Second Grade Teacher - Cover

Second Grade Teacher


Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

It was Saturday evening as Karen sat at the edge of the bed in the cabin she would use for the night. Martin Goodspeed, rather than one of the parents had come with the class, and since he was the Superintendent, the outing had been allowed to stay in the huge central New York park overnight, something Karen was really looking forward to. Martin's presence had been a blessing. In addition to her entire class, four older students had come along, friends of Johnny Bern's. She was sorry that Johnny couldn't come, having caught a cold the day before, but the wanton teacher knew that she would be able to have many more sessions with him later in the year. Since the four friends were not part of her class, Martin had spent the day with them, leaving Karen free to take her third graders into the woods, where she let them do anything they wanted with her. She was surprised that for the most part, they liked being in the woods more than in her cunt, and she reasoned it was because since they had already fucked her, they were no longer in total awe of sexual activities. Some of them had come to her and sucked her breasts, and few had not only finger fucked her cunt to cumming, but had let her masturbate them to cumming in her hand as well. Still for the most part, she was no longer a mystery to them, and she took it as a healthy attitude toward sex... something they would never have acquired if she hadn't let them all fuck her after her lessons back in the school.

However, there were the four older boys that had come along. Karen noticed that for almost the entire day, they had been apart from her. She knew it was because they were not part of the class and felt out of place. Wellllll... that would be ending very shortly. She had invited all of them to come to he cabin after supper. She licked her lips in anticipation of the meeting. While the rest of her class slept in the tents they had brought along, she would give a crash-course in sexual delights to the four older boys. She could tell from the way they had acted toward her during the day that Johnny had not told them anything about what she would do to them, and she was glad of that. They would come to her with no warped ideas about what would happen, and she would be able to mold them into having a healthy attitude about sex... just as she had been able to do with the other precious little darlings.

She fumbled through the bag she had brought with her... a bag containing not only two bottles of liquor, but some pot as well. Ever since she had come to this small town, she had been saving her grass for a special occasion, and if there was ever to be a special occasion, it would be tonight. Something in the back of her mind told her that she would have to get the four older boys as drunk and stoned as she could. It would be a part of their education. Perhaps if they saw what could happen if a person got too drunk, they would drink just enough to make them feel good, and no more. And she knew that none of them had ever experienced the pleasures of marijuana, living in the small town. Yes, it would be quite a night for them, she thought, and she was looking forward to their arrival.

As she made her cabin ready, she heard an almost silent knock on her door. The sun had set behind the towering hills to the west, and the entire camp area was shrouded in darkness. As Karen opened her door, she was the four older boys standing there, looking as though they had been asked to report to her for some sort of punishment. She smiled at them and then quickly glanced behind them to see Martin and her class sitting around a camp- fire. 'That will keep all of them busy, ' she thought to herself.

"Come in... come in," she said as sweetly as she could. "I don't want you to think that just because you're not a third grader you're not welcome."

The four boys huddled together as she closed the door behind them. She turned to look at them, their sweet innocent faces full of wonder at what she wanted them for.

"I'll get right to the point," she said as she went to the bag of her bed. "Would any of you like anything to drink?"

The boys looked at each other as she pulled out a bottle of what was obviously liquor. Could it be possible? Was this teacher actually asking them if they wanted to get drunk? Was this certainly looked that way. And then as, they watched with confused fascination, Karen twisted open the bottle and took a healthy gulp, passing it to the closest boy to her. "I'm afraid we'll have to drink right from the bottle," she said as the boy looked from the bottle to her and then back to the bottle. "I had no idea how many boys would be using this, so l didn't bring any glasses. Now, you all know my name, but I don't know yours. Suppose you tell me who you are."

"I... I'm Mike Nomad," said the boy to whom she had passed the bottle. As though he were drinking to his name, he placed the top of the bottle to his lips and filled his mouth with the brown liquid. Then he passed it to the boy standing wide-eyed next to him. "I'm Kevin Nelson," said the second boy, who repeated what Mike had done. And so did the next to boys, Eddy Gerold and Larry Mandel. In almost no time, the bottle was empty and the four boys were weaving from side to side as they tried to keep their balance. Karen smiled as the conversation began. The boys could see that the were not with one of the stodgy teachers they had grown used to. They were with someone who really understood them, and while the bottle was passed around, Karen talked about what she had been doing with her class. At first the boys had been totally shocked. They simply could not believe that such a person existed in their town, but the talk of sex nevertheless caused their pre-teen cocks to start swelling in their pants. After the bottle was empty, Karen brought out her bag of grass, and the four boys watched as she rolled joint after joint. This was incredible. They had seen liquor and were not as fearful of it as they were of the pot. That was something that was only talked about in the most hushed of whispers in the small town, and they stared at Karen as she lit up one of the rolled cigarettes as though they expected her to turn into a raving maniac. When the lovely teacher passed the joint to Eddy, the boy backed away in horror.

"Go ahead," Karen said in a warm understanding voice. "It feels a lot better than drinking, and you'll want to be stoned for what we're going to be doing in just a little while."

All the while she had been talking, she had refrained from telling them that she wanted to have an orgy in her cabin. She believed that it might scare them away. She wanted them to gradually come around to her way of thinking, and that meant that she would have to use more patience than she ever had before. She was not dealing with just one confused student who knew her now... she was taking care of four almost total strangers, and she wanted to make sure that nothing went wrong.

Karen had not had anything to drink, preferring not to dull her senses for the activity she had planned, but she did get stoned with them. In no time, the four of them were rolling on the floor and laughing, generally acting as though they were old friends who had not seen each other in years. Karen, though, knew that it was time to put her plan into action, and, as the four boys were giggling and laughing, the shapely teacher stood up and began taking off her clothes.

There was instant silence in the cabin as Mike, Eddy, Kevin and Larry stared at the lovely teacher stripping right before their young eyes. They had forgotten all about what she had been saying in relation to her class, and they had never dreamed that she would do something with them anyway. And she had done it so suddenly... Karen sensed that there was a strong fear rising in them. This was something that they had been told was bad... wrong... dirty... and she was determined that she would show them there was nothing wrong, bad or dirty about sex.

"Don't any of you be nervous," she said in a low throaty tone. "I'm going to give you the same lesson I gave my class, but I'm going to do it to you all at the same time. I think you older boys could learn more from an orgy-type lesson then the smaller children, and I don't want you to be afraid."

Kevin was the first to react. He stood up right in front of her, his youthful eyes moving up and down her body as though he couldn't believe what was happening, and Karen could see that his penis, which had become limp while he had been drinking and smoking, was now once again erect and pressing tightly in his pants. "Now... I want all of you to take off your clothes as well," Karen said as though she were running her class during normal school hours. Whether it was all the drinking or their eagerness to learn, Karen wasn't sure, but the four older boys responded to her command and quickly shucked out of their clothes. In two minutes, the five of them were totally naked in Karen's cabin and the four boys were looking at their first naked woman, their eyes exploring her as they gazed over the secrets of her body... secrets which had been hidden from them because of the small minded thinking of their home town.

Looking at Mike Nomad, Karen spread her thighs slightly and said, "Why don't you come over to me and touch my cunt. You'll be fucking me there soon. Wouldn't you like to get a close look at what you're getting?"

"Do you like my little pussy?" Karen asked, revolving her hips a little against his probing fingers. Already the first ripples of wanton desire were flowing through her at this electrifying touch. "Would you like to eat some of it before you fuck me?"

Mike gaped at her bright-red cuntal hair and nodded his head. Karen backed away from him and lowered her body onto the cabin bed near the middle of the room. "I think it's high time we got started," she said in a matter-of-fact voice. She watched with loving eyes as the precious children came to the bed and bent over to drink in her naked loveliness, their sweet faces twisted and slightly contorted with sexual wonder. The thought that she was all alone with them in her cabin and that the four of them could and would do with her as they wished made her shiver all over with desire as she tried to imagine what their minds would come up with. She relaxed as she felt two of them reach out and touch her shoulders, pinning her lightly to the bed. At the same time she felt Kevin coming up along her firm, shapely thighs, his hands on his hips and his twelve-year-old cock jutting from his hairless loins, his pink sperm-swollen sac hanging like a little water- filled balloon at its base. Karen shuddered with desire as the young boy pushed his way through Eddy and Larry who were gaping at her vaginal mound.

"I... I wanna see too," he said. "And I wanna touch and lick her pussy... just like in the pictures Bob lets us see."

"Yeah," said Mike as he stroked her shoulders. "I wanna see you lick her cunt. I want to see what she does." The four boys giggled as Mike said "cunt", but to Karen, it merely added fuel to her already smoldering loins. Eddy and Larry smiled and stepped away from the edge of the bed, letting Kevin, obviously the bravest of the four, to take their place.

Karen braced herself as the beautiful young boy slowly spread her thighs and dropped to his knees on the bed between them, his sparkling eyes feasting on the vision of her exposed, down-covered pubic area. As his head moved downward, a moan of lust escaped through her open mouth.

"Go ahead, Kevin," she heard Mike say as though he were taunting the boy. "Lick here, there... lick her cunt. I bet she likes it. All the girls in the pictures do."

A convulsive spasm jerked her thigh and stomach muscles as she felt his lips pressing into the soft naked flesh of her belly. The sudden wet contact sent an involuntary chill racing the length of her spine. Then, she felt the boy's wet tongue tracing downward to the "V" of her crotch and the spreading of her red, soft cuntal hair with his thumbs as his tongue laced snake-like into the moist, tight slit of her vagina.

Her body responded automatically, convulsively jerking, and a low throaty moan escaped from her lips. Clumsily, she felt him clamp his sweating palms against the soft insides of her alabaster thighs as if to spread them more wide open to him, and she raised her head, her eyes open in a combination of pride and lust to see him on all fours down between her wide-spread thighs, grinning up at her as though all his childhood dreams were being fulfilled. The pink, moist flesh of her naked vagina was presented up ' to his wondering face like a sacrifice in some pagan ritual in which she was a willing offering. She looked around to see the expressions of both wonder and happiness on the children's faces.

Ohs and ahs and the soft sucking-in of his breath came down to her ears as the twelve-year-old again slowly drew apart the pink curl-fringed lips of her eagerly spread vagina. The boy stared almost greedily down between her legs until suddenly, as though he had finally made up his mind, his head dipped down with a maddening suck of his rubbery lips and drew the tiny pink bud of Karen's clitoris into his hot moist mouth. He nibbled at it with the sharp tips of his teeth, feeling it jerk and throb to life.

Karen clenched her eyes tightly shut as whirlpools of blissful sensation shot wildly through her aroused loins. She could see that she was in for the orgasm of her life, and she wanted to savor each and every second of it. Already she could feel the sparks of wanton pleasure beginning to tingle deep down in her belly, and her firm round breasts jiggled sensually from the buffeting her lower body was undergoing.

Suddenly, Kevin's tongue slipped forward, burrowing up her steaming cunt like a racing lizard, and she felt a lascivious wave of sensation wash over her. It was amazing, she thought, that Kevin, who had never done anything like this before, was able to bring her such pleasure. She reasoned that it must be because all the drinking and smoking had released the inhibitions forced on him by his parents, his other teachers... perhaps even some of his friends. Now that he could freely do what he wanted, giving sexual pleasure just came naturally to him. She knew that she was going to enjoy this as much as the four boys were... maybe even more! She knew she had never done anything so blatantly wanton in her life, and she could see that everything was slipping from her mind... everything but the sensual reality of the probing tongue that had crawled into her hotly straining vaginal furrow.

Her buttocks ground desperately into the mattress, frantically trying to press tighter against the young boy's mouth nearly locked around her spasming cuntal lips. Straining wildly against the top of the mattress, she thrust her pelvis upward, trying to grind her cunt up tighter against the youth's face. She writhed her buttocks in tight frenzied circles, fighting for the release that was coming closer and closer. Suddenly, the young boy stopped his licking, and Karen felt a stab of regret.

"Ooooohhh... Kevin... what's the matter... I don't want you to stop... I like having my cunt licked like that... !"

She wondered if something had gone wrong... if she had been wrong in thinking that the four boys were no longer afraid. Perhaps she had to reach out to them more. Her arm lifted upward to Mike and pulled him to her. Yes... even though she was being free with them, she could feel the boy stiffen with fear... He had not yet overcome the damage done to him by the small-town morals here. Well, she could take care of that...

"It's all right, Mike... all of you... I've done this many times with my own class, and you can see that there's nothing wrong with them! "

Mike was satisfied, then. As he climbed onto the bed, she grabbed his large, twelve-year-old cock jutting from his groin. She was amazed that the young boy could have such a large penis. Gently, unerringly, she guided it straight to the slipperily hungering mouth of her openly spread cunt, his beautiful body pushing a deep groan from her as he fucked into her. His hairless young balls smacked heavily against her upturned ass, his muscled stomach rubbing against the yielding softness of her belly.

Karen strained against him, wanting him fucking deeper up into her cunt.

"Harder... fuck harder, Mike!" she screamed in her desperation.

Mike clutched the cheeks of her ass and fucked his heavy young cock in up to the hilt... and she realized with disappointment that it was too short. She groaned in frustration and splayed her legs wide out over the bed to give him greater access, but it was no use. In a year, perhaps, he would be long enough... but she needed it right now... at that moment! His jerking cock pistoned into her unceasingly, bringing gasps of lust as his boyish pelvis smacked against her loins, a dull thud sounding with each pile-driving inward fuck. She moaned again... he was bringing her to climax with every long, hard fuck up into her hungrily devouring pussy-hole.

She sucked beneath him, straining for the maddeningly elusive peak of sensation, and then, abruptly, she felt his throbbing young hardness stiffen without warning, spewing its white-hot fluids far up into the hidden recesses of her greedily churning womb.

The keenness of disappointment left tears running down her cheeks. Maybe he was one of the boys who never looked at Bob's magazines, and did not know exactly what should happen. Maybe he never played With himself... Then she felt him leave her, and she noticed that one named Kevin was now standing next to her. Her gaze fell to his sweet, twelve-year-old cock. It was huge... easily as large as any she had seen in college. How was something like that possible, she wondered quickly. But she had little time for any more wondering. She had to have it... she had to have that penis fucking in and out of her...

"Please, now Kevin!" she begged. "Hurry... now... oh God, I want you to fuck me, harder... faster... as fast as you can!!"

Karen was wide-eyed with lust as she watched the outsized twelve-year-old stroke up and down the length of his penis, drawing back the heavy foreskin to expose the glowing head with a glistening drop of semen on the tip. She knew that Kevin was no longer afraid of anything now. The faces of the other boys came closer, gaping as if to get a better view of the spectacle about to take place. With a surge of strength, Karen lifted her ankles and folded her body until her toes touched the scarlet hair of her head fanning out on the mattress. The flat plane of her hair- covered pussy was presented up to the kneeling boy to plunder as he wanted.

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