Pony Girl - Cover

Pony Girl


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

Carol and Ret were smiling the next morning when they came out into the living room where Ret had again tied up Lena for the night. Carol had made fifty bucks the night before, for two jobs. And Ret had contacted Lena's father. He was coming to pick her up tomorrow. He was coming to bring them the $700 tomorrow. Everything was looking up for Ret and Carol.

Lena trembled in fear all of that day. Ret and Carol hung around the house, drinking and watching TV.

All day Ret stole sly glances at his sister. He couldn't approach her with his old lady there. Carol would be insanely jealous.

All day too, Buster kept trying to stick his head up between Lena's legs. That made Carol jealous too, and she kept calling to him, "Buster, Buster, get away from her. Why can you imagine," Carol continued talking to Ret now as if Lena weren't even there, "what kind of girl would make it with an animal? I mean, a donkey? Shoot, you gotta be desperate to do that sister. Now take me, for instance, I do it with men for money. I don't like to do it honey, but I do it for the money, and for you," she nuzzled Ret's lips. She was sitting on his lap at one end of the couch while Lena sat tied down at the other end watching them.

"I do declare, though, I'll sure be glad to have that blue pair of eyes out of my house. I wish she'd quit staring at me, like that, honey. Make her quit staring."

Ret was staring at Lena himself, and in his drunken buzz, he didn't hear most of Carol's complaints. He was licking his dry lips with a dry tongue and looking down at the crotch of Lena's jeans.

"Honey!" Carol hit him over the head. "I said I want to have a little fun around here. We should be celebrating. We've struck it rich. We're going out west. Honey, let's have us a little party. Let's call up some people--Ray and George, and maybe Sylvia could come over, and help us celebrate."

"Why not?" said Ret lazily tipping his drink. Carol got up to hit the phone and call up her friends. The phone was in the bedroom.

Ret went over to his sister, stood over her, and just let his hand dangle over her crotch. He lifted her shirt and caressed her watermelon tits lavishly, until the titties were hot and excited. Then he pulled her shirt back down over her chest and walked away. Carol came back out from the bedroom gaily.

"They're all coming over. We'll have us a party. Honey, get out the liquor. I'll see if I can hunt us up some crackers and cheez whizzes or something."

Sylvia and George and Ray arrived altogether in the front cab of Ray's pickup. It was amazing to think they had all managed to fit into the cab together because George's enormous bulk--he must have weighed three hundred pounds--was equaled and surpassed by Sylvia's huge form.

Sylvia was a truck driver and she must have weighed 350. She was all rolls of flesh. Every movement she made more rolls of fat tumble over each other, and when she laughed, which she did often, and joyously, the flesh fell into chaos, trembling and shaking all over. Her laughter caused her breasts to avalanche down her belly, which avalanched down over her thighs. Her legs looked like huge muttonchops, with the kind of crevices in them that are caused by excessive weight.

Sylvia's laughter also made everyone else laugh, and soon everyone, except Lena was jolly.

Carol introduced Lena to the gang.

"This is Lena, Rettie's baby sister. She was a bad girl and ran away from home, she's only--what are you--sixteen, honey? We called her Daddy and he's coming to get her tomorrow."

"Well, I don't know if I'm going to be able to party with a little sixteen year old watching on," drawled George. He had three chins, which tumbled on top of each other as he raised his head and his glass. "I mean, I don't want to be corrupting the morals of no minor or nothing, if you know what I mean," he winked at Carol, who had put on a gold lame dress for the occasion. The tight dress pushed her boobs up and together and cinched in at her waist. She wore lots of makeup, bright red on her cheeks and flaming green at her eyes.

Carol giggled, holding a highball with her pinky raised. She loved being a hostess. "You don't have to worry about corrupting the morals of this minor. I told you she was a bad girl. Why she's done things you wouldn't think of doing George Limpson."

"Oh yeah? Like what?" George bellowed with laughter.

"Yeah, like what?" asked Sylvia with interest.

"You know that act that was playing down to the Black Pussy? That act with the donkey from Tequila, Mexico?" Carol's voice had lowered confidentially.

Lena sat uncomfortably on the couch. Ret and Carol had agreed to untie her and ungag her for the party and they both had said they trusted her not to run away. If she did run away, Ret had explained, with his fist in her face, she would regret it. His fist was the size of her father's and she had looked at it with quiet dismay.

"She was the girl!" said Carol pointing triumphantly at Lena.

Everyone looked at her and gaped with awe. "With a donkey!" Sylvia started screaming with laughter, which set off George. Carol was cackling in her phony high lady-like laugh which soon turned to burps. Ray, a thin, quiet man with thin lips pressed tightly together, smiled too. George and Ray owned and operated "George and Ray's Truck Stop." Tonight was their night off.

"She looks so innocent like," said Ray quietly and that started everyone off again, hooting with laughter.

"With a donkey," Sylvia kept shaking her head and her eyes got a faraway look as if she were trying to imagine it.

"Wish we had that donkey here now so she could give us a private performance," said George.

Lena said nothing.

Ret was watching her closely, licking his lips. He watched her tits heaving as she breathed heavily with humiliation. He wanted her tits in his mouth and her cunt around his dick so bad.

He said, "I don't think my sister should have to listen to talk like this. Maybe she made a few mistakes in life, but we all have, right? I want to talk to her in the bedroom," he said. And he got up and led her away.

"I think I better go and talk to her too," said George. "I like to talk to young folk. Set them straight about what life is all about."

"Now don't you fellas muss up my boo-doire," said Carol blithely. She was smiling at Ray. She had always had the hots for him.

Someone turned the music on somewhere, and the night became heavy and foggy. Couples fell on top of each other in chairs in the living room or in the bedroom, and got up off of each other and found an embrace somewhere else. Bottles lay strewn all over the trailer, and wherever you were, you could reach out and pour yourself some more of something.

Carol kneeled between Ray's legs and unzipped the top part of her gown so that her flabby breasts hung out. She pressed them against Ray's crotch and began undoing his zipper. Ray watched as if uninterested.

She pulled out his dick but it was soft and drooping. She let it roll about against her breasts, but still it didn't get hard. Carol looked up at him from under her long fake eyelashes, and then slipped his dick inside her mouth. It felt soft and small like a worm.

She bit it. She felt it harden a little bit as if an underground current were picking up. Ray lay back against the chair and sighed and closed his eyes.

"Suck me off, honey, suck me off," he whispered, holding her head on his dick with his hands when she tried to come off him.

She pressed down on his now hardening dick with her mouth. Her lips pressed back the foreskin and the head of his cock emerged, shining and hard. She felt for his balls, still in his pants, and gently eased them out so she could play with him while she brought him off.

Sylvia sat on the couch across from them watching as she sipped her drink.

She watched her friend Carol's head bob up and down on top of Ray's torch, and she watched the pink flesh of Ray's stick appear and disappear into Carol's mouth. His cock was smeared now with Carol's red lipstick, and the lipstick on Carol's face was no longer on her lips but all around her mouth as she furiously tried to please him.

"Harder. Faster. Up and down right here," Ray showed her the vein to follow leading from the tip of the cock to about half way down the underside.

She followed this line, licking with her hard, flattened tongue, then just rubbing with her lips pressed together, and with a little bit of her tongue sticking out.

The smell of his cock turned her on. She had an appetite for cock tonight and gladly she allowed the shape and feel of his cock to fill her mouth and she hung on to the organ with pressing lips. She licked it and squeezed it, and thanked him for allowing her to eat him. She didn't want him to come until she'd eaten as much cock as she wanted.

But she couldn't hold him back anymore. He gripped the sides of the chair and threw his head back and closed his eyes. His fingers stretched as he felt the softness of the walls of her mouth squeeze with an iron-like hold and her fingers squeezed at the base as if she were squeezing candy up a stick. The come came bursting out of him like champagne out of a bottle that's popped its top. She almost lost his dick as his stuff started flying. But she popped his cock into her mouth at just the fight moment, and not a drop was lost. She sucked and sucked the cock, squeezing it with her hands at the same time. She must have swallowed two cupfuls.

"Did I come a lot?" asked Ray smiling from behind his thin lips.

"Mmmmmm, baby did you ever," Carol licked her lips.

She climbed on top of him now and he slipped his hands inside her dress to fondle her tits.

Sylvia sighed on the couch and got up and headed for the bedroom. "Disgusting," she said. "Why a woman would ever want to suck a man's dick I'll never know."

In the bedroom the action was hot.

George and Ret had quickly stripped Lena down to her essentials: her black briefs.

George had recognized the panties from the act immediately. "That's them! I remember! With the red ribbon in the cunt hole like that!"

Lena was resisting however, and starting to shout so Ret showed George how he gagged her and tied her hands, so she couldn't punch them.

"Can I have her?" George asked with a shy grin on his huge face. He was practically drooling.

George hadn't been near a young female body in so many years. Not a body like this one, out of a sex magazine. The smoothness of her curves, the shape of her knockers, the curve of her waist and the slope of her belly into her mound--he wanted to dig his fingers into this delectable dish.

He pushed her back across the bed. Ret sat down on one of her legs and smoked a cigarette. George more than pinned her other leg by pressing one knee down on top of it. George was unbuckling his pants so fast, and trying to shake them down over his flab that Ret had to laugh.

"Go slow, brother," Ret said. "You got all the time in the world, or at least in the night. She isn't going anywhere."

George was chuckling and heaving and panting. "You know, she's still your own sister. You sure you don't mind?" he asked.

"Fuck her. She needs to be taught a lesson," said Ret.

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