Perverted Passions - Cover

Perverted Passions


Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

The rough sand dug into Katt's knees as she painstakingly scraped away grains from what appeared to be a large, man-made vessel. Its meaning was clear. Dravidians had lived here. The bones had not been from some unfortunate wanderer. The vessel gave credence to the fact that sometime around the 3rd millennium, when the Dravidian's were invaded by other Indo-European tribes, some of them had fled to the Thar Desert. Here, they had lived primitively as compared to the near splendour they had enjoyed in the Indus Valley. She felt a sadness at their plight. How they must have suffered, before the elements finally killed them, or drove them away. Nevertheless, this had been their home.

Katt adjusted her position and let her mind wander as she worked.

She knew that Ted was aware that fellatio had been prevalent in India in ancient times. He also was aware that currently, sodomy was the favoured sex act. What would her husband say if he knew she had let herself be initiated into wanton lust last night, by Hunter?

Hunter... It was odd, this feeling she had about him. He had been a good lover. Not a great lover as she had expected. Just good.

At lunch time, Katt was eating alone, as usual, when Sandor approached her very respectfully. He bowed. She caught the whispered word, 'auparishtaka'. That was the word for mouthing a man's lingum, his cock, wasn't it? Sandor wanted her to go down on him? Then, Katt caught the word 'jaghana'. Sandor wanted to give her head!

Heart aflutter, Katt cast a sidelong look in her husband's direction. He was out of sight, down in the trench.

Katt had her mouth open, ready to say no, but thought better of it. Why not? Ted wouldn't even notice her absence. She motioned for Sandor to follow her to the jeep and said, "Home."

It was a word that Sandor knew well, and when he heard it, he smiled broadly. The jeep roared to life and they sped away in a cloud of dust.

Upon arriving at the hut, Katt sent her ayah--female servant- -to the communal well. Bhadra spoke broken English. But she understood perfectly that mem-sahib wished to be alone with Sandor.

Taking his time, Sandor removed her shirt. He kissed Katt's earlobes and neck. He licked her shoulders. The bra was cast aside. His kisses covered her breasts and he nibbled deliciously on her taut nipples. His hands rubbed the skin of her back as he gently continued to bite her flesh.

Reading the Indian sex guide, Kama Sutra, had hardly prepared Katt for the actual arousal of this simple act of nibbling and biting of the skin. Her whole being seemed to be filling with passion beneath his seductive foreplay. As Katt felt the eager affection coming from Sandor, she loosened up to him. Although his hands were rough, they gently caressed her.

Throat dry, Katt felt a dizzying current of desire race through her as Sandor's hand cupped her cunt. There was a practiced ease about Sandor that intensified her response. Katt arched her back beneath his strokes. Even the hot desert air seemed electrified.

Katt heard herself moan and felt Sandor ease her crossways of the bed, on her back. Her eyes followed him as he aimed his huge, pulsing erection directly over her head. He leaned over. Katt opened her mouth, expecting him to insert his penis in it, but it missed and bumped her neck.

Sandor's capable hands grasped her waist and lifted.

"Ahhhh," Katt gasped as she felt herself swept upward. Blood rushed to her head as Sandor once again stood upright, holding her upside down. Automatically, Katt wrapped her legs around his head. His hardened passion pole bobbed squarely in front of her lips. Her heartbeat throbbed wildly in her ears.

Sandor lowered his head. His tongue began to lick the pink prettiness between her legs. The delicacy, he found meticulously clean, and spicy smelling. The tip of his tongue teased around the clitoris, sticking it with saliva and wetting the golden fringe above.

Excitement caused Katt's pussy to lubricate itself even more. It caused her nipples to stand hard and the surrounding flesh to pucker. It caused a delightful shiver of desire and her mouth to open and suck his member in.

Highly aware of the strength and warmth of the Indian, Katt felt a kindling of fire in her midsection as he used all his power and undeniable talent to arouse her to orgasm. She sucked heartily on the sweet, musky, intoxicating cock. Her limbs trembled as she clung to him.

Hands clamped on his buttocks, Katt pulled on his hips, taking Sandor's entire pulsing length down her throat. At first, she gagged, but she kept trying.

Sandor found it difficult to hold onto the squirming mem- sahib. Her golden muff tickled his nose. Her pussy nectar was unsurpassed. And now her untutored mouth was running mad on his prick. Her fingers worked his nut sacs. She would be fabulous with a little training. As it was, she already had his cock dribbling pre-cum and he was ready to splash tartar sauce in her mouth!

Wrought up, Katt felt a steamy heat permeate her. And then, her clit went forcefully twitchy. Unable to do anything but enjoy her own pleasure, Katt pulled her mouth off Sandor's big prick.

Sandor, in turn, pushed his tongue into her hot pussy and twirled it around, tasting her juices. They were sweet and highly arousing. Due to long training in the sexual arts, he held off his own orgasm. Her exclamations of delight and her wildly twisting gyrations pleased him. He ate her out until the passionate fluttering of her clit stopped altogether.

Oddly gentle and caring, Sandor lowered her down on the bed.

Katt looked at Sandor and spoke to him, even though she knew he would not understand. "When I read the Kama Sutra, I did not understand why you people of India seemed to have so many standing positions for making love." Her lips bowed in a satisfied smile. "Now, I understand." She raised her arms to him. "You didn't climax."

Sandor came down on the bed beside her, his throbbing cock incredibly stiff and seeping juices. He stretched full length on his back, his legs only inches apart. By gesture and pressure on her body parts, he indicated that he wished her to mount him.

Unlike most American males, Indian men supposedly appreciate the aggressive female. Feeling undue excitement, Katt crouched above her Indian lover.

Copious juices flowed from his manly cockhead now. She reached down to steady it.

His dark eyes had a blazing, faraway look in them.

She could not help but wonder at her reasons for enjoying this man so much more than she had enjoyed Hunter. Sandor had neither the athletic body of Hunter, nor the handsome features. But he sure knew what to do to please a woman--a pussy. Not that Hunter hadn't been good. He had, but Sandor was excellent. He seemed to ooze sexual excitement, while at the same time was gentle and considerate, caring for her pleasure before his own.

Slowly, Katt lowered herself over Sandor's thick-stemmed prick. She did not realize that it was her own look of enthrallment that was mirrored in her lover's face.

An electric shock scorched through his loins when her tight cunt sank down over his meat. As if she knew the position well, the mem-sahib's knees bent parallel to Sandor's sides, and without any assistance from him, she began to ride his cock. Sandor uttered a groan of desire, placed a hand at each side of her narrow waist and assisted her in gliding up and down his iron prong.

Not worrying if she was doing it right, Katt simply rode him to please herself. His bulky prick made her flesh throb. Her syrupy cunt clutched at his dick. She began to roll her hips on his big phallus as she bounced up and down. Good Lord, how she loved to fuck!

Beneath her, Sandor breathed harsh and heavy, his chest rose and fell at a rapid rate. His hips thrust as he drove up into her descending, superslick pussy. Her own body movements became more frantic.

Of a sudden, Sandor's hands left her hips. One stroked and fondled her breasts and gently pinched her passion-swollen nipples. The other manipulated her clit.

"Aaahhhh! Oh, God, do it... Make me cum! Fuck me! Drive it in me! I love your cock, Sandor! Give me all of it!"

Her back arched, her head flew back; Katt strained for her orgasm. Her face was a twisted mask of passion.

Sandor timed the squeeze of her nipples and her clit at the same instant as he felt his balls explode in ecstasy. His prick powerfully hammered her gyrating, sucking cunt.

"Quite a show."

Cumming, choking with surprise and passion, the heat of fear in her jerking body, Katt whipped herself off Sandor's cock to squarely face the intruder.


"In the flesh," he drawled, regarding her from deceptively lazy-lidded eyes.

"Get out of here!"

"Uh uh!" He shook his head. "Send your lover away. I want to talk to you."

An icy fear overcame her and spread through her as Hunter spoke sharply to Sandor.

Sandor replied just as sharply, got off the bed and stepped forward to confront Hunter.

Menacingly, Hunter shoved away from the wall. They stood nose to nose, toe to toe, one fully clothed and devastatingly handsome, one naked and common looking.

For one insane moment, Katt thought the two men were going to come to blows. Grasping the sheet around her, she bounded off the bed and grasped Sandor's arm, pulling him away from Hunter. She handed him his clothes and motioned that he should go.

Katt could tell by his dark scowl that Sandor didn't like being sent away. Still, she didn't see what else she could do. But when he left the room, she turned her anger on Hunter.

"How dare you walk into my home without knocking!"

"You forget that my money is paying for this roof over your head," he replied with maddening calm.

"That doesn't give you a right to..."

"Shut up!" He eyed her for a long moment. "Ted know you have a thing going with his servant?"

"No! And he doesn't know about my affair with you either," she said defiantly.

Sandor hovered just outside the doorway, ready to intervene if the sahib raised a finger to the mem-sahib.

"Maybe he should."

"You can't!"

"Can't I!"

"If you want to take revenge on me--because of Sandor--then do it, but have the decency to leave Ted out of it."

"Why should I? Ted can't get verbal with me. I'm his only financial source, and he will never do anything to jeopardize the dig."

Katt that what Hunter said was true. Ted would never jeopardize the dig. It was not wounded pride, or even the embarrassment of facing up to what she had done that made her beg. She loved Ted, and she did not want him hurt by learning of her cheating. Not from Hunter. Not this way. If he had to know, she wanted to be the one to tell him. Terrible regrets assailed her.

"Please, Hunter... Don't bring Ted into this. Let it remain between you and me."

Lazily this time, sure of himself, he pushed himself away from the doorway and with two strides was standing before her. He jerked the sheet away from her body.

Sandor was through the doorway in a flash. Katt gasped, tried to cover herself with her hands and wave Sandor off at the same time.

Hunter, although he ignored the servant, took a couple of steps back from Katt. He eyed her dispassionately. "I've already seen all you've got." He tilted his head. "So has he. Ted would be interested to know that we have fucked you," he added nastily.

Shaking her head vigorously, her face pale, Katt felt a lump in her throat choke her. Her pleading eyes filled with tears.

Immune to her humiliation, Hunter's eyes held an expression of satisfaction,. His voice was stern, with no vestige of sympathy in its demand.

"Ted is onto a major find. You will turn over to me all artifacts you uncover--immediately."

"I can't do that!"

"You will!"

"The Indian government..."

"Does not need to know exactly what you find. Lie to them! Give them just enough to keep them convinced that they are getting it all. If you don't, I will have nothing to lose by telling Ted how his loving wife spends her lunch hour."

Katt began to shake uncontrollably. Hunter was blackmailing her!

"You deliberately set me up for this, so I couldn't refuse to help you steal from my husband!" she charged bitterly.

Sandor? Was he involved? She looked at the Indian. No. She could never believe that. Everything about him said that he wanted to grab Hunter and throw him out.

Hunter grinned. "That's right. Now get dressed. I'm going to drive you to the site and you are going to tag the three items that were found this morning. Then, you are going to place them in my hands for safe transport to--Delhi."

The way he stressed Delhi told Katt that they were not destined for the capital at all. What was he going to do with them? Smuggle them out of India? Sell them to museums and pocket the money?

Ted--all his work, all recognition for his two long years of struggle, of untold hours of searching--gone! He'd be wiped out by this man standing before her. Why had she not listened to her instincts before jumping into bed with Hunter?

"Is this why you popped out of nowhere to pick up the financing of the dig when the grant was up? So you could smuggle the artifacts out and make a fortune selling them? Hunter, please don't do this. Ted has worked so hard. He at least deserves credit for his discoveries. Some of these things are priceless. You can share the credit. Just don't deny him, not when he is so close..."

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