Sex Procurer - Cover

Sex Procurer


Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   NonConsensual   Rape   Novel-Pocketbook  

There are in our country a number of men's clubs and so- called civic organizations which sponsor various kinds of shows on what are called "stag night." Those shows mainly deal with pretty girls who seldom wear clothes for their performances, and much money can be made by arranging them. They are not exactly illegitimate, although they are not necessarily looked upon with graciousness. However, because the leading men of a community are often members of those organizations, it is not an unusual thing to find the groups have a great deal of leeway in the types of entertainment afforded on such nights.

I realized these little facts of life over a long period of time as I traveled from coast-to-coast, observing local habits here and there, getting myself a solid education in the ways of life. And I decided to cash in on it. But at the same time, I wanted to offer them something different. It is one thing to offer an old crone; it is something else to offer a pretty young and reasonably innocent maiden. There is something far more exciting about seeing loveliness destroyed. People will pay money for it, I have discovered.

So I went in search of innocent things. But I didn't want to fool with the high school crowd. Besides, I was getting too old for that scene. So I switched to the campuses, and started prowling them. Let me pause and say something about them.

In our day and age, it's pretty damned hard to find innocence on any college campus. For instance, my first jaunt onto one in search of exactly what I wanted ended up with a lay in an empty classroom. Let me just mention it in passing.

In colleges, classes are rather large, and close check of those who attend is not made; hence it is often possible to enter a lecture room, take a place somewhere in the rear and not be at all noticed as being new to the course. It's a good way to put the make on a broad, too. I know. I tried it, and succeeded.

She was a honey blonde, about nineteen or twenty, and she had a beautiful set of knockers, believe me. She had her legs crossed, wore an extremely short skirt, and immediately let me see her stocking tops whenever she knew I would be her class neighbor for a session that she really didn't seem to be interested in attending. In fact, it wasn't long before I saw the band of white thigh flesh that rises between stocking tops and panty line, and I was going crazy with the hugest hard-on I think I ever had known.

That was when, amidst a dry lecture of which I understood very little, she began doodling things in her notebook like circles and arrows, the sex symbols, and doing all kinds of little tricks with them, like putting the arrow in the circle and all that. I knew exactly what was happening. That broad wanted a lay, and I was her target.

Well, fine. I don't mind being a target once in awhile. If ass is available, I'll grab it anytime. I don't have any respect for it, but I'll take it every time. And I took that cunt too. Let me tell you about it.

First off, I asked her what she was drawing. She said, "Oh, just some symbols."

"What do they mean?" I asked.

"Oh, just some things. Don't you know?"

"Tell me about them."

"If you don't know, I can't tell you."

"Is this what they mean?" With that, I simply put my hand on her knee.

"Hey." She pulled it away on a reflex.

But I held on. "After all," I said, "if you can draw it, why don't you feel it?" And I moved up her leg quickly, stopping at a midpoint on her thigh.

She flustered, her game called, and tried to pull my hand away. But then she stopped, probably realizing that nobody was watching us in that back row where we were all alone, and she just turned on a little smile for me.

She was a slut. I knew she was. That's the way they all behave. They lead you on with a lot of teases, then play hard to get if you call them on their games, and finally let you do anything you want just so long as they think nobody will see them in the act. Broads are all the same. They're hypocritical as all hell. If you think there's a good broad in the world, fellow, you're crazy.

Anyway, we got the hell out of that lecture room after the class session was ended. By that time, she was well primed. Hell, I had no trouble at all, once she realized nobody was watching her, and I had been playing with her cooz the rest of the time. I went up her thigh fast, squeezing along the way, finally running fingers along the inner surfaces, getting a charge myself from what I was doing, and at the same time making her squirm like crazy. And finally I just went to work on her twat, rubbing her silkies where her cunt was, and making her squirm more than ever.

She pulled her crotch band away and let me go right into her blonde fuzz, and she even spread her legs for me, slumping in her seat as she did, squirming all over the place from my finger up her hole. And when I indicated she should zip down my fly and start playing with my rod, she didn't have to be told twice. My John Henry stood at attention for her, popping from my britches the minute she had that fly open, and she did a little dance with her fingers up and down the shaft. I wanted to cream the world right then.

"Suck on it," I whispered. "Go down on it for a couple of licks."

She did that too. Right there in the back of the lecture hall, she came down on me for a few seconds of suck time while I slipped my hand inside her blouse and started playing with her booby. In no time at all she was begging me to fuck her, and the minute that class ended we went looking for someplace to screw.

Finally we found a classroom in the basement that was unoccupied, and she took me in there. "I don't give a shit if anybody finds us or not," she said, panting, her face red. "I need your dick. Oh, I need your dick badly." And immediately she had her hand inside my trousers and was yanking out my meat again.

I shoved her against the wall inside the door, hiked her skirt around her waist, and pulled down her drawers. She stepped out of them right away, and spread her legs for my hand to go at her cooz. I juiced her some more with a pair of fingers, then wheeled her around and sat her atop the nearest desk. "I'm going to plug you standing up," I said. "Just sit there and wrap your legs around my ass, hold my neck, and let me cream your bun on a straight run. I've got the hots for your twat, believe me."

She spread immediately, locking her arms around my neck. I sent my pork smack into her hot hole. She was wet, wet, wet. Her cunt hairs were soaked from her juice. And I began spearing her that way while I unbuttoned her blouse, reached around her and unhooked her bra and went at her tits. I bent low, pulling away her bra so that it dangled above her tits, and I started sucking those juicy honey melons. Her nipples came up big, and she shoved them at my mouth, one and then the other, when I sucked them solidly.

All the while I ran my rod into her hot snatch, and she locked her legs around my ass. She squealed and squirmed and moaned and groaned, and then we started going like sixty for the big comes. I fucked her royally, and she whimpered from my savage good thrusts. And it wasn't anytime at all before we had mounted the scales and were shoving everything in us out in a final unleashing of taut nerves. It was a beautiful thing, and I loved every minute of it.

But she was a bitch, and I couldn't care less. Afterwards she begged to see me again, but I told her I would think about it. "Oh, Ace," she said, when I told her my name, "I want to fuck you the rest of my life. Look, Ace, how about tonight? I can get out of the dorm. I'll sleep with you anywhere. I'll quit school if you want me to. I just want to fuck you though. Please let me lay you."

They're all the same. They behave at first like butter won't melt in their bunghole, but after awhile they end up begging you for your yang. They stink, all of them. I couldn't be bothered with her; and I looked elsewhere.

Finally I thought I saw the one I wanted. Oh, don't get me wrong; she had screwed, too. She wasn't a virgin, that's for sure. Her name was Susie, and she was a pretty little redhead with very long hair which she said she hadn't cut since she was twelve. She was big in the boobs department but had a narrow ass that indicated she hadn't known too much sack time. When I asked her if she'd ever laid, she flustered and then finally admitted that she'd been dicked a couple of times by a boyfriend who had left her. From everything I could figure, she was what I wanted for a screwing.

So I started seeing her regularly. She was worried about fucking, and she wouldn't spread right away. I wished I had Angie around for the game we'd play on so many other cunts. But I also wanted to make her, just for the sake of proving myself alone. I courted her like I really was after her hand in marriage, and pretty soon we got close to home plate.

It came about in a funny way, too, when it did come. Let me tell you about that.

We actually got engaged. Believe it or not, but I scrounged up a second-hand ring and we had a big ceremony at her house, and her mom and dad were there, and so was her older sister, Ruthie, a broad who was twenty-four, divorced, and had a pair of kids.

Ruthie was another redhead, though not as red as Susie. And she was different in other ways too. I had suspected she was, on the few occasions when I had met her previously, but on the night of the engagement party, she proved how right I was. Like, she said, right off, when we were alone by the punchbowl and Susie was out dancing on the floor with a guy who dated her girlfriend, Beverly, "You're hot for her twat, and you know it."

I did a double-take when I heard Ruthie say that, and she laughed, adding, "Don't worry, I'm not loaded; not that loaded. But I know a thing when I see it. You won't marry Susie, and you know it. You're just after her ass."

I pretended to be surprised. And I even said, somewhat angrily for effect, "How can you say something like that? What are you talking about?"

"You know what I'm talking about," she said, turning to me in such a way that I was looking down into a pile of lovely decolletage in the low-cut blouse she wore. Her tits were coming up like beautiful white crests, begging me to touch them. I knew I was hot. Hell, a hard was building in my drawers.

She rubbed herself lightly, supposedly accidentally, against that too, and I knew I had to screw her before the night was over. "You're a bitch," I hissed. "You're a filthy bitch."

"Ace, you know your own kind," she gave me back. "And from the minute I first saw you, I knew you were my kind. Now why the hell don't we bug out of here and get it over with?"

I looked around. Susie was still dancing happily with the girlfriend's date. Beverly, the girlfriend, was dancing with another. Everybody was occupied. It would be a perfect time to cut out for a breath of fresh air-or something. "Meet me at my car. It's down the street. You know which one," I whispered. "I'll say I have to head out for a minute if they ask."

"Don't let them ask," she came back throatily. "Just bug out now. I'll cut by the back way, and we'll meet there. Hurry up. I'm creaming my panties." And she started away quickly, going to the kitchen.

I slipped out without telling anybody anything. Susie's mom saw me just as I was to the door. I smiled, and made a sign like I had forgotten something, and I hurried the hell out of there. Then I went down the street fast. When I reached my car, I heard Ruthie say through the back window, "I'm here, sweetheart, ready and waiting. Don't waste a minute." And there she was, spread on the seat, her pants on the floor, her cunt big and furry and ready in front of me.

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