Perverted Passions - Cover

Perverted Passions


Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

The sun was high in the desert sky, and still Hunter had not appeared at the dig like he threatened. Katt wondered if Hunter had been picked up by the police. She spoke with Ted about it, but he had heard nothing. Finally, she asked Ted to send Sandor to speak with Hazun.

Sandor returned a short while later saying that Hazun was just as puzzled as they were. His sahib had not returned last evening as expected.

Throughout the morning, Katt worked side by side with Ted. The workers had unearthed several bone shards, and it was a couple of these that Katt held ready to foist on Hunter as their sole finds. By noon, Hunter had still not put in an appearance.

Katt decided that she would take her kit home and date the skeletal bones beneath the bed, and begin treating them. She would have Sandor stand guard outside the hut and alert her if Hunter should appear. She knew she could also count of Bhadra to assist her.

But Hunter did not interrupt her work that afternoon either.

Ted arrived early and reminded Katt, "There is a meeting of the cult tonight. I think you should stop now and bathe."

No one wore clothing at the meeting. Katt and Ted disrobed in one of the tiny dressing rooms provided. They hung their clothes neatly on wall hooks.

"Ted, I'm scared," Katt murmured when her skirt had been hung and every crease smoothed out of it.

"You are beautiful, and a much awaited treat for these Indians. They are all taken with blonde-haired women. Don't be frightened. They are a kind, loving people, and will treat you with respect. You already know three of them."

"I do?"

"Bhadra, Sandor and Hazun."

"They are all members of the cult?"

"Yes, ma'am. And so am I." Her husband smiled at her, and his voice softened. "I will be with you."

"Promise to stay with me until I loosen up?"

Ted nodded and held the door open for her. Heart in her throat, Katt stepped forward with her fears, determined to face the sea of strange new faces.

It felt as if a thousand eyes were on her, when there was only forty-two sets. Noisy conversation petered out. The quiet became deafening. Katt blushed from head to toe and pressed against Ted. His arm came around her waist, and she found comfort and courage in it.

In a voice that easily carried throughout the entire room, Ted said with pride, "I would like to introduce my wife and fellow archaeologist, Katt MacNeil."

Everyone seemed to murmur greetings at once. Still they were very orderly as they fell into a ragged line and filed past her, shaking her hand and telling her who they were.

It was the craziest feeling Katt had ever had. Here she was, standing nude, in a receiving line, being formally introduced to men and women just as naked as she was!

The really odd thing was that not one of the men let their hands or even their eyes wander lower than her face. They did not make any lewd remarks, or smirk knowingly. She might have been the belle of the ball, dressed in a gown and wearing a tiara on her head.

Katt began to relax and enjoy the pleasant exchange with those who spoke English. She felt Ted's sustaining arm fall from around her waist.

The first man in line was also the last man in line. Katt vaguely remembered Ted saying that he was the head man of the cult and calling him High Principal. He took her hand again and spoke to both her and Ted.

"It is our unanimous agreement that you will not undergo the normal initiation, Katt MacNeil. It is obvious to us that you are a bit nervous, and we have no wish to put you through any undue stress. Your husband is a member of good standing here. Therefore, we shall forego the sperm ceremony and begin the Kama Sutra instructions."

Ted was impressed. Nothing of this nature had ever occurred in any of the Indian cults he had belonged to in twenty years. Evidently, the High Principal and the other males really had the hots for Katt, and were taking no chances of her being offended by their unusual rituals.

"We are honoured, High Principal," he replied, bending his head downward. With proper respect in his voice for the High Principal Of Desire, Ted said, "You would do me greater honour, to be the first one to instruct my wife."

Dazed, Katt stood there, listening, and still didn't believe what was happening. Ted was offering her cunt to this tall, elegant man of India whom he referred to as, "High Principal Of Desire."

"The honour shall be mine. Come..." He held out a broad, dark hand to Katt.

She did not look at Ted. She firmly placed her hand in his and let him lead her away.

The High Principal Of Desire took her through the room with a striking, cathedral ceiling. Tall gold candelabras softened, and cast an impression of opulence over the plump pillows and low couches that seemed to be grouped here and there. The room was a study of subtle, muted colours of the desert.

As they climbed up three steps, she realized they were on a broad stage, overlooking the entire room. In the center was a bed, to the left of it, an armless lounge and a couple of straight back chairs. To the right of it were more desert coloured floor cushions in opulent fabrics scattered about. And above them, of all things, hung a swing from a beam in the ceiling.

Speaking gently, so as not to frighten her more, the High Principal spoke softly to Katt. "Shall we just lay down on the bed, side by side and talk a moment? Your heart is beating like that of a frightened bird." He drew her down so that they lay facing each other.

"You are a beautiful woman... beautiful." He ran his hands over her arms, but was careful to avoid touching her breasts. "Are you frightened of me, or of so many eyes?" he asked kindly.

"Not afraid, actually. Just skittish."

"You have made love to a man other than your husband?"


"Then it is doing it before his eyes that worries you?"

"No, not that," Katt admitted, not understanding it herself. "I have made love to a man in front of my husband."

"Then you are ready. I am always first, since it is my right as the head of this cult. Although I waved the sperm ritual, I will now claim it for myself. You see, I enjoy the oral, mutual pleasure of the Kama Sutra, which you most likely refer to as the "69'."

Katt glanced down at his cock for the first time. It was about six inches long at full stand. Pinkish-brown in colour, it was slender and had a small head. It would certainly not gag her. She was pleased.

"It is my duty to begin your teachings in control. In this side by side position, we will stimulate each other until we feel the juice begin to rise. Then, we will break contact. You may still use your fingers to stimulate me, to keep my cock stiff, and I will continued to stimulate you.

"When the danger of orgasm has passed, we will resume oral contact. In this manner, we will be able to prolong our sex act for hours. It is possible, if you are very adept at the art of building tension in me, of maintaining it at a high level without letting me climax. Then I will reward you with continual orgasms like you have never before had."

"Why would not you wish to cum many times also?"

"Ahhh, you will learn that answer for yourself--soon. But I will tell you this. Such prolonged tension, in a man, is a coveted act, for when he does ultimately ejaculate, the sensations are vastly intensified."

"I may touch any part of your body?"

"Any part."

His fingers traced an arc around her nipple and as Katt watched, her brain sent a message to her nerve centres. She felt an erotic tug at her uterus, and a warmth flood her abdominal area.

The High Principal Of Desire's prick had risen stiffly long before he had touched her glorious breast, for he had sneaked a peek at her bush. It was not seemly for him to be so taken with her golden hair. Yet he was, and he struggled to conceal his vulnerability to her as well as to his cult followers. Truth be known, the High Principal was somewhat nervous himself. What if he should disgrace himself, and cum in her mouth, before the minimum hour was up?

Katt did not find the man of India all that sexy or attractive. But she did become excited thinking about him sucking her pussy. Also, Ted and all the others would be watching him do it to her.

Determined to show restraint this time in her lovemaking, Katt reached down and began to lightly stroke the High Principal's cock.

In turn, he insinuated a finger into the core of Katt's tight, lubricating pussy and wriggled it around. Gazing down at his hand against the blonde hair, he realized it was a grave mistake to look at her pussy. It would be his undoing. His cock lurched drunkenly in her hand.

Flushed, Katt knew he was going to work her into a froth and then not let her cum. She tried to keep her body from reacting to his fingers. To her chagrin, she seemed to have little control over her body's response. It did it without her permission. She would disgrace herself and Ted by acting like a slut.

"I'll never learn restraint," she whispered to her new consort.

"Do you find me that desirable?" he inquired, sounding pleased rather than the other way around.

Katt told the truth without bruising the man's ego. "You are driving me crazy."

He whispered, "You are also tempting me. I shall have to keep my eyes closed and not gaze upon the fair hair as I go down on you."

"You are taken with the colour?"

He nodded a bit shamefully.

"In the United States, there are many blonde women."

Her eyes closed dreamily and her pelvis began to thrust rhythmically as the High Principal's finger probed her depths deliciously, then came out to caress her clit. Katt stirred faster, her heart in a flutter. Suddenly, she felt hopeless. She was going to come off right now. She couldn't hold back.


As his fingers moved slowly over her love-bud, Katt became more agitated. Harsh, breathy moans of desire welled up in her throat and seemed to fill the small room.

Instantly, he pulled his hand away. Katt's eyes flew open. She was aquiver.

Gazing at her, he smiled slightly and winked. "You are beautiful when your face is all flushed with desire--for me," he added and pivoted around on the bed in the 69 position.

Katt had crashed out of passion and into reality. This surprised her. Why did she have to learn restraint to heighten her orgasmic pleasure? It was already so intense at times that it nearly drove her mad when she came.

The spicy musk of his hot sex emanated from him as his crotch came even with her face. It was a pleasant smell, even heady. She took his prick in her hand. It jerked excitedly. She wondered how long he would be able to keep teasing her without driving himself to orgasm in the process? Was there a trick to holding off? If so, she wished she knew what the hell it was. She should have asked Ted.

Ted... Katt's glance held the room, at least that part that was in her line of vision. She did not spot Ted.

But Ted was there, watching her from a soft lounge deep in the room. With him was Bhadra and Sandor and Hazun. The latter was speaking softly to Ted about Hunter.

The High Principal's eyes honed in on her pussy and she began to feel on shaky ground. Even so, he spread her legs and looked at the pink perfection snuggled in the center of the soft, blonde curls. He took an in-depth look at her cunt. It was wide open before him.

Katt felt him spread her open and inspect her pussy. She held her leg up for him, stuck her tongue out and licked the drop of oil off his cock slit. It tasted salty and rich and she lapped the head again and again.

Inviting, exciting, he wanted to drive his tongue into her pussy and feel that golden muff hair caress his face. But mindful of his position, the High Principal slid his head between her thighs and delicately titillated her flesh with his tongue, holding himself in check. Another strike against him was that he wanted to make her climax in his mouth. Instead, he must keep her from doing so. It was his duty to teach her to build sexual tension for as long as possible. Excitedly horny, he thrust his tongue in and out of her slit anyway.

A cunnilingus lover, Katt jerked and cried out with the thrill of it. The High Principal Of Desire had an experienced tongue, but it was not as good as Ted's. Still, it had a magic about it as it flitted here and there, touching her clit only briefly. For certain, he was taking no chance of her cumming just yet.

At least, that is what Katt thought, until she felt his mouth leach onto her pussy and ravenously suck at her juices, making her quiver all over. Confused, she felt her desires catapult toward heightened excitement.

Katt thrust her hips up and down. Rapidly, the tension of climax built toward a peak. "Eat it! Suck it! Oh, God, yes!" Katt hissed as his mouth turned into a sucking machine.

This lusty lady was loving his mouth! He plunged his tongue deeper in her hole and tongue-fucked her lustily. His cock had never been harder, nor his balls so spring-loaded, so he had to be cautious. He wouldn't be able to tease her much longer, or he would be the one facing an unwarranted orgasm.

When the High Principal's tongue delved deep inside her asshole, Katt's body writhed and she mashed her cunt against his face.

"I'm going to cum in your mouth!" she warned, and crammed his cock into her own mouth.

The High Principal Of Desire grunted and stopped his ravenous eating. He shoved her hips away from him and cautiously eased his hips back, drawing his cock from her mouth before he spilled his load.

To Katt's amazement, the High Principal brought her to the summit time after time. She could only assume that she had done the same for him.

Nearly two unbelievable hours later, he finally let her cum. Multiple orgasms roll through her. Like exquisite items on an assembly line, they just kept coming, feeding through her. She was dizzy, her body strained to the limit of ecstasy, and still they rolled on. At one point, her mouth filled with jism and she gulped it down. When he stopped sucking her off, Katt did not know. She thought she had fainted, for when she came around, Ted was beside her on the bed, and her lover had gone.

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