Peeping Family - Cover

Peeping Family


Chapter 3

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3 -

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Incest   Novel-Pocketbook  

Robin felt the warm sun soaking into her body. She lay on her back on a beach towel just a little above the gently lapping surf, her arm over her eyes.

There was a little smile of animal pleasure on her full lips. She had never felt so conscious of herself before--the way her young, firm tits rose and fell inside the bikini halter as she breathed, the way her pussy-lips seemed to swell open and closed with subtle, mysterious stirrings, as if still sensing the touch of the big, round cock that had slid between them last night.

Her body tingled all over. She felt warm and luxuriant inside, loose and giving and flowing. There were moments when her whole cunt-tunnel throbbed with a funny feeling, as if it were remembering the plunging prick running in and out of it.

She moved her taut rump on the beach towel, feeling the sand give under her cheeks to form two cupping depressions, like warm hands holding her ass.

She parted her thighs slightly, and her pussy tipped up, the crotchband of the white bikinis pressing inward against the soft, succulent meat of her petals.

A shiver went down her spine despite the heat, and she let out a small moan. In her mind, she felt herself being fucked again, and a puddle of slick juice began forming at her cunt- mouth. It seeped into the material of her white suit and made her feel even more damp and luxurious.

But there was something very strange. She was remembering the sensation of being fucked. But the prick fucking her in her mind wasn't Pete's.

It was Logan's.

She remembered the sight of it, hard and thrusting. She remembered the way it had plowed into her mother's pussy, then sucked back, drawing out the pink tissues clinging to the shaft. Somehow, the sights she'd seen became mixed in her mind to provide the sensations her squirming cunt remembered right now.


She groaned and heaved her hips, feeling oddly near the point of orgasm. His name came to her lips again, and she opened her eyes and looked over the blue-green Gulf.

God, what a mess he'd made of fucking her last night, stalling and whimpering, being excessively romantic, then blasting his quick load of sperm into her cunt before she'd had a chance to get hot enough to come with him.

Robin sat up on her elbows. She sighed. She'd been fucked open, finally, but she felt cheated right now. What she needed was a good fuck--from a man who knew what he was doing.

From Logan.

She shivered. Her tits jiggled and swelled. Her cunt-mouth seemed to pulse rapidly, and even her tight little asshole sucked inward.

Why not?

So what if he was her mother's boyfriend? So what if he was an old man--all of twenty-nine?

Robin wasn't stupid. She'd seen the way Logan had looked at her on the sly when she pranced around in her bikini. And sometimes not so slyly, either.

And if she could get him to fuck her, then maybe... maybe she could even take him away from her mother! Wouldn't that bug the living shit out of her?

The little smile grew broader, until it spread over her whole face. She felt her pussy begin to foam inside. She squeezed her thighs together and heard the squishy sound of hot meat and wet cunt-juice, and she knew, if he were here right now, he wouldn't be able to resist plunging his big prick into the silky maw between her thighs.

Her heat became intolerable. She moaned and knew she was going to have to masturbate before she blew apart. She looked up and down the beach. She saw no one, but she knew she'd better not do it there, right in plain sight.

Her mother was gone into town. But she might come back at any moment. Or dumb Pete might come over and watch her and whimper and ask her what she was doing.

She got to her feet. She shook out the towel and rolled it under her arm and hurried around the side of the house towards the guest house. Nobody would bother her there.

She felt her drenched pussy-lips sliding together inside the bikini panties. She glanced down and saw the dark streak of wetness and shivered again. As she came around the house and made her way through the feathery shade of a clump of Australian pines, Midnight groaned and lifted himself from under a shady bush and panted at her.

"Yes!" she cried softly, another charge going through her body. "Come on, baby. Come with me."

They ran together towards the bay, angling over towards the guest house. Robin let the dog inside, and Midnight yipped with the excitement being generated and jumped up onto one of the beds.

Robin closed the door. The midday sun had made a little oven of the small house. She switched on the air conditioner, then went over to Midnight.

She pushed her pussy in front of her. She wrapped her hands around his sleek, black head. He panted and slurped at her arm, then drew his tongue back and sniffed.

"Yeah, boy--there it is again. My hot pussy! Here, smell!"

She pushed his muzzle into her crotch, his nose going right against the dark streak at her pussy. She hugged his head and moaned, her thighs parted, her little ass weaving in small circles from just the touch of his muzzle against her heated cuntmound.

"Ohhhhh, Midnight, lick it! Lick my cunt again! God, I'm so hot, baby, I'll give you a bucket of juice to drink!"

The long tongue came out. It slurped under her crotch, going clear back between her cheeks and rasping under her shivering torso. It lapped up the length of her bloated slit and made her heave with passion.

"Ahhhhhh, my God!" she squealed softly.

She let him lap at her pussy a few more times and then tried to back away so that she could roll the panties down and let him really eat out her cunt.

She wanted to feel that tongue on her naked twat. She wanted to feel it slithering up inside her heated hole the way it had last night. She wanted to feel him fuck her slippery cunt all the way inside, not just on the outside of her panties.

But when she pulled back, Midnight stretched his neck after her, slurping and licking all the while. He balanced on four paws right on the corner of the bed and licked and licked, until he slipped off. Then he came after her, pawing at her thigh, nuzzling his head between her legs and licking upward at her running cunt.

"Ahhhhh, sweetie! So eager!" she cried. "Oh, God, you're going to make me come and come! But slow down, baby, and let me get my panties off!"

She tried to push his head away. Midnight was having none of that. He lapped and licked, his tongue rasping over the material right at her pussy-slit until she was afraid he'd rub a hole through it.

Robin began to laugh with excitement. She was backed up against the wall. She couldn't get away from him. Oh, if only Pete had been this eager last night!

She bent over slightly, pushing down at her panties. Midnight licked at her face and arms. His tongue ran over her halter, the end of it hooking under the material and drawing it away from her swollen, thrusting tit. He lapped at the spiked, throbbing nipple, and Robin thought she'd scream with the blazing sensation.

"Ahhhhh! God! Yes! Lick me all over, baby! Suck my tits! Lick my ass! All of me! Make me come and come!"

She managed to step out of the panties, doubled over, her butt against the wall. Her halter hung loosely from her chest. Her yellow hair dangled about her face, and Midnight got a mouthful of it when he made a wild lick at her.

She tossed the wadded, wet panties to the floor, and the dog began attacking them, pushing the balled garment across the floor with powerful laps of his tongue at the scented, honey-flavored crotch.

Robin watched him. She shivered with pure, naked lust, the first time she'd really felt the emotion in her young life. She stripped off her halter with a groan and cupped her tits and stood with her legs braced apart, completely naked and open.

She put her hands to her crotch and swirled her fingers through the wet, drooling meat of her cunt-mouth and bloated lips, and she moaned raggedly.

"Ohhhhh, come lick my cunt, stupid--not my panties!"

Midnight tossed his head, panting wildly, his tail going back and forth in sweeping arcs, his feet prancing up and down. He cocked his head and watched while her fingers played with the lightly downed cunt-lips, and then he caught the sound of wet sucking meat at her running hole.

He tossed his muzzle with a yelp of excitement and charged towards her. She laughed and spun away, hitting the edge of the mattress with her legs and falling onto her belly on the bed.

Just as she drew her knees under her stomach, Midnight leaped onto the bed behind her upthrust ass and lunged between the backs of her thighs with his snuffling muzzle, his tongue already lapping through the air.

"Eeeeeeee!" Robin cried thinly.

Her ass began to shake. She pressed her face into the spread and felt her tits mashed against her thighs. She started to lift up. Midnight pawed her ass-cheek, leaving pink streaks against the creamy white skin.

His head burrowed under her crotch, his tongue licking and slurping, the long, wet organ rasping against her pussy-lips, slithering between them to wash against her silky gash.

Robin lifted her head and moaned heatedly. Her knees shot wide apart. Her ass-cheeks opened, and her pussy-lips parted from over her drenched hole to give her dog full access to her spasming pussy-meat and the flow of her slippery honey.

The sounds were incredible--slurping and smacking and licking and moaning. She didn't think she would ever forget them. His tongue washed all over her crotch, her cunt-mouth, her clit, her inner thighs, and then into the groove of her ass.

"Ahhhhh, God!" she cried throatily.

Her asshole pulsed wildly. Juice poured from her cunt. Midnight caught the slippery string on his tongue and then drilled upward into the oiled slit of her cunt-tunnel to get more and more.

Robin beat her fists weakly against the bed. Her ass shuddered. She felt the great waves of orgasm coming, and she gave herself over to them with gusto.

"Yaaaaah, Midnight!" she cried.

His tongue was imbedded in her pussy. Her muscular sheath crushed down around it, the silken rings pulsing and squeezing and drawing inward.

Juice gushed from the walls of her slick cunt and flowed down the groove of Midnight's tongue into his mouth. His nose blew and snorted and pressed against her quivering asshole at the same time, making her nearly pass out from the intensity of it all.

She gasped. She panted. She tried to close her thighs and get a moment's rest when it was over for her, but Midnight wouldn't stop licking and slurping and pawing at her butt.

She felt him begin to shake oddly. She looked under her body, between her tits and between her drenched thighs and pouting cunt-lips. She gasped with renewed heat.

Under his black, hairy belly, she could see his cock-sheath wobbling. She could see his balls dangling and moving. She could see his haunches pumping up and down as he tucked his butt under rhythmically and fucked the air.

And she could see his cock!

It was huge! She'd never thought a dog's prick could be so big and hard and thick!

She looked at the redness of it, the wetness along the slippery shaft. She saw the pointed end, sharp and tapered, so different from a man's cock-head.

Then, while she watched, she saw juice dripping from the end. She felt Midnight's paws wrap around her hips and hold her ass tightly, and she caught her breath with a wild gasp.

He wanted to fuck her! Her own dog wanted to fuck her!

Midnight growled. He tossed his muzzle. A string of hot saliva drooled onto her back and tickled towards her waist, making her shiver all over. She stared at the pointed tip of his prick and cried out when she saw it open up and begin spurting jets of hot, white dog-sperm through the air.

"Ahhhhhhh, Midnight! You're coming!" she cried.

She felt dazed. She felt thrilled. And she'd had the nerve to think Pete was stupid for not fucking her right away when she'd been just as stupid for not thinking of having Midnight fuck her!

"Ah, hell--you made him waste it, baby," the voice came.

Robin squeaked with shock. She whipped her head around towards the door and watched him close it behind him. Close it and lock it.

"Logan!" she cried, sucking in her breath. Then, unable to think of anything brighter to say, she squeaked, "What are you doing here?"

He grinned. His eyes went back and forth over her naked body in a greedy, lust-filled way.

"I came over to see your mother," he said, his voice husky. "To talk about that business deal I'm trying to get her in on."

"She's not here!"

"Yeah, I found that out. Then I thought I'd come looking for you. I was checking to see if maybe you were fishing off the back of the boat, or something, when I heard the air conditioner running in here. So, I took a look. And here you are, having yourself a little party with the pooch." He grinned again, licking his lips.'

"Oh, God..." Robin groaned.

Suddenly she felt terrible. She wanted to die. All the thoughts she'd had earlier of seducing him and getting him to give her a good fucking and taking him away from her mother were completely overshadowed right now by her sense of shame.

He might, after all, be her stepfather very shortly. She knew he was working on getting her mother to marry him. And he'd just caught her getting her pussy licked by her dog!

"My, my," he said. "What's Mommy going to say now? Do you figure she'll go for the mutt more than she goes for Pete?"

"Don't tell Mom! Oh, please don't tell Mom!" Robin cried.

He came towards her, smiling down at her slim, willowy, young body, ogling the nakedness and the wetness between her thighs.

"Well, maybe we can work out a deal about that, baby," he said.

Robin caught her breath. She seemed to come to her senses a little. There wasn't much doubt about what he meant. He wanted to fuck her. That look was in his eyes again, and she could see the bulge of his big prick filling out the front of his pants.

She forced herself to be cool and collected. She tried to stop thinking of herself as a little girl caught doing something naughty and to think of herself as an adult--as a woman. A naked, fuckable woman. After all, this was the scene she'd just dreamed about on the beach, wasn't it?

"What kind of a deal, Logan?" she asked softly, letting her thighs part a little more, noticing the way his eyes went to her young, wet pussy and stared hungrily.

He put his hand on Midnight's sleek head and petted him. Midnight slurped out at the hand with a wet lick. Then he curled up on the bed and lifted his leg and began cleaning his thrusting, slippery cock.

"I want you to talk to your mother," Logan said. "Tell her what a great guy I am, how much you want me to be your new papa. Work on her a little. Convince her your old man's dead and gone and that she'd better grab what she can get before the wrinkles set in. Know what I mean?"

Robin looked at him. She felt disappointed and slighted. She tried to be nonchalant, cupping one of her firm tits and squeezing it gently, while rolling slightly farther onto her back and opening her thighs more.

"That's all I have to do?" she asked. "Just that?"

He grinned. "Maybe we can think up something else later on." He reached down and ran the tips of his fingers along her thigh, sliding them towards her open pink twat. "When I'm your papa, there'll be plenty of time for other things."

She took his hand. She placed it over her cunt and lifted her hips with a breathy sound. "I don't think I can wait that long, Logan," she gasped.

He made the tip of his middle finger circle over her wet, silky cunt-mouth, then plunge inside, fucking up her clutching pussy and making her cry out with surprise and passion.

"Ahhhhhh, God!" she moaned, her spine arching, her thighs quivering with heat.

"You're as hot as your mother, baby," he said.

"Then stop just playing with me and do something about it!" she moaned.

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