Panty Compulsion - Cover

Panty Compulsion


Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

"Where are you going now honey?" Rod Baxter asked his wife on Saturday morning, taking a sip of coffee as he waited for her to answer.

"How did you know I was going out?" Sally said, surprised.

"Because you always scurry around when you're getting ready to go somewhere."

Sally marveled at her husband's uncanny perceptiveness. He was a sharp-witted lawyer, and his observation was exactly right. She had been clearing the dishes from the breakfast table rather hurriedly, and she was going in town today for a special reason.

"It's a surprise, I can't tell you," she said cheerfully.

At that, Rod ducked behind his newspaper and took another sip of coffee. Either his young wife was a very good liar or she was telling the truth. For a month now she had been doing an awful lot of going out, and he was determined to find out what was behind it all. For sometime in fact he had frankly suspected her of having an affair. After all, she was an attractive young woman still in her early twenties, and he was almost forty. She wouldn't be the first young wife to find herself a boy friend while hubby was working.

But still, Rod thought to himself, the evidence did not add up. The private detective he had hired so far could not report anything on her.

According to Nestor Burns, she simply took long rides outside town in the sports car. It seemed as though something was troubling her, although Rod would be damned if he could figure out what it was. As far as he could remember they had had only one serious argument, and that had occurred a month ago. Rod had returned from work after winning an important case, and they had gone to a fancy restaurant in downtown Philadelphia to celebrate. After returning home they headed immediately upstairs to bed.

He could not remember ever desiring his voluptuous young wife's body so ardently as that night, and in the beginning she had seemed willing enough to accommodate him. But as they undressed, something strange had happened.

"I want your body tonight," he said, playfully at first. "All of it. 1 want you to take your panties off for a change. Don't be shy." "Not my panties," she had protested, but cheerfully enough.

If it weren't for the drinks he had consumed that night, Rod would have let well enough alone. In the two years they had been married she had always insisted on keeping her panties on in bed, but yet she had always been willing to give him what he wanted. That night, though, he had been too insistent, and he could recall almost everything that happened... later.

He remembered how playfully his arms circled around her slender waist as she stood in front of the dresser and how his thumbs hooked into the tight elastic waistband of her little white panties. With a sudden rough force he jerked down on them, yanking them clear of her violently wrenching buttocks. He could never have dreamed her reaction would be so furious. A sudden piercing scream escaped from her lips and she pushed him away fiercely.

"Get out of here," she screamed, her face livid with rage. Tears were welling up inside her eyes. "I don't ever want you to touch my panties again." That had done it, she had ruined his whole night for him.

All along he had known of her secret hang up involving panties, but had never realized the depth of it until that night. Since the early days of their marriage he had been willing to excuse it, and in fact, he had even enjoyed it, because it was like an exciting strip tease with the flimsy piece of silk always the last tantalizing barrier between him and the secret treasure of her loins. It was sexy in the same way a scantily clad woman is always more attractive than a completely naked female.

Things still didn't add up, though. How could there be any connection between her panty hang up and the fact that she spent afternoons riding around in the Jaguar? He was beginning to regret that he had been so suspicious in the first place, and now his mind drifted back to reality...

The newsprint in front of him blurred until he realized he had been reading the same column for ten minutes. Sally's soft hands squeezed his shoulders.

"Now you be good today and just relax. When I come back I'm going to have a nice surprise for you." She bent forward and kissed him tenderly on the cheek.

"That's my girl," he said, and as she left the kitchen in her light blue spring dress he felt terribly guilty. How could he have suspected her of having an affair. If only there were some way he could make it up to her...

A half hour later the long Jaguar lurched out of the Baxter driveway in the direction of downtown Philadelphia. As Sally guided it along the winding tree-shaded suburban street, she could feel pangs of guilt lancing her mind. Why, why had she ever let herself get so carried away with those young boys? There must be some other way of freeing herself from the horrible tension that constantly seized her... if only she knew what it was.

It was a sickness, she kept telling herself over and over again as the Jaguar picked up speed. Ever since her uncle had tried to rape her she had wanted to tease and torment every male she came across by suggestively exposing her panties. She could not help herself, and now the only thing she could do in repentance was to show her love for Rod. It would only be a small, insignificant gesture, an inadequate one, but she had heard him complaining the other day that he wanted to buy some new shirts. The least she could do was to buy them for him as a gift he would appreciate, and it was for this reason that she was heading in town.

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