Sex Ahead - Cover

Sex Ahead


Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 -

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Novel-Pocketbook  

It was past eleven and if a stranger had been in Tuttleville that evening he would have assumed that most of the people who lived there went to bed with the chickens. He would have been right, even if they didn't go right to sleep after they got into bed.

Maple Street, which was in one of the town's nicer residential areas, was in darkness, except for the lights that glowed in several upstairs windows. At number 212 which was the Baker residence, a light shined in the upstairs' window that was Mrs. Baker's bedroom. Inside, Dorothy Baker was giggling instead of sleeping. She couldn't help giggling when she was being tickled, and right now she was giggling uncontrollably.

"Oh Mark, stop!" she gasped, trying to catch her breath. "Please, no more... don't."

She was naked and face down on the bed, her head and shoulders resting on the mattress, her beautiful blonde hair in disarray. But she was on her knees, so that her rear end was sticking up in the air. Pressed up close behind her, Mark was sitting between her calves, his legs stretched out on either side of her. He had a firm loving grip on her smooth satiny buns with his face thrust from time to time, into the groove between the round fleshy globes of her ass.

"No more now," said Dorothy. "Take it easy."

"I thought you liked analingus, Mom," said Mark with a laugh.

"My, what a fancy name for running your tongue up and down the crack of your mother's bum, and kissing and licking all over and around her butthole," Dorothy replied, breathing heavily. "You know I like it, or I wouldn't be letting you do it. My God, if our neighbors could see us like this. You'd think that doing naughty things with my son is something I'd be used to by now."

"Gosh, Mom, I thought I'd found all your ticklish spots. I never knew about this one before."

"Well you know about it now. Gimme a break."

"How come I've never found this ticklish spot before, Mom?" asked Mark. "It doesn't bother you when I put my prick up your bumhole. And I've been fucking you in the ass for the past two years. Since -"

"Your eighteenth birthday," Dorothy cut in. "It was your present. I knew you wanted that."

"Yeah," said Mark with a laugh. "Dad had to catch a plane right after supper, and I slept with you that night."

"Like hell you slept with me," said Dorothy. "You didn't sleep at all. But you did lots of other things, you bad boy. I let you get into bed with me because I was lonely there by myself. I expected you to be a gentleman and behave yourself. I should have never let you cuddle me in your arms when you kissed me goodnight. What a shock it was, after, when I realized you wanted to fuck your mother."

Mark laughed. "Who do you think you're kidding, Mom? Do you think I didn't know what you wanted, when you let me get into bed with you? You'd been thinking about that for a long time. You even said that there was nothing wrong with a boy sleeping with his mother, as long as Dad never found out about it. Then when Dad went out of town on that business trip, you told me that was our chance to do it."

A sly smile spread across Dorothy's face. "Isn't that typical? Blame it on your mother, pretend it was all my idea. What did you expect me to do, after you got me all hot and excited? Push you out of bed and make you go back to your own room?"

"What I expected was just what you did. What we did."

"What you did," Dorothy corrected. "Then in the wee hours of the morning, when you had me so pooped out I couldn't do anything about it, you put your thing up my rear end."

"You suggested it, Mom. You said that was my special birthday present, from a loving mother to her son."

Dorothy laughed. "If you say so. Anyway, you've been fascinated with your mother's bum ever since."

"So how come I never discovered this ticklish spot until now?"

"Because it's only recently that you started kissing and licking me back there. Running your tongue up and down the crack like you do, you were bound to slide your tongue over it sooner or later."

"You mean I can't kiss and lick you back here anymore?"

"Heavens, don't even suggest such a terrible thought, darling. I like it when you kiss my asshole and lick all over and around it. And I like it when you run your tongue up and down my crack. Just be careful to avoid my ticklish spot, that's all."

"Okay, Mom. I'll be careful," Mark promised.

Sitting as he was, his long stiff erection was sticking out in front of him and almost poking his mother in the belly. It reached nearly to her tits. Suddenly her hand reached under her and seized it in a firm grip.

"You better believe you'll be careful," she said with a gleeful laugh. "If you touch my ticklish spot again, I'll pull this thing out by the roots."

"Wow! Be careful how you handle that, Mom. It's fully charged," Mark warned her.

But in spite of the warning, the inevitable happened. Mark ran his tongue up and down the crack of his mother's ass and slid right over her sensitive ticklish spot. His mother let out a piercing shriek and pulled on his cock. Mark shot off his load and a torrent of come spurted out beneath her.

"Now look what you've done," she scolded. "You've got your hot gooey stuff all over my belly and my tits, even up under my chin, for heaven's sake."

"Sorry, Mom," Mark panted. "You know how I love the feel of your fingers on my cock. And when you pulled on it like that, while my mouth was in the crack of your ass, it just felt so good."

Dorothy rolled over and slid off the bed. "Well just for that, you can clean it off. Come on. You're taking a shower with me."

That didn't offend her son in the least. He scrambled to his feet, followed her into the bathroom and into the shower stall. As soon as his mother had her shower cap on, so she wouldn't get her hair wet and spend the rest of the night drying it, Mark turned on the water and adjusted it to a comfortable degree of warmth.

"I think you did that on purpose, just so you could take the soap and run your hands all over me," his mother accused.

She really had no cause to complain that he took so much time soaping her tits, her cunt and the crack of her ass, because she then in turn, spent just as much time working a thick lather all over his cock and his balls.

"Do you think Dad ever wonders if we take showers together, Mom?" Mark said, teasing her.

"Funny boy!" Dorothy replied, pulling his foreskin back so she could wash around the head of his cock. "If your father even suspected you were getting into the shower with your mother, he'd throw you out of the house and divorce me!"

"That might not be such a bad idea," said Mark. "The divorce, I mean. Then I could get into bed with you every night, instead of just when Dad is out of town on business. And when we fuck in the afternoon, we wouldn't have to worry about him coming home early and catching us doing it."

"There's small chance I'll ever divorce your father," Dorothy told him, working a thick lather around his balls. "One of the few things I appreciate about your father is that he provides us with a very good income which enables us to live quite comfortably and allows you to stay home with your mother and fuck her everyday, instead of having to get a job. All things considered, we have a good thing going here, and I don't even mind too much that your father has a hot thing going with that secretary of his."

"Yeah, Dad sure can pick 'em," said Mark. "That young cunt of a secretary is sure something. But that hot looking piece of ass has a husband who's built like a Mack truck and if he ever finds out his sexy young wife is being screwed at the office every day by her boss, Dad is going to come home someday with his head shoved up his ass."

"That's his problem, not ours," said Dorothy. "What we have to be concerned about is that he never finds out his horny son is screwing his mother whenever he's alone with her. And pray that he never finds out you're putting your thing up your mother's rear end. That would really drive him up the wall. He thinks anal sex is perverted, depraved and sick."

Mark grinned at her. "Maybe it is, but it sure feels good." Pressing up against her and holding her firmly by her hips, he added, "I know something else that's perverted, depraved and sick."

"You do? Whatever could that be?" asked Dorothy, going along with him.

"Fucking my mother standing up, in the shower!"

With a little laugh, Dorothy replied, "You can't do that as easy as you could two years ago, when we were the same height. You're getting too tall. Doesn't it bother you when you have to keep your knees bent like that?"

"This is what bothers me, Mom," he said, rubbing the head of his tool along the lips of her pussy. "It bothers me so much that I can't stay away from it."

Then his prick went up into her and Dorothy let out a little squeal of delight. Her arms entwined about his neck as he went up in deeper and while she made little mewling sounds of pleasure, his hands reached around behind her and took a firm hold on her ass. When he was in right to his balls, Dorothy was up on her tip-toes and even then it appeared that he might lift her up from the floor. Her son had a strong prick, strong enough that she could be impaled on it. Her open mouth pressed onto his in a lewd and erotic kiss. Her tongue shot in past his lips. When his tongue came out to meet it, she sucked on it, like her pussy was sucking on his solid length of cock, as if she was trying to pull him into her from both ends.

Because her son was pushing against her and had her braced against the wall, and because he had a firm hold on both globes of her butt, Dorothy was able to lift one leg and wrap it around him. That was followed by the other one and she locked her ankles behind his back. Supporting some of her weight with her arms about his neck, she hung on her son's frame like a monkey climbing a palm tree. Mark moved one hand on her butt just enough that he could get a finger all the way up her ass. Now he had his mother almost crazy with lust and passion.

Her ass churned around in his strong grip, moving up and down on his cock. She kissed his face, neck and shoulders, panted and gasped, and babbled incoherently. She was sailing through an orgasm, one that tickled her in all her intimate parts. It was intense, like it always was when she did it with her son in this position. It didn't stop here. Moments later he brought her through a second time, then after that, just as she was getting off a third time, he shot off his load. Dorothy squealed, shrieked and even laughed, which always convinced Mark that his mother loved it when he fucked her standing up.

"You want me to put you down?" he panted sometime later.

"No!" Dorothy replied, still breathless. "Do it to me again. Oh God, you're fabulous! Wouldn't I love to see the look on your father's face, if he could see us like this."

"If Dad were to stick his head in this shower stall right now and see what we're doing, I'd go right down the drainhole," said Mark.

Dorothy laughed. "Shut up and fuck your mother. Oh God, you're splitting me in two, but I love it!"

He did it to her a second time and when he was finally finished with her, Dorothy was ready to let her feet back onto the floor of the shower stall. They were both so hot and steamy, and smelling of sex, they had to turn on the water and shower a second time.

A short while later they were back in the bedroom, drying each other off. When they tossed the towels aside, Dorothy sat on the side of the bed and smiled up at her son.

"You're awfully good to your mother, you know that?" she said. "You're a hot and horny young stud who's cock never stays soft. And you're all mine. You're mother's wonderful young man and she not only loves you with a passion, she also loves your wonderful hard cock!"

She sat with her legs apart, her tits thrust forward with the stiffened nipples like two big wondrous eyes staring at him. He grinned back at her and moved between her legs, saying, "It's easy to be a stud when a guy has a hot and sexy, gorgeous-looking mother like you to inspire him."

She reached out and wrapped the fingers of one hand around his stiffly erect cock and started a slow jerking-off motion. Then she stopped, leaned forward and gave it a loving kiss, right on the bulbous-shaped head. The other hand came up and cupped his balls, while her mouth slipped over the head and she began teasing it with her tongue and sucking it.

Mark's breath caught in his throat as he realized his mother wasn't just fooling around. She was going to suck his cock in earnest, which meant that he was going to get one of her all out, no-holds-barred, fabulous blow jobs. He knew what that was like from past experience and as far as he was concerned, it was ten times better than anything he'd ever had from anyone else.

Several girls at college had sucked his cock and two of the women teachers there sucked him off quite frequently. And right here in his neighborhood, several married women, two of them his mother's very close friends, had sucked his cock. But his mother could put them all to shame. Whenever she blew him, which was pretty often, he knew beyond any doubt that he'd been worked over by the very best.

For her part, Dorothy was as thrilled with her son's cock as he was with what she was doing with it. It always delighted her that no matter if her son had fucked her five times or more and had her cunt swimming in his juices, when she then sucked him off, his gushing charge would hit the back of her throat like it was jet propelled.

Mark managed to hold off for all of five minutes, which was as long as he could keep from succumbing to the delicious sensations his mother was causing to dance around in his groin.

"Watch it, Mom!" he groaned. "You're going to get a mouthful!"

A mouthful was just what his mother was working so hard for, and she got it. As she expected, a spurting torrent flooded her mouth and she had to swallow frantically to keep from choking on it. She managed that quite nicely and while her son looked like he might keel over at any moment, her darting tongue expertly cleaned up his sagging cock.

She reached out her arms to him and said, "Maybe you'd better sit down, before you fall down!"

To which he replied, "I'll kneel down instead. I'm going to do you now!"

With that he went down on his knees between her legs, much to his mother's delight. He kissed her belly, then moved his lips down. He kissed all around her cunt, running his lips through her pussy hair, then along one leg and up the other. His mother fell back onto the bed, spreading her legs wide and exposing her cunt fully to her son. Her hands reached out, grabbed ahold of his hair that was as blonde as hers, and pulled him tightly to her twat. Groaning with pleasure she brought her legs up over his shoulders and trapped him there.

"Oh darling," she cooed. "I love it when you eat me."

She had good reason to love it. He had gone this route with her countless times before, proving to her time and time again how good he was at devouring her cunt. He thrust his nose into it and that thrilled her, because she knew he was inhaling her feminine scent. What woman isn't thrilled to know that her man loves the smell of her cunt? Dorothy knew that her son was delighted with hers. When he had his fill of her heady scent, he went back to licking and kissing her legs.

His mother spread her legs farther still and with the hair drawn aside, he could look in past her separated cunt-lips. It was a tantalizing sight for any young man to see. Then there was no more fooling around. He got right down to the business of kissing, licking and sucking his mother's cunt and before long, he had her popping off every few minutes.

When he had her so that she was no longer sure whether she was here in her bedroom or up on a cloud somewhere, he got to his feet and leaned over her. Supporting his weight on his arms on either side of her, the head of his cock came to her moist opening, touched it, and then began burrowing its way in.

His mother took it with a sigh of delight, brought her legs up over his back again, a motion that brought her clear off the bed and up to his belly. Their mouths came together in a feverish kiss, while he was feeling her jiggling tits with both hands.

In this awkward position her son was in, she found that she had to do most of the work, which she was only too happy to do. She did it fantastically well. Mark shot off his load at the same moment she sailed into her climax, and he fell sideways onto the bed. She clung to him, like she never wanted him to get away from her. Her leg was locked about him so that his cock would stay in her, until it had been drained of every last drop of his juices.

"Oh Mark," she cooed softly sometime later, as she lay snuggled in his arms. "If other mothers knew how happy I am right now and how good I feel, they'd all be getting into bed with their sons!"

"You think maybe they aren't?" Mark chuckled.

Surprised, she looked at him. "You're putting me on."

"Do you think you're the only mother who ever thought of letting her son screw her?"


"This is a new age we're living in, Mom. Everybody is screwing everybody else these days."

"What makes you think that?" Dorothy asked.

"Back at college the dean gets all the pussy he wants," said Mark. "The girls are fucking the male teachers and the guys are fucking the women teachers. Even the janitor has a cot set up behind the furnace, so he can screw whatever hot pussy that finds its way there for a quickie between classes. One girl told me that back home her mother caught her in bed with her father and she was so jealous and made life so unpleasant, she was glad to get back to college. Another girl told me that she and her brother fucked each other for a whole year, before she had to leave for college."

"My God!" Dorothy gasped.

"So what we're doing isn't so far out as you might have thought," said Mark. "It's the most natural thing in the world for a boy to fuck his mother, if she wants him to."

"That might be the way it is at college," Dorothy conceded. "But I'm sure that's not the way it is here in Tuttleville."

"That's what you think," said Mark, grinning at her.

"You know somebody around here who's screwing his mother?" Dorothy challenged.

"Sure. Brian Overton. He's been screwing his mother even longer than I've been making it with you."

His mother looked shocked. "I can't believe that of Mary Anne. She'd never allow her son to take liberties like that."

Mark laughed. "Well, that's good. If she's got you and everyone else fooled with that innocent, respectable look of hers, there's a good chance you've got everyone fooled, too. You look just as respectable and goody-goody as she does. Who would ever suspect that your son is humping you, even getting his prick up your rear end, when Dad isn't around?"

"How come you know about Brian and his mother?" Dorothy asked.

"Well, Brian and I are good buddies," said Mark. "And I went over to see him one afternoon. I went up to the front door and pushed the bell button but I guess it wasn't working. I could hear sounds in there, but I didn't hear the doorbell. Well, instead of knocking, I looked in the front window."

"Shame on you!" said Dorothy.

"Yeah, I don't know what made me do that," Mark agreed. "But what I saw really made me flip."

"What did you see?" asked Dorothy eagerly.

Mark laughed. "See? It's terrible for me to peek in a window, but it's all right for you to be curious about what I saw."

"Oh stop teasing me and tell me what you saw," said Dorothy impatiently.

"I saw Brian and his mother," said Mark. "And they were both naked. I couldn't believe it. They were on that thick white rug they have in front of their couch in the living room. Brian was on his back and his mother was above him, in the sixty-nine position. I couldn't see Brian's face at that point, because he had it buried in his mother's crotch. His arms were around her bare ass, pulling her down onto him. And Mrs. Overton must have liked it, because she was wriggling her ass around like crazy. But she was busy too. She was sprawled out on top of him, those big tits of hers flattened against Brian's chest, and she had his cock in her mouth. Boy, she was sucking on it like you wouldn't believe."

"My God!" Dorothy gasped. "Mary Anne, of all people. I never would have guessed it."

"It got better and better," said Mark. "I guess they brought each other off, because they were wriggling, twisting and sliding all over that rug. Then they finally broke apart and lay there panting and gasping."

"You'd think Mary Anne would be smart enough to draw the shades, if she's going to carry on like that," said Dorothy. "My God, if word of that ever got around, she'd be disgraced."

"Yeah," Mark agreed. "This town isn't ready for the news that a mother sucks her son's cock, and that a guy eats his mother's pussy. I'm sure glad you're careful about drawing the shades, when we're fooling around downstairs."

"Or even up here," said Dorothy "I was getting dressed the other day and I saw this man looking right in the window at me. He was doing something on the roof of the house next door."

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