Sex Ahead - Cover

Sex Ahead


Chapter 6

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6 -

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Novel-Pocketbook  

Paul T. Findley was deep in thought as he browsed through the mountain of documentation Laura Stevens had dumped on his desk. "You have enough material here for a dozen books," he said, glancing up at the attractive young woman who sat across from him with a satisfied smile on her face.

"I believe in being thorough," she told him. "I've got everything I need to start writing. I have all the facts on Dorothy Baker and her son Mark, Mary Anne Overton and her son Brian, Jennifer Henderson and her son Jamie, Irma Thatcher and her son Michael, and Patricia Preston and her son Manley!"

"So I see," said Findley. "Unbelievable. I don't see how you managed to dig up this stuff all by yourself."

"It wasn't easy," Laura told him. "But I know how."

"That's obvious," said Findley. "Now I suppose you want to get started on putting all or most of this into a book?"

"That's what we agreed on," said Laura.

Findley looked at her and shook his head.

Laura looked puzzled. "What's wrong? Is there something there you have a question about?"

"This Jennifer Henderson and her son Jamie," said Findley, going through a file folder of papers. "Wife and son of Frank Henderson. You know who he is, of course?"

"W-what do you mean?" asked Laura.

"He has a fabulously successful book store in Tuttleville. He does a tremendous business in that whole area. We wholesale a huge volume of books to him. It would be a horrendous loss to this publishing company if he were to cut us off."

"I don't understand," said Laura.

"Well, what do you think he's going to do when we offer him your book, a book which gives the lowdown on his wife having sex with their teenage son?" Findley pointed out.

"Oh..." said Laura.

"He's going to sue us, of course," said Findley. "But whether he wins or loses, he'll never buy another book from us. We can kiss umpteen thousands of dollars goodbye right there."

"I see," said Laura, clearing her throat. "Well, Okay. We'll leave them out of the book. God knows we have plenty of others."

Findley shifted in his seat as he looked at her. "There's more. You've been researching the women and their sons. I've had a crew checking out their husbands. They aren't just plain working stiffs, or clerks in a store. These men are pretty powerful cookies. They have clout. Stanley Baker, for instance, has political connections. I don't mean little ones either. I mean he's in with the big boys, like you wouldn't believe, people who would be embarrassed if your book embarrassed Stanley. You get what I mean?"

"So far - yes."

"And this Hugo Overton," Findley went on. "I shudder to think what he could do to us. His company, of which he's a major stockholder, controls the voting stock of Vitmar Enterprises, and that happens to be the controlling stockholder of this publishing company. Get the picture?"

"Oh my God!" Laura gasped.

"Now let's take a look at Charlie Bradner," said Findley. "What you've got written here about his wife Norma and their son Michael, would curl his hair if he was to read about it. It would make him get very nasty. His banking interests finance this publishing company's ventures. The bank in which he has a considerable clout, also holds the mortgage on my home and the lien on my yacht. What do you think of that?"

Laura did not look at all happy. Her air of confidence seemed to evaporate like the morning mist in the heat of the day. In its place was an appearance of obvious anxiety.

"Is there more?" she asked, almost fretfully.

"Just the fact that these women you mention here in your pile of facts and exposes, are all good friends of each other. You hurt one of them and the others will rise up in arms. You damage all of them and with the power and influence their husbands have, you'll pull the roof down around our ears. This book, if we went through with it, would no doubt wreck their homes and marriages, but they in turn would surely wreck us."

"What are you saying then? What's the bottom line?" asked Laura.

"Just what our attorneys have told us - forget it!"

Laura looked stunned. For a moment she sat there and said nothing. Then finally she spoke in a quavering voice, "All that work. All those months!"

"Down the drain," Findley finished for her. He shrugged. "That's the way the ball bounces. You haven't lost anything. You got a paycheck every week, against the royalties on the book. You lived pretty good on an expense account. It's our loss not yours!"

"I feel crushed," said Laura.

Findley grinned at her. "You'll get over it. So will we. It all comes off our income tax."

"What now?" she managed to ask.

"First, this pile of garbage," said Findley, motioning with his hand to the pile of papers she had covered his desk with, "goes into the shredder, along with those pictures and the negatives. They are here, aren't they, somewhere?"

"In that brown envelope..."

He opened the envelope and withdrew the 8 x 10 prints that were in full color. He gazed a long time at the shot of Mary Anne Overton on her hands and knees, with her son Brian crouched behind her, shoving his prick up her ass. "I'd love to keep these, for my personal collection. But I don't dare. I'd be afraid of them. They have to go."

"What do I do now?" asked Laura.

"You mean about work? I'll have another assignment for you, one that won't get this publishing company in hot water. But that's for later. Right now you help me put all this stuff through the shredder. And don't miss anything. And if you have any more stuff, that you haven't brought in - get rid of it. Burn it!"

"I-It's all here. Everything."

Findley grinned. "Good. Then after we've taken care of this stuff, let's go to your place and fool around. Your husband isn't due back for another three days."

What happened after they were at Laura's place, made that evening's TV news and was splattered all over the pages of the newspaper the next morning. When they entered the house, Laura and Findley headed straight up the stairs to her bedroom, took off their clothes and got onto the bed. The last thing they ever suspected was that her husband had arrived home three days early and instead of checking in with Findley's office right away, was sitting in the kitchen having a cup of coffee.

When he heard someone come in, Jerry was about to call out to Laura, then realized there was someone with her - a man. When he heard them go on upstairs and into her bedroom, he began to wonder what in hell was going on. He, too, went up the stairs, making no sound on the thickly carpeted stairs and hall floor. He got to the bedroom door just in time to see his naked wife and her employer - their employer - also naked, get onto the bed together and wrap their arms about each other.

Jerry was in no hurry. He watched while his anger came to a boil, and then just as Findley climbed on top of Laura and sent his long hard pecker up into her waiting pussy, he let out a cry that was that of a madman. He dived for the bed in one mighty lunge, grabbed the underside of it and heaved it upward. Laura and Findley toppled to the floor on the far side, with the bed, mattress and covers spilling on top of them. Laura's screams of fright mingled with Findley's cries of shock and near terror.

Frantically Laura's boss and lover fought his way out from under the covers and the mattress, to be met with a pile driving blow to his middle. He doubled over just as he was coming to his feet. Then a second hefty blow closed one of his eyes and broke his nose.

Laura sprang free of the debris and amid a blur of straining bodies, she was consumed with panic. Fearing she was about to get the same as Findley was getting, she dashed through the bedroom door and down the stairs. Close on her heels was Findley, who wrenched himself free of his attacker. Laura, thinking it was her irate husband breathing down her neck, flung open the front door and raced out into the street. Findley, seeing with his one good eye an avenue of escape, raced after her, both of them oblivious of the fact they were naked. Their headlong dash out the front door carried them down the steps, across the front lawn and almost into the path of a passing police cruiser. Laura's husband, on reaching the front door, slammed it shut and locked it.

A month later his harrowing escapade made him the laughing stock of the city, the brunt of all the barroom jokes, a favorite subject of nightclub comedians, Findley made the news again when his wife kicked off what was soon to be the messiest divorce trial the city had ever known. Reporters had a field day. It went on for months and when it was over, Findley's wife walked off with everything. By then Laura and her husband were also divorced. It had been a messy thing, too, but was overshadowed by the news worthiness of the one her employer went through.

Laura was on her knees, by the foot of the bed. She was naked, except for her brief panties and the ropes which bound her hands behind her back. She looked somewhat pale but that was because of her anxiety. This was the first time her young brother had ever bound her. Her eyes darted nervous glances at him.

Her tits rose and fell with her breathing. She was excited. There was no denying that. She hadn't been home very long before she found that just looking at her teenage brother was enough to get her all worked up.

After her divorce from her irate husband, Jerry, and all the unfavorable publicity she was forced to endure, she had to get away, to hide somewhere. Maybe forever. She packed up and went home to her parents, who lived in a small town a thousand miles from where she had been besieged by thoughtless reporters and inconsiderate photographers. Wasn't that an ironic twist? She'd been pretty thoughtless and inconsiderate herself, hadn't she? Considering what she had planned to do in her blind unreasoning ambition to have a series of best-selling books, she had no room to criticize anyone else for being thoughtless and inconsiderate.

How different things seemed when the shoe was on the other foot, she thought. Her mind dwelt on those women in Tuttleville and what she had found out they were doing with their teenage sons. Now the shoe was indeed on the other foot, for wasn't she doing the same thing, performing the same forbidden acts with her young brother Ron?

It began soon after she moved in, several weeks before, though she had no thoughts whatever of doing anything like that with her own brother - at first. Then, because she had considerable experience and training in observing such things, being able to recognize when it was happening, she soon realized her young brother was screwing his mother, whenever she and her father weren't around. She didn't miss either, the way her young brother looked at her, with lust written all over his handsome grinning face. The horny young devil wasn't content with having his mother's pussy whenever he could get at it. He wanted his sister's too. Well that was all right with her. The thought of her brother and her mother having sex with each other whenever they were alone, touched off a spark within her that flared into passion. Why should her mother have all the fun? Her young brother was a handsome, well built, muscular kid. She'd like nothing better than to have him between her legs.

The opportunity was there. Both her parents worked, so as soon as her brother got home in the afternoon when school was out, they had over two hours to be alone together, before her parents got home from work.

She didn't waste any time, once she decided to make it with him. As soon as he got home from school one afternoon, she practically climbed all over him. Her young brother was delighted. They went up to her room and got undressed. She got onto the bed and spread her legs. Her brother climbed on top of her and started fucking her. God, was he ever good. Really sensational. And he could talk her into anything. He had that quality about him that made a woman want to do everything she could think of to please him. No wonder he had been able to screw his mother. And now his sister.

This horny young devil had a lot of ideas. They did all kinds of wild things together. And him fucking her in the ass was only one of them.

Then after several weeks of being gloriously fucked by him every afternoon, he started coaxing her into letting him tie her up. And today she let him. Why not? He was a good kid, and he loved her. She could trust him not to do anything too far out. She never would have let Findley or her husband tie her up. Both those bastards had a mean streak in them and she wasn't about to see it in action while she was helpless. But her young brother wasn't like that. And the idea of having her hands tied behind her excited her, even if she was just a little bit nervous about it.

Her tits rose and fell with her breathing. She was hotly aroused and she breathed in quick panting gasps, as though she could not catch her breath. Her rapid breathing caused her full round boobs to bounce and jiggle, which in turn caused her young brother to gaze at them like he wanted to devour them.

Laura was kneeling on the thickly carpeted floor, her lovely legs folded under her. She had a beautiful shape, with flaring hips and well rounded thighs. With her hands bound behind her back, her tits stood out even farther, as though inviting her brother to come and enjoy them. She loved it when he sucked on her boobs. He'd spend an hour on them, kissing, licking and sucking, sending her through one orgasm after another.

Her thin panties were tight across her flesh, the flimsy garment stretched taut across her satiny smooth hips. They were bikini style, low cut and of a material that enabled one to see right through them. Her cunt hair, pressed against the sheer fabric, was clearly visible. They were pulled tight in the crotch, so that the narrow band nestled between her fleshy pussy lips.

Her thighs were smooth and rounded. The cheeks of her shapely ass rested on the backs of her heels. She squirmed restlessly.

Her young brother was bare from the waist up. He was wearing his pajama bottoms, the front of the thin material poking out in front because he obviously had a raging hardon. Laura gazed at it fondly. Then she looked up. Their eyes met and they stared lustfully at each other. Her hair spilled down her back as she tilted her head to look up at him. Her expression was slavishly adoring.

His hand reached out and he caressed her silken hair. It was thick and healthy and there was a lot of it. Waves of it spilled over her tits, partially veiling them.

Laura licked her lips. "Y-you. didn't have to tie me, Ron!"

"Didn't I?"

Color flared in her cheeks. She gazed into his eyes. "You know I'll do anything you want."

"You nervous about being tied?" he teased.

"A-a little."

"Doesn't it give you a thrill to be tied up like that and know you can't stop me from doing whatever I decide to do?"

"You worry me when you talk like that."

"Worrying is part of the turn on," he told her. "I only tied your hands behind your back, because you're still nervous about it. What I really want is to spread you out on the bed, then tie your hands and ankles to the four corners. That really makes you feel helpless."

"My God!" Laura gasped. "I don't know if I'd like that or not."

Her brother laughed. "Mrs. Gordon likes it."

"Who is Mrs. Gordon?"

"My history teacher. I go home with her after school now and then. Her husband doesn't get home until six. We do all kinds of things together. I tie her to the bed face down. Then I fuck her in the ass and she can't do a thing about it. She pretends she doesn't want me to, then hollers and moans when I put my prick up her back route. What really turns her on is that she's so helpless. I could go home and leave her like that, for her husband to find when he came home. When I tell her that's what I'm going to do, it freaks her right out."

"Oh God!" Laura gasped. "You wouldn't actually do that, would you?"

Her brother laughed. "Not hardly. She'd have to tell her husband about her and me. Then he'd come over here and beat the living hell out of me. But while she's tied up, it's easy for her to think that I might, and that gets her really worked up."

"I can understand that," said Laura. "I'm pretty worked up myself!"

He caressed her soft cheek. She turned her head to the side so she could kiss his hand. She pressed her lips against his fingers and made soft little mewling sounds.

"Those ropes that bind you, Sis - are the physical symbol of the way you are totally bound to my will, body and soul."

"Sure," Laura agreed quickly. "But if they are only a symbol, darling, why do you need them at all? You know I'll obey you!"

"Will you? Maybe. This way I know you will. Anyway, the ropes remind you that you belong to me. You're my woman, to do what I want with!"

He hauled his stiff cock out through the gap in the front of his pajama bottoms, and guided it to her mouth. Laura stuck out her tongue and licked it. It slithered over his dick, licking it in a manner she knew he liked. He dropped his pajama bottoms, pulled his feet free of them, then stood with his legs wide apart, while she licked his balls. Then her lips engulfed the head and he shoved it gently into her mouth. Laura opened wider, the corners of her mouth stretching to accommodate her brother's cock. She rubbed against it as it filled her mouth. She could feel his shaft spasm with arousal. She tightened her lips around the head, which was now well oiled with her saliva. As she went at it, her head bobbed back and forth. With both hands on her head, her brother held her gently but firmly as she sucked him.

"Get ready, Sis," he groaned. "You're going to get a mouthful!"

Laura knew that. He fed his cock to her, stuffing it into her mouth. He gasped as she closed her lips on his shaft. Her lips were curled over her teeth, so she wouldn't scratch his tender shaft. Her lips pressed his cock just below the rim of the head, as it pulsed in her mouth. She flicked her tongue against his silky smooth flesh. She rubbed her tongue against the tip of the cockhead, licking its tiny slit. She sucked and slurped on his prick, like she had many times before. Saliva leaked from the corners of her mouth, spilling onto her chin, wetting it.

Her brother caressed her neck and shoulders as she sucked him. He pushed in deeper, rubbing his cockhead against the roof of her mouth. It was all smooth and slippery, as he massaged his heated shaft against it.

Laura pressed her tongue up against the underside of his prick, rubbing it stimulatingly against his throbbing woman pleaser. She heard her brother sigh with erotic pleasure. He didn't try to hide the fact he was enjoying her cocksucking immensely. So she worked even harder for his pleasure.

He eased his prick farther into her mouth. Her lips massaged the shaft as it glided past them, probing for her throat. Laura was eager to please. Her cheeks hollowed as she sucked. Her brother pushed in. Her eyes widened as he fed her the heated length of his cock until it was in her throat. She started to choke, so he pulled back a few inches and let her breathe.

His cock twitched on her tongue. He pulled it back farther, withdrawing it until only its knobbed head remained between her lips. The shaft of his prick was red and throbbing. Her saliva made it shine. Laura slithered her tongue around the head, sucking him eagerly.

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