Searching For Satisfaction - Cover

Searching For Satisfaction


Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

After the two boys left Karen and Maude remained naked lying on the livingroom floor. It was most comfortable and Karen enjoyed the sense of freedom it gave her. Maude had poured them two stiff drinks of whiskey and when Karen downed hers it sent a shock wave boiling through her body. Blinding back tears, she forced the rest of the drink down and set the glass aside. The alcohol sizzled through her veins like a series of low-grade earthquakes. And something else she felt - her body was seething with desire. Wow, did straight whiskey do that to a person? She decided it did.

"Maude?" Karen asked, her voice soft, but strong and persuasive too. Maude looked at her and Karen suddenly felt like a frightened rabbit, quivering. Maude knew what Karen wanted, and Karen knew she did.

Maude shivered, and the tight little bumps of her nipples hardened visibly. She crossed her arms and cuddled herself as if she were suddenly cold.

Karen felt wildly loose, uninhibited, and hot. She didn't know if any of the things she had read about would help her or not. She hoped they would, but the only thing that mattered was Maude and making her like it. Karen was thinking about how Maude's naked body would feel, pressed against hers... hot, soft, smooth, and desirable.

"Maude?" Karen asked, frightened.

Karen wanted to say something more, but she didn't dare speak. She looked into Maude's brown eyes, and saw all the pent- up passion still lurking there. As gently as a butterfly, Karen brought her mouth to Maude's. Maude's lips felt hot and dry against hers as they touched, and an electric current seemed to flow between them. Karen felt Maude's muscles ease and relax, felt Maude move her arm, felt her slide her hands hesitantly up Karen's own arm.

Maude moaned softly, almost inaudibly, as if the sound was for Karen's ears alone.

Mentally, Karen was comparing Maude with the men she'd felt. Where the men had been hard, Maude was soft. Where the men had been rough, Maude was smooth. Maude was smooth all over, hairless where George and the two boys were hairy. Maude was warming rapidly and Karen shivered slightly at the thought. She liked the feel of the boyish woman, and she liked the feel of Maude's thighs too.

Entwining against each other, the two girls delved deeper and deeper into a passion that neither of them had dreamed existed. Their mouths opened, their tongues tasted. They breathed each other's feminine smell. They savored all that existed between them, all that was different between them, and all that was the same. Soft breasts pressed against soft breasts, passion-hardened nipples digging into tender mounds. Soft, feminine arms entwining around each other, kissing deeply.

Karen let Maude nestle her head against her shoulder and slid one exploratory hand over one of Maude's little titties.

"You're so soft," Karen said, wonderingly. Tenderly Karen patted Maude's breast, fascinated by the hard little nipple on the little mound.

Maude was following Karen's lead, and she cupped one of Karen's larger breasts, her thumb brushing over the nipple. "So are you," Maude whispered, "you're soft, too."

They kissed again, and this time there was more sureness, more passion in it. They ground their mouths together, their tongues dueling and fighting for supremacy. Karen won and drove Maude's tongue back and licked the roof of the woman's mouth, the back of her teeth. Maude welcomed the intrusion by sucking, drawing as much of Karen's tongue into her own warm mouth as she could.

Karen moaned again, louder.

Bolder now, Karen stroked Maude's little tits, rolling her nipples in her fingers. She could feel Maude jerking and trembling, and knew what Maude was feeling. She knew because she too was experiencing the same sensations. When Maude thumbed Karen's nipples, Karen knew she was on the same wavelength with Maude. The thought of the identical pleasures sent ripples of desire flooding through her, and the knowledge of the thought was wild, insane, and wonderful, all at once.

Snuggling together, the two women reveled in the pure discovery of each other's wonderfully soft, feminine bodies. Karen's curly soft hair brushed against Maude's pale slender shoulder, while Maude's feathery black hair rubbed her cheek. Karen nibbled Maude's shell-like ear, and felt Maude gasp when her breast shifted and pressed against her hand. Maude's sharp white teeth nipped Karen's shoulder, and Karen felt her own body shake with excitement. Slowly their muscles relaxed and they lay on their sides on the soft carpet, the fire warming their naked bodies.

"God," Karen said, "you're the sexiest."

"Me?" Maude gasped, "You're better than a man at turning me on."

"I'm glad," Karen said.

Leaning back, Karen could see the full length of Maude's graceful, lean body, admire the curves, the shadows and hollows the gentle rounding of Maude's belly, and the jet blackness of the pubic hair shielding her slit. She looked breathtaking pale, like alabaster. Her ribs were visible under her skin because she was so slender, and Karen stroked her fingers along the shadowy ripples. Maude's stomach trembled and she dug her fingers into Karen's side fiercely.

"Oh, I like that," Karen said.

Maude mumbled something in agreement.

Maude's nipples were dark, hard knots begging for some attention. Karen's mouth was watering as she stared at them. She lowered her head, her mouth seeking the little buds. She flicked her tongue over one of Maude's small nipples and felt the woman jerk in response. Pursing her lips, Karen kissed the nipple, then sucked on it tenderly. Opening her mouth wider, she sucked more of Maude's small breast in, while bathing the nipple with her tongue. Karen felt Maude's breathing quicken and become irregular as if she were gasping for breath. At the same time, Maude's hand tightened on Karen's full breast until it almost hurt. Then, helplessly, Maude let go and rolled over on her back to sprawl out and open on the carpet.

Karen hesitated, and looked at her friend questioningly.

"Don't stop," Maude whispered, not opening her eyes. "Please don't stop."

Encouraged, Karen bent her head and suckled on one of Maude's breasts, then the other. Maude tangled her fingers in Karen's long hair, and began stroking her neck and bare back. Out of the corner of her eyes, Karen could see the black triangle of Maude's sex, could see Maude rubbing her slender, pale white thighs together as her excitement built in higher peaks. Hesitantly again, Karen slid one hand down Maude's warm, smooth belly toward the dark patch. Maude shook and quivered, her fingers knotting in Karen's hair. But she made no move to stop Karen's hand.

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