Parole Passion - Cover

Parole Passion


Chapter 9

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

Judy felt ashamed. Some clothes had been found for her and she was now sitting in a precinct house, not knowing what to say, certain the police would believe everything Bert Karnstein had said to her. No one had said much to her other than to give her a cup of hot coffee. One officer did tell her a stenographer would be in to take her statement.

"Feeling better?"

She looked up and saw Al Bombannente there.

"Al? How... ?"

"Did you think I was going to let you go off by yourself that way?" he asked. "I followed you in my car. I even drove by you when you followed Karnstein to the warehouse. Then I hurried to the nearest police station and told them you had gone to see a parolee on your own to keep him from getting into trouble, and it was my belief that he was going to harm you. I explained ahead of time that you were interested solely in trying to rehabilitate the parolee, but he was one of those mean ones. Had he been one of mine, he would have been back inside weeks ago. I explained that you were trying to turn him into a useful citizen, but I was afraid he would attempt to abuse you. We would have gotten there about fifteen minutes sooner had these clods listened to me right from the start. They had to go checking through the files first, looking up Karnstein and then looking you up to make sure you were who I said you were. Don't worry. As far as they're concerned, you're just an overly conscientious parole officer who tried a little too hard, although you'll be commended for sending me to the police to tell them about all those men meeting in the warehouse."

"What about the other men?" Judy asked.

"Once the police were able to ascertain you weren't in the fleeing speedboat, they blew it out of the water. No survivors!"

"Dear Lord! I feel as if I'm to blame..."

"For what? For stopping a bank robbery? The police found all the diagrams and what was left of the weapons cache at the warehouse. You did your civic duty, and if anything, you'll be commended for having the foresight to take me along."

"The foresight to... Al, did you tell them it was my idea that you come along?"

"Certainly," Al nodded. "After all, the man was part of your caseload. Theoretically, I knew nothing about him, and so you're the one to be commended."

A police officer came along after awhile and took Judy to another room where she gave her statement, leaving out the fact that she was aware Bert was living with Ann Mason, whom she also left out. All she said was, she had received an anonymous tip that Albert Karnstein was going to attempt another bank holdup or robbery, she wasn't quite sure which. In any case, she tried to go to see Bert Karnstein at his place of residence, but saw him outside, heading toward the docks. She followed him with Al Bombannente, a fellow worker with whom she was having dinner, then told him to go call the police when she saw Bert entering the warehouse. She tried to peer in and see what was going on inside, was caught, and was raped.

When asked if she wanted to go to the hospital for treatment, she refused. She said she just wanted to go home.

"This is a lovely little place you have here," Al said to Judy when she let him into her apartment. He had driven her home afterward, and would take her to pick up her car the following morning.

"Thanks," she said, as he looked around the small but neat apartment.

It was a two-and-a-half room unit, with bedroom, living room, and tiny kitchen off to the right as one entered. The living room was furnished tastefully in second-hand French provincial furniture with blue coverings to match the blue carpeting. There were little ceramic dolls all over the place.

"You know, you didn't have to drive me home," she told him. "The police would have done it. I suppose now that that animal put his hands on me, you won't want anything more to do with me."

"Stop talking like a dummy," he said to her. "Look, why don't you go take a shower."

"Are you leaving?"


"Are you staying because you feel sorry for me?"


"Then why?"

"Because, if you're not too shaken up by your experience, I would very much like to go to bed with you. It's too early for me to say I love you, but I sure as hell feel very strongly about you."

Judy smiled and took to the bathroom where she had a long, hot shower. Then she came out wearing a robe, just as Al was hanging his coat and jacket in the closet. She went to the kitchenette, found the bourbon, and made them two drinks, using very little water. She handed him one glass, lifted her own glass to her tempting lips, and said, "Let's drink to sex, Al. It's here to stay, one way or another, whether we like it or not, and I'm not ashamed to admit, I like it."

"To sex!" he agreed.

They touched glasses and drank, after which he said, "Why should you be ashamed? So few women really like sex."

"But I even enjoyed it when that animal Bert Karnstein touched me," she explained.

"It wasn't Karnstein you enjoyed, but what he was doing to your body," Al replied. "That merely makes you more of a physical being than most women. There's nothing wrong with being a physical woman."

"Are you certain it doesn't make you like me any the less? I mean, I'm not going to get gushy and talk about things like marriage. It's just that I don't want you thinking of me as, well, some kind of tramp who... you know..."

"Tramp? That's just a word, Judy. You're a total sexual woman. My feelings toward you have only intensified, if anything. If there is marriage in the future for us, it hasn't been changed by what happened. You didn't go looking to be raped, but at least you had the good sense to enjoy it when it did happen. Another woman might have panicked and caused her attacker to kill her. I'm grateful you did what you did."

"So you say," Judy told him, putting her glass down on a nearby coffee table as he did the same thing with his glass. "But why don't you prove it by going ahead and undressing--while I watch."

"Okay with me," he nodded.

Al hastily began removing his clothing, discovering a definite enjoyment in stripping before her watchful eyes. His cock was already throbbingly hard with blood, making if difficult for him to remove his undershorts. He finally got the Midways off, allowing his long, thickly throbbing member to leap from his body at an angle, stabbing the air, the swollen penile point already wet with his secretions as more viscid tears formed in the tiny slit.

Judy turned her back to him and led the way into her tiny bedroom, a small room with a large bed that took up so much space, she barely was able to open her closet doors. She lay down on the bed with her long robe still covering her, and her breath was quickly indrawn as she felt her heart beating all the more quickly in her breast. She was surprised to realize how she still needed and wanted more sex, even after what had happened. She had actually believed she was going to be turned off by sex and had put on a false front, partly to test Al, but more to test herself. Now, looking at the man's solidly throbbing hardened rod, she knew she was more aroused than ever.

"UMMMMMM!" she nodded. "Now I can really appreciate it."

Her eyes took in the long, thick rigidity of the cock, and she realized she loved it. Not merely because it was attached to Al Bombannente, but because it was the one cock that had given her so much unbelievable pleasure, did she love it. She found herself unable to take her eyes from the throbbing, blood-bloated tip as it shone a rich pinkish-red, only half-exposed by the retracted foreskin.

"Bring it here!" she whispered, swinging her slender legs over the side of the bed. He approached the bed and stood stark naked, tall and round, long and thick and hard before her.

Al felt all kinds of thrillingly uncontrolled spasms shooting through his body, the tremors charging electrically through every bit of him, shooting out through his fingertips and toes. He shuddered when her hand reached out and touched his cock. God! In spite of what he had gone through with the Kaufmann twins he had to admit there was no woman like this one. Her slender fingers encircled the pulsing stiffness, sliding the heavy outer skin away from her to fully reveal the inflated bulb of his glans to her anxious gaze. Her other hand slid between his weighty thighs and began to gently squeeze his testicles, holding them gingerly in the palm of his hand, kneading and caressing them. He shuddered as he saw her pretty pink tongue dart from between her tantalizing lips to lick the tiny tears continually flowing from the split in his penile point. Catching one droplet after another on her lingual digit, Judy proceeded to give the entire head several licking swirls. The ultra-sensitive head began to pulsatingly respond to her oral stimulation. His desire for her mounted with every passing second. Al groaned aloud with the sweetly thrilling sensations of her wet tongue on him. It was almost unbearably delightful. Whether he liked it or not, he was infatuated with Judy, as if the two of them were school kids.

He groaned as the beautiful woman gently drew him toward her, the pressure of her hands and availed lips making it unmistakable what her intentions were. Then the hard cock was in her hot mouth, her turned-in lips slowly sliding down, down the length of the throbbing organ. He stared in utter disbelief again, always amazed at how so narrow a mouth was able to stretch just enough to encompass his breadth. In total fascination he watched as her lovely face moved back and forth, her licking tongue doing marvelous things to him, causing delightful shivers to travel up and down his spine. Oh God! She was good! He needed her and he knew it! This wasn't the one-time fling he had initially feared it might be. Hell, no!

At last, after what seemed like long minutes of communion with his aching cock, Judy withdrew her lovely head. She looked up at him with that wondrous twinkle in both her eyes.

"Al, do you really want me... I mean, do you want me for myself and not just for the simple act of fucking me?" she asked.

"I've never wanted anyone else as much as I want you," he told her. "I feel like a kid, all set to prematurely climax."

"I'm just as hot as you are," she assured him. "There's something about you that gets me all heated up. God! Help me get this robe off."

She leaped to her feet and opened the robe, and he pulled it from her shoulders, tossing it on the floor. Then she rolled on her back onto the bed, her arms and legs wide, openly inviting him to bury himself inside her, and not for one moment did Al Bombannente think of her as anything other than utterly desirable.

He picked up his drink and drained it--he had brought it into the bedroom with him after adding a bit more to the glass. God! She was absolutely beautiful! He told her as much.

"You're the most lovely, fascinating female I've ever known," he said. "I won't kid you and tell you I'm going to turn monogamous, but if ever there was a woman worth just about anything as far as I'm concerned, that woman has to be you."

A soft whimper came from her petulant lips as she began undulating her hips, allowing her legs to splay open a little wider. The very obscenity of it all thrilled Al that much more. The sight of her soft, gently throbbing vagina filled his lust- bloated gaze. He stared as her slender red-nailed fingers moved to her own breasts, caressing and kneading the berry-like nipples, then her hands cupped the full roundness of her breasts, lifting the rounded mounds, offering them to him. Her hands ran smoothly down across her ribs, running along the flat hardness of her belly, coming to rest on either side of her tantalizing vagina, tugging at her outer labia, exposing the interior of herself to him as she murmured, "Please Al, please darling... please... love me... love me... don't just fuck me... love me! I need to know that I'm loved! Oh God! I need to know it more than anything else, right now!"

"You're loved," he assured her.

Her brilliant eyes were now glazed. She held her arms out to him coaxingly, and he crawled onto the bed between her slender thighs to lie half on top of her, his hand moving out to run hungrily over her satin flesh. He stroked her from the swell of her full breasts to her hips as his hungrily seeking mouth finally found her lips. There was that familiar excitement again as he sank his tongue into her mouth, his lust mounting rapidly, his love for her increasing steadily, almost overwhelmingly.

He kissed into her mouth as their tongues worked around each other, "You're the most wonderful woman I've ever known, Judy."

His hands continued to caress the velvety soft, warm flesh of her flat abdomen. Then one of them drifted down to the silky hair-covered mound, shaped like a triangle, that pointed the way to the fleshy lips of her sopping vagina. He trailed a finger along the coral-colored, sparsely hair-lined slit nestled between her tantalizing thighs, back to the warm crevice of her undulating buttocks, and she gasped into his face, feeling the wanton sensations he was once again creating inside her. Her hot breath in his mouth made Al shudder and tremble as he tasted the sweetness of her. He found himself unable to get enough of her delicious kisses.

Desperately, he anxiously ground his ever-solid, cement-hard cock against the roundness of her hip. All this did was intensify his need for the lovely woman. All the while he continued caressing and massaging her softness, enjoying the wonderful magnificence of her body, and his brain whirled with need for her.

The more he held her, the more he loved her and the happier he was that Bert Karnstein had died a horrible death for having violated her. This was a woman meant for love, lots of love. Sex was a part of love, but he felt more than mere animal desire for her. She was the most spectacular female he had ever known, and Al had known more than his share of them. He was unable to comprehend how a woman like this hadn't been snapped up by some other guy. As far as he was concerned, it was a fantastic piece of luck that he had discovered her before she had become attached to some other man.

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