescent flesh into a pair of panties, a bra and some other clothes so that you can go to school like a good little girl!" With that Mrs. Pettibone disappeared out of Sharon's bedroom.

"Shit," moaned the teenager, "and all I wanted to do was sit around fiddle with my clit a bit." She sat down quickly on the edge of the bed, spread her legs and reached into her honey pot.

"Maybe if I'm quick..." she murmured, and with that she was into fondling her clitoris into a good little stiffness. "Mmmm," she hummed a moment later, her titties standing up with chills, the nipples going red and hard. "This could be it?" She flicked her clit harder and faster. She rolled her fingers across the tip of the little flesh button. It wasn't going to take her long to get hot and lusty. She knew it would only be a minute before she spit off from reality and entered the dream land of ecstasy and fantasy. She lay back with her feet dangling over the edge of the bed, with her fingers splashing in her honey pot. "Mmmm," she hummed, "this is going to be very nice."

She found herself conjuring up the image of a man not unlike her father. He had her father's voice, his countenance, his way of walking and talking. She smiled at him and took off her panties.

"Come on, Daddy," she said, "it's time for you to screw your little daughter." She smiled at him and gave him a good look at the insides of her beaver. She reached down between her smooth and tender loins and spread her lips out. She showed him what hot moist flesh lay behind that curly bush of hers. "There," she said to her fantasy father, "Don't you just want to curl your tongue around that little clit button of mine and send me off to nowhere sex land? Eh, Daddy? Please?"

The fantasy man grumbled. "Get down on your back, kid, and I'll eat you till you turn red as a beet." She lay down and spread her loins. He felt her up, first with his hands, then with his tongue. He worked his mouth lips up close to her twat lips. He rolled his tongue out of his mouth chamber and filled her long narrow fleshy hangar with his hot wet mouth muscle. He gave that little clitoris of hers a scrubbing and a swabbing that she would never forget. Then he had her turn over. He ate out her asshole, licked the canal and rubbed up and down between the two soft globular buttock cheeks. "Mmmm," he hummed at her, "you got a nice anus, honey. Fun to lick, fun to suck, fun to think that it's you I'll fuck..." And off he went, kissing the sides of her torso, pulling her down under him so he could successfully climb onto her face. "Spread those fleshy mouth lips of yours," he commanded her, "we hain't got all day..." And with that he filled her face with cock meat. He went sliding and pounding his joint, grinding his long thick muscle in and out of his daughter's face. She loved the feel of his thick rod working away next to her tongue.

The bedroom door swung open. "Sharon!" cried her mother. "What the hell?" and then Mrs. Pettibone, who was now partially dressed in a skirt and a bra and heels, looked behind herself and then shut the bedroom door. "My, my, darling, what on earth are you doing?" It was plain to Mrs. Pettibone, really, as it would have been to any fool, that her daughter was spread out with her eyes closed and with her hands in her pussy that way because she was masturbating. So the question was more of a lead-in than anything else. "You shouldn't have to be masturbating, darling," said Mrs. Pettibone. She took a seat alongside her lovely daughter Sharon.

The teenager sat up. "I know, Mom, but I'm just afraid to go out and find a boy. I'm afraid they'll hurt me or something. I don't want to take any chances." She sat on the side of her bed with her sweet tanned loins spread, with her head bowed so that her chin nearly touched her chest. She could see only the tops of her own thighs. Suddenly, she saw and felt her mother's hand slide across her leg.

"Now, now," said Mrs. Pettibone, "there's more than one way to skin a pussy, if you know what I mean." Mrs. Pettibone's fingers crawled down into the adolescent's vacated bush. "I just want you to know that me and your father give a lot of thought to what you should be going and how we've brought you up and..." Mrs. Pettibone had located Sharon's clitoris. She had the thing between her two fingers. She squeezed the thing a couple of times, slipped her free hand under the girl's rear end and attacked from both sides. She had one long finger scraping in and out of the youngster's pussy slit, and she had one other long finger rubbing in and out of the girl's asshole. "Isn't that better," she asked, "than masturbating that way?"

"Oh, God yes, Mom," said Sharon. "I mean it's super terrific to have you fucking me with your fingers like that but what if Dad..."

"Don't you worry about your father," said Mrs. Pettibone. "Let Mommy take care of everything." Mrs. Pettibone gave Sharon's tender little holes another little punch of two, and then she said that she had to go to work, but that night things would be alright between them. Sharon smiled and watched her contented mother leave the room.

"Jesus,, " she said to herself, "What will Mom think of next." Sharon spread herself out on her bed and landed a finger back inside her pussy. "Let's see," she muttered, "I was just beginning to get off..."

She started thinking about what it would be like to fuck her old Junior High boyfriend, Rick Walden. She rubbed her pussy lips up and down and felt up her clitoris with this young man in mind. She rubbed and scrubbed and before long she had that thing upright and ready for more action. She pictured Richard coming at her with his big thick member out and waving. It was bounding up and down and making headway at drilling her pie. "Come on, Richard," she moaned at him, "come and fuck me hard honey." She saw him entering her pie. She saw his thick sword cutting down between her two sweet pussy lips, filling her pie with cock flesh, making her heated interior cave begin to juice and flood. "I love it," she moaned at her fantasy fucker. "I love to screw with you..."

A moment later she had switched images. She was on top of the hill overlooking the high school. She was in the back seat of Danny's car. He had her in his arms. He had one hand on her chest and he had her nipple in his mouth. He was tonguing her, licking her booby, making her hotter yet. She kept his face down between her big breasts while Danny reaching into Danny's pants and coming up with his member. She stroked at his hog, pulled on it, and rubbed the tip with her palm. She made sure that the sides of the shaft were good and hot by rubbing them between her two hands. She baked herself a cake of hot cock meat.

"Mmmm," she hummed at him, and she opened her mouth and offered Danny a taste of her willing face, "Come on," she moaned to him, "and kiss me French style, baby. Fill me up with that tongue meat of yours." She held onto his cock muscle and begged him to put his tongue into her face. "Come on," she said, "you can fuck my face good with that tongue of yours." She wanted it Frenching her face. She pulled him up close to her by letting loose of his penis and reaching around his neck. She pulled his face down close to her own. She kissed him hard. She gave him a long taste of her tongue. He gave her back his own. She loved the feel of his mouth muscle gliding in and out of her face. Because it was a prelude to the fuck itself, a glimpse of what it would be like to have Danny's hot muscle going into her body, in her pussy. That was where she wanted it next. In her hot oily twat space.

She spread her legs and pushed his face down along her torso. She didn't know how, but somehow they had managed to take off each other's clothes in the back of the car. It was easy, actually, and now that she was nude, now that her legs were spread and her loins were open, she wanted his big thick joint to go rolling down inside her like a thick log. She wanted to feel that big mushroom head of his rubbing and scraping against her clitoris, making her hotter and lustier than ever before. She wanted to have his asscheeks in her hands, and she wanted to go sliding a finger up and down between his buttocks, just for fun. She wanted to lick out his asshole, too, if he would let her. She might have been fifteen, and she might have been just fantasizing, but she knew what she wanted.

She reached down between her own legs and pulled her beaver lips open. "There it is, Danny," she said, "my open pie. Won't you fuck it with that big cock muscle of yours? Won't you put that hot hard wedge of penis flesh into my slot and make me cum? Won't you please?" She smiled and let loose of her dark wet labia lips. She let her pussy go closed so that she could pay attention to his meaty bone-on. "I suppose you want me to play some more with that prick of yours. Well, why didn't you say so? I'd be happy to."

She leaned down close to his joint. She took it in both hands and rolled it back and forth. She rubbed it sideways and up and down. She treated it gently but like a gear shift. She rolled her fingers across the base, at the root. She stroked up along the top-side and arrived at the tip. Then she went down the other side and played softly with the part that looked most like a bone. She rubbed his balls, too, played with them for a little while with her tantalizing fingers. She worked one hand up and under his crotch, a finger of which went sliding up into his anus where she began to tickle him. The other hand remained behind to work out on his hot dog tip and on the thick shaft of his big flesh arrow.

"Oh, Jesus, honey," he moaned at her, "you really know how to get my cock muscle stiff and hot, don't you?" He smiled and kissed her on the lips. He gave her his tongue. He rubbed his lips against her lips. He pushed his mouth down hard, grinding his face into hers. He took his hands and applied both palms to her two big titties. He rubbed her chest with his ten fingers. He made sure that that creamy breast flesh of hers was properly sexually stimulated. "Mmmm," he hummed, leaning close and gathering up one titty for a proper sucking, "I just want to make sure that you get the most out of this." And with that he took to mouthing her breast like it was bread and butter. He licked up and down and ate her all up, gobbled down her titty flesh like there was no tomorrow.

Sharon Pettibone, in the meanwhile, worked out on Danny's boner. She had the thing between her two hands. She was rolling it back and forth. She'd cupped the two big hairy balls in her fingers and she was sliding her other fingers up and down alongside the shaft of the boner. She was sliding up and down and squeezing, too. She could tug, when she wanted to, on the rim of the head, and that was a special thrill. It made her hot to get a good hold on that lip of mushroom head, and when she felt how spongy and hot it was she decided to go down on it.

"Oh, yeah, good baby," said Danny. "Go to town on it."

He held her face in his two hands. Her lips spread to accommodate the massive thickness of the meat. He pushed on the back of her neck, and down her mouth went, around and around the hairy hard-on. She took all of it into her face. She sucked tight on it, a good seal, and soon she had the thing properly and wetted for action. She began sliding back and forth, up and down, slurping up the meat as though it were some specially flavored flesh pole. "Mmm," she would hum. "I love it," she would moan between strokes. "What an extraordinary muscle you have," she would say in order to keep him hot while working out on the tip. She would splay her tongue at it, stick out that big mouth muscle and wipe it across the top of the heady boner tip. She would work at getting the thick skinned rim and the sensitized flesh of the shaft and the boner root part of the base-she would work at getting it all hot and stimulated and ready for cuming.

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