Searching For Satisfaction - Cover

Searching For Satisfaction


Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

The sun broke through the blinds in her room, and she stirred, trying to hide her face from the light. She was not ready to get out of bed yet. Feeling lazy, she might stay in bed until her husband returned from his new job. Besides, she didn't think she could face up to spending the day alone with her new father-in-law. He was still a stranger to her!

Karen Lind... she had been Karen Thompson until last week. The courtship had been fast. She was working as a librarian in Oceanside, a military base on the California Pacific Coast just north of San Diego, when she met Jerry. Tall, handsome in his uniform, waiting there for his discharge, so he could return to his home and run his father's hardware business.

At twenty-five she had committed her life to that of a spinster. Men were all so strange to her. When her mother had finally died after being bedridden for ten years Karen felt a sense of relief. She realized then that instead of spending her young years learning about boys she had run straight home from school to take care of her mother. And her mother had been no help in teaching her about sex.

Since Karen's father had fled the coop years before, her mother hated all men. They were beasts, brutal, always craving sex... Karen was frightened to death of men... until Jerry came along.

He teased her into going out on their first date, even letting her pay her share of the movie and the late supper afterward. Since he had been a perfect gentleman on that date, Karen consented to see him again. It was the fourth date in as many days before he even kissed her goodnight. Although the kiss was tight and brief, Karen decided he would probably be the only chance she would ever have at a man.

They were strolling along the Oceanside beach when he proposed. "Karen, I like you very much. You are nice, easy to get along with, and attractive. My life is cut out for me. My father wants to retire, even though he's only fifty. He wants to get some traveling in, and he wants me to take over his business." He kept talking, and Karen wondered if he was ever going to get around to his proposal. Later on, he finally did, "I'm going to be working about seven days a week, and I need somebody to take care of the house and to raise my children."

For a minute Karen was tempted to ask, "What children?" but she knew he was talking about the children they would have together.

"I want to marry you, Karen. I can't offer you much excitement, but I will be a good provider."

And that was it... no on-the-knees proposal, no champagne, no bells. They were married two days later in the small chapel on the base. The following day, Jerry received his discharge and with Karen caught a bus to Sun Valley, a community within the Los Angeles County.

Their honeymoon was as brief as the courtship. One miserable night in a cheap motel. Since neither of them had had very much experience in sex, their lovemaking left much to be desired and was totally unfulfilling. Jerry had grabbed for her as soon as they were in bed. He fondled with his hard penis, but by the time he pulled her gown up, he had ejaculated all over her beautiful new silk panties. She had bought black ones especially for this occasion. Now they were ruined. Jerry was so embarrassed that he jumped out of bed and spent most of the night in the bedroom. They hadn't tried since.

Karen wondered when the moment would come. It wasn't that she was completely cold... heavens no! She just needed to be treated with tenderness.

She crawled out of bed in this strange house and went into the bathroom. The shower would put her in better spirits, then she would go downstairs and get acquainted with her new father-in- law. She stripped to her bare skin.

Naked, she walked back into the bedroom to get her overnight case with her cosmetics. The bed still looked cozy, and she had nothing better to do other than to face the old man.

Back in bed she stretched lazily. It felt strange to be completely nude under the sheets. Somehow it made the bed feel so deliciously comfortable to her. She lay there for a while half dozing and thinking of sex. She wanted it, but she didn't really know what to do, or how to react. The more she thought, the more she felt incredibly rosy all over. Even her full breasts felt busty and meaty. As the sheet slipped across her taut nipples, she realized that she was fantastically horny. She wanted sex, but her husband was not available.

Karen drew her hands across her body. She squeezed wickedly at the nipple on her left boob, and saw the fleshy nipple rise up erect at the end. She licked her lips, and prepared to experiment some more.

She drew her body out long, and felt the sheet slide across her belly, and across her luscious mounds of breast. Then she drew the sheet between her legs. She gasped at the feet of the lustrous fabric as it slid between her thighs, and into her unused pussy. She spread her legs, and drew the sheet again through the dense folds of her cunt.

The sensation was overwhelming to her. The sheet was slick and cool and it slid across the moist soft lips of her pussy like a breeze. Karen put her legs up into the air, and she lightly drew the sheet back and forth through her crotch, gently playing with herself.

She increased the pace, and stroked her pussy with harder strokes of the sheet. She began to breathe more heavily, and she felt her snatch warming inside as it grew damp. Soon she found that her cunt was virtually steaming with the response to her little game. She moaned lightly and began to hump her hips on the bed.

She was wild to fuck! But there was nobody to fuck!

The material of the sheet between her legs clung and slid alternatively, setting up a burning friction over the gates of her steaming cunt. She spread her thighs wider and bent her knees more to dip down and open the silky petals to the tough of the sheet. It slid inside them and teased at the sensitive tissues rimming the mouth of her vagina. She moaned lightly as she felt the ball of sensitive nerve endings at the top of her clit awaken and sprout like a small cock. The little bud surged forward into the cupping grooves of the sheet.

A change overtook her doll-like features as her passion mounted. She quickly sprang from the bed and searched through her suitcase for the black nylon panties that still had the stain of her husband's premature ejaculation blotched on them. She slipped her long slender legs into them and pulled them up over her thighs. Now glancing into the mirror on the huge dressing table, she studied her sensuous body.

Pulling at the black brief panties, she was able to slide the thin soft material into the valley left by the sheets. She watched her own soft red lips go slack and her eyes hood over. The halo of golden hair swam luxuriantly around her shoulders and face. Her full breasts pumped up and down, the nipples tingling from the excitement she was bringing on herself.

As if by itself, her thumb began creeping down inside her nylon panties. The material was tightly bunched in her fists, one in front, the other in back, and her knuckles rubbed with light touches over her burning skin. She felt the thumb in front begin weaving back and forth across the tremulous mound of her abdomen, reaching farther and farther downward with each swing as if seeking contact with her golden triangle and the pulsing delights under it. Then she allowed the hand behind her to nose its way between the cheeks of her saucy ass. A heightened throb rippled through her as she thought of its destination.

Her hips rolled back and around and pumped forward, and the material of the panties sang over her clit like a slippery bow over a violin string.

She sucked in her breath and felt sharp jolts shoot through her, and her resolve started crumbling to pieces. She wondered what difference one small bit of self-indulgence would matter now - what harm there would be in slipping her thumb inside her cunt and letting the release she'd been holding back so long flow through her.

Karen's face twisted in agony, and she damned herself for having started playing around.

She sucked her belly in, and watched as it rolled, with the hole of her navel bobbing in the soft surface of her skin. For a moment Karen studied her body. Her tits were full and beautifully shaped. The way they hung on her chest... her full pink nipples standing out pertly.

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