Sex Procurer - Cover

Sex Procurer


Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   NonConsensual   Rape   Novel-Pocketbook  

When I was eighteen, I took off on a cross-country bum. Oh, I kept my car, don't worry. But I just went on the bum, not giving a shit where I stopped, not giving a damn what I did. I slept in the back seat of the car or the front seat, it didn't matter, and parked on the road anywhere I felt like, or maybe on a side street in a town I was passing through. I wanted the experience, and I didn't give a shit about anything.

And I picked up broads along the way, too. Cunts are everywhere if you look for them. I found a lot of twats in all- night truck stops. They'd be hanging around the coffee counters, waiting by the cashier register, trying to hop a ride with a truckee. I'd walk up to them and say, "You want to go to the next town?" And nine times out of ten, they'd take the offer.

One night I picked up a broad about twenty-two years old. She was a platinum job with a pair of big boobs in a tight striped sweater and mini-skirt to match. She wore gold heels and no hose, and she had a pair of legs that made you want to crow. "Sure," she said, when I offered her a lift. "Hell, I'll go with anybody."

That pissed me, because she was putting me down, see? So the minute I got her in the car and we started on the road I said, "Like, do you think you're hot shit, baby?"

She looked at me with a crazy little smile. "Like, who's the Mr. Big?" she said.

I grabbed her wrist and yanked her to me. "I'll show you who the Mr. Big is." I snapped. "Get down on it, and find out." And coming up big out of my trousers just the way I had planned it, because I had opened my zipper on the way to the car, was mighty John Henry.

She yelled at first when I grabbed her and twisted her wrist, but all of a sudden she made a little gasp of joy, when she saw what was waiting for her, and then like the beaver she was she was down on it in a hurry. She gobbled it fast.

"Give me a good ride, baby," I told her. "Treat it right. It may like you. Who knows?" And I settled back to drive through the night, her tongue and lips at my ramrod-straight dick.

She sucked me well. She was an expert cock-sucker, definitely no beginner, and she did little crazy whirls with her tongue on my cock's cap, dancing up and down the shaft with a nimble tread. She had my balls out, too and she played pleasurably with them, going around their taut surfaces with her hot lips, nibbling a hair here, a bit of flesh there. And finally, somehow, she managed to get a finger up my asshole, and it gave me a tremendous thrill. Then she went back to sucking my dick again and blew me to a tremendous come.

I shot my juices into her mouth while we were going along the highway at sixty per. And I damned near lost control of the wheel, her suck job being so expert. It was all I could do to hold my foot on the accelerator evenly, too. And actually I pumped it wildly in the minute I popped. It was just too much.

Then she licked my dick well, lapping dry every crevice of my cream-dipped cock, making it perfect in every way, and completing her job by drying it thoroughly on a hanky she pulled from her purse.

"Baby," I said, when she was done, "you're just too much. Where'd you learn to handle a dick like that?"

"Baby," she came right back, "I've got news for you. I'm pro." And she gave me a big smile to go with her words.


"Like, the kind that takes money for it."

"A whore?"

"I hate to call it that. But if you insist."

It turned my stomach. I wasn't a guy who dug whores, that was for sure. I must have revealed my feelings because she said then, "Loverkins, I don't go around advertising it. I just tell my friends." And she stroked my cheek.

"Do I owe you anything?"

"Would you pay if you did?"


"That's your answer then. I don't charge if the sucker doesn't want to pay. I hate having arguments over money."

"You make it sound like a big joke."

"It's no joke. I take money if it's offered. I can stay away from it, though. The money, that is; not the cock. The cock I can't stay away from. Anyway, let's talk about you. Where're you going?"

"I don't know. Where are you going?"

"Is that an invitation?"

"For awhile, maybe."

"Good. Let's make it a twosome." And she went down on my cock again.

It was a pleasant relationship while it lasted, and I profited from it accordingly. She knew people in different towns, I found out, and in one of them she even had an interesting arrangement; it was something that played right into my hands; or maybe I played right into its hands.

Anyway, it went this way: There was a guy named Higgie, and he spoke two languages, English and Spanish, and he knew some people on the border. That's one part of it. The other part was that I should enroll in high school, say I wanted to complete my senior year, and then scout the campus for likely prospects. Are you putting two and two together?

Sally was a nice little cunt. She was screwed-up. She was seventeen and wanted adventure and when the new boy in the school started giving her the eye, she flipped. I was the new boy.

We started seeing each other. She was having home troubles. "A perfect set-up," Angie, my platinum told me. "She lives with an aunt, right? A beautiful set-up. The aunt will never miss her. Oh, she'll get upset for awhile. But I know that kind. The kid will never be missed. Higgie will pay a small fortune for that one, or I miss my bet."

"She's a nice kid," I said. "I hate to do it to her."

Angie laughed. "You'll get used to it if you're not already used to it. Now bring that cunt down to the motel where we're staying, and let's give her the treatment."

Sally was a sweet girl, that's the truth. She really was an innocent kid. Oh, she'd been laid before. She admitted that very early in our so-called courtship. But she was a sweet kid. And she was a pretty thing, too. Oh, not beautiful, but sort of crescent-shaped if you know what I mean; one of those girls who is all soft curves, not outstanding but something nice just the same. And I'll never forget the way she did her brown hair in an elaborate high do that night, especially for the occasion.

Of course she didn't know about the occasion when she went with me to the motel. In fact, she thought I was just dropping by to pick up some money I'd forgotten to bring along for our date. And although she hesitated to go in with me to the motel room, I'm sure she thought it would only take a minute.

But it took a bit longer. Angie was there, propped perfectly on the bed in a black bikini that accented her ivory flesh, and she came at us with a happy bounce, posing as my sister, and exclaiming how very much she had looked forward to meeting Sally. When Sally expressed surprise that I never had mentioned a sister, Angie bubbled over with, "Oh, and I'll bet he's never told you he's leaving for Mexico, either, has he?"

Sally looked at me. I sheepishly nodded according to plan. She was upset. Angie comforted her according to plan. "There, there, sweetheart," Angie told her, pulling Sally in for a good hug, "Men are that way, aren't they? They're so awful." And she gave Sally an almost unnoticed and highly expert roll of box to box. It was a beautiful performance.

Then I stepped in according to plan. "I'll take Sally anywhere," I proclaimed sturdily. "Sally is the one girl I've ever cared for."

"Oh, little brother," Angie then responded theatrically, "what do you know about true love?" She mocked me purposefully with words and smile. Then to Sally, she confided, as woman to woman, "Men don't know what love involves at all, do they, dear?" And when Sally didn't know what to say, Angie continued with, "Sex, for instance. They don't know a thing about sex, do they? And yet they think they know so much."

Sally didn't know the trend of our little drama, so I moved the play a bit further, saying, "I'll bet Sally knows a lot more than you do, sister. I'll bet she knows a lot more."

Then Angie answered, "I didn't say she didn't." And to Sally she queried, "I wasn't even saying that, was I?" But then before Sally could answer, Angie came in solidly with, "Like, who knows fucking better than a woman, right, Sally?" And she bussed Sally's ear lightly.

"Don't talk that way to Sally," I said, pretending to be upset. "Sally doesn't like that kind of language."

Angie laughed according to plan. "Oh, that's silly. I'll bet Sally knows a lot more than you give her credit for, don't you, Sal? Don't you know what fucking is, and cunt-lapping and cock-sucking and taking it up your bunghole? What mature young woman doesn't know those things?" And she clutched Sally even as I clutched the girl.

Then I said, surprisedly, to Sally, "Is it true? Do you really know all those things, Sally?"

When Sally hesitated, Angie encouraged her, saying, "Tell him the truth. Don't deny it. Tell him what every girl knows. Certainly, Sally knows all about those things. You've been screwed, haven't you, Sally? You know what it is to lay a boy, don't you?"

To that I said, "Oh, sure, she does. Sally told me she'd laid boys. But what you said..." And I let my sentence fall.

Then Angie told Sally, "Tell him everything. Say it right in his face. Go ahead. Tell him right now." And she looked directly to the girl.

Sally hesitated again, blushed, looked back and forth from me to Angie, and finally said, "Yes." It was uttered very timidly, and yet, with Angie's quick affectionate clasp and further encouragement, the girl added, "I do know everything. It's true, Ace. I know all about lapping cunts and sucking cocks and all that." She seemed to be forcing herself to say those words, looking to Angie for moral support, and gradually becoming more confident when my supposed sister praised her for her frankness. Finally the girl said, feeling more sure of herself than ever, "And I like them, too. Honest, I do. I really like them." Again she looked to Angie for support.

And Angie said, "Sure, you do. Every girl who knows anything about life likes cocks and cunts. I mean, it's a way to go. There's something beautiful about a good fuck or suck. And an ass reaming really can be beautiful if it's done right. There are all kinds of things that are really terrific, aren't there, Sal?"

Sally nodded. Then it was my turn to pick up a cue, and I said, "Well, Sal, I sure appreciate your frankness, because I was worried about how really to say this to you," and I hesitated again, stringing her along, finally saying, "Because, like, well see, there's this... Well, to be perfectly frank," I blurted, "I'd sure like to stick it to you."

Sally flushed, but Angie laughed merrily; oh so merrily. "See, Sal?" she said. "Didn't I tell you? He's more excited than you are. He wants to cream your bun, and he's like a little kid. But you're mature and sophisticated, Sal. That's why you've got him where you want him."

Sally swallowed it all, perfectly. She actually behaved then as if Angie and she really had discussed that matter. And she suddenly acted so full of confidence with me. She was playing right into our hands; beautifully.

It was the easiest thing in the world then to get Sally out of her clothes. I didn't have to work on her. With Angie's encouragement about how very "mature and sophisticated" Sally was, the mark stripped, and even actually spread herself on the bed, looking up at me half-scared and half-arrogant, waiting to be fucked.

And that's when Angie said happily, "Oh, I want movies of this. I just couldn't stand to watch this without having motion pictures of it." And she quickly went to a closet and brought out a movie camera. When Sally looked dumbly and newly frightened, Angie fobbed her perfectly with, "Oh, I'll bet you've been done on films plenty of times, haven't you?" And of course, "mature and sophisticated" Sally nodded in agreement.

Then Angie was telling Sally, "Suck his cock. That's the first thing to do. Suck his cock. Guys like to have their dicks licked. It gets them real excited. They like a good suck better than almost anything else. Suck his yang, Sal. Go ahead. And let me catch it on film." Angie went onto her knees beside the bed and zeroed the camera in for the action as I dropped to the bed and Sally came onto her own knees to lick my pork.

She was really a lovely girl, and I looked at those big tits, and saw those tremendous corneas on them, and saw the way her nipples had started to jut out, and I wanted nothing better than to cream her world. As she came to me, going down on my meat, I played with her titties. I worked her nips back and forth between fingers and thumbs and made her shiver all over. She let out a little coo and was very excited and nervous. I knew she had never been in on a scene like that before, and the thought of it turned me on. I got a massive hard-on that just went straight for her mouth when she lowered her lips to me. And I sent my pork between her lips the moment cock and mouth touched.

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