Panty Compulsion - Cover

Panty Compulsion


Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

The long low Jaguar cruised through the park like a slinking animal stalking its prey, pausing for a moment while the voluptuously sensual woman inside shifted gears, then the car soared effortlessly up the winding road ahead.

At that moment, Sally Baxter, the honey-haired blonde behind the wheel, was hardly aware of the battered black Plymouth following several hundred yards behind. Other things were whirling through her mind... other more important things... like handsome young boys! She knew she would find them here... she had to find them!

It was getting urgent now. Her head was pounding, her throat was dry as sandpaper and a strange nervous trembling had seized her entire curvaceous body so that her hands shook noticeably as she held the steering wheel. A light sweat began to break out on her forehead as, almost unconsciously, she reached for the top Ions d w do saver by undid them one by one. Casually, the flimsy see-through material fell away from the ripely swelling cleavage of her young breasts until just a hint of the rich white mounds protruded from her brassiere.

Slowing the flashy sports car to a prowl, Sally hungrily scanned the fields along the side of the road... God, nothing yet! Where were they all hiding, those young innocent boys that she needed so badly? Didn't they know she wasn't going to hurt them? Didn't they understand that she needed them... needed them to watch her as she spread her legs apart and salaciously ran her fingers over the soft silkiness of her white bikini panties?

If only she could control herself... but she had been possessed by the lewd urge to expose her panties ever since the age of thirteen... ever since the obscene day when her uncle had come into her bedroom and locked the door behind him. God, she could remember every second of the depraved experience now... the twisted lust-contorted expression on his face, the filthy things he had said to her... even the way he had moved menacingly toward her as she backed off toward the wall step by step.

Her mind's eye blurred in confusion as it focused on a tangle of arms and legs, as it watched herself as a young helpless girl being thrown on the bed, her clothes violently ripped away from her until she was left with nothing but her little white panties, struggling to hold them on while her passion-crazed uncle fought to tear them away.

Even now the memory of the wicked event was making her head throb like a jackhammer. And then, miraculously out of the corner of the eye she sighted what she had been looking for all along!

There at the side of the road only a hundred feet away stood a whole enticing group of teenage boys gathered around a picnic table... handsome innocent young boys who sent electrical thrills pulsing through her grown womanly body. No, Sally, no, a tiny inner voice warned her. Don't do it here, there are too many of them. They'll tell someone, you'll be discovered. Wait, wait, the voice cautioned, though her loins were already burning with a forbidden passion that could only be satisfied by the lewd act.

The obscene temptation was unbearable. Those young boys were gaping wildly at her now, they had seen the suggestive way she had undone her blouse. God, they were so youthful, so responsive. They were whistling at her. Her warmly pulsing pussy was beginning to throb and ache all over as the first tiny droplets of excited moisture seeped into the close clinging crotch-band of her skimpy panties. The tiny voice inside her mind began to scream and shriek at her, until in response she jammed down on the accelerator, lurching the car powerfully up the road ahead only to leave the young boys dangling behind in their lewd daydreams.

At that very moment the stocky man in the black Plymouth stepped down hard on his own accelerator, inadvertantly jostling the expensive movie camera laying on the front seat. Catching it out of the corner of his eye, he winced painfully. Hell, Nestor, he chided Self, you can't take chances with an expensive piece of equipment like that, not when it's going to get you all the evidence you need on that sexy Baxter dame.

Picking up speed the Jaguar powered around a sharp bend. Every second now Sally was becoming more passionately desperate. God, if she could only find some young boys in a quiet secluded place. Only then, when she had acted out her licentious fantasy in front of them, would she be cured of the terrible headache and nervous trembling that afflicted her.

Row after row of dark pine trees whizzed by on either side of the road until a grassy clearing opened up. Sally slammed on the brake as she suddenly caught sight of two young boys playing a harmless game of catch. God... at last, she breathed in relief, pulling the car hurriedly over to the side of the road.

From the distance the two handsome youngsters looked to be fifteen or sixteen. The oldest boy, who had removed his tee- shirt, was taller than his stocky friend, and Sally could see his youthfully well-formed muscles straining sensually as he leaped up in the air with his glove for an overthrown ball. Already the lascivious excitement of wild anticipation was crawling like a furry caterpillar all over her passion-starved body. This was the perfect place. No one in the world would ever discover her here!

But as this reassuring thought flashed through her mind, the black Plymouth rounded the last bend before the hollow. Completely oblivious to the man who was shadowing her, Sally's eagerly aroused body began to shiver with tingling excitement. She slid out from behind the driver's seat, slammed the door shut and set out to pick her way carefully through the uncut grass toward the bowl-shaped hollow below where she had sighted the young boys.

About a hundred yards away she noticed a tall shade tree that would make a perfect shelter from the curious eyes of anyone else who might happen to wander by. It was as though fate had guided her to this place, as though she were being inexorably drawn to the innocent teenagers by some hypnotic magnet...

Goddamn! Finally! It's about time, Nestor Burns thought to himself. The Baxter dame he'd been following for a week was about to make her move. Approaching cautiously, Burns brought his Plymouth to a halt beside the now-deserted Jaguar. With the engine still revving in neutral, he hopped out, clicked the door shut and scanned the area in front of him.

The blonde had vanished... at least that was his first thought, but then, shading his eyes, he caught sight of her provocatively moving form. Sure enough, she was heading right toward those two young kids! It all made sense now... the way she had slowed down in front of those other teenagers gathered around the picnic table... the way she had been impatiently cruising around the park all day. Damn, he should have known it all along. She was going to throw a trick to those kids. She was hot stuff all right, and her husband was going to be very interested in how she spent her afternoons. Ten to one, he'd be willing to pay plenty for some juicy little home movies.

Burns surveyed the situation and decided the best shots would come from the other side of the hollow, where he could hide himself among a grove of pines. But there was no time to waste, hurriedly, he dashed back to his car, parked it out of sight in front of the Jaguar and, with his camera in hand, began to wind his way through the woods.

At that moment the two young boys, Tom Wilson and Jimmy Crowder, were completely unaware of the two figures approaching them from different angles... and that was just as well, Sally Baxter thought to herself, because she could see their exciting teenage bodies perfectly. She could see their sweat-glistening muscles as they leaped and ran like beautiful male animals for the baseball.

Reaching the tall umbrella-like shade tree, Sally impatiently cleared the grass beneath her of twigs and small stones, sat down and rested her back against the tree's thick, comfortable trunk. Her sensually excited body was so tense now she thought it was going to burst open. The sight of the young boys was sending lewd shivers of trembling pleasure up and down her spine. God, they were so young they couldn't possibly realize how much they had excited her. They would never realize it either because she was going to satisfy the aching pangs of lust searing inside her as quickly as possible. She was going to use these innocent teenagers as she had secretly done so many times in the past. She was going to cure her headache and this was the only way...

Sally kicked off her high-heeled shoes and spread her long slender legs apart against the smooth cool blanket of green grass. Her short blue skirt wrinkled up high on the milk-white fullness of her nakedly exposed thighs until she could feel the light Spring breeze rush in up between her widespread thighs and brush the silken warmth of her panties. Slowly, tenderly, as her eyes fixed on the young boys below, her fingers began to lovingly caress the insides of her parted legs, gliding up and down along the soft sensitive skin like rippling little waves...

Nestor Burns by now was beginning to curse himself for the predicaments his job always got him into for as he worked his way toward the pine grove, pine needles were piercing into his suit coat, boughs of trees were whipping back at him, stones and rocks were scuffing his shoes... Hell, but at least I'm gonna get some good shots of this crazy dame when she makes her play for those kids, he consoled himself.

When he had finally maneuvered directly opposite the big tree where the Baxter woman had taken refuge, he crouched down low beneath a bushy pine and aimed his camera. For several minutes he waited... and then at long last things began to happen. Jimmy, a chubby kid, had just overthrown the baseball in Sally's direction, and his friend was chasing after it.

Sally's pulse began hammering again as she watched the tall bare-chested blond boy running up the hillside in her direction to retrieve the ball. Her yearning nipples sprang out hard against her restraining brassiere as chills of obscene excitement rippled upward from her wetly throbbing vagina.

Any minute now this young boy was going to stop dead in his tracks and take notice of her. God, how desperately she wanted him to gape and see what she was doing up between her wide-splayed legs. How badly she wanted him to stare at the scanty strip of her sheer white panties running thinly up between her thighs-- covering her secret flesh... protecting it, keeping it safe from harm and the vile hands of vile men.

The moment she had been waiting for arrived at last... the blond boy, Tom Wilson, had just stopped to scoop up the baseball when the strange sight suddenly hit him. He blinked his eyes incredulously. God, he could even see her beautiful panties nestling up between her fully parted thighs. And Jesus, he could hardly believe what she was doing to herself! Her hands had glided up to her ripely matured breasts, cupping and kneading them, squeezing the soft-looking mounds against each other. It looked as though any second they were going to spring loose from her white lacy brassiere and lewdly pop out from her half-undone blouse. Tom's body froze.

"Holy Crap!" he swore. What the hell was going on?

In the meantime, Jimmy was getting impatient.

"You gonna play boll or not?" he whined from down below, but still Tom didn't budge, his innocent young eyes fixed like rivets on the beautiful older woman licentiously fondling her breasts.

"Hey, come on, will ya?" Jimmy called again until finally in exasperation he threw his glove on the ground and headed up toward his friend. As the chubby youth came within earshot, Tom spun quickly around and put his finger on his mouth in a shushing gesture. "Get down quick," he whispered.

"What the--"

Obediently, the chubby boy sank to his knees a couple of feet behind Tom.

God, they had seen her now, Sally thought, as she blinked her eyes open momentarily. Rapidly her heart began to pound. She had obscenely trapped them, and now she was going to give them the thrill of their youthful lives. She was going to tease them until their young little cocks excitedly swelled to the bursting point inside their pants. Slowly, sensually, Sally Baxter's fingers descended from her breasts to the remaining three buttons of her blouse. She toyed with them tantalizingly for a long moment.

"Holy crap!" Jimmy gasped excitedly. "She's, she's--"

"Jesus, she's takin' her blouse off," Tom whispered in awe, watching her slowly pull it from her skirt. But the two pairs of youthful eyes were not the only ones focused on the salacious spectacle, for now every movement in the little grassy hollow was being recorded on film.

The movie camera whirred silently as Nestor Burns held it steadily in front of him in his prone position on the ground. Hell, this was real dynamite! He had merely expected the Baxter dame to lure those kids off somewhere in her car, but now she was going to do a regular strip act in broad daylight. Nestor could hardly believe his eyes when he saw the voluptuous blonde's hands slowly sliding up behind her back. Jesus, she was going to take her brassiere off!

At the same time Nestor Burns was peering through the viewfinder of his camera, the two young boys were holding their breath in amazement. Sally's curvaceous body wriggled, and she undid the tiny snaps, sliding down the shoulder straps to suddenly reveal the lusciously swelling flesh of her naked white breasts.

"Jesus!" Tom exclaimed excitedly, his eager young cock swelling up like a small hardened spear inside his pants.

"Man, would you look at those tits!" the chubby boy croaked.

Sally reveled in the wickedly naked exposure of her breasts as she heard the excited little whisperings float up the hill. Out of the corner of her eye she glimpsed at the two youths crouching in the grass below, their eyes heatedly fixed on her every move. Thank God, she thought, her headache was beginning to disappear, and soon it would be all gone.

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