Panty Compulsion - Cover

Panty Compulsion


Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

Late Sunday morning Nestor Burns was awakened by the loud jangling of his telephone on an end table by the bed. As he jumped awake his legs kicked at the hulking German shepherd who had been curled up on the blankets by his feet, and the startled animal pounced from the bed, muttering a low indignant growl.

"Hello?" Burns said groggily into the receiver.

"It's your old friend, Nestor... Rocky Olson," the voice greeted him. "I'm callin' about the two hundred bucks you owe me."

"Yeah, sure, Rocky," Nestor croaked, a big broad smile lighting up his face. "I'll have it by the end of the week for you." He had been expecting this call for a long time, in fact, dreading it, except now he had that Baxter woman wrapped around his thumb, and by Friday she was going to drop off five thousand bucks-plenty more than he needed to bail out his poker losses over the past month.

"That's not good enough, Nestor" the voice droned wearily.

"What are you talking about? You know I always pay off," Burns protested.

"Still not good enough, Nestor," Rocky said, this time a bit more impatiently.

By now Burns was beginning to lose his composure. Olson was one credit he didn't want to fool around with for one simple reason... he had connections with the syndicate.

"Now wait a minute, Rocky... I swear, I'm on a big case. I get my fee on Friday."

"Try again, Nestor," Rocky said.

"All right, all right... Look, what's two hundred bucks anyway. How come you can't wait till Friday?"

"Rocky don't like people who borrow his money."

"All right, all right," Burns assured him. "I'll get it for you before Friday."

"Get it for me Tuesday," Rocky demanded. "I can't wait no later the Tuesday. I gotta have money to go to the movies."

"Okay, okay, Tuesday then," Burns gave in. "I'll have it for you Tuesday." He could feel himself beginning to sweat.

"I'll be over Tuesday night."

"Naturally you're gonna give me a chance to win it back, right?" the detective suggested.

"Sure," Rocky agreed, but if I don't see it first I'm gonna bust your head." Without hesitating any longer; the threatening party at the other end suddenly clicked the receiver down and Burns was left listening to the ominous buzz of the dead phone.

Hurriedly, he threw off the bedclothes, retrieved his pants from the closet and withdrew his wallet... a hundred dollars. It was not enough to pay Olson off. Of course, he could always bluff and take a chance on winning the money back, but he had done that one too many times already. This time it was going to be different, Rocky would see to that. But why couldn't Olson wait until Friday? He cursed to himself. There was going to be trouble if he couldn't get his hands on at least another hundred before Tuesday, he knew that for sure, and he began to pace the bedroom in his undershorts, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. If he hit the Baxter woman for more money she might start getting suspicious that he was putting the squeeze on her. She might get scared and back out of the whole deal. No, that was no good, he had to find another way out.

Suddenly, an idea flashed through his mind like lightning, and he snapped his fingers. Why hadn't he thought of it earlier? It was that Baxter woman's husband who could bail him out. Sure, he thought, it would be a simple matter to hit that rich lawyer for a couple of hundred bucks, and nobody would ever know. Burns chuckled to himself. Now he was going to put the squeeze on both of them.

Sunday evening after dinner Rod Baxter noticed that his wife had been drinking more than usual. Already she had downed two strong martinis, and now she was in the midst of fixing herself a third from a pitcher on the cocktail table. She fidgeted nervously as she sat on the edge of the comfortably curved living room couch, and while Rod observed her from his easy chair, he swished the liquid around in his own drink and took a mild sip.

"Where are you going tonight?" he asked as casually as he could.

"I'm not going anywhere," Sally snapped irritably, her tongue already thick from drinks.

"What makes you think I'm going somewhere?"

"You're nervous again," he said calmly.

"I'm not nervous," she barked. Rod, without taking his eyes off her, chuckled to himself. He knew when it was time to shut up, and at that very moment when he had just decided to let well enough alone, he was saved by the bell. The telephone rang, and to his surprise, Sally did not jump up immediately to answer it.

"It's probably for you," he said.

"I don't want it even if it is for me," she replied tartly. Pushing himself up off the chair, Rod let out a deep sigh, and headed for the phone by the stairway to the second floor. He did not immediately recognize Nestor Burns' voice.

"Who?" he asked loudly.

"Burns, Nestor Burns, private detective. Remember, you hired me?"

"Yes, of course," Rod corrected himself. "But if this is a business matter, perhaps you should call me at the office on Monday."

"Never mind about that," the detective said, taking command of the situation. "I might have something hot for you Mr. Baxter, real hot."

"Oh?" Rod shot a quick glance over his shoulder at Sally to see if it was safe to talk.

"Yeah... about your wife... " Burns continued. "But I'm not sure of the particulars yet. Can we get together tomorrow?"

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