Second Grade Teacher - Cover

Second Grade Teacher


Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

The morning and most of the afternoon passed quickly for the lovely red-headed teacher. After Alan had gone, Karen spent a little time going over her class roll, and then spent some time with the other teachers in the lounge. For the most part, they talked about how the first day had gone and how eager the children seemed to learn. Although she was the only woman at the meeting, she did not feel uncomfortable. In fact, she felt rather smug in the knowledge that she would be able to teach her students something that none of the men would even dream of teaching. She answered their polite questions about how she liked her first day, and while she politely answered, she knew better than to even consider mentioning the little after-school session she and Alan had. From what she could gather from listening to the faculty and staff, a teacher was pretty much left up to his or her own imagination, and that pleased her a great deal. As long as the children maintained their grades, the staff didn't care how the class room was run. There was a strong hint, though about not discussing such things as sexual education in the class room. 'Well, ' thought the shapely teacher, 'I don't intend on discussing it at all. I intend on experiencing it with my students.'

After the meeting, Karen Heller went to her small, one-story house and outlined her lessons for the rest of the week. She was not exactly sure how she would go about fucking the children in her class. Perhaps she could go on a field trip while the weather was still nice. God knows there was enough money in the school fund for something like that. Anything to get her students away from the repressive atmosphere of the school building. The more she thought about that idea, the better it looked to her, and she decided that she would give it more thought... perhaps even talk to the class about it before she approached the staff.

Finally, as evening drew close, she felt the pangs of hunger, and she remembered that, in her excitement, she had forgotten to eat lunch. There was very little in her refrigerator, as she had only been living in the house for two weeks and had taken most of her meals out. When she got her first pay check, she thought, all that will change. Perhaps she could have her students over to her home when she finally felt settled in enough.

After searching through her cabinets she found that she had just enough to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and that thought hardly pleased her at all. It was time to go out again. Well, as long as she was going out, she thought, she might as well take a shower first. That little meeting with Alan had led her pretty sticky in the sultry Indian Summer air, and she wanted to look her best, just in case there were some nice men somewhere in the small town. She hadn't seen any yet, but it was never a good thing to give up so soon. Tonight might be her lucky night.

The shower hitting her lush, alabaster skin made he feel more relaxed, and she noticed that, although the shower stall was fairly small, it would hold her and almost any one of her precious students. That might be a very nice project for one of them, she thought. I wonder what they would think about taking a shower with their teacher. She smiled as she thought of what their parents would think. Finishing her shower and while she toweled down, a frown came to her pretty little face as she thought that it was really a shame that with the school being as free as it was, there was still the strong belief that sex was something which should not be enjoyed. She was glad that she had decided to stay at the school. She would make life better for her students than any other teacher there.

Then she thought she heard something knocking at her door. Straining her ears to listen through the house, she was certain of it. There was a faint knocking at her door, and she was hardly dressed. Well...

Wrapping the towel around her body, she quickly walked through the house and opened the door a small crack. On the other side, she saw a young boy carrying papers. She recognized him as one of her students, although she could not remember his name She quickly glanced around and saw that he was alone, and she decided that she would give this young boy the same lesson she had given Alan. Opening the door fully, and making very little effort to keep her towel wrapped around her body, she said,

"Well, I remember you from my class this morning. Won't you come in?"

The young boy, upon seeing that she was wrapped in nothing more than a towel, hesitated. "I'm sorry, Miss Heller," he said, his eyes fixed on the jutting swell of her full rounded breasts which were almost exposed as the towel began to fall from them. "I didn't mean to come here while you were taking a shower."

"Nonsense. As a matter of fact, I was just thinking about you," Karen said, smiling as sweetly as she could. She held the door open, and the young boy, seeing that she really wanted him to come into her house despite how she was dressed, walked pass her into the living room, making an effort to not look at her scantily clad form. She closed the door behind him and leaned up against it. Running her eyes up and down his youthful body. He was larger than Alan, and seemed to be more sure of himself, although he was still only eight-years-old and slightly uncomfortable in her home.

"Now, what can I do for you?" she asked, making her voice show him that she was not angry he was here.

"Well... I'm the paper boy for this neighborhood, and when you moved in two weeks ago, I thought I might ask you if you wanted a paper. I never thought you were my teacher."

"I'm very sorry, but I don't remember your name," Karen said, bending her leg enough to make the towel ride up almost all the way to her cuntal hair. She could see that the young boy was looking at her vaginal region now, as though he was expecting to see something. 'Has he got a surprise coming, ' thought the curvaceous red-head.

"I'm Billy Niven," he said almost dreamily, his eyes staring unblinkingly at her upper inner thighs.

"Well, Billy, suppose we go into the living room and talk." She walked away from the door, and she could feel his eyes following her as she went to her couch. He had not moved from where he stood, though, and when Karen got to the couch and sat down, she crossed one leg over the other, exposing to the boy's confused lustful gaze and ripe whiteness of her left ass-cheek. She smiled as she saw that he had an erection, and she knew that she was about to give another lesson... one that would be better than the first.

"Aren't you going to come here and sit next to me?" she asked in as teasing a voice as she could. Yes, she was going to go a great deal farther with Billy here. She could see that since he was more sure of himself, it would be more fun for the both of them. "If it will make things any easier for you, yes, I'll take the paper from you." Billy sighed deeply, as though he were trying to overcome some unknown fright, and he fumbled with a small notebook, marking her down for once a day delivery. Then he stood there again, as though he wanted to leave, but was unsure about how he should do it. Karen saw that she had better move quickly before he became so scared that he just ran out of her house. She didn't want to frighten this one away.

"Have you thought at all about what happened to Alan after school?" she asked him, lowering her leg to the floor and walking slowly over to him. She could see that Billy was turning almost white with fright, as though he was gang to be punished for coming to her house uninvited. "I'll tell you that Alan and I had a great deal of fun after school, Billy. I didn't punish him for anything, and I'm not going to punish you now."

Billy was visibly relieved, although he could still not see what she was getting at. "Now... you have to trust me, Billy," Karen said as she came closer to him. "Alan liked what we did, and I would like to do the same thing to you. But before I do, you have to tell me if you want me to."

Billy thought about what she was saying for a moment. The truth of the matter was, he did trust her. The only other woman he knew was his mother, and she was usually too busy to have any time for him. His new teacher was not the same as his mother. For one thing, she was prettier... a lot prettier. And she seemed glad to have him in her home. "All right," he said finally. "If a cry-baby like Alan liked it, I guess I can take it too."

"Good, I know you can," she said. "I'm sure you'll like it as much as Alan did... if not more..."

With that, she reached out to pull his body against hers, and her mouth came down hard to claim his small, tender lips. Billy stiffened with surprise as his face was suddenly buried in the soft mounds of her towel-clad breasts His hands hung limply at his side as though he did not know what to do with them... or any other part of his body, for that matter. He opened his eyes as Karen held his head against the rising and falling swell of her breasts, and he could see through the top hem of the towel and the pointed, upturned mounds of her large firm breasts, wide-spaced and set high up on her chest. She reached down with her arms and pulled his around her tiny, nipped-in waist, and moved her flat belly in a little to form a small hollow. In his excitement, Billy crushed her delicately feminine body as much as he could in the tiny circle of his arms, and she lowered her head to him again, her lips finding his.

This time, almost instinctively, Billy kissed her back, his throat making little animal-like whines of excitement and tension. He didn't know what to do. No one had ever kissed him like this, and he never expected it... never in a million years. Then he felt her tongue darting hungrily into his mouth, and the taste of it driving through him produced an involuntary jerking in his crotch. And then he noticed that his penis was getting bigger!

That had never happened before. Only once before had he been this close to a naked woman, and that had been in a picture one of the older boys had showed him. then, as he had gazed at the nude woman, he had felt a funny sensation in the pit of his stomach, but he was feeling something much stronger now. She pulled his hands down to touch the smooth softness of her thighs at the bottom of her towel, and then thrusted her hips against him so he could reach around and fondle the swelling mounds of her buttocks.

Billy was more confused than he had ever been in his young life. He didn't know what was happening, but it scared the shit out of him. His parents had told him that nice people didn't do what his teacher was making him do... but there was something so wonderful about the strange sensations flowing through his body now that he forgot everything they had told him

He found that even though he had never, ever done anything like this before, he was pulling her tightly against him, and he could feel the lithe muscles of her buttocks working in his tiny hands as she undulated gently up against him

Then once again she kissed him, and while the feelings of her probing tongue in his mouth were strange, they were at the same time pleasurable.

Then he got the surprise of his life!

Karen broke the embrace and allowed the towel to fall completely from her body. Billy's mouth fell to the floor as he saw his first live naked woman standing not one foot away from him. He was held fixed to his spot on the floor as his eyes moved up and down her naked form as she stood in the puddle of her slightly wet towel with her legs spread apart, her head back, her hands knuckled provocatively at him with her mouth parted, the tip of her wet, pink tongue showing kitten-like. The moist, petal- like, softly hair-fringed lips of her naked pussy were presented blatantly to his eyes, and the bright red of her vaginal slit glistened with a mixture of wetness from her recent shower and the fluids of passion which were already forming at her pussy lips. Her high, smoothly rounded breasts seemed to quiver as if with some inner vibration, the nipples hard and distended. Her long slender legs were moistening with the juices flowing from her passion-flowered cunt mouth.

"I'm going to let you fuck me, Billy... That's what I did with Alan, in a way, and I want to do the same thing with you. Would you like that?"

Billy's mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. His erection was causing him some pain in his pants, and he wanted to touch himself there... but he was afraid.

'You don't have anything to worry about, sweet darling," Karen cooed as she drew him against her naked body. "I know this is going to be the first time for you. I'm sure you'll love it as much as Alan did... Even more. I want to have your penis in my cunt. Would you like to put it there?"

Another question that Billy tried to answer but couldn't. He had never heard a woman talk like this. He had been taught that nice ladies didn't say such things, but he thought Karen was a nice lady. The sensations running through his body at being held against her warm, naked flesh made his stomach tighten. Karen could see that she was moving a little too fast for him, and she pushed him gently away from her body.

"Maybe it would be better to show you what I want you to do," she said. She backed away from him slightly and slowly lowered her hands, her eyes fastened on his, and pressed her fingertips to her bright red, curling mound, slowly caressing herself down between her legs. Her nails glistened as they blazed a path through the sparse, red, silken hair. When her fingers reached the glistening pink slit between her legs, she placed the thumb and forefinger of her left hand on either side of the soft shining lips and spread them gently apart, revealing the trembling pink bud of her tiny pulsing clitoris. "You see, Billy," she said. "I have something that looks like your cock in my cunt already "

Billy hardly heard her words though. His gaze was mesmerized by what she did next. With her right forefinger, she traced up her cuntal slit until the finger tip came into contact with the miniature phallus. She tweaked it once... twice... sending more rivulets of lubricating down her naked inner thighs. Then her middle finger went lower, poised at the lips of her vagina and slipped easily inside up to the first knuckle... the second. She withdrew it again and slid it in again, fucking herself with almost glazed-eyed abandon. Faster and faster and faster her finger fucked wetly, hotly in and out of her naked, tight cuntal sheath, and as she rolled and twisted her hips with delight at the sensations searing through her flesh from her own manipulations, she spoke to the wondering young boy in a low, hypnotic voice.

"This is what I want you to do with your hard little cock, Billy... just what I'm doing with my finger. That's what fucking is, darling, and I want you to do this to me..."

The words... the sights... everything seemed to lash at Billy's young mind, turning it into a swirling frenzy. He sensed that what was happening was the reason his cock was so hard and large... and growing harder and larger against the tightly confining cloth of his pants.

"I can see that your penis is getting hard, and that means you can do it if you want to..."

Billy went numb with confused fright as Karen ceased her finger fucking and moved to him, unbuckling his small pants and dropping them to the floor, his cock springing upward as it was freed from his pants and shorts. Then she quickly removed his shirt and shoes, making him as naked as she was. His swollen little penis was larger than she thought it would be, and she was delighted at that. It meant that she would be getting a better orgasm than when she had finger fucked herself while sucking Alan a few hours ago.

"Oh, Billy, sweet, innocent Billy... your cock is so beautiful," she crooned, stepping back to admire his lust-swollen cock. " { know I'll love having it fucking my cunt as much as you will. Mmmmmm... I can't wait for you to fill me up. You're going to cum, too. I just know you are, and I want you to do that too. I want to feel your fresh hot cum in my pussy..."

Billy could feel his head spinning from all that was happening. Something in the back of his mind told him that what was happening was wrong... that he shouldn't be doing this with his teacher. He could remember the dirty jokes some of the older boys made about pissing between a woman's legs, and he could see now that they were wrong. It wasn't piss he could feel building up in his belly. It was something he had never felt before. He wasn't sure what it was, but he did know that he liked it. He tried to put the guilt out of his mind, something that was made easier because his teacher was being kind and gentle with him. She wasn't laughing at him or teasing him. Although his mind did not know what to do, his instincts took over. Somehow he thought to reach out to her and move his face against hers. She responded by showering hot, moist kisses over his boyish lips, his throat and down along his chest. Then she pulled him against her chest, and he kissed the soft, smooth skin in the valley between her breasts. God!... Oh God... Shit... He couldn't believe what was happening to him. He was clumsy in his efforts to embrace her. His arms were stiff with tension, and his whole body was rigid as he tightened his muscles against the ravishing she was giving his boyish body.

"Don't be afraid, Billy," she soothed him. "There's a first time for everyone. I want you to do what ever you feel like doing. Don't worry about what happens. What ever it is, I want you to do it." She breathed into his ear gently, and her tongue flicked out to dance inside the tiny crevice, racing along the smooth boyish inner ear. Her hand searched down between their tightly clasped bodies and located the heated hardness of his eight- year-old penis. He gasped as the hot searing tips of her fingers closed completely around his swollen cock. He tried to put himself at ease, as she told him to do, and he was achieving some success. Something in the back of his mind told him to kiss her again, and his small lips pressed against hers. He could feel her tongue battering against his mouth, and he opened it, allowing their tongues to lash and twirl together as if trying to blend into one. Karen crushed the full length of her body against his, believing that if she acted as though he were an experienced lover, he would feel even more at ease. She wanted him to feel as much a man instead of a boy as she could. She twisted slightly, pulling the small boy over astride her, opening her legs wide, and her cunt flared open, eagerly waiting.

The lust-incited young teacher's hands were running wildly up and down along the eight-year-old's body, tracing the soft muscles of his rounded, precious shoulders, the small cleft of his back, the smooth cheeks of his tiny ass, exploring all of him as though he were some new piece of property.

"You see, Billy," she said, "if I let my hands go where ever they want to go... and I want your hands to feel my tits and pussy too."

Billy had been hovering between desire and fright, but the sexually experienced woman could tell that now, something in the eight-year-old boy broke wide open. After all, sex was the most natural thing in the world. There were no lessons to be had, not really. Only the need to overcome the initial fear that generally comes with losing virginity.

Again their lips met, only this time, Billy seemed to be trying to take the initiative. Their mouths melted and their tongues thrust and parried, probing, tasting and ravaging each other as a riotous welter slashed and seared through Karen's anticipating cunt.

Billy's hands finally moved, exploring and moving down her back to the well rounded moons of her smooth supple buttocks to feel them squirm in his palms. Karen's hand slid between them again to feel the pulsingly hard shaft of her student's thick penis. She was delighted to find that it had grown even larger then when she had last touched it, and an extra little thrill stabbed her deep inside when she once again made the electric contact. She moved her hand along the rock-hard young length. Twisting her head aside, she gasped, "God... Billy... I want you inside me... I want you to fuck me quick. I have to have you fuck me with your sweet little cock." The lovely young teacher gasped as she felt the blood-heated warmth sensually, erotically penetrating the palm of her hand which closed completely around it. She could feel it growing even larger in her hand, and with a heightened feeling of lust, she began to explore it with more urgency. She used her nails to scrape gently along its boyish length, knowing that it would give him a violent erotic charge. Her reward came almost instantly. She felt its lustful, expanding throb, accompanied by his moan of pleasure. Again she used her nails to taunt and titillate, and he gasped aloud, the sensations sparking his lustfully swollen penis to jerk involuntarily, and exude a viscous tear of his first pre-cum.

Feeling the pulsing, blood-swollen length hot in her hand, Karen suddenly shifted both hands to the rising shaft of his penis. She squeezed hard and held it for a couple of beats of his pulse. Again Billy groaned, and she began to twist the loose folds of skin along the hardened length, her hands rotating in opposite directions as if she were wringing out a wet towel. She decided that she could very easily treat this eight year old boy as though he were one of her older lovers.

The exquisitely erotic sensations stabbed through Billy's lust-swollen cock like a thousand pricking needles of fire, bringing yet another moan and a short gasp from his lips. He knew now what she had meant when she said she wanted him to fuck her. He wanted to feel his penis there... in between her legs... in her slit that was shiny and wet and warm-looking.

Reaching over, he grasped her under the arms, and she let go of his penis as his arms went around her as much as they could, his hands dropping down to the supple smoothness of her buttocks to feel the silky smoothness of her ass-cheeks. His small fingers kneaded, caressingly, the tender firmness that was so warm and pliant. His actions forced their bodies tightly together, and he found that the tip of his cock was suddenly between her thighs, and being pushed by her own body motions into the thin red curls lining her pulsing cuntal passage. He moved his hips the way a little voice in the back of his mind told him to, thrusting it back and feeling the smooth moisture of her warmly throbbing pussy flow over his heated hardness.

The firmly pointed buds of her erect nipples thrust into his chest as her arms went around him. Then parting her thighs slightly, Karen dropped her hands down to grasp his slim buttocks, pulling him in until their loins met, her bright red pussy hairs meeting the smooth hairless boy-groin, and his cock-head nestled solidly all the way up between her legs in the moist warmth of her pussy. The mushroom shaped head of his penis was taunting the tightly puckered little lips of her anus.

She leaned back away from him, breaking the small circle of his arms, and Billy glanced down between her thighs, still slightly parted. He felt as though he should be ashamed and embarrassed to be gazing so openly at his teacher's sexual treasures. But now there was only the feeling of incredible warmth and desire that burned painfully now in his cock, a gnawing passion and a hunger like no other he had ever felt before.

Karen could sense that he like what he saw, and she responded with a wider spread of her cream-white thighs and an unobstructed view of her trembling pussy lips, now opened fully to his eager and wondering stare.

And she was just as excited as he was, There was a thin line of tell-tale moisture along the rim of her slightly parted cunt- hole, a narrow trail of warm moistness along the slit of her cunt as she exposed herself shamelessly to her young student.

"You're so beautiful and darling," she whispered to him. As soon as she had said them, she wondered if she had made a mistake by making him think that he might be a little boy instead of a man, but she did not have to worry about anything like that. Billy was so wrapped up in the newness of the experience that he hardly heard what she said. A million images flowed through the young boy's mind. Briefly, he thought of getting down on all fours and letting his tongue lick her throbbingly warm little cunt slit, but he did not. All the while, there was only one thought on his young mind: here was a real live naked woman, and he could do anything he wanted to her. He wished he could think of what to do next, though.

Karen grinned up coyly at him, measuring his actions as she moistened her pink lips with the wet tip of her tongue, rolling it slowly from side to side. Her eyes lowered to their intertwined loins, where Billy's boy-cock had slipped slightly out of her cunt-lips. Then she reached out to him and pulled him down onto her, opening her smooth thighs at the same time and then clamping them tightly around one of his legs. Billy gasped at the feel of her incredible body, the enticing firmness of her thighs that squeezed him.

Again their lips mashed hotly together, Billy becoming more and more accustomed to the strange sensations searing through his young body. Karen ground her pelvis harder against his loins, and he could feel her shiver from head to toe as her voluptuous softness rubbed maddeningly against the throbbing ridge of his penis. There was no guilt left in him now... no fear. He wanted her. She had brought out from him the natural desires all humans are born with. His passion was fanned by the lust she blatantly showed for his body... for the satisfying thrust of his now eager cock into the sheath of her shamelessly wanton pussy.

The wet smear from his young, slender penis was streaking against her naked inner thigh, but she did not ease her arousing massage of his eight-year-old virgin erection. With the smoothness of her thigh and the firm, gentle mound of her cunt, the sexually voracious young teacher ground against him rhythmically, teasingly, stirring a strange, hitherto unknown swell of lustful passion in his never before used loins, filling his now swelling testicles with a scathing inferno of his first sperm. Something inside him told him that he was going to explode from the new pressure building up in his young balls.

For a moment's pause, he pulled his tiny tongue from the almost desperate sucking of her ovalled lips and snuggled his face alongside hers, easing his hand amazingly skillfully down her side to fondle the ivory moon of her ass-cheek. His thoughts were racing along lines he had never dreamed of before. Everything was still so new to him that he wasn't sure what, if anything, was expected of him. He wanted to do all those things a man is supposed to do, and Karen was certainly making it easier for him than she might have... but the soft skin of a woman against his eight year old hand was so delicious that it was almost scary. Still, even though he was so young, he was one of the brighter boys in the class, and he was learning quickly. Being a paper boy, he had had to overcome many fears, and he was overcoming another now.

Billy squeezed his tiny hand into the soft, warm flesh of her buttocks, and she responded with a shiver that rocked his entire body as he lay on top of her, almost dwarfed by her larger body. He could feel her quivering beneath him, and he wondered if she was supposed to be doing that. Her pelvic mound pressed up against his fiery boyish loins, her thighs clamped and unclamped around his leg as she squeezed the firmness of his flesh against the hotly eager lips of her cunt, pushing her soft, hungry pussy tightly against his naked cocks and balls.

Sensing that her young lover was coming into his own, Karen reached down the full length of his back, ran her fingers over the smooth swell of his tiny buttocks, and then shoved her hands between his legs, squeezing firmly but tenderly the hairless sac beneath his turgid penis. Billy moaned at the electric touch of her fingers. He wanted to say things, but he was not sure of the words. Karen, however, decided that she would show him that he was doing just fine for his first time...

"Oooohhhhh... lover... sweet darling... I want you so bad... I want to feel your cock fucking in and out of me... I want to feel you in my cunt... hurry... I'm going crazy with lust... "

She held her arms up to him again, inviting him, arousing him to enter her vagina, and below her thighs were splayed out wide to receive him, as her hips ground in tiny impatient circles under him.

The hopelessly aroused eight-year-old wedged his hips easily into the wide angle of her thighs, his erect boy-cock probing aimlessly for the tender moist flesh of her moist cuntal slit. As soon as his passion-swollen penis touched her again, she shuddered under him with sensual delight, her whole body quivering with eager anticipation. Then, after hearing what his teacher had said, Billy took a deep breath and spoke words which totally surprised him, words he had only heard and never thought he would say in his entire life...

"I... I want... to fuck you, Miss Heller... I..."

Karen spoke over his words, delighting in the fact that she was able to turn a once frightened young boy into a passionate young man in such a short time.

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