Perverted Passions - Cover

Perverted Passions


Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

Standing still, Katt listened as Ted spoke with Sandor. The Indian smiled and nodded, his head turned as his coffee brown eyes sought hers.

Unless Katt was mistaken, they were discussing her. What the hell? Was Ted telling Sandor he knew he'd fucked his wife? But that couldn't be. Sandor was smiling. Maybe Ted was giving Sandor the green light to screw her all he wanted.

Whatever had been said, Sandor whirled, jumped in the jeep and roared away.

As the dust settled, Ted turned to his wife. "I've invited him to join us this evening, darling. I didn't think you'd mind?"

"No." Her voice was choked because her heart seemed to be lodged in her throat. She was thrilled by this "new" husband. Flashes of fire shot through her.

Ted pulled her roughly against him. His cock was hard again just thinking about seeing another man screw his wife. He couldn't wait. By damn, he'd screw her again right here, right now!

Wordlessly, Katt helped Ted in his attempt to work the zip on her slacks. There was no doubt in her mind that he wanted to screw her again. Elated, she flung her clothes off. Ted did the same.

Neither of them remembered to lower the tent flap.

Swiftly, Ted grasped her to him.

"I'm hungry for you, baby," he groaned, thrusting his lean hips forward, driving his erect cock between her quivering thighs.

"Ahhh!" Katt cried out as the long shaft slid blissfully across her clit. She clamped her legs tight around his rod, savouring the feel of it.

Ted massaged her breasts with his hands and thrust his cock back and forth in direct contact with his wife. But that rapidly heightened his arousal too much. He withdrew, lifted Katt up on top of the table and stood in front of her.

Thrilled to the core, Katt spread her legs wide for her husband. She leaned back, arms extended behind to support her weight.

Eyes filled with lust, Ted bent his wife's knees and lifted her long, shapely legs over his shoulders. Then he slid his hands beneath her hips and bent down. Her big clit was already out of its hood, stiff and red with desire. Looking at it, Ted nearly shot his wad.

"Suck my cum from my pussy, darling," she whispered.

Ted's head bobbed down and he licked and sucked hungrily. His long nose rubbed her clit and he heard her cry out with delight.

"Eat my cunt!" Katt gasped, thrusting her pelvis upward and holding it there, driving her husband's wonderful tongue deep into her.

Panting, she asked, "Do you suck Bhadra's cunt like this?"

Head coming up, his face all gooey and slick with juices and saliva, Ted's eyes sparkled with lust. "Yes! Does that excite you? I sucked her cunt and loved it, too! Just like I'm going to suck your cunt, right now!" He lifted her higher and clamped his lips over her pussy.

Katt squealed. Then, "Darling, my cunt... it's full of your... cum!"

Ted slurped all the louder and sucked harder.

Katt came! She twisted and cried out passionately.

Still in the throes of her climax, Katt felt herself being lifted bodily by the arms. Her butt was against Ted's loins, her legs still up over his shoulders. Responding automatically, Katt locked her ankles together behind his neck. Ted pulled her upwards by the arms. She felt her husband's steel rod easily penetrate her cunt and drive deep as she hung in mid-air.

"Fuck me, professor! Fuck my hot pussy! Juice me!" In absolute carnal heat, Katt had never felt anything so thrilling as hanging in mid-air, connected to her husband only by his stiff prick as he grasped her by the arms and guided her back and forth on his fuckstick.

"Deep, so fucking deep!" Like one possessed, Katt's eyes dilated, she saw nothing, heard nothing. Yet, her sense of feel was amplified a hundredfold. Multiple climaxes rolled through her lusty being until she was indeed out of her mind with ecstasy.

Prolonging the ecstasy with deep, fast thrusts, Ted looked down at his wife. He had never had a woman so wild. His nuts tightened as his hot-blooded, erotic wife kept climaxing on his cock. Christ! This was the height of debauchery to his way of thinking. His wife was the most indecent, beautiful, wanton, magnificent woman in the world when she was satisfying the desires of her flesh.

His balls ready to burst, Ted pulled her tight on him and splashed a thick load of spunk deep inside her creamy cunt.

Too debilitated and drained to support her weight any longer, Ted eased his wife down onto the table.

Dazed and feeling delicate and unstable, Katt tried to focus her eyes on her husband. His edges appeared to be all soft and fuzzy. In an enfeebled voice, she whispered, "My God, Ted, I'm wasted."

His chuckle held no strength either. "Tired, baby, but never wasted. You were sensational! That was an out-of-the-world-fuck for me!"

"Me too, darling. It made all the other fucks I've had seem like nothing. I've never had multiple orgasms before."

His chuckle had gained stamina. "Good for my ego."

"It's true! You gave me so many cums, you sent me to heaven- -and hell!"

Ted drew his cock out of her with a soft slurp.

"Then your cunt must be full of juices."

"It's full of your spunk, too," she reminded him with a sleepy-eyed look.

"Let's just see..." Bending Katt's knees, Ted planted her soles on the table top. He drew a slatted folding chair squarely in front of her exposed sex and sat down on it.

With long, bronzed fingers, Ted spread his wife's inner lips apart.

Katt felt a stab of excitement and rolled her head to the side, twisting her torso until she could see Ted. After fucking her, he was going to go down on her! What a cum appetite her husband had!

His tongue dipped into her cunt like a spoon and Katt sighed with bliss. No man had done cunnilingus to her as good as Ted, not even Sandor.

He seriously went to work sucking out the luscious hole, clasping her thighs and burying his mouth in her snatch. He was feeding on her succulent fluids as well as his own. Ted liked the taste of his own sperm.

Womb contracting wildly, Katt clutched at her quivering breasts and began to pinch her nipples and move her hips. She was horny again! It was incredible, but she wanted her husband again.

"Fuck me, Ted!" she cried.

He stopped sucking her pussy and raised his head, but he didn't move. His head was cocked to one side. He seemed to be listening. Katt heard the excited cry then.

"Sahib! Sahib!" and the unmistakable soft thud of running feet.

The tent flap was unceremoniously jerked aside and Karim, one of the workers, bolted inside. He was halfway across the tent when he saw them and froze. His eyes bugged out. The Sahib was sitting on a chair before the mem-sahib's splayed pussy!

Ted jumped up, knocking the chair over. It hit the ground and folded up with a sharp clatter.

Giving a cry of alarm, Katt jerked upright, her heels skidded off the table edge, her knees came down, and cracked together painfully.

At the sight of the golden-haired sex organ, Karim's cock sprang stiff. Now, he clasped his hands over it fast, backing out of the tent so quickly that he stumbled and fell backwards out of the door. Landing on his back in the sand, Karim scrambled a safe distance away on hands and knees. Shaking, he knelt in the sand, frantically praying to Brahma for his very life!

Running his fingers through his hair in frustration, Ted said, "I wonder what the hell that was all about?"

"He sounded pretty frantic. You'd better go see," Katt said, wishing with all her heart they hadn't been interrupted.

"Yes." Ted pulled on his clothes, having difficulty cramming his stiff prick into his shorts.

Katt giggled.

"So, you think it's funny do you?" he said, coming toward her with a mock growl. He kissed her while tickling her on the ribs.

Katt twisted and giggled crazily, trying to fend him off. Finally Ted quit tickling her. She wound her arms around his neck and gazed into his sparking eyes.

"I love you, madly, crazily, desperately. Oh, Ted, we're going to be the happiest married couple in the entire universe from now on!"

A bemused smile on his lips, his eyes were compellingly magnetic. I'll drink to that!" He patted her buns. "I'll finish that drink later."

Joy bubbling in her, Katt managed to dress herself


Her head came up sharp as she heard Ted's bellow. Heart racing with trepidation, Katt ran out of the tent. Spotting Ted, in the trench, waving his arms at her, she sprinted toward him.

Ted held his arms up and she jumped into them, nearly knocking them both on their asses.

"We found it!"

"What? What?" Her heart sang with delight. She gloried in sharing this moment of pleasure with her husband.

"Look!" Ted lowered her to her feet and her eyes followed his finger.

Katt caught her breath in wonder. "An intact skeleton?" She moved close. "Ted! A female--and a child..." Eyes huge, she turned to Ted. "You did it! Congratulations, darling!"

"We did it--together." He spoke to Karim.

The Indian listened, head bowed, to assure he was not tempted to look at the Mem-sahib, in case his cock should grow stiff again and make the sahib angry. By the grace of Brahma, the sahib had refrained from casting him out for looking upon his wife without clothing. It was his right, as her husband, to do so. Karim did not wish to give the sahib the slightest reason to change his mind.

As soon as Karim trotted off, Ted told Katt, "I've asked Karim to assemble the workers. This came sooner than we anticipated. So, I'm going to do as you suggested. Tell them what Hunter is up to and let them know that we do not wish him to find out about this discovery. We'll have to work throughout the night to get it out of the ground. Ted sighed. "I'm sorry, baby. Will you keep that drink hot for me?"

Katt grinned and patted her crotch. "It will be right here whenever you get thirsty. So will I."

Ted's eyes grew soft as he looked down at her and his fingers stroked her cheek. "Thanks, Katt. Have I told you lately, that you're wonderful?"

"Yes, but tell me again," she said, flinging herself into his arms. Theirs was a lingering, sweet kiss. Her lips remained warm and tingly for hours as she worked.

Throughout the long night, they scraped steadily. By dawn, they were all close to exhaustion, but the skeletons were out of the ground and on stretchers. Sandor drove them home and helped Ted maneuver the sheet-covered stretchers beneath the bed.

"There!" Ted said, dusting his hands together with satisfaction. "Let's have a quick breakfast. Then, get back to the dig before Hunter shows up."

"I forgot!" Katt clapped a hand to the side of her head. "Hunter wanted those bones we found dated and treated, ready for him this morning!"

"So, put a fictitious date on them and coat them haphazardly. Hunter will never know the difference, The museum will do another carbon dating, find out that Hunter lied about their age and will not deal with him again."

"Great idea!" Katt cried. She felt wonderful.

An hour later, they were back at the dig. Hunter arrived shortly thereafter.

Bold as hell, he came into the tent and announced, "I've got them sold."

Katt turned slowly, "Hunter, don't do this. If not for Ted's sake, then for your own. If you're caught smuggling artifacts out of India, you'll go to jail."

"Give them to me. I'm not going to get caught. Find any new pieces?"

"No." Katt handed them over.

"I'll be back to check you out first thing in the morning. Now, go out there and keep your husband's attention off me until I get these in the jeep."

Katt had tried to save him. So be it. Casting Hunter a vicious look, she shoved past him and strode purposefully across the scorching sands to the trench.

"The asshole has them sold - so he says. Doesn't even know how old they are. He'll be back in the morning - wanting more."

"Not until then?"


"Good! Let's call a halt. We all deserve a rest after working through the night.

Most of the workers stayed in, preferring to curl up in the shade of the tent and sleep. Katt sat on her husband's lap in the two-seater jeep as they raced toward home.

Ted told Sandor that he should remain.

Sandor grinned and nodded. "You would share your wife in friendship and camaraderie?"

Ted's eyes glistened and his cock lengthened. "The way of the ancient Persian soldiers. You undress out here. I'm not sure how she will feel about this. So, wait until I have her hot before you climb into bed with us."

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