Panty Compulsion - Cover

Panty Compulsion


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

Rod Baxter had never been so upset in his life. For over an hour he had vainly tried to calm himself down, lighting a cigarette as he paced the bedroom floor.

Everything pointed to his wife having an affair with another man, but none of it made sense. Why was she doing it? Who was the man? Confused thoughts echoed in his mind as he flicked his cigarette ash in the ash tray at one end of the room and then paced to the other ends flicking it again, this time in the wastebasket. Now for the first time he noticed the single piece of white paper crumpled in the bottom of the basket.

Out of curiosity he reached down and extracted it. When he had unfolded it he found that it was Nestor Burn's calling card with another telephone number scribbled on the back. For the life of him, he could not remember throwing such a thing in the trash. For one thing it would have been foolish to do... Sally would have suspected she was being followed. Too, the writing on the back was clearly in a woman's hand, his experienced eyes told hint... and suddenly he realized it was Sally's hand writing.

Now nothing made sense to Rod. How had Sally gotten hold of the card? And whose number had she written down on the back of it? One thing was for certain, he was going to find out! That forgotten piece of trash might just be the clue he needed to crack open this mystery. Rod reached excitedly for the bedroom phone...

"If you want those films back, you better start takin' off those little panties of yours," Burns snarled with a menacing glare at the nakedly shivering woman.

Her heart throbbed excitedly inside her chest, but fortunately, at that moment the phone rang in the bedroom. Burns glared at her and finally rose from his chair to answer it.

"Don't worry, I'll be back, and if I don't see those panties of yours on the table, there's gonna be trouble."

Inside the bedroom the detective picked up the phone and remained on the line just long enough for Rod Baxter to identify his voice. "Hello, hello?" Burns had shouted irritably into the receiver. "Who is this anyway?" But when the line remained dead, he slammed down the phone and returned to the other room.

"It looks like this little bitch ain't gonna take off her panties," Olson snarled, as the detective emerged from the bedroom doorway.

"I got an idea," the tall, gangling Slope announced suddenly. "Since she don't wanta take her panties off, let her play for somethin' else."

"Like what?" Olson demanded.

"Like how about a couple of licks at those little panties of hers?"

The harsh words hit Sally like a fist in the stomach. It was not bad enough that they had stripped her naked in their presence. Now they were going to demand the lewdest and most vile acts imaginable from her.

"I won't... I won't do it," she protested violently. "Give my clothes, I'm getting out of here."

"The fuck you are," Burns cursed, his hands clamping her wrists as she desperately tried to grab her clothes from across the table.

"You'll do exactly what I say or else those little films of mine are gonna be in every law firm in Philadelphia."

"Let's keep this game simple, what d'ya say, Nestor?" Rocky suggested. "High card wins!"

"Okay," Burns agreed, chuckling at the enraged woman. Rocky's hands came down on her shoulders like a ton of bucks, forcing her back in the chair. They stared at her menacingly until she finally set it down. Then Burns resumed his seat and began dealing the cards face up.

Sally's nearly paralyzed body trembled in fear as Burns dealt himself a ten. But the waves of fear subsided quickly as he turned up the King of Hearts in front of her. She was safe now, she breathed in relief. Finally she had been lucky. The nine of clubs fell to Olson next. There was only one card left, and with her hands tightly clenched, her arms crossed over her breasts. Sally prayed that it would be low.

Burns leaned over toward Slope, the top card face down in his fingers. For a long tantalizing moment he held still and then he dealt it. Sally gasped in horror.

It was the ace of spades. She could hear the blood ringing in her ears. Suddenly the room fell dead with a tomb-like silence. Slope snorted, a gleeful look of desire in his eyes. Without a moment's hesitation, he moved his chair back from the table, and spread his legs apart.

"Come on, baby!" Rocky urged. "Give the big man a lick at those panties of yours." He grinned eagerly and gave her a slight push up from her chair.

Slope's moronic face was contorted in a mask of animalistic lust and as he spread his legs apart he motioned her toward him with his hands. Sally fought against the strong feelings of revulsion rising inside her, but there was nothing she could do. They were determined to humiliate her, and she could only please them.

In a zombie-like trance she moved toward the open vee of his legs, her naked feet cringing against the bare wooden floor. Only the sound of rapid heavy breathing punctuated the tense silence of the room now. Inch by inch she moved closer until she could feel Slope's hands curling around the soft cheeks of her buttocks, his huge fingers pressing against the sheer silk of her panties as he drew her fearfully trembling body in between his legs. His glazed eyes stared moronically up at her proud uplifting breasts in naked lust, and suddenly, his hands pulling her panty-clad pussy toward him, he plunged forward and buried his face between her invitingly firm thighs. A strange animalistic growl rumbled through his chest, making her jump with fright.

Sally struggled and squealed at the sudden assault, gripping his head, trying to force it away from the tender crotch band of her panties.

"Ooooooh God, noooo!" she pleaded in agony, clenching her eyes tightly shut, but her squirming protest went ignored, as Slope's tongue flicked out and up the sensitive naked flesh of her inner thighs. Sally threw back her head and winced at the sudden contact with the moistly clinging silk of her panties.

Greedily, the big man's tongue began to lick in tantalizing circles at the panty-covered lips of her vagina. It flicked relentlessly against the flimsy material, and traced slow tortured circles around the wetly quivering mound.

"Noooo, no," Sally squealed, her hands locking tightly into his hair as she tried desperately to push his head away from her vaginal area.

But the more she struggled the more excited the huge man became. His thumbs slipped under the elastically yielding crotch band and his fingers locked on her buttocks, twisting and squeezing them as his tongue pushed the shimmering material up in between the lips of her hotly throbbing pussy.

Oh God, she thought now, I'm lost. I can't fight this anymore. He's licking my panties. And as the horrible thoughts of submission ran wild through her mind, her pelvis suddenly jerked up hard in helpless passion against the monstrous man's face. His talon-like fingers dug into her sensually rounded buttocks as his tongue sawed deeper and deeper up into her wetly palpitating cunt.

"Jesus, look at her go," Rocky swore in amazement as he bent forward in his chair to view the salacious spectacle.

"Goddamn, what a pussy!" Burns gasped. Her wildly twisting loins bucked and swayed against the relentless tongue lewdly licking at her cunt. She could feel Slope's rough beard grinding harshly against the trembling flesh of her inner thighs as his head burrowed feverishly up against the eager throbbing bulge of her cunt.

"God no, God no... stop..." she pleaded, yanking frenziedly at the tall man's head, for a moment trying to push it away and then finding herself pushing it harder and harder in against her savagely bucking pussy.

"God, I can't stand it anymore," Rocky suddenly bellowed, springing from his chair. He leaped down in back of the squirming woman and fell to his knees, fastening his hands around her naked curving calves. Excitedly he thrust his head between her slightly parted legs and began tracing light tickling trails up the back of her quivering white thighs with his tongue.

Sally jerked forward at the unexpected wet contact against the backs of her thighs and as she did so another low animal growl broke from Slope's throat and his tongue shot up even deeper into her hotly throbbing pussy.

"Aaaaaagh!" Sally mewled wantonly, her whole body shivering from the unexpected sensations of forbidden lust that rippled over her spine.

Wanton sounds of loud hunger were rumbling from Rocky's chest as he licked at the narrow deep crevice of her ass. Suddenly his wet, snake-like tongue thrust out hard against the flimsy panty silk and glided into the thin opening between her trembling ass- cheeks.

"Oh God, God stop!" she cried frantically, as her body deserted her. She had to stop, she had to, before everything was lost. The ceaseless licking of her loins was sending showers of obscene sparks all through her hopelessly aroused body.

But again her pleas went unheeded and now she could feel a third pair of hands circling around her naked belly and gliding up toward her fearfully swaying breasts. All thoughts of poker had fled from Nestor Burn's mind now as he joined the other two eager men in their greedy assault on the madly squirming young housewife's body. His hands cupped the richly trembling mounds of her breasts and he began kneading the firm hot flesh until wanton cries of lewd aroused abandon escaped uncontrollably from her tortured lips.

"Oh, oooooh, oooooh," she cried, her head flailing from side to side. "Stop, stop, please stop!"

Burn's fingers tweaked her small pink nipples into rigid hardness as he heatedly stretched and rolled them. All around her fingers and tongues were licking and pricking her body, building up the wild wanton sensations, until she thought she was going to explode!

It was now or never, Sally thought to herself. She had to break away now from this horrible assault on her body. Films or no films, she could not let herself be degraded like this. Suddenly, mustering all the strength inside her, she tore away from the savagely excited men who had sandwiched around her. Arms and legs flailed out at her as she dashed desperately for the door, but she had not managed to get halfway across the room when Rocky suddenly caught hold of her arms and dragged her back toward the table.

"Let me go, let me go," she pleaded, tears choking her eyes.

"Not on your life, bitch," Rocky growled crudely. "Get down on your knees." Other hands reached out to grab at her nakedly trembling body, but Rocky pulled her away from them.

"It's my turn," he bellowed. "Me first, and then you guys can have a crack at her, you understand?" His narrow eyes glared at the other two men, and they sensed immediately that he meant what he said.

"Now get down on your knees," Rocky commanded again. Sally could see the cold cruelness in his eyes, and she obeyed immediately and sank sobbing, to the floor, her loins still hotly trembling from the feverish assault on them moments ago. In one swift motion, Rocky reached for his chair and sat it down in front of her kneeling body. Majestically he sat down on it and spread his legs apart as she cowered before him.

"Suck me," he commanded.

"W-What," Sally stammered. She had never heard anyone speak to her that way in her life.

"You heard me," he repeated. "Suck my cock." She was only about two feet away from him now, kneeling in total submission in front of him.

Suddenly, as though in some terrible nightmare, she saw his hands reach out and felt his fingers tangling in her flailing hair.

His huge hands cupped her head and drew it toward his thick bulging penis as he ground his loins up against her face so that she could feel the hardness of his already erect cock beneath the rough material of his pants. She closed her eyes in bitter submission, determined to go through with the horrible act without a fight.

"Pull it out for me, baby," he hissed through lewdly contorted lips, twisting her long blonde hair in his hands until she thought he would rip it from her head by the roots.

She reached forward hurriedly to do his bidding and fumbled with the zipper on his pants to release the giant throbbing shaft of hard flesh underneath.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Burns shouted, excitedly, from behind her. "Rocky's gonna cum in his pants before you even get there."

Finally, after she had fumbled for another moment, the huge fleshy instrument burst excitedly into the air through the unzipped fly. Rocky grabbed her hand and wrapped it around the rapidly thickening penis, skinning it back so that the giant red- fleshed head popped out from the thick foreskin a scant few inches from her eyes.

Then his hands were at her lips, forcing open her mouth. He inched his hotly pulsating cock-head forward until it rubbed lightly against her teeth. She could see down the full length of the rigidly throbbing member. It must have been eight inches long. She hesitated a moment, sickened by the thought of her mouth being used as a receptacle of lust by a total stranger and the lewd sperm he was going to pump down her unwilling throat.

Suddenly, Rocky's eager hands jerked her head toward the massive pole of flesh and his cock rammed forward into the warm saliva of her mouth. She could feel the giant head sliding wetly up the full length of her tongue inside, the tiny droplets of pre- ejaculate seeping from it, filling the warm cavern between her cheeks with its pungent salty taste.

His hips on the chair began a slow undulation, the long thick cock sliding in and out of her mouth with a wet sucking sound guided by his large meaty hands gripped tightly in her hair.

The two other men crowded close to watch the puffing of her cheeks as Rocky pushed his thrusting penis up between her tightly clasping lips. Suddenly, from behind she could feel coarse, rough hands over the smooth ivory flesh of her naked back... hands that circled around her torso and began roving up underneath the full roundness of her breasts, tweaking and twisting the small buds of her nipples into licentious excitement; then slowly running them back up the sides of her naked young body over the hour glass curves of her narrow waist.

She could feel the fingers crawling over her kneeling body as her head rose and fell on the thick expanding cock in front of her. She could see small tufts of dark pubic hair curling out around the base where it left the open fly. Her mind wandered in semi-conscious thought. Nothing mattered anymore except to get this horrible ordeal over with.

She began sucking to please, running her tongue wetly around and around the pulsing lubricated head, at the end, flicking the tip teasingly into the tiny slit until she could feel it throbbing as though it had a life of its own and would erupt at any minute into a great gushing fountain of cum that would flow into her mouth and throat in a never-ending stream. She would never forget this horrible moment as long as she lived-it would stay with her forever and ever, and Rod would never know the horrors she had gone through to protect her reputation for his sake.

Her tortured mind droned on senselessly, the very helplessness of her debasing position magnifying the weird masochistic sensations rising erotically in her belly.

Her head bobbed up and down slavishly over the hotly throbbing of flesh now, sucking to end it, sucking to draw the thick milky semen from it until she killed him. Rocky twisted and groaned above her, raining obscenities down at the top of her bobbing blonde head and watching with delight her tightly ovalled lips straining at his plunging cock. Behind her Burns played at her subserviently kneeling form like a sex-crazed fiend, running his hands brutally over the milk-white softness of her trembling flesh. As he groaned, the wetness of his lips dropped to her naked back, tracing a path of wild desire along her spine that sent salacious shivers running to the tips of her dancing breasts. His wetly heated mouth descended down to the vulnerable crevice of her buttocks, which his hands had already pulled wide apart, his fingers rummaging in the wet, hair-lined slit of her vagina that now throbbed involuntarily in time to the cock sliding in and out of her mouth.

He moistened the tip of his extended middle finger from the excited wetness of her cunt and slowly stroked it up the silk- sheathed crevice towards her tight little anus. The tip of his finger, slippery from her vaginal secretions, circled teasingly around the puckered nether ring, guarding the entrance to her completely virginal rectum for a moment and then with a sudden thrust sunk deep inside.

Sally jerked forward from the unexpected pain and Rocky thrust his massively heated cock even deeper down her long throat until she felt as though it would choke her to death. She gagged slightly at the choking entry, trying to regain her breath. It came in a great gasping sound as she sucked it in from the pressure of the long extended middle finger behind her digging into her small cringing anus. Grunts of protest escaped from her lips as he wormed deeper and deeper, expanding the tightness of her painfully searing rectum until she thought she would faint from the cruel unrelenting probe.

Her concentration on her skewered anus was short-lived as she felt a sudden tightening of the hands holding her head down on the long thick cock. Rocky's pelvis began jerking wildly, ramming his hot throbbing penis deeper and deeper into her sucking mouth. She could feel his massive erection throbbing against the warm clinging insides of her cheeks and tongue, and she knew he was going to cum in her mouth... the ultimate humiliation was being forced on her.

But she wanted to get it over with. She wanted to end the degradation that would take her one step closer to her goal of freedom from the evil films the detective had taken.

The blackmailed young wife sucked hungrily, her mouth salivating as it never had before while Burns behind her stretched and pulled at the tightened nether ring of her defenseless little rectum.

Rocky groaned above her crazily flailing head and fucked deep into her throat, holding her head in the prison of his heavy hands like a steel band. His cock began a sudden jerking motion and spewed with a lewd explosive vengeance the hot jets of his cum deep into her gulping throat. Sally groaned as she continued sucking, and her Adam's apple bobbed in rapid rhythm, swallowing the gushing sperm squirting hotly into her no-longer virginal mouth. She clasped her lips in a tight elastic ring around the jerking instrument, lasciviously swirling her tongue around and around the throbbing head. She wanted to suck it dry, to hurt him, to punish him for the bitter humiliation he was forcing upon her. His deep groans of pleasure, mistaken by her for pain, incited her to greater effort. It continued for almost an eternity until finally the hands clamped at the sides of her head, fell away and the huge throbbing cock gave one last hot spurt of its jutting sperm and stopped. The finger in her painfully expanded rectum popped out and Burns said:

"Lick him clean."

Sally followed his command quickly, anxious to end it. She began at the thick base of Rocky's penis where the tiny tufts of pubic hair protruded from his fly and began to slowly lick around it, twirling the tip of her tongue into the sticky streams that had escaped the tightness of her clasping lips. She could feel his deflating hardness under the lewd teasing and licked more rapidly to complete her degrading task before it sprang to life again. A moment later it was clear of all escaped cum, glistening and wet from her saliva. She watched, her eyes inches away, as it slowly deflated all the way and sank to softness.

"Man, that was something," Rocky breathed above, looking down at an obscene trickle of semen along her chin.

"Now it's our turn; right, Nestor?" Slope said, suddenly emerging from the other side of the table with a cruel glint in his eye. "Let's haul her over to the bed."

Before she knew what was happening, powerful arms had swooped under her shoulders and hoisted her up. Her voluptuous young body was being carried effortlessly toward the bedroom, as Rocky leaned back in his chair, his eyes rolling around in his head. His huge snake-like penis lay limp in his hands, his mouth gaping open in lewd satiation...

Rod Baxter was doing his level best to keep from running every red light that stood in his way. He had zoomed down the expressway from the comfortable suburban house on the Main Line in record time, and now he was negotiating his way through the narrow streets of South Philadelphia, determined to find out what Burns was up to, and if Sally was with him. A million different ideas swam through his head as he tried to fit the scanty pieces of evidence together in some kind of comprehensible theory. Obviously, Burns must have made contact with Sally. Perhaps she really had been having an affair, and perhaps Burns had decided to play both ends against the middle-by collecting his normal fee and in addition blackmailing Sally. If that was the case, Rod told himself, he had two scores to settle-one with Sally and one with this two-bit private detective. His knuckles grew pale as he squeezed the steering wheel tightly, maneuvering the car through the dark streets of the semi-slum neighborhood...

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