Sex Ahead - Cover

Sex Ahead


Chapter 3

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3 -

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Novel-Pocketbook  

There was no doubt about it, Jamie Henderson had special privileges. If anyone could have seen what he was doing at that moment, they would have agreed that no other eighteen-year-old boy could have gotten away with such a thing like that. But that might not have been quite true. In fact, there may have been quite a few teenage boys doing the same thing. But anyway, he did have special privileges. That was evident when he crawled into bed with his mother, lifted up her nightie and put his hand on her cunt.

What's more, his mother didn't even object. You would have expected this very attractive, red-haired young woman (she was only thirty-six) to behave like any other mother would have (well, some of them anyway), that she would have awakened and on seeing that her son was in bed with her and was fingering her pussy, have raised absolute hell. She did awaken, but what she did after that was to turn over on her side facing him, give him a warm loving smile and reach for his fully erect cock, while their mouths came together in a hot passionate kiss.

Mrs. Frank (Jennifer) Henderson wasn't at all worried that they would be caught doing what they were doing. Her husband had already left for his business, a book store on the main street of Tuttleville, and she and her son had the house all to themselves. She knew her son would never get into bed with her until he had seen his father back his car out of the driveway. Then he would lock the doors, so that it would be safe for him to get into bed with his mother and go after her pussy.

Jennifer moaned softly as she felt her son's finger ease its way into her already moist twat. Their lips parted and she looked at him with an endearing smile.

"You really take over, don't you, as soon as your father is out of the house," she teased.

"Wouldn't Dad flip if he could see us now?" said Jamie, grinning at her. "He thinks that now that school is out for the summer, I sleep until noon every day."

"That's because he doesn't really know his son very well, has no idea what a bundle of energy you are, an absolute ball of fire, when you're in bed with your mother," said Jennifer. "I should be ashamed to admit this, but I like having my son in bed with me."

"That's nothing to be ashamed of, Mom, since nobody knows about it but you and me," Jamie told her. "Besides, it's all Dad's fault anyway. He shouldn't leave for the store every morning without taking care of you before he leaves. He should know you well enough by now to realize how hot and horny you are during the day, especially in the morning."

"I'm afraid your father couldn't do much about it anyway, even if he did know," said Jennifer. "He's so out of it in the morning, he's doing well just to get dressed, get into his car and make it to the store. Even then he can't function until he's downed a pot of coffee."

"Well, that's okay by me," said Jamie. "It made things just that much easier. That first time I crawled into bed with you, you hardly put up any struggle at all."

Jennifer laughed. "Who are you kidding? I gave you all kinds of hints that Mother wouldn't mind you getting into bed with her. If you hadn't come into my room when you did, I'd have gone into yours and got into bed with you."

She sat up, pulled her nightie up over her head and tossed it aside. "There, that better?" she asked, leaning over him and dragging one of her soft fleshy tits across his face. "You like being in bed with your mother when she's bare naked, don't you, you bad boy."

Jamie laughed and wrapped his arms around her, one hand on her back and the other on her ass, then rolled her onto her back. Looking down at her, he caressed her legs, fondled her pussy and teased it again with his finger. Moisture was oozing from her snatch, telling him she was hot and ready. Both his hands went up over her belly to her tits and he played with them. He kissed her face, her neck, her shoulders, then sucked on both her tits. After he gave them a good going over, he kissed her mouth again. He climbed on top of her and the head of his cock prodded the lips of her pussy. He felt her legs come up over his hips, pulling him tighter against her. He had not even begun to slip his cock into her, yet he was already feeling pleasure just from being on top of her. He was sure his mother felt the same way.

"Come on, darling. Push it into me," she said in a lewd whisper. "I want it. Oh, I want it so very much. I love these mornings when you're in bed with me. I don't know what I'll ever do, when you go off to college this fall."

"No problem, Mom. I'm enrolling at Amhurst, just fifteen miles away and I can live at home, instead of campus. I'll have plenty of time to make love to you after Dad is gone and I have to leave. I'm going to be in bed with you every morning for years to come."

"Oh sweetheart, that's so wonderful to hear," Jennifer said breathlessly. "You don't know how it turns me on to hear you say that. I think I'm going to stay here in bed and be good to you all day long."

She let out a little cry of delight as her son's enormous cock pushed its way into her. In it went, inch by inch, pushing in a ways, then drawing back, then going in deeper. By the time several inches of his shaft was in her, her ass was moving in an erotic motion, harmonizing with the movements his prick was making as it went in deeper and deeper.

"Oh Lord, you're big," she cooed, with a note of satisfaction in her voice. "It makes me feel so deliciously wicked, to have my son's big solid cock in my pussy."

Her words filled him with lust and made his cock quiver in its urgent need. Their lips met again as he moved into her a little at a time. He could feel her pussy hugging his shaft. It was a tight fit and he had to let her get it all, before they really went into action. He didn't mind the time it took. The sensation of going into her a little at a time, was exciting and it felt good. Everything about his lovely red-haired mother felt good.

Finally he had his entire shaft in her. He could feel his balls wedged in the crack of her ass. His mother groaned, then sighed. Then her arms tightened around his neck and she kissed him again.

"Now comes the really good part," she breathed, "when you stop teasing your mother. Fuck me!"

He started moving it in and out, in long slow strokes. Her slippery cuntal juices oozing out of her pussy were doing the job of making it easier and added to the pleasure they were both feeling. His cock began to slide like a smooth piston, in and out, in and out, and with such a tight feeling as his mother's cunt was providing, the feeling for him was out of this world. Her legs moved. Her feet were on the backs of his legs, then up higher. He could tell that she liked what she was getting so much, she couldn't help squirming around beneath him. Her legs were up over his back now, and her body was working with his. And when he shot off his load in a passionate fury and thrust forward as far as he could go, she cried out with joy and took him all the way. He could feel her getting off when he did and her cunt was gripping his cock, like she wanted him to keep pumping the way he was.

He collapsed on top of her and after a while her legs fell off his back, to the bed. They lay there breathing heavily against each other. Thinking that he might be too heavy for her, he made an effort to roll off of her but she stopped him, bringing her arms around his back and holding him.

"Don't you dare," she whispered. "I love the feeling of you on top of me."

"But I'm heavy -"

"Not too heavy. I like it."

"Okay by me. You feel very comfortable."

"I'm built for comfort," she said with a little laugh. "Think back to those times before you started being naughty with your mother, and how you longed to get on top of me. Now you are. Isn't it nice?"

"I can't think of anything nicer."

A short time later, he slipped his hands under his mother's ass, got a firm grip on both her fleshy round globes, then rolled over onto his back, taking her with him. Now he could feel her against him along the full length of their bodies, without worrying that he might crush her. He could feel her warm moist pussy against his cock that was already stiffening up again. He felt her tits against his chest, and his hands were free to explore her sexy ass, to rub between her legs and send thrills through her that made her cunt pulsate against his cock. He knew what his mother liked and how she appreciated him giving it to her.

He'd had plenty of opportunity to learn all the little things that drove his mother wild. He knew the positions she liked to be in most, although it seemed she liked any position he wanted to get her into. As long as she had her son's cock inside her, as far as it would go, she was happy. Up to now he'd fucked her every afternoon when he got home from school. But now that school was out for the summer, he began fucking her in the morning too, right after his father left for work. Sometimes they stayed in bed most of the day, fucking. They didn't do that often, though. She had housework to do, and shopping to be done. And the laundry. Jamie helped her with all of that, giving her more time to do naughty things with him. It was nice to be able to fuck her throughout the day, right up until his father came home from work.

He brought his hands up along her sides, caressing her full round tits with his palms. He felt her passion growing, as it was growing with him. He felt her legs spreading wide, causing her pussy to open so that the head of his cock was poking between the lips. Then raising her hips, his mother reached down between them, held his steel-like cock so that it was pointing upward and she lowered her pussy onto it. Just the head went in, as her mouth pressed onto his in a kiss of increasing passion. As they kissed she moved her pussy up and down, never taking more than the head, and it sent thrills all through him that made him want to stay in bed with his mother forever.

Then she began slowly taking more of his cock into her each time, and he could feel his load growing. It swelled out the vein and made all the nerve endings more sensitive. His mother was running the show this time and that was fine with him. She never failed to make it good for him - and herself. That slow slide her pussy made down his cock, right to his groin, caused his mother to let out a little cry of delight. She raised herself up slowly, then slid down his cock again. She was sitting on him now. Her cries of pleasure became more intense. The fourth time she did it, he was moaning with her and he had his hands on both her tits, squeezing them gently and running his hands over the stiffened nipples. She gave him a long pleasurable fucking, with her cunt doing most of the work. Their breathing became heavier. She came down on top of him, flattening her tits against his chest. She straightened out her legs so that they were stretched out behind her, alongside his. Then her mouth pressed onto his, her lips hot and demanding, her tongue darting forth in search of his.

She couldn't go slow now. Her ass began gyrating faster and faster. He felt his leg muscles going tight. That ticklish sensation began in his cock and his balls, and he pushed clear off the mattress, taking his mother with him. The way she was writhing on top of him and telling him how good it was, he knew she was right there at the peak of sensation, about to plunge into her orgasm. Half suspended in mid-air as she was, he shot his load into her and both of them humped and jerked as they came off together. Finally he collapsed and she came down with him.

He could have stayed there forever, especially when his mother told him that she could too. With her on top of him, his prick still in her, they rested - and then went at it again.

Two hours later, his mother, nestled in his arms, inhaled deeply and wrinkled her nose. "Good heavens, we both reek of sex. And your come is all over me, my hips, my belly and even my tits."

Jamie laughed. "Sorry, Mom, but pushing my cock back and forth between your tits felt so good, I couldn't help shooting off. My come is all over your neck and chin too."

His mother laughed with him. "You might have warned me. Then I could have put my mouth over your cock before you shot off. It's a shame to waste it."

"Don't worry, Mom. There's plenty more where that came from."

"I can believe that easy enough."

He gave his mother a loving kiss. "I love the way you smell after we've fucked. And I like the smell of your pussy, when it's hot and aroused."

"Your male scent is a turn-on for me, too," she replied. "That's why we go at it again and again, I guess."

His mother was grateful for his attention - not to mention his big hard cock - and she showed it in so many lewd, obscene and loving ways that Jamie didn't show much interest in screwing the teenage girls in his neighborhood.

Not that he passed up any good looking pussy that came his way. He surely didn't. He had something that really turned the girls on, and in this day and age a girl wasn't at all shy about seeking him out and offering it to him. He already had quite a few virgins to his credit. He enjoyed collecting virgins, being the first guy to crawl up between a girl's legs and show her how good it felt to have a solid cock moving up into her untried but eager cunt. He was quite secretive about his conquests and nobody knew a thing about it, except his mother. He told his mother everything, because she loved to hear about the naughty things her son did. After he related all the details of how he had given a girl her first fuck, his mother would be so hot and horny she would climb all over him. She'd grab hold of his steel-like cock and stuff it into her snatch, then go to work on him like she was intent on showing him once again that a teenage girl couldn't love him up half as good as she could.

To Jamie, being able to fuck his mother whenever he wanted to, as often as he wanted, was the greatest thing that ever happened to him. His lovely mother was the hottest, wildest and most sensuous piece of ass a guy could ever wish to have. And he fucked her like he could never get enough of her.

She was all his, too. She didn't fool around with other men, even though there were plenty of them around, some of them his father's good buddies, who wanted to get into her panties. But she didn't give them the time of day. She got all the extramarital sex she needed from her own son. They had a good thing going and they were good for each other. Since they fucked in the privacy of their own home, there was little chance they'd ever be caught doing it. The possibility of his father finding out he was screwing his mother, was pretty remote. So he and his mother had little to worry about and they fucked each other silly.

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