Perverted Passions - Cover

Perverted Passions


Chapter 9

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

"Eat it!" Katt squealed as her cunt spasmed. It felt like a sea of cum was pouring out of her.

Her slurping sounds filled the room.

Yet, for Katt, the climax was a pleasant tension reliever, not a grand slam orgasm as she had with a man. She closed her eyes and allowed the loving tongue of her servant to lap the juices from her. Slowly, Katt drifted into a twilight sleep. Gradually, she sank deeper and deeper.

Bhadra remained between her mem-sahib's legs, feasting on her pussy for a long, long time. Finally, her oral appetite appeased, she began to think of her bodily appetite. The servant crept out of the room.

In the kitchen, Bhadra plucked a long, wooden ladle with the thick handle out of its holder. Deliberately, she sat down in a chair and lifted her feet up on the table top, her legs spread lewdly wide, intent on satisfying herself. One swift movement of her hand and the scrumptious handle slid into her cunt with a squashing sound. Dreamily, she closed her eyes and hunched her hips. Back and forth her arm worked--faster and faster. Soon, she began to moan softly. Her fingers frigged her clit.

That's how Hazun found her when he entered the kitchen. Padding softly to her side, his dick growing by leaps and bounds, he grasped her hand. Slowly, eyes locked with hers, he drew the handle out of her body and up to his mouth. Sticking out his tongue, Hazun licked the cunt jelly from the make-shift wooden phallus.

Eyes filled with surprise, Bhadra smiled at him. They had fucked many times, at meetings of the cult, but never privately. Reaching up, she undid his pants and let them fall to the floor. A full head shorter, she rose, tilted her head far back to look up at him, for he had stepped in close.

Hazun pressed his lips to hers. Then, he bent his knees until he was nearly squatting, and deftly guided his cock into her creamy slit. With one swift thrust, he entered her. He knew he could do it for her cunt had previously taken his huge cock easily. Bhadra was a good screw. Sadly, she preferred sucking more than fucking, and Hazun was a pussy man.

Not having had such a great cock in her cunt for weeks, Bhadra bit off an ecstatic cry of pleasure. She did not wish to wake the mem-sahib now, with all this fun to be had with Hazun.

"The mem-sahib?" he grunted.

"Sleep. I sucked her to sleep."

"Ate her pussy?" Hornily, he withdrew and rammed back in again.

Bhadra grunted, nodded and groaned with rapture. "Yes, oh, yes, pack it high inside me!" Raising up on tiptoes, to get more leverage, Bhadra tried to match his thrusts.

"I love sucking pussy--sucking cock." She pouted, "The sahib has always kept my mouth and belly full until lately." Getting the hang of tall-fucking, Bhadra worked her cunt on Hazun's dick.

"I like getting head--sometimes," Hazun admitted, wishing to please the woman he was fucking. "You can suck me off this first time if you wish. Do you want to eat my cock?" His dark eyes gazed down at the Indian woman.


Always a gentleman, and a man of his word, Hazun pulled out of Bhadra. His cock was huge and red and throbbing wildly between his thighs.

The woman pulled her blouse and bra off. Scooping some soft butter from the dish on the table, she smeared it all over her hanging tits. Then, she lay down on the floor.

"Put your cock between my tits."

Hazun knelt over her and placed his pulsating prick in the deep valley. This was going to be much better than a straight suck. He had a long enough cock to tit-fuck and get head at the same time.

Bhadra pressed her heavy bags tight against his penis. "Now, move back and forth." As his cock came forward, the head slid into Bhadra's ready mouth and she pursed her lips tight around it. Then she flicked her tongue across his piss slit.

Hazun gulped. He had been close to cumming. That was why he had told her she could give him head. It would give him a calming space. He always lasted longer when being fellated. Usually.

Bhadra held her buttery, hot, soft tits tight around his cock. Through her flesh, she could feel the lurches and pulsations of his humongous organ. Secretly, she had a fascination for Hazun. She wanted to please him so much that he would be impressed with her talents and would want to see more of her. Perhaps, they would even become close.

Another suck and Hazun groaned. This was terrific! Her tits and mouth almost felt better than a cunt. In and out he shoved.

"Fuck your tits... fuck your mouth..." he muttered, grasping her nipples and rolling them between thumb and index finger. Mindful of her pleasure, Hazun reached behind him, found her clit and manipulated it with the fingers of one hand while continuing to work her nipple with the other.

The woman's abandoned sucking and louder moans told Hazun she was as close as he was to orgasm. He used his free hand to pry her tits apart enough to allow him to insert a good seven inches of his prong in her mouth. Then, he began to fuck her face and tits in frantic earnest. He wanted to cum!

Even his balls were in her opulent tit valley now. He found it most exciting that the mouth he was fucking was a mouth that had just finished sucking the golden pussy of the mem-sahib.

Suddenly, Hazun felt Bhadra raise her legs high against his back. Her ass began to squirm all over the floor. Hazun slid his thumb under her asshole, and one finger into her cunt while teasing her clit with another.

Bhadra went wild. Suddenly things went jet black. She didn't realize it was because she had squeezed her eyes too tight in rapture. The floor tilted beneath her and seemed to spin. Bhadra came and came and came!

The suction pressure of her mouth was unbearable to Hazun. The Indian filled her mouth. White-hot spunk kept gushing out of him until he thought it would never stop. As fast as Bhadra swallowed to empty her mouth, he pumped it full again.

Meanwhile, at the dig site, Ted was approached by Chandpur.

"May I have a word with you, privately, sir?"

The 'sir', instead of 'sahib', should have tipped Ted off, but he had a lot on his mind. As busy and distracted as he was, Ted nevertheless nodded. "Shall we walk over to the tent?" He moved away with the lanky Indian right beside him. As they made their way across the scorching sand, Ted was only vaguely aware that there was something different in the man's demeanour.

"You sent a message to Delhi."

That got Ted's full attention. Wondering how in the hell Chandpur had found out about that, Ted stared at the worker. Now, he noticed that there was definitely something different about Chandpur. Was it his taller, prouder stance? Perhaps the alert look on his face?

"You are wondering how I know of this."

It was not a question, but Ted answered anyway.

"Among other things--yes." They entered the tent.

Chandpur smiled. "I am what you call in your country, a government agent. My people contacted me about your concerns, of which you had already made me--and the other--aware." He handed Ted his I.D. card to examine.

Ted pursed his lips and drew in his breath. "For a government spy, you sure had me fooled. However, I'm glad you are here. Someone else has me fooled too. Apparently, there is another spy in camp besides yourself."

"I am aware of that. What has made you aware of it?"

"Someone has informed Beal that we had unearthed skeletons. My wife tried to convince him that it was untrue. I doubt she succeeded. I don't trust the man. Having received no response from Delhi, I had no idea how to proceed."

"Delhi is aware that Hunter Beal has spies everywhere. They did not wish a message to you to be intercepted by one of his people. There are three of his men right here in your camp. They are being paid by Beal to inform on you."

Ted broke in with, "My God! Who are they?"

"It is best you do not know. A look, a word, could tip them off to your knowledge, and make the job of catching Beal in the act of smuggling impossible. Be assured, our people have Beal under close surveillance every moment."

"Then why did they let him fence the bones he took from me without arresting him?" Ted demanded.

"We are dealing with a smart man. He did not try to take them from our country. We have only to stall--give him enough time, a big enough treasure, and he will try to smuggle it out of India. Then, we will have him."

"In the meantime, I'm losing everything I've worked for. My finds will be sold in every direction and I'll have no valid proof that I ever discovered a lost Dravidian tribe."

Chandpur smiled. "Not to worry. You see, those that buy stolen goods are in violation of the law of India. The artifacts he sold have been confiscated from the purchasers by our people. Your bones are safe in Delhi, being held there for evidence until Beal is in custody."

Ted threw back his head and laughed heartily, happily. "Chandpur, I've got to hand it to you, you are a wily devil."

"Do not praise me too loud," the other cautioned. "The three informers believe I am one of them. In fact, I am the informer who told Beal about the bones. It was that, or blow my cover. Besides, it is perfect bait to trap Beal with."

Ted choked, his eyes bugged.

"Some way, we must let Beal get his hands on the skeletal bones."


"Easy, man... listen to me. From his home, one hour ago, Beal made a telephone call to a museum in the eastern United States. They agreed to purchase the skeletons--sight unseen--for a fabulous sum. He has arranged to deliver them. Yet, he has no idea where they are. He believes you have cached them in the sand. As you know, he has questioned all the workers. Thank God none of the other informers knew..."

"Do you?" Ted was stunned at the man's knowledge. How in the hell did he come up with the information so fast?

Chandpur's eyes sparkled. I trust you and your wife slept well last night? If not, I could certainly understand why." The beginning of a grin tugged at the corner of his mouth.

"Damn! I'll bet you even know why we went to bed so late," Ted laughingly protested.

"Actually, I do. You see, Bhadra is my sister."

The shock of it hit Ted full force and a betraying blush darkened his skin. Jesus Christ! He had been fucking the man's sister everyway from Sunday! She had sucked Katt off! Totally flustered, Ted wondered if his ayah had informed her brother of all this. Was everybody a fucking spy? Could no one be trusted?

"Ahhh, you are embarrassed," Chandpur's hand clapped Ted on the shoulder then quickly dropped away before someone saw the comradely gesture.

"Do not let it trouble you." His expression stilled and his voice softened in secret. "My sister works for me, yes. She informs me of matters of interest to me... nothing more. Her life is her own--private."

Chandpur cleared his throat. "I only knew of your whereabouts last night, because Bhadra happened to mention that she was attending a meeting of the cult."

Ted looked at him enigmatically. "And, you just happened to know we were members, too."

A flash of humour crossed Chandpur's face. "Actually, I knew you were a member." His mouth twitched in amusement.

Ted's chuckle was dry and cynical sounding. "And my wife?"

With a trace of laughter in his voice now, Chandpur replied, "Is about to become a member quicker than any other woman in history. I hear the High Principal of Desire wanted her so bad that he waved the sperm ritual. Can't say I blame him."

Exasperated, Ted swore. "To hell with it, man. Is there anything you don't know?"

Still casually amused, Chandpur replied, "No." Then, needled, "I even know that you had one wild, lurching ride home last night." He swung around and strode out of the tent.

Watching him shuffle away, looking for all the world as if he had just been upbraided, Ted stood stark still in the middle of the tent. Thoughts whirled in his head. Eventually, he shook himself out of it. There was no time to stand and stare into space. There was work to be done.

As Ted walked back to the trench, he couldn't make up his mind if he was comforted by Chandpur's presence, or annoyed. For all his nose-to-the-grindstone manner, Chandpur sure had a line of information better than any grapevine in existence. How?

Sighing, Ted decided it was a damn good thing the man was on his side. Otherwise, Ted felt certain he would have been reaching up to touch bottom by now. Devious minds baffled Ted. He was a straightforward kind of guy, and this cloak and dagger stuff was beyond him.

As usual, on the drive home, Sandor took off like a jet. Over the noise of the jeep's rattles and groans, he managed to shout, "Chandpur asked me to give you a message."

Ted's left brow quirked upward, "What is it?"

Foot jammed to the floor, hair wildly tangling in the breeze, Sandor yelled his reply.

"Beal plans a raid on the camp tonight. Bury the bodies in an obvious spot. Then, he said that someone would keep Beal occupied for at least two hours after dark so you can do your work. He said that you wished me to treat a certain five men to a night in town, so they would not bother you either. I have already invited them--at his insistence. Did I do right?"

Ted nodded. "Yes." He dug into his pocket, pulled out some money and handed it to Sandor. "This should be enough to keep them occupied. You're driving. Don't drink more than a couple. I don't want you smashing yourself up on the way home."

"I will only pretend to drink. Chandpur says I must keep my ears wide. Men talk when their tongues loosen."

"Good man!"

"I would like to take Hazun with me."

"No. He is no longer in Beal's employ and Beal's stooges are aware of that by now. Another time--when this is over, you and Hazun can have many evenings to enjoy yourselves. Right now, getting Beal out of our hair is our number one priority. Agreed?"

"Agreed." Somehow, Sandor found another inch of pedal and they shot ahead, leaving a trail of dust and sand that would take an hour to settle.

Awake and freshly bathed when Ted arrived, Katt met him at the door with a welcoming kiss. Although his kiss was sweet and lingering, she noted that it lacked his usual passion. Feeling his body tense as a countdown against her own, alerted Katt to trouble. Her pleasure quickly turned to concern.

Drawing back, Katt eyed her husband critically. His lean, strong face was strained across the cheeks, drawing his mouth into a thin, tight line. Something was wrong!

"What is it, darling? What's happened?" Her heart lurched sickeningly in her chest.

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