Peeping Family - Cover

Peeping Family


Chapter 6

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6 -

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Incest   Novel-Pocketbook  

Christine's head spun. Her senses reeled. She tried to stop the whirling emotions inside her so that she could examine all that was happening to her and see clearly what the meaning of it was.

But there was too much going on for her to halt it. She might as well try to still a hurricane so that she could look around the yard and see if she'd forgotten to bring anything into the house out of the blow.

Flavor burst through her senses--a heady, sweet, slippery kind of flavor. She knew it was the taste of her daughter's running cunt-honey, and her emotions took another leap.

She felt the swollen knot at the neck of Midnight's hard, surprisingly big cock, and she had difficulty accepting that it was really fucked up inside her pussy.

She had heard all that Robin had told her about Logan despite her efforts not to listen, and that, too, had caused a reaction that added to the whole of what she was feeling.

And right now--right at this instant--she could hear Robin's cries of unmistakable passion. She could feel the clawlike fingers pressing urgently at the back of her head and forcing her open mouth more fully onto the spread, silky, squashed lips of her daughter's sweet pussy.

The cries had another kind of sound to her--something that harkened back through time to when Robin was a small girl. It was as if she were crying for comfort and love, just the way she used to when she would fall and skin her knee or when she would wake up with fright from a nightmare.

There was a pleading tone to the cries, a calling out for comfort again, as if she were in terrible need.

Perhaps that was why Christine didn't fight harder. Perhaps that was why her lips began compressing gently, as if she were kissing the red wound that was causing little Robin such agony.

Only now the wound was a gash, silky and slippery and hot, like no other wound she'd kissed before. Yet, the agony was just as intense, somehow, the comfort still needed.

And, of course, there was a sense in which Robin had been wounded in this spot between her trim thighs. If half of what she'd said were true, then Christine herself had contributed to some measure to the agony in her daughter right now.

Oh, Carl--Carl, I caused it to happen! she cried inwardly. I must give her my comfort again, Carl. Don't you understand?

Her lips compressed again. She felt the spongy, puffy give of the bloated cunt-lips between them. She savored another trickle of sweet honey from the red wound, swallowed it with a shuddering moan.

Her tongue came from between her lips and explored the incredibly silky texture of her daughter's twat tissues. She moaned again, half her mind aware of what she was doing.

But was what she was doing any worse than having a dog's cock deep in her cunt, fucking her? The dog was about to achieve his satisfaction in her. She was about to give it to him.

The dog was not her own flesh and blood. This whimpering, needing, agonizing girl was. Didn't she owe Robin at least as much as she was going to give a dog?

"Ohhhhhh, Mommy, Mommy!" Robin whimpered urgently. "I need to come so badly, Mommy! Make me come! Ohhhhh, suck me and kiss me and make me come!"

There! Weren't those nearly the same words she had uttered to herself just this afternoon? Were they any the less meaningful now because her daughter had uttered them instead of herself?

God, how she and Robin had been at each other for the past three years! Always on edge, always in combat. Wasn't it time to stop? Hadn't there been enough loneliness with Carl gone? Wasn't it time for mother and daughter to be together for a change in their need for each other?

The whirling suddenly stopped. She felt as if she were looking down from a great height through crystal-clear air, able to see at last the meaning, the things that could be.

She had moralized long enough. She had remained aloof and above her daughter beyond the point where it would be of value to continue any longer.

Indeed, she may have been there too long already. She may even have helped push Robin away from her by being there so long.

It was time to commit. Robin was no longer a little girl. Robin was entering womanhood--had already entered it. Therefore, in a strange sense, they were no longer mother and daughter, but two women, united in a special way, but each needing to go separate ways now.

How separate, how separated, would be determined by this moment.

Christine felt that. She felt, too, with sudden clarity, that Robin had been telling her the truth. And that the truth had to be believed if she were not to become an object of contempt in Robin's eyes--an example to be differed from as much as possible.

The consequences of that course were frightening to imagine. They made her shudder. They made her scoop her hands under her daughter's shaking, needing ass and lift the sweet, yearning pussy fully to her warm mouth.

Christine moaned deeply inside and committed herself. She gave herself over completely to the little conspiracy that would forever unite them in that special way about to be lost.

Her mouth opened wider. Her lips sucked. Her tongue thrust from her mouth into the slippery, silky maw of her daughter's hot cunt, and she gave her all.

She'd had a good lesson this afternoon. Robin was right about that much of it, anyway. Logan taught well.

She did all that she remembered having done to her. She turned her head slightly from side to side, letting her lips slip over her daughter's cunt-petals. Her tongue pumped in and out of the hot, wet well of silky, oiled meat.

She felt the clench and spasm of pussy muscles around her tongue, and the sensation was strangely thrilling, making her own muscles squeeze and suck at the prick buried in their midst.

Her upper lip detected the straining, pulsing nub of Robin's clit, and she dove for it, knowing the pleasure and comfort it would bring.

"Eeeeee, Mommy!" Robin cried. "Wonderful! Ohhhhh, so wonderful! Oh, Mommy, I love you! I can't help saying it! I've been such a little brat to you, and I'm sorry! I bugged you and bugged you, and--ohhhhh, you're tops, Mom! The best!"

Christine's heart swelled. She'd done the right thing. She knew it now; no matter how wrong it seemed, it was right!

Her fingers squeezed and kneaded the firm flesh of her daughter's ass. Her palms spread the round cheeks wide. Her tongue licked and lapped up and down the running gash, bathing the wound, making it all better.

At the same time, she began to move her own ass. She felt full. She felt warm and liquidy inside. It didn't matter now that it was Midnight's cock up her pussy.

There was a certain justice to it, even, because Midnight-- good old Midnight--was part of the family in his own special way.

She heard him growl softly. She felt his haunches pumping up and down as he fucked and fucked at her ass, keeping his knotted, full prick buried deep in her cunt.

She felt the incredibly agile and humanlike paws grip her waist and pull her back against his thrusting belly. She felt the throb of his full prick inside her, and she moaned inwardly, wanting him to come, wanting him to ease his poor balls and shed the years of affection inside her warm pussy.

She felt the hot drip of saliva on her back and was not shocked by the tickling as it ran towards her waist. Nor was she outraged by the way his long tongue licked up her back to the nape of her neck.

He licked her hands, didn't he? Didn't he jump up on her and lick her face with excitement when he greeted her at the door after a day's absence?

"Ohhhhh, Mommy, Midnight's getting ready to come in your pussy! I can see him, Mommy! He's tossing his muzzle around and licking his lips and kissing you all over! Ohhhhh, God, I'm going to come, too, Mommy!"

Christine licked harder. She placed her open mouth and soft lips all over Robin's draining, flowing pussy-hole. She sucked at the bottom of her crotch.

Then the tip of her tongue swept over Robin's tight, puckered, quivering asshole.

"Yaaaaaah, yes! Ohhhhhh, Mother!"

Christine's pulse pounded wildly. She felt the blazing thrills shoot through her body as she hesitated for just one moment before committing herself again.

Her tongue tip pointed. She thrust it from her mouth. She felt the rubbery texture of Robin's sweet, virginal asshole, the way it pulsed and spasmed around her tongue.

She heard the long, high wail of blissful agony erupting from her daughter's throat, and she thrust harder, spearing the warm, wet organ into her quivering butt-hole.

Robin's body suddenly lifted and held. It began shuddering in Christine's hands. The muscles and tissues began quaking and sucking with wild sweeps inward.

"Yaaaaaaah, Mommy! I'm coming! God, am I ever coming! Ohhhhh, don't stop, don't stop making me come!"

I won't, darling--I won't!

She thrust deeper and deeper, blending with her daughter, becoming a part of her shaking body. So much that she began shuddering herself, rippling all over, squeezing and sucking and rocking back and forth.

It took her a moment to realize that she was coming herself. Then she heard Midnight's throaty whimper and felt his big prick buck inside her pussy.

She felt the hot, forceful jets of his sperm as his pointed prick spewed and jetted. She felt the warm, furry cementing of his belly to her upturned ass and the way he shuddered and humped against her body and came with them.

There was a dreaminess to it all that she would never have imagined. She felt as if she were floating, as if she were flying through the air in the midst of her orgasm, and there was a liberated quality she hadn't felt for a long, long time.

It was the way Carl had made her feel sometimes, when he held her tightly in his arms and bore down against her and drove his prick to the hilt in her shaking cunt.

She even imagined she could hear his voice right now, telling her how beautiful it was, how exciting to watch, how kinky. How he was going to love being married into this family...

Christine gasped. The dream ended with a breathtaking suddenness. She lifted her head from between Robin's spread, quivering thighs and turned it. Her eyes took a moment to focus again. When they did, they saw him.

Not Carl.

No, not Carl. Carl was dead. The man walking towards them with the lustful grin on his face wasn't Carl. Carl would never be unbuckling his pants and pushing them down to free his straining big cock in front of his daughter.

Carl wouldn't do that.

But Logan would. And Logan was.

"Better and better," he rasped huskily, his eyes running over both their naked bodies. He held his prick in his fist. "Wild-- kinky wild! It makes my balls ache!"

He came up to them. He grinned down at Christine. His hand jacked up and down on his hard, thrusting shaft. The head was pointed right towards her, and she could see the swelling and pulsing of the velvety knob.

She knew what he was going to do. She knew it the moment she saw his other hand coming towards the back of her head. Her eyes turned upwards from his hard prick to his face, and her mouth opened.

"Logan!" she cried.

His prick-head rippled past her lips. She felt the velvety smoothness of it against her tongue and the roof of her mouth. She caught the scent of his prick and his balls. It was heady. But there was something rank about it, too.

"I offered you girls a dinner," he said huskily. "It looks like we're going to eat here. Ahhhhh, eat this big piece of meat, baby, and I'll eat out your asshole again!"

Robin lifted up. She saw the heavy, full cock thrusting between her mother's lips. She saw the way her mother's eyes were rolled upwards as she looked at Logan's face. And she saw the way Logan was staring at her wet, bloated cunt while he fed his prick into her mother's mouth.

Christine saw it, too. There was no mistaking it this time, because she was looking for it. His cock was steely-hard. Not because he was fucking it into her mouth, but because he was looking at Robin's young pussy. Just the way he'd been watching her picture before.

Christine moaned. She tried to move her head backwards. She wanted to spit out his prick. She wanted to rise up from the bed and tower over him and do him physical harm.

The notion was absurd, of course. Women didn't get physical the way men did. But she couldn't reconcile that cultural understanding with her raging desire to bash his face.

"After all that honey, you need some cream, baby," Logan rasped heatedly, pulling at the back of her head, forcing her mouth down over his steely, throbbing prick.

"Don't!" Robin cried. "Don't do that to my mother!"

Logan lifted his brows and raised his eyes from her spread, draining pussy to her face.

"Why not, sweetheart? Do you want to suck it again? Do you want another drink from my spurting prick?"

Robin looked at him. She licked her lips. Her heart pounded. "Yes!" she choked.

"That's terrific, baby. You'll get it. Just as soon as I give Chris a taste. She hasn't wanted to suck my prick yet. I figure it's because she doesn't know how. She's got to learn, hasn't she? Just the way you learned."

Robin reached forward for his cock. Logan lifted his hand in a threatening way, and she sat back.

"She's no good at blow-jobs, Logan," Robin said. "She's not a natural, like me. You don't know what I did to Pete's big cock today?"

"That stupid jerk? What did you do to his cock?"

"Sucked it off," she said, moving her tongue slowly around her lips, opening her mouth at the same time. "All the way down my throat, Logan. I got the idea from the way you tried to fuck my throat yesterday, and I did it. Every last inch. I want to do it to yours right now! Ohhhhh, let me do it, Logan!" Robin moaned. She leaned back. She made her eyes hooded. She put her hand to her pussy and began swirling it around in the wet meat, lifting her hips and circling them, masturbating openly.

Christine moaned in the back of her throat. The cock was filling her mouth. It was throbbing and bucking, and there was a slippery, pungent oil seeping from the big eye of it, fouling her mouth after the sweet honey of Robin's pussy.

She rolled her eyes to the side, watching her daughter. She felt shocked. Worse than that.

She felt betrayed.

Her giving had all been wasted. The commitment to Robin had been subverted, because the traitorous girl was begging to suck his prick again!

Logan's cock jerked again. "Ohhhhh, that's a hot pussy there, baby!" he moaned. "God, does it need a good fucking!"

"All right--yes!" Robin cried. "Here, Logan. It's all open and wet for your big prick! Ohhhhhh, you know I wanted you to fuck it up my pussy yesterday! Do it! Do it now! Shoot all that hot, sweet cream into my cunt!"

She opened her knees all the way and spread her cunt-lips with the tips of her fingers, stretching the pink mouth of her wet pussy open so that he could see it fully.

"God, what a cunt!" he gasped.

His prick jerked again. It seemed to stretch in Christine's mouth all the way to the back of her throat. She felt the head dance there, bucking and throbbing.

Then her eyes shot wide open as she felt the first hot, pungent, spewing jet of sperm splash against the back of her throat.

She whimpered inside. She nearly vomited. Robin had been telling the truth, all right--his cum tasted terrible!

"Yaaaaaagh!" he cried, tipping his head back, thrusting his hips forward, fucking his prick deep.

His balls lifted under his root and pumped. Sperm poured into Christine's mouth in a flooding torrent. It hosed down her throat and swam in her belly and nearly bounced back up again.

She closed off her throat, and then it flooded her mouth and spurted out between her lips, drooling down his shaft and stringing to the bed, just the way Robin had said it would.

Christine closed her eyes tightly shut. She didn't think she could bear any more. Her daughter had betrayed her. The man she was ready to marry had just raped his spewing prick into her mouth while ogling her daughter's pussy.

And then she heard Robin's loud swearing, felt the way her little fists pummeled at Logan's chest.

"You goddamn bastard! You came in Mommy's mouth! You rotten shit, I told you not to do that! I told you she didn't want it! Bite, Mother! BITE HIS COCK OFF!"

"Ahhhhhgh! You stupid cunt!" Logan bellowed.

Christine heard a smack. She heard Robin cry out with pain. She tasted a sudden saltiness in her mouth, and then she felt the stinging smack against her own cheek as he slapped her head away from his bleeding prick.

He roared. He raged at both of them. And then he was gathering them together in his strong arms, bending them, forcing them into ungodly positions.

"I'll teach you cunts to fuck around with me! You, you old hag--you need more practice sucking cocks! Suck on that one! When you can suck off a dog's cock, then maybe I'll let you try mine again!"

Christine howled with pain and astonishment. She felt the warm fur of Midnight's belly against the side of her face. She heard him grunt as Logan pressed her head against his belly.

Midnight had been lying on the bed with his leg up in the air, cleaning off his prick again. Now he was half on his back, and his red, pointed prick was thrusting right towards Christine's startled face.

Logan pushed at her head again, and the pointed, scarlet tip of Midnight's cock bumped against her lips and went between them.

"Ahhhhhhgh, no!" Robin bawled. "Stop, you bastard! Not my ass! Goddamn you, not up my ass!"

Christine rolled her eyes. She could just see the way Logan had his hand pressed into the middle of Robin's back, holding her down just the way he was holding her head against Midnight's belly.

He also had his knee against Christine's ass, preventing her from moving. She had no idea he was so strong!

But the sight that blazed through her mind was the big, hard, thrust of his steely cock against Robin's helpless butt.

The shaft was shiny from the mixture of saliva and sperm it had been immersed in. There was a tint of pink to the juice from where the edge of her tooth had broken the skin.

He wore a maniacal expression... He sweated furiously. He bore forward against Robin's ass, and Christine whimpered when she saw the solid length of his cock begin to sink into it.

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