Sex Procurer - Cover

Sex Procurer


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   NonConsensual   Rape   Novel-Pocketbook  

I started out talking about something else, so I don't want to get sidetracked. Let me just say this. Susie and Ruthie and Beverly learned to know each other quite well and rather satisfactorily, and we made a pleasant foursome. But I still had my plans for that cunt Susie, and I made it clear to her one afternoon a few months later and just before we were scheduled to get married.

"Baby," I said to her that day when we had just finished knocking it off in her bedroom and when her parents and sister were out elsewhere, "I think we ought to bug out. I don't think I can make the scene anymore with Ruthie and Bev. I think they're interfering with a good thing."

She bit. She was ready for it. As I've long ago discovered, every cunt will fuck with others around if that's the only way she can hold her man. But, given the chance, she'll always try to have him for herself at any price. So she agreed hastily.

And we made arrangements to elope. Within the week we had pulled it off, and we hit the road. Oh, she was surprised when she found out I wasn't getting married. But she wanted me alone so much that she didn't give a damn if I didn't marry her right away. She was convinced that I was hers, and that was the main thing.

So I went ahead with my plans. The day came when I told her I had a chance to play for a particular group, and that it was a way to make money if she was interested. She asked what I would do. I said, as nicely as you please, "They pay to see me fuck." She looked at me. I laughed. "Crazy, huh?" I said, "But it's the truth. They pay to see a guy screw."

"But who will you do it with?" she asked dumbly.

It was just the question I wanted her to ask. "Oh, anybody, I suppose. I've been thinking of getting in touch with Ruthie or Bev. They'd probably be willing to screw me in public."

I waited for the hook to sink into her cheek. It did. She said, "Does it have to be somebody else?" Get that? She was practically saying whom she would prefer it to be rather than anybody else.

So I said, "It can be anybody. Hell, it could even be you if you were interested."

Another hook was placed in her cheek. "Do you have to do that for a living?" she asked. But note that she did not refuse to screw me in public. Women are that way. They don't give a shit who sees them if it will keep them solid with a guy, and especially if nobody makes a scandal about it. They'll screw in the middle of the biggest intersection in the world, if nobody talks against them.

"I'd like to screw you," I said, by way of an answer. "If you agreed, I'd be more than happy." I looked to her for an answer. She gave it to me with a nod. I kissed her bare big titties in front of me on that bed where we had just finished knocking it off. "You make me very happy," I said, and licked those lovely monsters nicely.

But it still wasn't done, of course. There was a lot of training in the program. Although we started screwing in front of groups, and were making money nicely, there still was more to it than just that. Those guys don't just want to see a pair screwing; they want all kinds of delights. I was determined to get Susie all the way in her efforts to please them.

That's why I bought Rover. He was a cute little bastard, just a little puppy, nothing to think about at all. But puppies grow, as I'm sure you realize, and Rover grew too. And one day he was ready to screw.

Of course in the meantime, we had played with him in the bed, and I had taught him to lick Susie's cunt. She thought that was cute, although at first she was a bit surprised. But a cunt is surprised for about two minutes. After that, she's used to anything you want her to do. It was no time, then, before we even had an act going in which Rover, a beautiful growing German shepherd dog, began licking Susie's cunt in public. It was a real crowd-pleaser, you can be sure.

Likewise, once seeing her get eaten by a dog, the crowds weren't long in demanding that she be studded likewise. And I put that possibility to her one night when Rover was old enough to do something besides lick pussy.

Naturally, Susie flinched at the idea. We were in a dressing room off a stage in a club we were playing, and outside, the crowd was howling for an encore to the scene where I fucked her. According to our act, we were supposed to return and I would eat her in front of everybody. That's why I said to her, Rover between us as she sat naked in her dressing table chair, her legs apart, "What's the difference between me eating you and him dicking you? A few minutes ago, he ate you. A few minutes before that, I dicked you. Now I'm supposed to eat you. Why not let him dick you."

She looked at me and then to Rover. If you had seen that face somewhere in a crowd, you'd never have thought that she would be the same girl who just now had come from having a dog eat her in public. She was the picture of innocence. Her long red hair flowed around her shoulders, and she might have been something pure and virginal. Her eyes were the picture of innocence. Nobody in the world, except those who had seen it done, would believe she ever had been dicked and eaten in public.

Finally she said to me, "If you want me to do it, sweetheart, I'll do it."

Dig that. Every broad says the same thing. They never do anything because they want to do it. Oh hell no, or so they would have you think. It's always because they're doing it for the man they love. And for the man they love, as everybody knows, a cunt will do anything. Oh yes, all for the man they love.

But I can play that game too. So I nodded, giving her the answer to her unspoken question; and thus giving her too the excuse she needed for what she really wanted to do. And I'll tell you why I say that, too. Here's why:

On different occasions, when I would be out somewhere, I had returned to find Susie playing with Rover's dong. That's right. Even when he was just a puppy, she used to play with his birdie. And once he started getting nuts, she practically never let him alone any chance she got. I would come home and find them in bed together or on the floor or even with him on a table in front of her: and there she would be, playing prettily with his pork.

Women are that way. How many girls have you known that played with their little brother's pricks when they were kids? I've known plenty of them who, when they were in their teens and knew what fucking was all about, would get their little eight or nine or ten-year-old brothers into their beds with them and try to get screwed. All in the family, you know; that kind of thing.

So I knew Susie was ready. That's why I said, "You can try it out here first in the dressing room, hon, to see if it's a good act. Get on the floor, and let him straddle you. We can find out if it'll work."

She looked at me, but only for a second, and then she dropped to the floor as casually as you please, turned her ass to Rover, went onto her hands and knees, spread her thighs, and looked between her legs at the dog. "Nice Rover," she said, and put on a sick little smile and wiggled her can at him.

The dog sniffed her twat. He began licking it as he had done in the previous act before the group when, lying on her back and with her legs spread, he had sucked her off with his long tongue. Now he was doing the same thing while she knelt before him. "Help him," she finally told me, all on her own. "Show him how to go on top of me."

"Play with his dick," I said. "Then turn around again. I think he'll top you by himself, then. Go ahead; play with his cock."

She turned on the floor, squatted before her dressing table, and pulled him to her. Making him sit up as he had been trained, she began jerking his cock up and down. Soon he had a massive rod, and he would have fucked anything in sight. She then went back onto her knees and wiggled her can at him again. He did what all dogs do when they're that far along. He climbed her rump, gripped her hips with his paws, panted wildly, and sent his big dick into her bun. And soon his tongue was hanging out because he was so happy from it all.

I had a helluva time pulling him off. He growled and tried to bite me. But Susie got away from him, then knelt before him and hugged him, tears in her stupid eyes, and promised him she would give him everything "in a couple of minutes." She sobbed. "I'll give you what you want," she blubbered, hugging him. "In a couple of minutes, sweetheart, I'll give you everything."

Broads want to feel sorry for themselves. They want to feel imposed upon. They want to be disgraced and degraded, hurt, and mocked. They love to be punished. It's part of their nature. If you know how a broad's mind works, you can get them to do anything, and, though they'll feel terribly afflicted, they'll do it all; just to feel that affliction. Stupid bitches.

So Susie, innocent Susie who once only had screwed her old boyfriend when I came into her life, went out onto that floor, among all the men in that room, leading Rover on a leash; she, bare-ass and with her beautiful tits bouncing, Rover with the hard-on of his life. She beamed right and left shyly, and Rover panted, his big tongue hanging out. Then she took a place directly in the middle of the room, rows of chairs loaded with drooling guys all around her, and she spread her legs, and let Rover start licking her cunt again.

But that was just the start of the act. Next she sat up, Indian fashion, and brought him to her and began jacking his dong up and down. Finally she turned onto her knees and elbows, and invited him to top her. He accepted the invitation and climbed onto her rump exactly as he had in the dressing room. And then he slipped his paws around her waist and shot his big dick solidly into her cunt, and looked glazedly away, his tongue hanging out and saliva dripping from it, and he plunged her solidly, humping like crazy.

It was quite a performance, and it made me feel good to see that bitch take it in her cunt that way. And repeating an old act, I had done with another broad, before I ever started thinking about acts-remember Sally?-I crawled in front of her and made her suck me. It drove the crowd wild. Those bastards clapped like crazy to see Susie sucking my yang while Rover studded her from behind. And she, ever the good little girl, nibbled my cock beautifully while she turned her can like crazy as Rover socked it to her.

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