Searching For Satisfaction - Cover

Searching For Satisfaction


Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

George kept the two of them busy for the next day. Karen enjoyed riding around with him... the long walks and the serious talks.

When he suggested they go horseback riding, Karen was elated. She had always loved to ride but she had just never had the chance. She had gone with a group of girls once and the memory of it was a good one.

Karen didn't have any riding apparel so she wore some jeans and a loose-fitting shirt that George handed to her. He surveyed her, and said, "Let me get the scissors. I want to see your legs."

With the scissors he cut the jeans legs... not quite to her crotch but close enough. Then he unraveled some of the cut so that the jeans seemed to have the legs torn out rather than cut out.

"I think you look mighty exciting now, Karen," George said when he surveyed his handiwork. "A woman should always look exciting. Always."

Karen knew he meant it, and she did feel exciting. The cut- off jeans almost revealed her pubic hair, but yet it didn't. The man's shirt hung loose, yet the nipples of her tits showed their outline in the material. She felt the material rubbing her nipples when she moved, and this only added to her excitement.

"I have a small place out in the country," George was saying. "I keep a couple of horses there and some stock."

"Who takes care of them," Karen asked.

"I have a high school student, a boy who loves animals. He takes care of them after school. Usually he sleeps out there on the weekends, in the tack room."

When they reached the small farm, George parked and said, "Let's go into the tack room and get the saddles."

Karen followed him inside the dim room. "Does it ever get lonesome out here for the boy?"

"I doubt it. He loves animals, too."

"I might get lonesome if I was here all alone," Karen said.

"I would never let you get lonesome," George said. He turned to her and took her by the shoulders. For a moment he looked deep into her eyes. Karen knew he could see the need there. Now George pulled her to him. For just a moment Karen stiffened, then she relaxed.

He hugged her to him and again she stiffened, uncertain about her feelings. She needed him, but would he only tease her, or would he see it through.

George started caressing her back, and his touch felt good to her. She wished he would put his hands under the shirt and touch her bare back. Instead George pulled her tighter to his body.

Karen's uncertainty gave way to hot eagerness as chills raced along her spine. She gave a deep gasp and thrust her body to his and tightened her own grip on him. Eyes closed, she tilted her face up for his kiss. His lips covered hers and pressed. Karen liked the moist warm feel of them, her breath on his cheeks was a series of irregular hot puffs. She lost herself in the utter lust of the moment and touched his mouth with the tip of her tongue. His body tensed convulsively, his arms crushing the breath from her lungs, and his tongue, hard and insistent, drove between her parted lips and past her teeth.

Shivers raced through Karen's body. She gulped. Placing one hand on the back of George's neck, she let her fingertips rub the stiff hair while her other hand clutched at the firm muscles on his back. His grip lifted her until her toes left the floor and her body arched to fit the bend in his warm soft flesh clasped to hot, strong angles. The bulge of his hard-on pressed brutally into the smoothness of her lower abdomen, and Karen let her mound ride against the base of the heavy cylinder.

Raising one foot behind her, her thighs grinding on his, Karen pushed her small pussy into him, grinding it.

She felt George's hand reaching around her to the zipper on the jeans. He brought the small metal fastener downward.

Karen twisted but she was helpless in the iron of his grasp, somehow this excited her and made things seem better. She felt goose pimples rising on her arms as she felt the fiery waves of excitement caused when she felt him loosening the waist band of her jeans. The cutoffs slipped to the bulges of her hips and rested there.

Now George's tongue filled her mouth. Its tip blocked the arch of her throat and its sides lay between her teeth. Karen felt his fingers inside the settling cutoffs, working them downward onto her thighs. Her hips jerked desperately, she didn't know why she was fighting him when it felt so good, but she had to fight some or it would all be all too wanton and wicked.

His unyielding grip robbed her of any way to prevent the disastrous movement of the garment.

She shivered excitedly as his fingers pushed down across the tissue-thin fabric of her panties and onto the bare flesh of her upper thigh. Past her rounded asscheeks, her jeans fell of their own weight. She groaned. She felt torn between her sex hunger that flooded her being, and the fact that she was still remembering the things her mother had said... that it was wrong to enjoy her natural sexual drives... evil!

Now George lowered her to the floor and turned her. She lay back on his arm, her side against him and her front exposed to his caress. He rubbed his palm on the front of her panties and flattened the springy bulge her pubic hair produced. She trembled, her mouth covered by the continued pressure of his kiss. George slid his hand upward and her shirt rode ahead of it, and she felt the fiery thrills darting through her belly.

Karen let her fingers tighten convulsively on the back of George's neck as she felt his broad palm cup her breast. She writhed, feeling helpless, as he kneaded the sensitive globe.

She moaned, "Oh, George, I don't know... I don't know whether..."

"Does it feel good?"

"Yessss. Oh yesssss, you know it does."

"Then don't fight it."

Karen shivered. She didn't really want to fight it, yet she felt she should. She had been taught that it was wrong during her young teenaged days at home with her mother. Then her problem with Jerry. Yes, she should fight it, but she didn't want to. If George took her completely, if this time he continued, then maybe he would think she was a little bitch in heat. Karen sighed deeply and shivered with passion.

She sensed that they were moving, but the more immediate sensations produced by his caresses were too urgent to permit more than a fleeting concern. She felt hard, rounded surfaces at her back and George was bent over her. He pressed her against full sacks of grain. Her ass rested against rough burlap, and she felt the coarse twine that closed the mouth of the top sack rubbing harshly at the small of her back.

Her feet were widely parted for support. Her knees were flexed and Karen felt her hips undulate, as if they had a mind of their own. Now they twisted violently in response to the excitement George was giving her.

He released her mouth and thrust his wet lips into the hollow of her throat. Arching backward, Karen let the back of her head rest on the sack and stared at the crude rafters of the shed. Aware that he had stopped massaging her breast through the stiffness of her bra cup, she felt a moment's resentment at the assurance with which he was treating her. He had withdrawn his burning hand from her full tit and was calmly and skillfully unfastening the buttons of her shirt.

"Wonder why a man-style shirt makes a woman look so damned sexy?" he muttered. "Really does something to me."

Shaken and stinging from resentment to renewed eagerness for this man who excited her so, Karen sucked in a deep breath. "Not like what you're doing to me though," she exclaimed hoarsely, "Guess I've been taught all the wrong things," she admitted.

George smiled. "I'm glad you're beginning to realize it." The shirt fell open, and he pushed it off her shoulders. Now he slipped his hand behind her and fumbled with her bra catch.

"Oh no!" she whimpered. "I'm not ready. George! George! Please!"

The heavy elastic relaxed. George pulled her erect and worked her shirt off her arms, then the bra. He backed a step away, holding her against the stacked feed and studied her half- naked form from arm's length. She shivered and felt her nipples harden and grow taut with excitement.

"Ooooohhhhhhh!" she whispered again with a tremulous sigh.

"What a fine sight you are," George said. "Your tits are pretty, so full and so lovable, so inviting. My son is indeed psycho."

Karen said, her voice teasing, "Don't look at me so hungry like." She giggled. "It gives me shivers."

George moved close and pressed her backward over the bulging sacks. He fingered the velvety skin of her voluptuous breasts, stroking the swelling surfaces and drawing his fingertips over the puckered sides of her small nipples.

"Oooooohhhh, George!" she sighed.

"Doesn't it feel good? How can something that feels this good be wrong? Relax, enjoy yourself. There's too much hurt in the world already. We should take advantage of all the pleasure we can find."

"You sound so hedonistic!"

"I am one... confirmed too."

George let his knees slide between her parted thighs and his hard muscular thigh ground onto her small cunt. Belatedly, she tried to clamp her knees together, the movement merely clamping her thighs on his. A powerful surge of excitement made her thighs press harder, and she clutched at his forearms with a fierce grip. Her hips undulated to rub her pussy on the harshness of his jeans- covered thigh. She could hardly control her excitement.

"Oh, George. Wow. Oh my! Oh it does feel so good. I can't... uh... oh, it just feels so good though."

He bent to touch her nipple with his lips, his hand stroking downward to her taut quivering belly. As he took the nipple between his lips and teased it with his tongue, Karen felt his hot breath. She ran her fingers into his graying hair. Thick and wavy, the hair felt alive to her. She groped at his scalp and puffed erratically, torn by savage waves of desire. She was only dimly aware of his hand as it caressed, withdrew, and caressed again. Her arched position thrust her cunt firmly onto the ridge of his thigh and forced her belly outward. She rode his leg with her own thighs clamped tightly, the movement of her hips producing continuous friction at her cunt and on the inner surfaces of her long legs.

She wallowed in a chaos of sensation. Her upper back scrubbed the coarse surface of the feed sack. One breast was buried in the deep shadow of George's head; the other gleamed softly in the light coming through the dirty window of the shed. Her belly was taut and rounded, its muscles twisting under her skin as her hips continued to jerk. Her panties, emphasizing the rounded mound of her pubis, wrinkled where her crotch surged on George's thigh. Her own thighs trembled, and her knees worked restlessly.

"Ooooohhhhhh!" she moaned distractedly.

George plunged his hand inside the waistband of her panties and his fingers drove through the sparseness of her pubic hair. As his fingertips pressed into the flesh of her pussy, fierce waves of pleasure washed over her. She squirmed with delight and let go of his arms to grope at his body. One hand encountered hard hot flesh. A mighty surge of excitement jolted her as she realized he had opened his jeans and let his cock hand free.

"Oh my God!" she exclaimed in shaky tones. Her fingers closed involuntarily on a swollen, pulsing shaft and the pad of her thumb rubbed the slick wetness at the tip of his cockhead. She pressed the pulpy knob tightly against her belly, shivering at the sensation of moisture and heat and the sudden scent of sex.

He was going all the way this time! She had made up her mind to this.

George straightened, releasing his grip on her tit and panting lightly, said, "Christ, you've got a gentle touch!" His own fingers drove between her thighs and crotch, burying themselves in the throbbing moistened folds of her tight cunt lips.

She rose on the tips of her toes and pressed her ass back to the sacks. Fiery tendrils of delight stabbed inward from the depressed tissues and she groaned with desire as his fingertips slipped in the thickening wetness of her pussy. He began to rub the side of her clitoris.

"You'll like this very much," he soothed. "It's the best part of all."

"Eeeeeeee!" she slammed her ass against the sack and jerked her hips violently from side to side. Frantic with the sudden rush of sensation, she struggled to get her thighs together, only to realize his knee still wedged them apart, causing her to be wide open to him.

She gasped. "Oh, George! God! Please! Please!"

"Do you mean 'please' stop or 'please' go ahead?" he teased, knowing what was going on inside her head.

Instead of waiting for an answer, he continued making love to Karen. With quick, sure movements, he pulled his hand free and seized the top of her panties. He rolled the elastic down over her ass to expose the light-brown sparse thatch of pubic hair. She caught her lip between her teeth and smothered a sob of excitement, her chin pressed to her upper chest. George's cock was hot and wet in her hand, and she squeezed fiercely in the turmoil of emotion that engulfed her.

She had really never felt a man's cock before. She had tried to take Jerry's in her hand to coax it back to hardness that would help satisfy her need, but he had pulled it away.

Now this. It was so big, so much more than Jerry's and bigger than any in the human anatomy books she had studied. Ever since her father-in-law had started teaching her about sex she had wanted to see what it would look like, but she had been hesitant to ask him to let her feel it. Now that she was doing so it seemed so natural for her to be holding it tenderly, to feel it throbbing with life and excitement against the tight fist of her hand.

When George started to squat, he pulled the panties down her bare legs. Karen let go of his cock reluctantly as he pulled downward. Her nails bit into his shoulders and she gazed down at herself in morbid fascination. For the first time, she was able to see George's hard cock. Shadowed, the fat cylinder gleamed when his movements brought it briefly into the sun's rays streaming through the window. His cockhead bulged darkly and his paler shaft showed dark swollen veins. She stepped out of the panties without protest with a tingling sense of finality. Surrendering the garment without protest was her ultimate commitment to the source she had chosen for release. He would fuck her this time!

George rose to his feet and ran his hands slowly down the smooth side of Karen's rib cage, and then on downward over her hips. She trembled, her gaze fixed on his eyes. As if in a trance, she knew what to do next. She began mechanically unbuttoning his shirt. When she had finished, she unfastened his belt buckle and the waist of his trousers, going to her knees to work the faded material off the thighs they hugged so tightly.

She felt a moan escape her lips as she worked.

George stood, trying to hold onto his balance as Karen's tender body worked on his clothing.

His cock stood erect before her face, pulsing and so swollen it seemed to Karen that it must be ready to burst. Beneath it his scrotum was a leathery, hair-covered, irregular globe, his balls drawn up into his crotch. While she struggled with the stubborn jeans, she rested her cheek against the moist shaft of his cock and let his wiry, pubic hair tickle her skin. George started to twist out of his shirt and his movement rubbed his cock in her face. She shuddered, self-conscious in her abject-appearing posture.

George chuckled. "How the hell you gonna get those things off over my boots?"

She felt her face flush and gave silent thanks for the poor light. George turned to rest his butt against the stacked feed. He bent and pulled his pants up, then helped her get the boots off. She managed his heavy socks herself, feeling a new warmth at the faint sweaty odor, and grinned at the way George wiggled his toes. With a sigh of satisfaction, she tugged his jeans down again and held them while he drew one foot free and then the other. She pressed her cheeks again to his cock, daring herself and reveling in the commission of the act, then she rose to her feet.

"There," she said triumphantly.

George pulled her to him. She lay against his body while the thrill of flesh on flesh seeped through her. His body hair was stiff and unyielding, unlike her own, and it jabbed at her from breasts to knees. Karen squirmed, intent on fanning the flame of her excitement and suppressing the recurrent twinge of conscience that continued to goad her. George's hands wandered over her back and fondled her asscheeks. The touch sent shivers of pleasure racing over her and aroused responsive writhings of her belly muscles, grinding on his slippery wet cock.

"Oh, George," she sighed, "it feels so good, so wonderful. You make it all, all right."

"It is all right, sweetheart. Now see how you're reacting? This is the way a woman is supposed to react to sex. I'm reacting as a man should. We'll go along like this for a while yet, I want to really build you up so you can see how passionate you can really become."

She smiled softly, hope he doesn't build me up so far he causes me to have an orgasm before he pushes that big pole in me.

He pulled at her and swung her up into his arms. "Let's put you astride one of these saddles."

Before she could object, he deposited her astride one of the English saddles. She squealed at the chill of the leather on her bare buttock and clamped her knees on the shaped sides of the saddle.

"Oh for goodness sake, George!"

"Just you wait," he said. "You'll see what I have in mind and you won't regret this a bit, I guarantee you."

George dropped to his knees, reached under the saddle and grasped her far ankle. Leaning on her knee and holding the other leg, he thrust his free hand upward to touch her bare cunt through the gaping opening in the center of the seat. Karen gasped and grabbed at the saddle horn as her sudden twist threatened her balance.

"Omigod!" she exclaimed. "Don't. Doooooonnnnnn't!"

George ignored her protest. He fingered the wet flesh of her cunt while she shivered with thrills. Her thighs worked vigorously against the warming leather, and she jerked her shoulders from side to side with excitement. His fingers slipped back and forth in the sticky wetness of her slit and jabbed repeatedly at her cuntmouth while she fiercely clamped her knees on the saddle to hold on.

"No... fair..." she puffed helplessly. "I can't... do anything to defend... myself! Don't! It's not fair! Oh, George, it's not fair at all."

"But you like it and you don't want me to stop. Right?" he questioned, teasing.

"I, uh, I, uh..." she stammered.

He laughed contentedly. "I thought so. You don't want me to stop," he repeated. "Not really. Right?"

"Oh for Christ sake. Shit!" she finally spit out. "Shit! Shit! Shit!"

George roared with laughter now. "That's not really the response I wanted, but I guess it will do." He continued chuckling at her demise.

Now he fingered her clitoris vigorously and Karen thrashed about on the saddle and jerked futilely against his grip on her ankles. She felt his fingers settle on her mound and the tip of his thumb at her cuntmouth. His caresses stopped. There was only the unceasing pressure of his hand on her pussy. Giddy with pleasure, Karen ground her hips and rubbed her cunt on the gently pushing rough thumb.

"Oh, George, I've never really done it before. It feels so good, but I, uh, I'm so confused. So confused."

"Don't be confused, sweetheart. So you've never really been fucked before. Don't let this bother you. I'll show you how great it can be."

"Are you going to... uh, fuck me, George?"

"We'll see, darling."

He slipped her foot into the stirrup and released her ankle. Pleased with the sense of leverage, she awkwardly searched for the other stirrup, and he eased the pressure of his body against her knee while she worked her other foot into its stirrup. She let her weight settle more comfortably and was totally unprepared when George thrust his thumb into her moist, hot pussy canal.

"Ohhhhhh. Eeeeeee," she shrieked, more from the suddenness of it than anything else.

He drove his thumb inward to the knuckle and tightened his fingers on her mound. Karen jerked her hips vigorously, clinging to the horn and pushing at the stirrups with the balls of her feet.

"Good God!" she muttered sharply. "Oh, George, it feels so strange!"

"But good..." he added for her.

She clenched her teeth and abandoned herself to the savage pleasure she was feeling.

George groped with his free hand until he could grasp one of her swaying breasts. He kneaded the soft flesh and toyed with her nipple, then let go and placed his arm around her waist. She moaned softly, feeling her excitement rise toward the level of orgasm and postponing the certainty of substituting his cock for his thumb. She had never come with a man's cock buried within her, but she had dreamed of it. Oh God, how she had dreamed of it. She knew George's cock would increase and fulfill the pleasure she felt and yearned for so desperately.

George kissed her thigh and nibbled at the sensitive flesh of her hip, making her squirm with redoubled effort. She felt the knot of her excitement hardening in her belly and warned him.

"Ohhhhh! Wait! Please wait! I'm so close to an orgasm, and I want to feel you in me!

George stiffened slightly.

"Is something the matter?" Karen asked.

"Hey," he poked at her playfully with his closed hand. "I think we've carried this far enough for this time." He paused then said, "I wanted you to see how hot you could really get if we were away from the house and all."

She stared at him, disbelief showing in her face. "You were only playing a game, all the time... you never intended to go through with it... you... oh shit! George! Damn you, damn, damn you!" she spit out.

"You have a temper, too, I see," he said pleasantly.

Without another word Karen grabbed up her clothes and nude stomped out of the tack room toward the bigger barn. George dressed and followed her.

She was standing on top of a ladder looking into the loft when he came into the barn, she looked toward him and lost her balance. George rushed to the ladder to steady it. He noticed that she had put the shirt back on but she was wearing nothing under it.

Karen knew he was staring up at her bare bottom. She would show him what he was missing, then she lost her balance and as she started to fall, George grabbed at her and caught her before she was all the way down the ladder. Karen fell against him, twisting as she did so that her arms were around his shoulders.

He was holding her securely, one hand around her legs and one around her waist as he gently lowered her down to the ground. Karen panted loudly, as George deposited her lightly on the soft hay floor.

"Are you all right?" he asked, kneeling before her with a look of genuine concern showing in his eyes. "Are you all right?" he asked again.

She nodded.

He reached out and pressed his hands against her ankles, and Karen noticed that his fingers were trembling.

"That feels good," she whispered, leaning back even more, opening her legs slightly until George had no trouble making out the shape and configuration of what was barely hidden between her spread-eagled thighs. "Your hands are so firm, and, uh, feel so good."

His fingers began to work on her ankle, massaging it, as his chest rose and fell violently. His face was flushed and Karen knew what was causing it. She knew he had been worked up almost to the point of no return a few minutes before. Well, she would show him.

As George felt her smooth skin under his fingers, as he caressed her ankles, moving on upward, rubbing slightly higher, Karen knew he was feeling pleasure from what he was doing, as she was feeling it in her cunt. She wiggled and squirmed ever so slightly, as the walls of her pussy dampened with the growing heat and ardor of her lust.

Karen started moaning softly with what she tried to make sound like genuine cries of pain as George continued his massaging of her ankles.

"A little higher I think," she said, hoping he would keep it up.

George was barely able to control his growing excitement as his hands moved higher, up along Karen's calf, fondling and kneading her flesh as she tried wiggling toward him.

Karen liked what he was doing to her, and she hoped her plan would work. If she could get him worked up again, or get him to try working her up again, then... well, this time, she decided, she would be expecting him not to back out. She would see to it that he didn't.

She glanced down at his crotch as he knelt before her, resting his weight on the backs of his heels. And sure enough she was pleased to see that the rounded bulge of his cock had definitely gotten larger. The swell seemed disproportionate, too pronounced to be taken lightly. She knew he was still aroused from what had taken place in the tack room and now she was adding to it.

His cock tented up the front of his jeans as Karen detected a slight movement behind the fly. It was getting to him! She felt a sense of accomplishment seep through her body. Now she had to keep it up. The warmth of his hands on her legs increased, and she pushed her backside up off the floor, unable to stop herself, not wanting to mask her growing pleasure and pure delight.

Just the way his hands moved, how they were now openly caressing her calf, excited her incredibly. She kept staring at the outline of his cock and then fell back against the softness of the hay, closing her eyes, waiting for him to take her, to ravish her, just the way she had imagined he would.

"Karen," he started to ask something, looking at her as she reclined on the floor of the barn.

But she didn't answer him. She didn't want anything to interrupt her feelings. She waited, holding her breath, until finally it happened. From her calf he moved his fingers lightly up her leg, past the bony crown of one shapely knee. And then he was gently brushing his hands against her thighs, and she whimpered softly, egging him on, almost begging to be taken and used in any manner he saw fit.

George acted as if he could not control himself any longer in what he was doing to her, and to himself.

"You really look appealing," he told her. "Your firm pear- shaped breasts poking forward, your nipples distended and pressing tautly against the front of your shirt. I'm telling you, Karen, a man would be a fool not to be excited by you." And when he glanced up, he could see the barest hint of her pubic mound, lying there, just waiting for him to use in any manner he desired. His fingers stole on up her firm thighs, and she kept murmuring softly, refusing to open her eyes.

She felt his hands openly caressing her, no longer acting diffident, grazing the insides of her thighs and gently raising up the long shirt until she felt it being pulled around her waist. And then George moaned hotly and gasped, causing her to open her eyes.

Karen saw him openly ogling her naked pussy, the tip of his tongue slipping out of his parted lips, moistening his mouth as his fingers trembled and then, he mumbled something under his breath and, pressed his hand flat against her naked quivering hot and hungry cunt.

"George!" she squealed aloud, "It feels so nice. Oh yes, do it, do it some more," she pleased. "I like your hands on me. It makes me feel so needed."

"Like this?"

"Yes," she repeated, realizing that it was much nicer than what he had been doing in the tack room. She liked this slow tease, the way he was building her up slowly, like a young boy on his first date. He would continue on this time, she just knew it, she wouldn't have to goad him on either. She just felt this way for some unexplained reason, yes, she knew he would fuck her soon.

Just the way his palm pushed down against her hairy gash made her cunt juice gush down, moistening her tract. Her hips were pulsating and she arched her back, pushing her box flat against his hand until there was no hiding her lust... her lewd, hungry lust.

George couldn't stop himself anyway, now that he was touching her twat again, staring at her quivering box with a gleam in his eyes. He rubbed his palm over the swollen mound, feeling the way her cunt hairs stuck to his palm, already glistening wet with her sap. Karen opened her legs even wider, goading him on as the thin outer lapels of flesh parted slightly, revealing the hidden mysteries of her tight young vagina.

They would not be mysteries for long, she was sure.

"Oh, George, keep teasing it. Please!"

The plaintive tone of her voice affected him and he reached down with both hands, gently spreading apart the narrow outer lips to reveal her clitoris poking forward from the top of her vulva. The little pea-shaped morsel of flesh wiggled its enticements, and George's cock began to swell heatedly inside his jeans, which Karen was well aware of.

Throwing all caution to the winds, he suddenly groaned loudly and flung himself down between her legs, smashing his mouth against her quivering and juicy box. Karen arched her pubis, pushed it outward toward him and clasped at the floor, almost screaming out with delicious joy.

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