Reluctant Couple - Cover

Reluctant Couple


Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

Diane came out of the bathroom and walked into the bedroom, wearing her long nylon nightie, her blonde hair long and flowing down her back. Roger was lying on the bed, his hands clasped behind his head, smoking a cigarette. He wore only his jockey shorts.

Diane swallowed into her shame-dried throat as she stood just inside the door, looking at him. His eyes were on the ceiling. He hadn't looked at her or spoken to her since they'd left the Cord home in Peacock Gap that afternoon. She had tried to talk to him several times, but either he walked away from her or the words constricted in her throat before she could get them said. She felt total and abject self-abomination at what had happened to her with Marc Cord on that sun porch couch, what she had willingly allowed herself to become. Her cunt still throbbed from the merciless buffeting of Cord's gigantic cock, and her breasts were swollen and tender from his impassioned manipulations.

His cum is still swishing around inside me, she thought sickly, endeavoring to further punish herself for her unforgivable transgression. I'm carrying Marc Cord's sticky white seeds in my belly right now... I'm nothing but a dirty, filthy whore and my soul will surely burn forever in the fires of hell for what I've done, for the sin I've committed.

Slowly, she walked to the bed and sank onto it, careful not to touch her husband. Roger didn't look at her, his eyes remained on the ceiling, the cigarette curling smoke into the electric- charged air of the room.

Suddenly, Roger asked in a cold, dead voice. "Did you like it, Diane?"

The sound of his voice caused her heart to pound violently. "What?"

"The fuck Cord gave you this afternoon?" Roger said. "Did you like it?"

Tears welled in her eyes. "Oh Roger, please..."

"Goddamn it!" he faltered. "Did you like it?"

In spite of herself, Diane found her mind returning to the episode on the couch, to her wide-spread legs and the sight of Cord's huge, blood-engorged penis sawing mercilessly back and forth into her widespread vagina. Did she like it, did she really? Yes, she thought with more personal revulsion. Yes, she had liked it. She had liked it enough to achieve her own climax, to cum in blinding, crashing waves, to cry out her own fulfillment to him and send his flood of milky semen surging into her...

The revelation that, truly, she had enjoyed Marc Cord sent the tears of humiliation cascading like a salty waterfall down over her cheeks. Oh yes, she was the vilest adulteress, the foulest harlot, the most miserable of all the world's cyprians...

"Well?" Roger asked. "I asked you a question, bitch."

"Oh, God, Roger, darling, don't torture me!"

"You did like it, didn't you?"

"Yes!" she blurted. "Yes, yes, yes!"

"You fucking whore!"

"Yes, I'm a whore!" she cried, throwing herself against him and sobbing uncontrollably against his bare chest. "Oh God, Roger, yes I am!"

He didn't touch her. "You act like you're proud of the fact."

"Nooooo!" she wailed miserably. "Roger, no, please, I'm not proud! I'm sick, just sick!"

"You goddamned well ought to be."

She continued to sob against his hirsute chest, her nails digging lightly, convulsively, into the skin. "Roger... Roger, are you sorry you... did it with Cindy Cord?"

"Hell no, I'm not sorry."

The words were like a whip in her brain, a well-deserved verbal chastisement, and she felt the masochistic need to hear more. "Was... was she good for you?" Diane asked wretchedly.

"Damn right she was," Roger answered. "She was damned good. She was better than you'll ever be!"

"Oh Roger... !"

"She's ten times the fuck you are!"

Her fingers were kneading his flesh spasmodically now, and she felt a curious tingling sensation begin in her stomach. "Why, darling? Why did you... screw with her?"

"Why?" He laughed scornfully. "Because you're an iceberg, that's why! Or at least you're an iceberg with me. Maybe with Cord you weren't. Maybe you gave him one hell of a ride."

The tingling was spreading, inflaming her loins, and she knew it was the beginning of intense arousal. For some strange, perverted reason Roger's derisiveness was having a sexual effect on her body. She was being consumed with lust, slowly, slowly. She wanted her husband, wanted his body, wanted his... yes, wanted his cock inside her... I want to fuck him, she thought suddenly. I want him to fuck me... fuck me... fuck me! I'm a whore, aren't I, nothing but a whore, and that's what whores want, isn't it? To be fucked... fucked... fucked... !

Her hand began to make tiny circular motions on his stomach, rubbing gently, teasingly, dipping lower until it was just about to the waistband of his jockey shorts. He looked down at her hand, not comprehending, not understanding at all. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Roger... ," she moaned. "Oh God, Roger, I... I want you!"

"What?" he asked incredulously.

"I want you to... to fuck me!"

"What?" he said again, not believing his ears. "Did you say what I thought you said? My own darling, frigid, virginal wife. Did I hear you say fuck me?"

"Yes! Oh Roger, yes!"

Her hand moved to the waistband of his shorts now, sliding under it. She could feel the wiry bristles of his pubic hair, and the touch of him sent ripples of sheer lust coursing through her. Her hand went still lower, contacting the head of his prick, and she ran her fingernail over it tantalizingly. Blood pounded through Roger's loins, causing his cock to leap into rigid erection, causing it to palpitate achingly under her probing fingers. She caressed its turgid length, back and forth, back and forth, then tracing downward to stroke his rapidly bloating balls, teasing the leathery, wrinkled surface of his scrotum.

"Roger!" she moaned, completely abandoning herself to her lust, to the newly awakened fires within her; for she was awakened, she finally realized, Marc Cord had wakened her to the full enjoyment of sex that afternoon and she hadn't known it until now... "Roger, don't you want to fuck me?"

"Jesus Christ!" he said. His hips had begun to squirm on the bed from her ministrations, and he was breathing raggedly. "I can't believe this!"

"Don't you, Roger?" she asked, stroking his cock and his balls. "Don't you, darling?"

"Yes! Jesus, yes!"

He entwined his fingers in her hair and jerked her head up, grinding his mouth down on hers, and her tongue flashed into his mouth like a purveyor of liquid fire. Christ, was this his wife, was this Diane? She was actually hot, she actually wanted him! Their tongues curled around one another, burning, flicking back and forth, and she drew hers in and out of his mouth in the rhythmic attitude of copulation. His hands went to her nightie, stroking her body through the thin, wispy material. Her fingers on his cock were burning, burning, and he reached down as he raised his hips to pull the cloth of his shorts away from his blistering, fervid loins. His monstrous, trembling penis leapt into her hand and she consumed it as if it were something she had wanted all her life, but had been forbidden to have until that very moment.

"Roger!" she breathed against his mouth. "Roger, make me naked! Rip my nightie off, Roger! Now, now, now!"

His hand closed over the neck of the silky garment, bunching it in his fingers, then savagely he jerked back and downward. There was a whispering, shredding sound as it came loose in his hand, as he tore it from her taut, hard-nippled breasts and drew it down over her pussy, so wet now with the flowing secretions of her expanding lust. She helped him by twisting and undulating her body, her hand still vibrantly rubbing his genitals, her mouth still fused hotly with his. And then she was completely nude, and his hands were on her breasts, kneading and manipulating her hardening nipples until she mewled with pleasure deep in her throat. Then his hand was moving down, down over her stomach, through the soft golden fleece of her pubic hair, finally touching the erect, pulsing shaft of the miniature phallus that was her clitoris. She whimpered in unrestrained pleasure as he massaged the tiny, trembling bud between his thumb and forefinger. Her loins began to grind down into the sheets of the bed in wild, uncontrolled counterpoint to his fingering movements down between her legs. Her head flailed from side to side, the sensations so intense within her that fresh new mewls of lust and excitement erupted from her throat.

Diane continued to enfold his granite-hard cock, drawing the foreskin back and forth, tickling the blood-swollen vein on its underside. She felt every ridge, every muscle, every vein in its immense expanse. But she wanted to know it better, to learn each and every inch of it, to know it as well as she knew herself; she was completely lost now in the building passion which she had allowed to take control of her body, which Roger's teasing fingers were further enhancing.

I want to suck it, she thought then as she stroked him. I want to suck his big, hard prick, I want to feel it in my mouth, I want to know what it's like to suck my husband and really enjoy it, not like last night on the kitchen floor but really and truly enjoy it...

"Darling!" she breathed against his mouth. "Darling, I want to suck your cock! Please, darling, I want to suck it!"

Tremors of lewd desire ran rampant through Roger's flesh. This was what he had always dreamed of! This was what he had always wanted, but never thought he would achieve! She was literally begging him to allow her to suck his cock! She wanted it, wanted his penis, wanted his body, wanted him!

"Yes!" he crooned. "Oh Jesus, yes, baby, yes!"

Her mouth left his and began to trail down along his chest, pausing to nip gently at the erectness of his nipples, marveling that male teats reacted under extreme arousal much as those of a female, and then moving down along his belly. She let her tongue flick into the tiny, puckered opening of his navel, felt him twist and jerk beneath her head and his hand continue to oscillate her swollen clitoris back and forth. Then she was poised above the hot, hard length of his cock. Her eyes were open wide and she stared at the thin sheen of lubricating fluid which dribbled from the small opening in the glans, to flow down along the shaft and cause it to shine moistly in the pale light from the nightstand lamp. She kept staring at it, as if hypnotized by that unseeing eye, the purplish-red, palpitating monster which she had cradled in her hand.

It seemed to sway before her face, like a charmed cobra, urging her mutely to come closer, come nearer. She obeyed. Her lips were only a scant inch from the moist, drooling head, half an inch, and then her tongue came out with agonizing slowness and touched the rubbery glans, touched it and began to swirl around the opening, lapping up all the thick, sticky fluid. Diane's brain reeled from the electric touch of her tongue on his penis, from the salty, not unpleasant taste of his semen. It was good, good, good. She hadn't dreamed it would be this good! She opened her mouth wider and took the head inside the butter-soft interior, swirling her tongue faster and faster now over the dripping glans, causing Roger to cry out in pure delight.

"Oh Jesus, Jesus, baby, that's it! Oh Christ, that's ittttt!" he wailed, wrapping his hands in her hair and pushing her head down on him, making her take more of his rigid column into her gently nibbling mouth.

She massaged the soft resilient skin of his testicles tantalizingly with one hand, and her thumb and forefinger were stroking the mighty base of his cock. She was sucking rhythmically up and down now, twirling the softness of her tongue maddeningly around it at the apex of the withdrawal, the tip flicking across the tiny split in the glans. Roger flexed his buttocks, moaning, looking down at the crown of her head bobbing up and down above his loins as she simultaneously worked her buttocks in tight, undulating circles. He imagined the pink fleshy lips being pulled out grotesquely, clinging to his thick cock as she sucked voraciously, her feverish mind churning with the delicious lewdness of the act.

Roger felt her naked breasts flex and dance in his belly, and he knew he was going to cum before very much longer. He could feel the surging, boiling activity in his balls, the impending eruption of his churning sperm. God, she was... she was incredible! Even Cindy Cord hadn't been this good yesterday, when she had sucked him by the pool! He had never known it could be like this!

"Baby... !" he panted. "Baby, I want to... fuck you now... got to fuck you now... come on, baby, let me fuck you..."

She ceased her maddening licking of his cock, stopped the delicious gentle digging of the tips of her teeth into the hard resisting flesh. Almost reluctantly, she released his cock, let it slide from her mouth trailing a thin strand of lubrication with her wet, glistening lips as they pulled away. She turned her face up to him, her eyes burning with lust and desire and... yes, with love, too, he could see that. She rolled over onto her back, with her legs pulled up, knees to her breasts, and spread widely, lewdly, exposing the pink, passion soaked petals of her vagina to his eyes.

Roger rolled over, poised over her. He had to fuck her, and he had to fuck her now; if he didn't he was not only going to blow his wad, he was going to blow his goddamned mind!

"Take it in your hand, baby," he whispered fervently. "Take my big cock in your hand and shove it up that tight little cunt of yours where Marc Cord's was this afternoon! Do it now, baby! Put it in, put it in!"

Her hand slipped down as she tossed and flung her body on the sweat-soaked bed and encircled his thick throbbing cock in her small fingers. She spread her legs and thighs ever wider apart as her fingers dug into the moist, slick surface of his shaft; and then she was guiding his prick toward the small, juicy hole of her vagina, using its bulbous, purplish head to part the pubic hair and full, fleshy lips of her cunt.

She gasped aloud at the sudden electrifying contact of the rubbery glans against the damp, sensitive flesh. Roger flicked his hips slightly forward, and Diane felt a sharp little pain from the stretching pressure of his member at the tight entrance of her vaginal orifice.

"Ohhhhh!" she cried. "Aaaaaaaggggghhhh!"

He pushed forward again as the gigantic crest forced its way into the tightly clenched elastic opening. Her hips flew up to meet his thrust, burying almost the full length of his tumescent rod in the folds of her cunt, sending it racing along the lubricated passage and into her belly until she felt his heavy, sperm-bloated balls smack solidly against the upturned cheeks of satin-soft ass.

"Ohhhhhh, Rogerrrrrr, Rogerrrrr!" she wailed beneath him as he flexed his cock deep inside the tight flesh of her vaginal sheath, lurching the thick shaft another fraction of an inch deeper into her, then repeated the motion again, and again, each time raising moans of pain and joy from deep inside Diane. Soon, her vaginal slit became accustomed to his monstrous size, and the pain abated and there was nothing for her but joy, joy for the first time from the plunging cock of her husband, the man she loved.

Roger began a slow revolving motion with his pelvis, grinding his cock tightly into her naked crotch, expanding the walls of her pussy even more.

"Fuck me, Roger, fuck me, fucccccckkkkkk meeeeee!" she heard herself cry out, and the obscene words from her own lips caused her flailing buttocks to rotate even more insanely, to demand even harder thrusts from her husband's churning loins. He rocked above her, using short, smooth strokes, and her body reacted in kind, chills of excitement and rapture spiraling the full length of her spine as she felt the tempo of his heavy, burgeoning cock burrow into her throbbing cunt.

Quickly, he increased his pace and the length of his stroke, knowing he couldn't last much longer, feeling the volcano that was his balls almost brimming over. Diane raised her widespread loins up to him in simultaneous rhythm to his every downward thrust as her passion-contorted face twisted wantonly with her desire.

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