Panty Compulsion - Cover

Panty Compulsion


Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

Nestor Burns' two-room apartment was located in a rundown area of South Philadelphia on the third floor of a converted brick row house. The house faced out on a narrow street littered with jettisoned paper and garbage. It wasn't the type of place that Burns showed his clients, who were few and far between anyway, and it certainly wasn't the type of place often visited by a ravishing blonde driving a Jaguar.

Sally pulled up by the curb directly behind the black Plymouth and climbed hesitantly out of the sports car. By now, Burns was already at his doorstep jangling his keys in his hand, but for Sally it was a long slow death march to the door as horrible thoughts ran through her mind. What did this stranger want from her? And where was he taking her? She had never seen a slum like this in her life before.

The inside of the place was just as bad as she had imagined. Hesitantly, she followed the hulking figure in front of her as he mounted the dingy brown stairway.

"My place ain't too tidy," Burns said, throwing open the door to his apartment when they had reached the second floor. "But it'll do."

What an understatement, Sally thought. The place looked as though it had been bombed out. In the middle of the floor stood a rickety wooden table cluttered with whiskey bottles, paper coffee containers and clustered poker chips. A single naked electric light bulb hung down from the ceiling. In a far corner of the room a hulking brute of a German shepherd lay curled up asleep. Sally gasped in surprise, clutching her throat as she sighted the animal, but then realized that he was probably harmless.

"In here," the detective pointed at a curtained archway which led to another room.

"W-where are you taking me?" Sally stammered.

Burns simply chuckled and led the way into the bedroom. For a long moment Sally stood her ground. Should she run away now from this horrible place? What would happen if she stayed? She remained paralyzed with indecision until she finally realized the hopelessness of her situation. The detective wasn't just bluffing. He knew what she had done. There was no choice.

Her mind made up, she entered the bedroom and cringed. It was even more of a mess than the other room. Occupying the middle of the room was a lopsided bed with unkempt sheets. Glasses cluttered a cheap dresser which faced a faded mirror hanging crookedly on the wall, and on the dresser stood an aged dime-store photo of an actress.

"I'm a bachelor," Burns said, as though that explained away the mess. "How about a drink?"

"I would prefer to discuss business, Mister..."

"Burns, Nestor Burns. Private detective..." He grinned broadly at her as he reached for a calling card inside his jacket.

"So that's it, you're a private detective. I don't suppose you'll tell me who put you up to this?"

Burns smiled at her secretively but did not bother to respond. He didn't have to answer; she knew already that it was Rod who had hired his services. She should have known he was getting suspicious of her... the way he was always cross- examining her about what she did during the day.

"The business we want to discuss is very sensitive," Burns said politely, as he went over to the dresser and began mixing two drinks. "So I think you'd better sit down," he said, casually nodding toward the bed.

"I beg your pardon," she protested, but Burns was already upon her, thrusting the drink in her hand, practically forcing her down on the bed.

"Stay there," he commanded and headed toward a closet in another corner of the room. He emerged with a film reel which he casually tossed on the bed and a projector which he began setting up.

"So, you haven't been lying," Sally sighed dejectedly, she tried to raise the drink to her lips, but her hand was trembling too violently.

"You're going to be interested in this little film of mine," Burns leered as he began threading it through the projector.

In a desperate effort to calm her shattered nerves, Sally gulped down a large sip of the bitter whiskey. It was still burning in her throat when, a moment later, Burns flicked off the light switch and turned on the projector. Before she knew what was happening he suddenly plumped down on the edge of the bed beside her. Together they faced the bare wall, which in a moment was about to unfold the deepest secrets of her hidden sex life.

For Sally it was like the slow beginning of a long familiar nightmare as the blue unnatural light of the projector began to flicker unsteadily on the bare plaster wall in front of her eyes.

The first frames were innocent enough: the long sleek Jaguar cruising effortlessly through the park... the young handsome boys on the picnic table. And then, second by second, the bitter memories began to reappear in front of her widening eyes... The figures of the two innocent boys playing catch in the hollow... the film flickered on... the voluptuous young blonde woman reclining beneath the tall shade tree, the buttons of her clinging blouse slowly coming undone... and then the hands gliding softly up the white glimmering flesh of her parting thighs... pushing the short skirt up over her small girlish waist... the handsome blonde boy suddenly catching sight of her, his eyes popping wide with amazement...

It was all too real, it was too much to bear! She could not stand watching the film.

"Stop! Stop!" Sally gasped suddenly. Her whole body stiffened, and she sprang up from the bed to block the lewdly flickering picture, her glass flying from her hand. She felt Burns' hand suddenly tightening around her wrist.

"No, Mrs. Baxter, you're going to see it all. You're going to see everything you did to those innocent young boys."

"Please, please," she gasped desperately.

"Sit down." She could feel his other hand locking onto her free wrist and firmly forcing her back down on the bed. Try as she might, she could not escape the relentless images dancing obscenely against the wall in front of her.

The depraved blonde woman on the screen had now slid her hand high up between her wantonly parted legs. Her excited fingers rubbed teasingly against the panty-cloaked mound of her vagina and her slightly parted lips bared back against her teeth, as her eyes fluttered in ecstasy while her fingers massaged the excitedly moistening crotch-band of her white nylon panties. Suddenly the familiar woman on the screen jerked the moistened elastic strip of her panties aside. Her extended middle finger stood poised at the naked hair-lined furrow of her passionately quivering cuntal slit. The two eager young boys snaked cautiously through the grass toward the pile of rocks not twenty feet from the lust-incited woman. It was so real, so lewd!

Sally winced in shame as her secret past flickered before her eyes. That lewdly writhing woman was her, Sally Baxter! It was all too horrible to be true!

"Oh! God!" she moaned as she turned her face away in horror from the merciless film. God, she was ready to collapse. Her whole life had suddenly caved in on her.

"No, Mrs. Baxter, you're going to watch it all. You're going to watch every depraved minute of it, and then we'll talk or you go to jail," Burns snarled. He grasped her chin in his rough callused hands and jerked her face in the direction of the wall.

For a moment Sally struggled to clench her eyes shut against the horrible reality that the uncouth detective was forcing on her, but the intensity of the obscenely flickering images was too much for her. She found herself attracted to them like a moth toward light. In wide-eyed horror she beheld the madly bucking woman on the screen ramming her fingers deep up inside her tight clasping pussy in front of the amazed young boys. The woman's body writhed and twisted in shameless abandon on the grass, her short blue skirt doubled back up over her hips, her fingers playing over the thin white sliver of her silk-lined panties. Her tortured lips feverishly spewed out groans of wanton lust. The woman on the screen was her! It was impossible to believe!

Even now as she beheld the salacious spectacle, Sally could feel tiny droplets of moisture seeping into the flimsy silken crotch-band of her snugly encasing panties. The same feelings of forbidden desire that had overcome her in the park were beginning to tremble lewdly through her loins once again as she watched the depraved reenactment.

"Stop it, stop it!" she screamed suddenly. Burns gave her a leering smile as he moved closer to her on the bed and tossed back his drink.

"Not on your life, baby."

"No, no please, I'll give you anything you want... anything," she pleaded, tears choking her eyes.

She was just where he wanted her now, Burns thought. She was frantic. Quickly he pushed himself off the bed and headed to the projector, switching it off. The flickering images of the madly writhing woman finger-fucking herself danced on the wall for another obscene moment and died as the room went suddenly dark.

Somewhere nearby she could hear the detective shuffling about, but for the life of her it was impossible to see anything, and now a sudden panic seized her, making her spring from the bed once again and grope hopelessly along the wall for the light switch. Her hands reached out in blind desperation, but Burns' massive body was suddenly looming in front of her. And when she reached out to push him aside she shuddered. Her hands were pressing against his naked hairy chest, when he roughly yanked her against him, she realized he was completely naked! Suddenly she knew what he wanted. He was going to rape her!

"Oh, please--" she gasped as her heart caught in her throat, pounding so rapidly that it threatened to break through her chest.

"You said anything, remember, baby?" You'll give me anything."

Burns' rough hands latched onto her wrists, pulling her fearfully trembling body toward him until she could feel his hot aroused breath raking her face. Impulsively, she struggled to free herself, but his hands tightened like vises.

"No, I didn't mean--" she tried desperately to explain.

"You didn't mean what, baby? You didn't mean a little piece of ass? You gave those young boys a nice shot at your panties, sweetheart. Now what's wrong with a little bit for good old Nestor Burns?"

"Let me go, let me go," the terrified young wife squealed. Vainly she struggled to escape his tight death grip, but she knew she was trapped.

"Sure, I'll let you go, Mrs. Baxter. But the minute I do, I'm gonna see that your husband gets a good look at a copy of these movies I took. It'll have to be a copy because the original is going to be in the hands of the cops."

A sharp pang of fear raced up Sally's spine. She had been trapped by her own panty compulsion, and now she was going to be forced against her will to submit to the depraved desires of this unscrupulous man. Then all her terror was magnified tenfold as the private detective abruptly reached over and switched on the lights! His lewdly grinning face stared hungrily down at her, and the trembling young wife thought she had never seen a more menacing expression in her life.

"No, I won't... let me go," she sobbed quietly. "I can't." But Burns had had enough. His hands suddenly released her wrists and circled around behind her back crushing her fearfully trembling body toward him. In one swift movement his mouth clamped wetly down over her soft moist lips as she struggled to break free from him.

He'd be damned if he was going to let her get away now. He had seen how this crazy nympho performed for those young kids the way her voluptuous body bucked and writhed lewdly on the grass as she rammed her fingers deep up inside her excited pussy. Hell no, he wasn't about to let her go. Underneath her mask of respectable suburban housewife she was a raving whore begging to be fucked. And he was going to shove his cock so deep up inside her tight little cunt that she would be begging for mercy... and begging for more.

"I just want to see those little panties of yours, baby," Burns groaned hotly into her ear. "Just a little panty fuck, that's all I want. Can't you just feel my big hard cock slipping past your panties... throbbing against your pussy lips..."

Sally breathed heavily and tried to squirm away from the lust-crazed naked man. But in spite of her resistance, the detective's lewd words and the filthy movie she had just seen were exciting her. Now, pressed up tight against her squirming body, the whites of his eyes glinted at her in the darkness. Slowly his hand glided down the back of her blue dress, over the smooth curve of her back and grasped the softly yielding mounds of her buttocks.

"Let me go!" she demanded hysterically, her hands pushing out against his hairy naked chest. But it was too late, Burns knew what he wanted and he was going to get it right now. He maneuvered her struggling young body against the bed, until the backs of her knees struck the edge of the mattress. For a long moment she fought with all her strength to keep from falling backwards, but the burly man's weight was overpowering, and he forced her down against the sheets, his weight crushing on top of her.

"I can't... I can't..." she breathed, helplessly pinned beneath him. "Oh God, please don't... please! I can't."

"You can and you will once I get my cock inside those little silk panties of yours, baby," he groaned. Sally struggled with all her might to keep her legs locked together, but her frantic squirming only made the rapidly stiffening bulge inside the detective's pants leap up even harder.

His lips clamped wetly down over her mouth again and he forced his tongue in between her teeth.

"Aaaaah, aaaaah!" she groaned as his tongue speared fiercely into the warm wet cavern of her mouth, wrapping lewdly around her own struggling tongue like a powerful snake. His hot saliva flooded her mouth as he flicked excitedly deeper into her throat.

"Aaaaagh!" she gagged. Her resisting body wriggled hopelessly on the bed. Involuntarily, her legs kicked out wide apart, thrashing against the tangled sheets and Burns used the opportunity to thrust his leg in between her thighs and force them further apart. His knee ground up hard against the hot quivering mound of her vagina as his hugely erect penis nudged against her stomach.

"God, God," Sally moaned deliriously, her head thrashing from side to side, whipping her long blonde curls from shoulder to shoulder.

"Just your panties, baby, that's all I want. Just let me rub those little panties of yours," Burns breathed heavily.

"P-please..." Sally mewled in protest, though it was too late. The detective's hand was already gliding up between her desperately kicking legs. His fingers were caressing the silky smoothness of her nylon stockings as they traveled up her savagely struggling thighs. In spite of the dire warnings her mind flashed to her, Sally's body began to react traitorously to the outrages she was being subjected to. Burns mounted himself squarely between her wide-splayed legs and crawled forward until she could feel the rigidly throbbing beat of his cock against her panty-clad vagina. Clenching her eyes tightly shut, she fought with all her might against the hopelessness of her degrading position until ever so slowly the unwanted secretion of her involuntarily responding loins began to seep out from the depths of her pussy into the close-clinging web of silk.

Burns' hand eagerly slid further up between the smooth columns of her flared-out thighs until his hungrily searching fingers were caressing the naked flesh above the tops of her nylon stockings. He yanked hard on them, pulling against the stretching resilience of her garter straps. The straps strained and held for a moment, but like the last ounce of resisting energy inside Sally Baxter's body, they suddenly gave way, and the detective began to slide the sheer nylons down over the lusciously flaring curves of her legs.

Like a keen hound he scented blood now, and his hotly aroused body was not going to stop for anything. Slowly, his right hand began to tunnel farther up between her wide-splayed thighs until his fingertips played with the wisps of pubic hairs that guarded the entrance to her loins.

"Aaaaagh, God, stop!" she pled excitedly, her hand clamping down hard on top of his. Any minute now she realized he would be at her panties, and it would be all over. The last bastion of her resistance would disappear the second his fingers touched the flimsy moistened material.

Strange, electrically tingling sensations overtook her body now as his fingers crawled relentlessly closer to the guarded treasure of her pussy. Abruptly she stiffened with hot excitement as his extended middle finger insinuated itself beneath her panty leg band and touched the feverishly moistened lips of her vagina. Her hips bucked up traitorously against his searching hand while the sharp little buds of her nipples stiffened inside the restraining cups of her brassiere.

"Noooo," she gasped again and, horrified at the thought of losing all control, she suddenly wrenched her body away from him and rolled onto her side in an effort to escape. Quickly, she was yanked back again and lay helpless beneath him.

Burns breathed heavily with mounting excitement. He had her now, he was at her precious panties, and there was no stopping him. She was powerless to resist. This beautiful little bitch was going to be all his. In a matter of minutes she would be begging and screaming for his long hard cock. Nothing in the world could stop him now!

Suddenly his free hand slid between her back and the mattress, and he lifted her shoulders an inch off the mattress as he struggled clumsily with the zipper on her dress. Ferociously, he yanked at it while his tongue snaked back between her teeth into the hot wetness of her mouth. A muffled squeal of protest blurted from her lips as she helplessly pounded against his sweating body with her fists. In response his hand jerked her zipper down violently, and a cool rush of air raked across her naked shoulders.

Eagerly his hands slipped into the opening of her dress from behind and tore apart the tightly restricting brassiere. His fingers popped the snaps open and he pushed the brassiere up and away from the soft mounds of her heaving breasts. With a sudden burst of animal fury, he jerked down hard on the straps of her dress, pulling them away from her shoulders until her frantically quivering breasts were exposed to his gaze.

"God... please!" Sally pleaded, and twisted her tortured face away from his hungrily probing mouth. "Please... please... I'll give you money, anything... but not this..."

"Just your panties, baby," Burns gasped hoarsely, knowing this would get her.

From the beginning he knew she was a panty freak and the moment he started playing with them, she would be his. As his right hand glided up into the silk-skinned mound of her vagina his left hand seized the resilient mounds of her milk-white breasts and trapped the sensitive pink bud-like nipples between thumb and forefinger, ferociously squeezing them until a gasp of pain escaped from her lips. He twisted her toward him, throbbing the covered hardness of his lust-inflamed penis against the panty- protected "vee" of her cunt.

His face contorted with lust, he tore the rumpled dress down from her heaving belly, hurling her back against the mattress and ripping the garment down over her obscenely splayed legs.

"Oh nooo... God noooo!" Sally screamed, desperately trying to twist away from him. Her half-naked body squirmed and bucked on the bed before his merciless assault, and now only her sheer white panties and smooth nylon stockings remained to protect her from the vicious attack she knew was about to begin. She gasped in terror as a look of raw lust crept over his face, but there was nothing... nothing at all she could do. She was like a struggling animal battling against the iron jaws of a trap.

He bent over her again and his hungry mouth came down over her wetly glistening lips, his tongue ramming between her teeth. She could feel it curling warmly around her own tongue, and a piteous moan of desperation rumbled from her throat.

This hot little bitch was going to get a real workout, Burns vowed to himself. He was going to turn her into a sex-crazed slut, begging and screaming for his big stiff cock. His right hand seized the warmly pulsating mound of her vagina as his left hand descended from her trembling breasts, down the quivering bowl of her undulating belly, to the smooth, naked curve of her inner thigh.

"Aaaagh... please!" she mewled, helplessly fighting against his eagerly searching fingers as they coursed back up her leg and kneaded the full sensitive flesh of her thighs. But even as she fought, Sally knew it was hopeless as she felt his tongue flicked lizard-like into the cavern of her groaning mouth.

She may be fighting now, Burns thought, but she was going to love every minute of it. He could tell from the way her voluptuous body was involuntarily bucking and squirming, as though it couldn't wait to be fucked.

As his mouth hungrily worked at her lips, the extended middle finger of his right hand slipped into the moistly aroused furrow of her cuntal slit, pushing the warm smooth silk of her panties up between the little lips of her pussy. Her hips bucked wildly in response. impulsively his left hand slithered up to the rounded softness of her breasts again, and his fingers pinched teasingly at her throbbing nipples.

"Oh God... Ooooooh!" Sally moaned, arching her head back into the bed sheets, her eyes screwed tightly shut. She could feel Burns' hands retreating from her quivering breasts now, curling beneath her thighs, and eagerly squeezing at the voluptuous flesh of her buttocks. Suddenly, his right hand withdrew from her panties and gripped her at the knee. With a loud animal grunt he rolled off the bed, jerked her legs out straight and savagely yanked down her dress. He pulled it down from her knees, tore it ferociously away from her ankles, and hurled it in a haphazard heap on the floor.

"No... no... please," she moaned deliriously, shaking her head from side to side against the mattress. But no mercy was coming from Burns, who stood in front of her completely naked, his rock hard cock lunging out from under his heavy paunch like the menacing shad t of a blunt spear. He looked down at her, his eyes glowing in anticipation as he began to stroke the heavy foreskin back and forth over the blood-filled throbbing head.

"Like that?" he grinned, obviously enjoying the brutal torment he was subjecting her to. He was a sadist, and he watched the trembling young wife as though she were a trapped doe and he the dog, the faint cruel glint glowing now in his eye like a hotly burning ember. "You're gonna enjoy my cock when I put it inside those little panties of yours," he said menacingly. He came closer to the bed and watched the contorted expressions of paralyzed fear cross over her face like some tidal wave of darkness. Sally tried desperately to speak, but she was frozen to the mattress. Against her will her eyes dropped to the enormous shaft of rigid flesh he was massaging in his hand. She had never seen anything like it before.

God, it was so incredibly thick!

In spite of her fear she found herself wondering how any woman could take such a thing inside her without being split apart. He was built and he knew it. He stood a moment longer reveling in the huge size of his cock.

"D-don't touch me," Sally managed to stammer through her immobilizing fear, though she knew there was no escape. He was going to ravish her helpless young body no matter how she pleaded with him not to.

Suddenly, the burly private detective mounted the bed on top of her again, his hairy log thrusting once more between her wide- splayed thighs. He cupped her face in his palms and jerked her head up toward him, thrusting his tongue far into the hot liquid depths of her mouth. She could feel the heat of his rigidly erect penis throbbing against the naked flesh of her trembling belly. A last faint thought of trying to tear herself away from him flickered across her mind but faded with the pain of his fingers digging into the sides of her face

"That's a girl," he breathed softly into her mouth.

With a swift motion, his hands traveled from her face over the smoothly flowing curves of her naked body until they were playing against the smooth flimsy material of her panties. She trembled in fear as he hooked his fingers into the tight elastic waistband and muttered a faint, lustful sigh.

No... no... not my panties, Sally cried and squirmed away from him. His grip tightened once again.

"I'm not gonna take your fucking panties off. I just wanna rub my cock against them," he hissed through tightly clenched teeth.

She could feel his fingers descending across her belly to her tightly clenched buttocks. His lips quickly withdrew from hers, and in a sudden lust-maddened impulse, his head dove down to her quivering belly. His warm wet lips pressed tight against her navel, and the sudden wet contact sent a lewd chill racing the length of her spine. Automatically she reached forward with her hands... at first struggling to push his head away.

"Aaaaaaagh!" she cried helplessly as his head dropped to her inner thighs, but it was a losing battle. As his fingers played teasingly with the tiny white crotch band that guarded her wetly excited pussy, she knew she was lost. He had discovered her secret, and now he was going to exploit it for his own depraved ends.

Although the last reserve of moral strength in her mind told her to fight to the death, she found herself giving in to the savage debasement he was subjecting her to. Against her will her traitorous fingers locked into his dark hair and pulled his head deeper into her widely-parted thighs as his tongue began to trace tiny tantalizing circles around the panty leg band.

His hands spread her knees further apart, and then in sudden savage feast his tongue flicked lizard-like inside the stretched leg band and grazed her hotly throbbing cuntal lips. Sally jumped from the moist wet contact while at the same time her legs helplessly slithered wider and wider apart, thrashing at the disheveled bed sheets that snaked around her ankles. Her eyes opened in abject terror, and she struggled to close her legs against this oral rape, but it was a hopelessly one-sided battle. Finally, the beautiful young blonde wife lay still.

Laughing triumphantly, the detective slid his hands over the trembling smoothness of her inner thighs until his fingers hooked again into the thin elastic crotch band of her flimsy panties. Then with a quick jerking motion he yanked them aside to expose the hair-lined lips of her hotly aroused pussy to his merciless gaze. He gaped in hunger at the fleshy treasure before him and, with an animal-like groan, dropped his head to bury the full length of his slippery tongue into her warmly throbbing pussy. She jerked, a soul-searing moan escaping from deep in her chest. Her panty-clad buttocks pushed down against the mattress as she tried to escape the lust-maddened assault of his wet tongue on her quivering cuntal flesh.

"Oh God, oooooooh, oooooh," she whimpered before his Depraved attack. At can't be, it can't be!" she groaned over and over again in undisguised humiliation, her head flailing from side to side as his wet flicking tongue began to spear in and out of the involuntarily dilating lips of her pussy. In spite of her terror and revulsion at the things being done to her helpless young cunt, wisps of forbidden pleasure rippled deep down ill her belly, and her arms lay tensed at her sides while her rounded breasts danced from the lewd buffeting her body was receiving. His hands reached up over the flatness of her quivering belly and seized her swaying breasts, digging harshly into their fleshy softness.

Sally sprang to a sitting position on the mattress, while Burns' tongue worked hungrily in between her legs. The horror of what was happening to her was too much to bear, and she sat frozen in abject submission to the depraved outrages being forced upon her defenseless body. She watched helplessly as the stranger's head bobbed in and out of her loins, his tongue spearing between the wetly palpitating lips of her pussy. There was nothing she could do, and tears of humiliation and shame welled in her eyes. Random crazy pictures of her husband whirled through her mind as she listened to the vile wet sucking noises Burns was making at her tortured young cunt. Oh God, how could she ever face Rod again after allowing her body to be submitted to this cruel inhuman man whose head was locked and feasting between her legs? He was defiling her as she never thought possible, humiliating her beyond her wildest imagination, and there was absolutely nothing she could do!

Hungrily, his hands reached up and roamed over her sensuously full breasts as he continued the torturing thrusts of his tongue into her wide-splayed vagina. Any minute now he knew he was going to turn her into a raving slut. Before the afternoon was over she'd be begging and screaming for his cock.

Chuckling softly to himself, Burns gripped her thighs tightly and spread her legs out even wider on either side of his bear-like body. His hands locked on the underside of her curved thighs and pushed them back over her body so that her kneecaps touched her voluptuously trembling breasts. Bending forward, he thrust the tip of his tongue into the tightly puckered ring of her anus. She shut her eyes in mute pleading, and her lips bared back over her teeth from the obscene torturing sensation it sent racing out of control through her naked form. Her whole body squirmed and writhed from this unnatural invasion.

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