Sex Procurer - Cover

Sex Procurer


Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   NonConsensual   Rape   Novel-Pocketbook  

Well, that was the first time. And it did something to me. Don't ask me what, but it did something to me. For instance, the guys really looked up to me after that. I thought it was crazy, but they did. They never forgot that I lined them up with that bitch Wanda. As far as I was concerned, it didn't matter; but they thought I was terrific for doing it.

See, with me it was something else. I wasn't interested in being a big guy with them. I wanted to hurt that bitch. That's all I cared about. I just wanted to hurt her. Nothing else mattered. But hurting her that way did something to me. It turned me on somehow, and pretty soon I was wanting more of the same. It wasn't long before I was looking around for some duplicate action.

And it was within the next year that I saw another perfect mark. It happened one night when I was cruising around and I dropped by a drive-in hamburger place. A cute little carhop waited on me. She had black hair in a simple flip and big brown eyes and a real happy smile and a turned-up nose. And talk about a figure! She wore a tight white blouse and tighter-than-tight black capris, and the only word you could think of to describe it was Fuck. Just that: she was the picture of a solid beautiful fuck. I made up my mind to make it, but definitely.

But for all her pretty smiles and her flirtatious eyes, she played hard-to-get. I didn't even get her into my car until I had spent a solid week of long hours at that place buying hamburgers and malts and tipping her like crazy. And when she finally consented to go on a date with me on her night off, I wanted more than ever to put her in her place. I really wanted to sting that broad, believe me.

So that night we went to a drive-in movie, and I really went to work on her. I nuzzled her neck and kissed her earlobes and sent all kinds of little shivers up and down her spine, and it wasn't long before I had my hand inside her button-down-the-front sweater and was feeling her boobs through her bra.

"Oh lover," she sighed, "don't do that." And she fell back against the seat, rested her head like a swan on a rock, and closed her eyes and let me keep on doing what I wasn't supposed to do. Pretty soon she spread her legs and slid down in the seat so that her skirt went up and her stocking tops were in sight and then her bare flesh above them appeared and finally her panties could be seen. Just the sight of that turned me on more than ever even while I was reaching behind her to unsnap her bra.

Then she reached to my cock and played with it through my trousers. "Take it out," I told her, "and show me how much you care."

She didn't make a move except with her hand, and deftly she zipped down my fly and pulled out my rod and began giving it a working-up and down. I wanted to go through the ceiling, it was so damned good.

Then she came off the back of the seat and let me pull away her sweater. She hunched a shoulder and let me draw off her bra, hunched the other and let me take it off all the way. When that was done, she leaned back again and let me see those adorable knockers. I slobbered just to kiss them. Beautiful jugs. Tremendous orbs. They were like something a great sculptor might carve; absolutely perfect. No sag; nothing but firm, solid flesh. And her coronas were wide things, really wide, so big they practically took up her whole tits. And her nipples came at you like they were going to pierce your heart. All you ever wanted to do was suck on those nipples for the rest of your life.

I can assure you, it was tough even to think of going through with my plan. When that baby played with my balls, all I wanted to do was think of paradise. And that's why I kept saying to her, "Show me how much you love me, baby. Show me how much you love me." Finally I started taking her head and tried to bring her down on me.

But she had her own thing going. "Take off my pants," she whispered hotly to my ear, holding my cheeks with both her hot little paws, and she moaned from the good feeling of it all. "Take off my pants, please." She lifted her haunches off the seat so that I could lower her drawers.

I wrapped her skirt around her waist and slid her pants down very slowly, rolling the soft nylon as I admired that beautiful flesh appearing. Then her pussy was in sight, and I yanked them away with a rush, and gazed at that black furry loveliness.

"Kiss it," she said. "Go down and kiss it." And now she moved my head the way I had moved hers.

But I didn't resist. Don't ask me why, but I didn't put up a fight. Maybe I was hypnotized by that furry cat. All I know is, I got down on that floor somehow, cramped myself between the dashboard and the seat, turned her so that she lay against her door, spread her legs and locked them around my neck and shoulders, and went to work with my lips and tongue on her hot snatch.

"Ooohh, lover," she squealed, "you're the greatest." And she sent her big pussy against my mouth with a private vengeance. She wriggled and turned and shoved her pussy hard on my mouth.

I licked her cunt solidly. I sucked her wet hairs and started her juices. She smelled like a fish and yet I liked that smell. I probed her twat lips and inserted my tongue between them, plying her snatch like a vessel plows the sea. I speared her vagina and licked down the juices of her cunt walls. She held my head like she would crush my skull, and she moaned and sighed and wriggled her rump.

My rock was throbbing. Involuntarily I began making small jabbing movements, unable to control myself, fucking the air. My gut ached and I knew I would come any minute. Up and down my spine a series of pulsating chills passed so exquisitely that I wanted to cry from the good feeling.

Then I couldn't stand it any longer. I didn't give a shit who saw us from any other car or what was happening on the screen. I had to screw her. And I climbed up from that floor, forced myself beyond the locked embrace of her legs around my neck and shoulders, and flopped into her, sending my dick like a stark wedge into her hot body. She moaned loudly at my penetration, and I sent my big dick all the way up her cunt and tried to stuff all of it inside her.

She threw her legs around my waist and kicked her heels onto the dashboard, clasped my shoulders with her hands, and bit my earlobes, one and the other, ferociously as she pounded my cock with her cunt. I built up a steady rhythm, dug my heels past the brake pedal against the firewall, and rammed her twat as hard as I could on the in-stroke. On the out-strokes I pulled away till only the tip of my cock's massive head was to her cunt lips. Then I plunged her deeply and sharply, swiftly and solidly, again. Soon I had her gasping. She began clawing my shirt, ripping it to shreds, mounting her fury wantonly, unable to control herself in the least.

Then I went to town on her tits. Doubled up the way she was, they were practically in front of my mouth anyway. So I began sucking hell out of them. I licked them and sucked them but good. I bit them a couple of times and made her want to scream. And the more I worked her tits, the wilder her cunt got. Pretty soon she was a series of wild circles, swinging about furiously in an effort to get all the sex she ever could get.

Finally neither of us could delay ourselves another second even if we had wanted to, and we were wound up like alarm clocks ready to snap our coils. And snap our coils we did! In a sudden flushing rush, everything in us seemed to spill out. Suddenly we just simply lurched at each other, and the world itself might have flowed away in our come. It just kept going, going, going. "Oooh," she cried. "Oooh." And our bodies were locked in the wildest heat I think I'd ever known.

We pounded each other repeatedly still, but with ever less intensity, our guts finally spilling themselves away to each other. And then there came that moment when we didn't have to shove as much or as hard, and when we could breathe again; and we took deep breaths and gradually regained our senses. And all the while we finished our final jabs, those last small thrusts to release whatever nerves hadn't been released yet.

"Wow," she exclaimed when we were done. "What a fuck." She shook her head in amazement and sighed deeply. "I never thought anything ever could be so good. Wow."

"Would you like some more of the same some other time?" I said, my dick still in her cunt.

"Would I? You bet! I'll never be able to get enough of that wonderful stuff."

"Sure," I said. "I know what you mean. Okay, I'll see what I can do for you." And already I was thinking ahead.

We fucked again that night. She had an amazing snatch. She was able to work her cunt muscles with my dick inside her, and in no time at all, she had me up for another go-around. I gave her plenty of juice a second time, and then she licked my cock clean to show her gratitude for two solid fucks. "I could fuck you some more," I said, "but I want to save you for a good thing tomorrow night. Can you get off work?"

"Ace, I'll get off work every night for cock like yours," she answered. "I don't know why I waited so long to try it out. Really, I don't."

"Sure," I said. "So tomorrow night we'll have a surprise for you." And I knew exactly what the surprise would be.

The next night I gathered some of the guys together. "This one's even better than the last," I told them. "You'll love her. Meet us down at the log by the bridge in the park. She'll be ready for you, don't worry."

Dotty, that was the cunt's name, was surprised that we should be going there. "Sweetheart, I could have taken you home tonight," she said. "My parents aren't home, and we can still go there if you want. I mean, a bed is a lot better than a park."

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