Passionate Prisoners - Cover

Passionate Prisoners


Chapter 3: Bondage and Spanking

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3: Bondage and Spanking -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

Insofar as spanking and related forms of physical punishment are concerned, bondage fans fall into two principal groups: nonspankers and spankers. A third group might be classified as mild spankers. Although many bondage fans are nonspankers, some of them outspokenly so, bondage and spanking are such closely related subjects that it is impossible to consider one without the other. A brief analysis will clarify the reason for this relationship.

To-state the matter in simple terms, it all depends on where one starts. Let's take the case of two hypothetical individuals, X and Y. X starts out as a bondage fan. Y starts out as a spanking fan. Granted, it is somewhat unlikely that X will become a spanking fan. But what about Y? Isn't bondage such a logical, and sometimes even necessary, feature of spanking that it's quite likely that Y will also wind up as a bondage fan? The fact is that many spanking fans have become bondage fans.

Until somewhat recently, the erotic implications of spanking have been muted or misunderstood. However, the era of the sexual revolution has seen an increasing interest in, and understanding of, erotic spanking. Today, many married couples and other adults employ erotic spanking as a regular form of sexual foreplay, having discovered that their sexual ardor is considerably increased by the prior application of the paddle or strap.

The following case histories will illustrate the connection between bondage and spanking.

Case History No. 3

Even though she secretly loved dressing in kinky, fetish- style clothing, Brenda Sanders nevertheless blushed a little as she inspected herself in the bedroom of her Dallas apartment. The shapely twenty-three-year-old secretary was wearing a long-sleeved white blouse, tight-fitting micro-mini made of black leather and hemmed to end just below her hips, sheer, black nylon stockings neatly rolled to leave an enticing gap of about four inches of bare thigh, and custom-made black patent pumps with four-inch tapering spike heels. Every detail of the costume was designed to bring out and emphasize the attractive brunette's sensuous young figure. She was wearing no bra, and the form-fitting and diaphanous white blouse left her firm, lush breasts fully on display and bulging against the front of the blouse like two young melons. The ultra-short leather skirt and rolled black stockings, together with the spike heels, were all designed to enhance the appearance of Brenda's long, smooth, and shapely legs.

The erotic costume was not entirely Brenda's idea. Instead, it had been suggested down to the last detail by Brenda's employer, Roy W., a wealthy and still relatively young executive in the oil and gas business. Ever since the two of them had discovered their mutual interest in the more bizarre aspects of sexuality, they had developed a close relationship with Roy serving in the role of mentor for his inexperienced but interested young protegee. In fact, he had paid the cost of maintaining her luxury apartment, and saw to it that she received a generous allowance in addition to her salary.

The knowledge that her tutor in the art of bizarre sex was waiting in the living room made Brenda's heart beat a little faster as she took one final look in the mirror. Knowing that she could prolong the moment of decision only so long, Brenda took a deep breath and headed for the living room. She had spent considerable time practicing walking in the four-inch spikes and had mastered the art of walking gracefully in them, although she had to take small steps and walk quite erect to avoid pitching forward.

Well aware that she was blushing a bright scarlet, Brenda slowly entered the living room. Roy promptly set his Scotch-and- soda aside and gave her a quick once-over. "It's about time you showed up," he remarked, in a voice that showed only mild annoyance.

"Was it worth waiting for?" Brenda asked hopefully, slowly walking toward him and then turning in profile so that he could inspect her. She was proud of her long legs and shapely figure, and knew only too well what kind of effect she could produce on him.

"Yeah, I'll have to admit that," he conceded, his eyes focusing on her long, nylon-clad legs and the intriguing gap of carnation-white flesh between her rolled stocking tops and the hem of her micromini.

"Are you going to be very severe with me this evening?" Brenda asked, watching him closely to see what his reaction might be.

He avoided meeting her eyes. "Don't you think I should be?" he asked quietly.

"Did I really make that many mistakes at work this week?" Brenda asked, in a voice that feigned surprise. It was a question she invariably asked at their Friday-evening get-togethers, as if to give him a pretext for inflicting bizarre sexual punishment on her.

"You know the answer to that!" he replied, giving her a meaningful glance. Finishing his Scotch-and-soda, Roy got to his feet and walked over to a small suitcase he had brought with him. Placing the suitcase on a table, he opened it to reveal an assortment of leather straps and other bondage devices.

Brenda paled slightly as she caught a glimpse of the imposing collection of items obviously intended to be used upon her. "What's all that?" she asked in a dubious voice.

"Just got it today," Roy explained. "I've had it ordered for some time. It's a complete training harness, from head to toe!"

Brenda gulped noticeably although she felt a rising measure of excitement at the thought of being totally imprisoned by the bizarre harness. She watched closely as Roy brought out an elbow- length special leather glove that was obviously designed to encase both hands and arms together. "Come here!" Roy told her. "And put your hands behind your back, palms touching each other."

Brenda complied without objection, watching rather apprehensively as Roy began sliding the glove over her fingers and up her hands and arms. Almost completely unlaced, the unusual and highly confining glove slid easily into place. Roy quickly began lacing it up firmly, gradually forcing Brenda's forearms and elbows into close contact with one another.

"Hey!" Brenda gasped, in a voice that mingled discomfort with a trace of excitement.

Roy finished lacing up the glove and tied the laces in a firm knot that wouldn't slip. There was no conceivable way that Brenda could free herself from the unusual glove, and the pretty young secretary felt completely helpless. "You won't even give a girl a chance!" she told him with a feigned pout.

"You haven't seen anything yet!" Roy assured her. Next, he brought out a harness designed to imprison her torso. This consisted of two parallel straps, designed to encircle her body horizontally, connected to a wide belt for her waist. Roy quickly snapped the belt tightly in place around her waist, nipping her waist in more than a little.

"Hey, that's pretty tight!" Brenda protested, a little breathless.

"I'll tighten it up some more after you get used to it!" Roy replied.

"How could you?" Brenda asked. "It already feels like a corset!"

The pretty young bondagette watched anxiously and with some embarrassment as Roy pulled the two horizontal straps upward through the cleavage of her breasts and draped one over each shoulder. Next, he stepped slightly behind her and began pulling the other half of the horizontal straps up between her legs. As instructed, Brenda had worn no panties beneath her micro-mini and she was soon feeling the straps brushing against her bare thighs and more intimate areas. The straps connected with a buckle in back and Roy began drawing the two straps tautly through the buckle loops.

"Ooooh!" Brenda grimaced, as she felt the straps drawing embarrassingly tight between her legs. "That's awful tight!"

The straps pulled her micro-mini up both in front and back, revealing a fluffy patch of dark brown hair and prettily white girlish bottom. Roy buckled the straps tautly in such a manner that they would constantly exert a chafing pressure between her legs. Blushing prettily at the highly embarrassing and somewhat uncomfortable sensation between her legs, Brenda stood meekly as Roy slipped a leather strap around her gloved wrists and hooked it to the horizontal straps of the body harness to render her all the more helpless.

Next, Roy produced a couple of leather cuffs which were connected by a very short chain only a couple of inches in length. Roy dropped to his knees in front of her to fit the cuffs in place around her ankles. Putting Brenda's long and beautiful legs under restraint was always one of the highlights of any session as far as he was concerned, and Roy deliberately took his time about confining her shapely, nylon-clad ankles in the cuffs.

"How do you expect me to move around in those?" Brenda asked, watching closely as her ankles were imprisoned. Roy did not bother to answer as he produced another leather strap and employed it to strap Brenda's lush thighs together just below the tops of her rolled stockings. The only part of her body left free was her pretty brunette head and Roy quickly took steps to remedy that shortcoming. Reaching into the suitcase, he brought out a specially designed leather-and-rubber head harness. Brenda gulped at the sight of the imposing device. "Roy, that looks a little rugged!" she protested, in a voice that betrayed underlying excitement.

Roy began confining her pretty brunette head in the harness. The harness consisted of two horizontal straps fitting around the wearer's head, one at the forehead and the other at jaw level. These straps in turn were connected to a vertical strap running from the nape of the neck in back over the head to the forehead, where the strap divided in two to go around the nose and reach the lower horizontal strap. A red rubber ball was strung on the lower horizontal strap to serve as a gag. "Open your mouth!" Roy ordered, after buckling all the straps in place. Knowing that she was passing up her last chance to say anything intelligibly for some little time, Brenda reluctantly opened her pretty mouth. Roy promptly popped the ball into her mouth, prying her jaws and teeth well apart and forcing her to bite down constantly on the ball. Brenda's eyes widened noticeably and her pretty face immediately showed the strain of being gagged in such an uncomfortable manner. Roy carefully tightened the lower horizontal strap to make it impossible for her to dislodge the ball from her mouth.

Roy paused for a moment to admire his helpless victim. Confined in leather from her head to ankles, Brenda stood blushing prettily as she felt his inspecting eyes carefully going over her trussed-up body. Although she could wriggle and turn her head from side to side, there was no choice for her except to stand there much like a statue as long as he wanted.

As she had suspected, Roy was in no mood to be rushed, and decided to leave his pretty subject on display for awhile. Pouring himself another drink, he sat down and leaned back to admire his handiwork. Feeling miserably helpless and a little undignified, Brenda demurely kept her eyes averted as she stood there displaying her bizarrely trussed-up body. The red rubber ball in her mouth made her jaws ache, but she knew it was useless to try to seek relief.

Roy made her stand there for a full twenty minutes while he finished his drink. Before beginning with the next step, he carefully pulled her micro-mini skirt up until it was completely inside out and held in that position by the body harness. Blushing scarlet and trying to protest through her gag, Brenda found herself standing there with her pretty brown tuft of hair and girlishly plump white bottom constantly on display. Such completely immodest exposure left her feeling thoroughly brazen and highly embarrassed, yet she could not suppress a surge of excitement at being forced to exhibit her lush feminine charms in that bizarre manner.

The comely brunette bondagette shuddered visibly and paled slightly when she observed Roy picking up a sleek and obviously well-oiled black leather razor strap. Of course, she had known it would be only a question of time before that happened, but it was still difficult to face the fact that that sleek strap soon would be curling around her most sensitive parts in a manner designed to set her aflame.

"Let's go into the bedroom!" Roy suggested, grasping her left arm firmly just above the shoulders.

With the cuffs at her ankles preventing her from walking even with tiny steps, Brenda bad no choice but to hop. With her slender feet steeply arched in the four-inch high heels that was a difficult and quite uncomfortable task, and the hapless young brunette would have fallen several times had not Roy's arm steadied her. It was also a completely undignified method of locomotion, and Brenda was quite self-conscious about her jouncing and flip-flopping breasts that were quite evident beneath her diaphanous blouse.

A little breathless and quite red in the face, Brenda finally made it to her destination. Roy seated himself on the bed and quickly pulled his helplessly shackled victim face-down over his lap. Save for the two leather straps tightly drawn through the crevice, her girlishly lush and satiny smooth buttocks were saucily bare and completely defenseless. Her gloved fingers, caught in the efficient single glove, clawed the air helplessly and could do nothing to protect her comely posterior. Confined in the strap and cuffs, Brenda's long, stocking-clad legs stretched out full-length on the bed to complete the picture of helpless feminine pulchritude. Brenda shuddered and strained against the bizarre collection of straps that kept her totally restrained. Unintentionally squirming her pretty bottom in anxious expectation of the spanking to come, she tried to prepare herself mentally for the ordeal. As much as she dreaded the pain, she knew she wanted it and in fact required it to attain the level of sexual excitement she needed.

Deciding to commence the session with his open hand, Roy set aside the strap for the time being. Positioning Brenda's helpless body just exactly the way he wanted it, Roy studied the quivering white bottom for a moment and then raised his right hand in the air. Knowing that the assault was coming and that there was nothing she could do to protect her sensitive bottom, Brenda shuddered and tensed the muscles in her pretty nates. Smack! Roy's rough masculine hand landed squarely across the velvety smooth and yielding target with a firm smacking noise.

"Mmmmmm!" Brenda's pained yelp was cut short by her gag. Her brunette head snapped back sharply and her entire body jerked against the bonds that held her fast as the sudden jolt of pain surged through her hips.

Observing her reaction closely, Roy held his hand pressed down firmly where it landed for several seconds. Smack! Deciding to warm his attractive victim up in a systematic manner, Roy applied the second spank on her left thigh just above the top of her neatly rolled stocking.

"Mmmmm!" Brenda once again threw back her harnessed brunette head as his capable hand left its imprint on her tender flesh.

Smack! Smack! Roy began working up her left thigh and buttock, applying crisp spanks that stung smartly and left her flesh tingling noticeably. Each brisk spank produced an audible moan of pain from his gagged and helpless victim, who could do nothing but writhe against her bonds and kick back her stockinged legs in pretty protest. Roy watched her movements quite closely, enjoying every sensuous jerk and twist to the utmost. Putting a pretty and completely defenseless young woman through her paces with hand and strap was one of his favorite hobbies, and his leggy young secretary was his favorite pupil.

"Mmmmm! Mmmmmm!" Brenda moaned unintelligibly through the rubber-ball gag, which by this time felt thoroughly uncomfortable in her mouth.

Slap! Smack! Having worked up the left side, Roy began working down the right. His capable palm smacking briskly against her exposed flesh, he made sure that no part of his alluring target was overlooked. By this time, Brenda was swinging her stocking-clad, bound legs back and forth in response to each spank, unintentionally putting on a pretty display of young womanhood in distress. Her bottom tingling and prickling from the effects of his hand, Brenda felt thoroughly miserable as she lay writhing against her bonds on his lap. The torso strap between her legs had worked up uncomfortably tight and continually chafed against her vulva. But notwithstanding all of her discomfort, the moisture between her legs and the coital-like jerks of her hips made it all too evident that she found such bizarre mistreatment highly exciting.

Roy paused to observe his squirming victim. Brenda's bottom and thighs were a pretty shade of pink, and he decided to give her another dose with his hand. Once again beginning on her left thigh just above the top of her rolled black stocking, Roy began working up the left side and down the right. Each resounding smack produced a muffled moan and a spasmodic jerk from his twitching victim. Tears blinding her eyes, Brenda swung her nylon-clad legs prettily back and forth and futilely tried to reach back with her gloved fingers to provide some protection for her smarting bottom.

"Mmmmmm! Mmmmmm!" Brenda could do nothing more than make animal-like noises as his hand continued to pepper her defenseless posterior.

By this time, Brenda's plump bottom and tapering thighs were rosy all over, and the entire area felt uncomfortably dry and itchy and prickling-hot. Roy decided that she was sufficiently prepared for the strap, and reached for the sleek, well-oiled strap at his side. Knowing that what she had been through had only been a preliminary warm-up and that the real assault was still to come, Brenda froze with a mixture of terror and excitement.

Thwack! The slippery black, leather razor strap coiled around the curved surfaces of her lovely bottom.

"Mmmmmmm!" Brenda's soprano squeal was considerably muted by her gag. The comely bondagette bucked up on his lap with a convulsive jerk as the strap bit into her tender flesh with a fiery caress.

Her long legs jerked back reflexively, while her gloved fingers worked frantically and futilely in an effort to reach back to protect herself.

Smack! Once again the strap descended on her pretty nates, this time slightly lower and right across the most sensitive parts.

"Mmmmmmm!" Brenda groaned through her gag, and she broke into tears as the pain jolted through both cheeks of her tender bottom. Her stockinged legs flew backward at the knees, pointed heels nearly reaching her thighs. Her entire body jerked against the bonds that held her captive in an instinctive effort to attempt to escape the pain he was inflicting on her poor posterior.

Thwack! Whack! Slap! Allowing a few seconds' interval for the full effect of each application to sink in, Roy began applying the sleek strap in a systematic manner designed to torment every sensitive nerve end in her curvaceous posterior. Covering both hips and thighs down to the tops of her rolled stockings, he applied the strap with a wrist-snapping motion guaranteed to obtain the maximum effect of the strap.

"Mmmmmmm! Mmmmmmm!" Brenda's high-pitched squeals, although muffled by her gag, revealed anguish mingled with arousal. As the glowing fire in her buttocks and thighs continued to build to a higher flame with each fresh application of the strap, the shapely brunette bondagette tossed about wildly on his lap with her hips jerking with coital-like movements, her long legs waving prettily in the air. Soaking wet between the legs, she found her excitement mounting to a fever pitch. Completely over-powered, she wanted him to take her in the most brutal way possible.

Whack! Thwhack! Smack! The strap continued descending on the quivering target. By this time, Brenda's girlishly wide posterior and upper thighs were a glowing red from the combination spanking and strapping, and the entire area was in flames. Watching her twist and kick and squirm sensuously about on his lap, Roy could tell that she was both physically and emotionally prepared for the final onslaught. "That's enough of that for the time being!" he remarked, tossing the strap on the floor.

Picking his sobbing and twitching victim up easily in his hands, he tossed her face-down on the bed. Brenda did not attempt to avoid him but instead lay crying and convulsively jerking against her bonds as he quickly stuffed a couple of pillows beneath her stomach to elevate her scarlet and burning hips. She could see that his erect penis was sticking out of his trousers and, as it always did at times like that, it looked simply huge.

Kneeling quickly on the bed, Roy unfastened the bonds that confined her long legs and then unbuckled the torso strap between her legs, pulling it out of the way. Brenda moaned with a mixture of despair and excitement as the sudden departure of the strap left her feeling horribly vulnerable right where it mattered most. Pulling her long legs apart somewhat impatiently, Roy knelt between her thighs. Bracing herself for the final attack, Brenda winced with pain as his fingers probed her burning bottom, spreading the cheeks apart.

"Mmmmmmmmm!" Brenda shuddered spasmodically, as she felt the head of his hard penis probing the small entrance.

Roy positioned himself carefully and moved forward with a vigorous thrust, the head of his penis sliding into the tiny opening and spreading it apart.

"Mmmmmmmmmmm!" Brenda's scream was mostly muffled by her gag. Arching her back and jerking against her leather bonds, she had no choice but to submit to the painful penetration. Instinctively, her sphincter muscles sought to expel the foreign object but that was impossible.

Pausing for a brief moment to let her get used to it, Roy pushed forward with a vigorous thrust that forced the walls of her anal canal well apart. Feeling as if she were being torn apart inside, Brenda shuddered with pain and masochistic pleasure. Tears streamed down her face and she would have begged for mercy had it not been for the gag. Roy did not stop until his sturdy member was deeply inserted in the ultra-tight channel.

Feeling the muscles of her anal canal clutching his thick penis, Roy grasped his pretty victim at the hips to hold her in position, and slowly began pumping his pelvis back and forth. As she began to adjust to the presence of a masculine rod in her rear channel, Brenda found her excitement rising and began to respond with wriggling movements of her hips. To torment her all the more, Roy slipped one hand into her wet bush and worked a finger into her vulva.

"Mmmmmmm!" Brenda reacted with a girlish wriggle as his finger found her sensitive clitoris and began massaging it gently.

Timing himself quite deliberately, Roy gradually increased the tempo. Moving back after each forward thrust until just the head of his member was inside her, he would pump with a quick thrust that sent the hard muscle back in clear to the hilt. His probing fingers never let her vulva, continually tormenting her and forcing her to wriggle her hips in response. Forced to endure the bizarre assault, the pretty bondagette found herself aroused nearly to the point of hysterics.

Roy could no longer hold himself back. Pumping almost brutally, he rammed his throbbing penis forward as far as it would go and sent his climax jetting deep inside her. Twisting and shuddering convulsively, Brenda achieved the violent orgasm that only Roy's bizarre mistreatment seemed able to produce. Completely conquered and knowing that more kinky sex would soon be in store for her, the young bondagette relaxed happily on the bed in the prison of her leather bonds.

Case History No. 4

The experiences of Arthur P. demonstrate how youthful experiences can lead to an adult interest in spanking and bondage. While in his early teens, Arthur was sent to live with an aunt and uncle in a somewhat isolated rural area. The uncle operated an extensive agribusiness combine that kept him away from home frequently. This left Arthur at home under the supervision of his Aunt Helen, an attractive but robust woman in her mid-thirties with a severe and dominating personality.

From the beginning, Arthur was kept under extremely strict discipline. There can be little doubt that his Aunt Helen was a sadist. For the slightest infraction of her rules, Arthur was soundly spanked with the hand and hairbrush. He was always spanked on the completely bare bottom, and his aunt did not even permit him to prepare himself. Instead, his aunt personally lowered this trousers and shorts for him, even after he was a mature young man well into his teens.

The spankings were never laughing matters by any means. Pulling her skirts up out of the way, his aunt would make him stand sideways between her legs and bend over her left thigh until his head was nearly touching the floor. Holding him firmly between her strong thighs, she would apply a long and sound spanking. Her procedure was almost always the same. She would commence with her hand and spank until her palm was stinging too much to continue. She would then switch to the hairbrush and apply it almost unmercifully. Finally, she would toss the hairbrush aside and finish up with her hand, once again smacking away until her palm stung too much to continue. Although her hand was large and capable of imparting much more pain than might be imagined, it was the hairbrush that really hurt. Arthur inevitably wound up howling and sobbing long before the spanking came to a halt.

For repeated or severe offenses, his aunt would humiliate him in various ways before and after the spanking. For example, she would undress him completely and make him wear a pair of nylon panties and occasionally a woman's slip. Thus attired, he might have to stand or sit in the corner for as long as an hour before the spanking. And after the spanking, he was always made to wear the panties for the rest of the day under his regular clothing. If spanked at bed-time, he was sometimes required to sleep in a girl's nightie afterwards.

Although Arthur was never a weakling, and in his later teens became quite a well-built young man, he could never bring himself to resist his aunt's will when it came to discipline. When she would berate him and start preparing him for a spanking, he would find himself completely tongue-tied and unable to offer any opposition although he found such treatment almost unbearably humiliating and the physical pain almost unendurable at times. He was too inexperienced to understand the masochistic tendencies that caused him to submit so meekly to his aunt's domination, but he recognized from his earliest teens that he was sexually attracted to her. When she would pull up her dress prior to spanking him, often revealing dark-brown stocking tops, garters, and bare thighs, Arthur would have to fight to keep from having an erection. Alone in his room after a spanking, he invariably found relief by masturbating.

From his early teens, Arthur strongly preferred robust, buxom young women who resembled his aunt. It was not until he was into his twenties and away from his aunt's domination, however, that Arthur realized that he was hooked on the type of bizarre mistreatment she had administered. Tormented by a strongly compulsive urge to be dominated and humiliated by a woman, be began searching for dominant women who would compel him to act out his fantasies.

As a result, he found himself standing at the apartment door of Eleanor F. The two of them had met by correspondence and she had assured Arthur he would never forget one of her treatments. Although he realized the potential dangers of completely delivering himself into the hands of a total stranger, Arthur was too driven by his compulsions to avoid the temptation. Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door.

Arthur's heart began pounding rapidly as the door swung open. Eleanor stood in the doorway, her hands on her sides, glaring malevolently at him. An attractive brunette, she was robust, buxom, and obviously quite strong-just the type of woman to whom Arthur was most attracted. She wore a sleeveless white blouse, arm-length black kid gloves, formfitting leather skirt hemmed to end about three inches above the knees and slit along each side, black nylon hose, and gleaming patent leather pumps with four- inch-high heels. "Come in if you dare!" Eleanor told him in a contemptuous voice. "But don't forget to close the door behind you!"

Although his knees felt slightly weak under him, Arthur could not resist the temptation. Stepping inside, he closed the door behind him. Eleanor's apartment was lavishly furnished but Arthur was too overcome by her to notice the surroundings. In the presence of the striking and haughty dominatrix, he found himself quite tongue-tied and helpless, much as he had been when undergoing discipline from his aunt.

With confident strides, Eleanor walked over to an easy chair and seated herself. Crossing her legs with a rustle of nylon, she did not bother to adjust her black leather skirt that rode back to reveal black stocking tops and a glimpse of milk-white thigh. Her legs were full, almost heavy, but quite shapely and smooth, and Arthur could not refrain from gazing at them in obvious fascination.

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