Panty Compulsion - Cover

Panty Compulsion


Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

Inside the bedroom it had grown dark. A single electric bulb cast its shadowy glow from the ceiling above the dresser. The heavy breathing of the two slumbering men had turned to light snores, and now Sally slowly extracted herself from the tangle of arms and legs wrapped around her body. Praying that the creaky mattress would not give her away, she carefully inched toward the edge of the bed, swinging her legs over the side.

The floor squeaked slightly as her feet touched down on it, but fortunately the dozing men were not wakened. Creeping on her tiptoes she made her way to the curtain that separated the bedroom from the dining room, and pulled it aside.

The dim shadowy light outlined Rocky's powerful form slumped over the table, his hands curled around a half-empty whiskey bottle. Thank God, she breathed in relief. He had passed out and would never notice her. The problem would be the large German shepherd who lay slumbering by the doorway.

On tiptoes, clad only in her cum-soaked and twisted panties, Sally crept across the room to the table, where her clothes were lying. The floorboard squeaked once and Rocky jumped, but his eyes quickly shut again, his head slumping on the table.

It was not until she had just slipped on her stockings and fastened her garter belt that she was startled by Rocky's voice growling drunkenly.

"Just what d'ya think you're doin'?" he grumbled.

"N-nothing," she stammered fearfully in the darkness as she edged toward the door.

"You ain't goin' nowhere... not till ole Rocky gets his cock inside that little pussy of yours," he snarled. He pushed himself up from his chair and moved menacingly toward her.

It was now or never, Sally thought to herself as she hurriedly swept up her clothes and the reel of film, dashing toward the door. It did not matter that she was still half-naked, for now was her last chance to escape...

Rod Baxter had been slowly winding his way up the dingy stairs when he suddenly heard a tremendous clatter from the second floor. Muffled gasps, grunts and the deep low growl of a menacing dog assaulted his ears. He felt his way back down and retreated to the steps outside the front doorway to see what would happen. For five minutes and more he waited, but no one emerged. He stepped out into the sidewalk and glanced up at the building. It was difficult to tell which apartment belonged to Burns. The windows in several were well lit, and he had seen no sign or mailbox with Burns' name on it inside. He would just have to check with one of the neighbors.

Sally had gotten as far as the second floor landing until the German shepherd had cornered her, backed her against the wall, his thick tailing switching back and forth like a whip. For the first time Sally could see he was no docile house pet, she could see the red embers of his eyes flashing at her in the dark, the glint from his ivory fangs and the flecks of thick drool clinging to his jowls.

"Good boy, Ripper," Rocky mumbled, patting him on the head. "Just for that, I'm gonna give you a nice big reward." Rocky grabbed him by the collar and pulled him back.

"Get back inside," he snapped at Sally, glaring at her as she trembled against the wall. Oh God, she thought, why haven't any of the neighbors heard the noise, what's wrong with these people? Why don't they help me?

"Let me go, let me go!" she pleaded, tears choking her eyes. She tried desperately to scream, but before the sound could escape from her lips, Rocky had clamped his hand over her mouth and was dragging her back into the apartment. When they got inside he slammed the door violently shut and hurled her clothing and the reel of films against a far wall. She cowered before his sudden rage, clad only in her panties, stockings and black high-heeled shoes. Mercilessly before she knew what was happening, Rocky had clasped both wrists in his hand and hoisted her up with his other hand under her thighs. She struggled and squirmed to break away, but it was useless. He threw her down viciously on the card table, her kicking legs hanging over the edge.

Ripping off his laborer's tee-shirt he gripped the hotly quivering flesh of her thighs and spread them wide apart, kneeling down in between her legs. At the same time the hulking animal, sensing excitement pranced frantically around the table, nuzzling her legs with his cold nose, his tail brushing like a furry whip against her calves.

Bottles and chips flew helter-skelter and crashed to the floor as she struggled and squirmed to break away, but it was useless. Now Rocky's huge hands spread her warm full thighs even further apart while her arms strained to raise her body off the table. She could only raise herself to a sitting position... just enough to look down hopelessly while Rocky's head burrowed into the warm silk of her helplessly exposed panties.

Her legs kicked and thrashed, but Rocky's hands were too powerful. His thumbs pressed the softly yielding flesh of her inner thighs, and his rough fingers locked her legs against the table. In a sudden desperate effort to strangle the man who had thwarted her escape, she wrapped her thighs around his head and dug the heel of her shoes into his naked shoulder blades.

"Aaaaagh!" he groaned savagely, his fingers slipping under the tight elastic crotch band of her white nylon panties and yanking it aside.

"Oooooooh," she whimpered piteously. Her legs squeezed viciously around his head, her eyes wide open in abject terror. But it was a hopeless battle. The coarse crude fingers tearing at her panties and the wetly licking tongue grinding against her soft blonde pubic hair sent ripples of lust through her helplessly responding body.

And suddenly his tongue was at the wetly palpitating lips of her naked young pussy. Her entire body froze.

"Oh God, noooooo," she pleaded.

Cruelly, he flicked his tongue at the warm little sluice and quickly withdrew it. She jerked, a soul-searing moan involuntarily escaping from her lips.

"Oh God, Ooooooh, ooooh," she whimpered. In fear-stricken desperation, her blonde hair flailed from side to side as her arms strained to support her body in a sitting position. Once again she locked her resilient full thighs savagely around his head, desperately trying to strangle him.

Muttering a loud lustful groan he speared his tongue deep up in between her wetly palpitating cuntal lips. His hands circled around in back to her squirming buttocks, tearing at the warmly rounded flesh.

"Jeeeesus, Jeeesus, please!" she cried.

But the relentless tongue-spearing of her cunt would not cease. Grinding her loins up toward his face he thrust his tongue deep up inside her moistly throbbing pussy.

Lewdly, he licked the tiny pink head of her clitoris on the outstroke and rippled deep inside her vagina on the instroke. As she struggled and squirmed against his lewd onslaught she could feel his rough beard gritting against the softly trembling flesh of her out-thrust thighs, she could hear the vile sucking noises of his carnal feast.

Uncontrollable groans of wicked passion wailed from her throat as her body--still hopelessly aroused from her abuse in the other room-began to desert her. She lay back against the table locking her long tapered legs even harder around his bobbing head, her eyes clenched tightly shut. And as his tongue thrust and retreated from her wide-splayed vagina in lewdly salacious rhythm she reached down and tweaked the stiffening buds of her own nipples and felt thrill after them of wanton enjoyment pour over her. Her traitorous hands then curled into Rocky's thick black hair, forcing his head tight up against her insanely bucking pussy, driving her wild with lewd animal excitement. All thought of escape had deserted her as the uncouth gangster's tongue licked and sucked against the pinkly parted lips of her vagina.

God, he knew he had her now. She was all his! Suddenly without warning, he withdrew his head from between her trembling legs and stood up, towering over her lewdly spread-eagled form.

"Oooooh God, fuck me, fuck me," she mumbled deliriously, as though lost in an obscene dream. Her head lolling like a rag doll from side to side.

Rocky quickly tore off his clothes, grinning in triumph down at her wantonly writhing form on the table. Goddamn, he was going to blow his cum all over that white little body of hers. His massive cock shot out from beneath his stomach like a huge quivering pole, and he began to heatedly stroke it with a slow rhythm.

"Fuck me, fuck me, you bastard," she begged, spreading her nakedly voluptuous body out over the table, her arms and legs splayed apart in an inviting "vee". All thought of dignity had fled from her now. All she wanted was this obscene man's cock tightly sheathed in her panty silk as he rammed it deep up inside her lust-inflamed pussy.

Rocky moved menacingly toward her and mounted the table, straddling her young curvaceous body with the legs and pointing the bulbous throbbing head of his cock directly at her upper belly.

"No, no, not there," she screamed desperately. "Fuck me, fuck my vagina."

But Rocky's body edged up along her helplessly supine body until his thick throbbing pole was poised right in between the lush curving mounds of her breasts.

She could feel his naked buttocks obscenely grinding against her stomach as he cupped her trembling breasts in his greedy hands and wrapped them like a soft warm glove around the pulsing thickness of his cock.

"Not there, not there, fuck me!" she screamed feverishly.

By now the big German shepherd who had been prancing nervously around the table was excited by the savage cries of lust that filled the room, and he began a wet licking at her stocking- sheathed legs.

Sally was barely conscious of it at first as her involuntarily aroused body responded to the lust-crazed assault on her breasts, for now Rocky's cock began sliding in between the soft fleshy mounds in long even strokes, his fingers rolling and tweaking her rigidly erect nipples

In sudden surprise, her young body twitched as something hot and wet began to lick against the satiny clinging warmth of her panties. With a shudder of fear she realized it was the dog who had been attracted by the passion-filled commotion. She tried to shoo him away by kicking out with her high heeled shoes, but he merely snarled and unrelentingly advanced on her again.

"Oooooh, oooooh, God!" she groaned at this depraved double ravishment. The dog's cold wet nose nuzzling against the small sensitive bud of her clitoris sent electric shocks through her spine and her body jerked spasmodically to escape from it. God, she was going to be Ducked by a dog!

Simultaneously Rocky's huge hot cock fucking between her breasts throbbed and palpitated as though it were going to explode. Working her into a mad frenzy of passion, Rocky's fingers nipped and teased at her lust-stiffened nipples, grinning as her helplessly aroused body squirmed in lewd abandonment beneath him.

From below, Sally could feel the German shepherd's huge furry body jumping up excitedly in between her splayed-out legs, his huge paws clawing into her twisting thighs as he struggled to balance himself on the table. The long tapered head of his scarlet penis had burst from its fur-covered sheath, and as he struggled to support himself on the table, it jerked closer and closer to the flimsy covering of silk panties that guarded her naked vagina.

"Aaaaaaagh," she screamed in terror as the animal's hugely throbbing cock suddenly made obscene contact with the quivering blonde hair-lined lips of her vagina...

Rod Baxter could hardly believe his ears. The strange noises coming from the apartment made it sound as if someone were being raped. The grunts and groans, the strange whimpering noises, what did it all mean? He was sure this was Burns' apartment, all right. The tenant on the first floor had given him the directions, and now all he could do was to press his ear against the door and listen in the darkness.

By now the animal had locked himself tightly around Baxter's wife's heaving belly and begun to excitedly burrow his animal penis into the silk-lined crevice of her cunt. His front paws scratching the surface of the table, he flicked his haunches powerfully forward, bringing groans of wanton abandonment from her throat as his long canine penis slid up inside her cunt. His tail wagging and trembling, he let out a low fierce growl as though he had found a bitch in heat. In a lewd echo Sally moaned in depraved satisfaction. She tensed as the dog's tongue snaked up the undulating curves of her obscenely aroused body and began licking her belly.

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