Virgin Captives - Cover

Virgin Captives


Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

Young Melanie Tucker had watched her sister go up the stairs with Bart Masters through eyes narrowed by tension and fear. She had no real idea yet just what these men might demand of them, but the open display of weapons in her home had informed her from the beginning that she could expect little mercy or compassion from the ruthless invaders. With Penny out of her sight and gone now with the leader of the cruel trio, Melanie suddenly felt very alone and vulnerable in the presence of the other two men.

It was almost a relief to her when the one called Jed Wilson spoke to her, breaking the grim silence that hung between them like a curtain of fear.

"How about that coffee, eh, little lady?"

She nodded dumbly, turning away from him and moving in the direction of the kitchen. He moved to follow her, and the third man would undoubtedly have followed as well if Wilson had not turned upon him and brusquely ordered him to remain in the living room and keep watch over the road outside through the front windows of the house. Having thus dispersed his "troops," Jed Wilson turned once more and followed Melanie into the kitchen, closing the door behind him firmly.

Melanie glanced at him from time to time out of the corner of her eye as she busied herself with the coffee pot at the stove. She had filled the pot with water and was about to turn on the heat of the burner beneath it when she felt Jed Wilson close beside her and almost flinched away from the sudden touch of his hand on her shoulder. His voice was soft, almost purring, in her ear as he leaned closer still.

"What does a great-looking girl like you do for excitement in a nowhere dump like this?" he asked, his leering tone communicating more than casual interest in her forms of amusement.

Melanie shrugged, half hoping the gesture would dislodge his clinging hand from her shoulder, but all in vain. When the subtle effort failed miserably, she felt constrained to manufacture some answer that might satisfy the man.

"We don't do much," she said simply. "Once in a while there's a school dance, or a hayride."

"A hayride!?" the man crowed, his voice breaking up into harsh and derisive laughter at the very idea of such primitive amusement. "I didn't know they still did that in the western world."

When Melanie made no reply to his mocking words, Wilson tried another tack, lowering his voice a notch and leaning close to her once more, tightening his insidious arms about her slim shoulders. "it must get awfully dull for you, way out here in the sticks," he said, hugging her to him for emphasis. "You must be pretty hard- up for all kinds of excitement, I'll bet."

Melanie shook her head in a hesitant negative gesture. "It's not so bad," she said weakly, while her mind cried out that it really was that bad, and that she had said the exact same things silently to herself a hundred times before. "It really isn't that bad," she repeated pointlessly.

The man continued as if he had not heard her ineffectual protests. "I'll just bet you've got a real shortage of men back up here in these hills, don't you, sweetheart? The young ones move north or go off to the army, and you're stuck here with a bunch of old geezers snapping their own carrots, eh?"

Melanie could think of nothing to say, so she remained silent, toying idly with the knobs of the stove, but without turning on the flame beneath the coffee pot.

"Yeah," Jed Wilson continued in his softly seductive voice, "I'll just bet that there are times you get so lonely and horny back here in the hills that you're ready to tackle anything with two legs and a prick."

Melanie was blushing bright crimson now, and she had had quite enough of the man's lewd oratory. She made a determined motion to break away from him, turning sharply away and moving as if to brush past his restraining arm. The man was too fast for her, however, tightening his grip at the same time that he shifted his own stance, moving so that her momentum carried her directly into him, face on. She recoiled from that jarring contact and might have stumbled backward against the stove if Jed Wilson's strong arms and hands had not shot out, seizing her tightly by the shoulders to hold her upright, then tugging her back tightly against him. He smiled broadly as the soft mounds of her youthful breasts flattened provocatively against his broad, muscular chest.

Melanie stood with eyes downcast for a long moment, then she risked a glance upward at her captor's face. His eyes seemed to fascinate the young girl, riveting her own gaze and holding her as if she was hypnotized, their eyes locked as he kept her held tightly against him, touching from chest to loins in what was rapidly becoming a very intimate embrace.

She should have expected the kiss, should have seen it coming, and yet when it did come it managed to take her completely by surprise. Suddenly his sensual lips were covering hers, and his powerful tongue was snaking into her mouth, forcing her pearly little teeth apart as it sought out her own tongue and challenged that organ into a dueling little lust dance. Melanie resisted at first, and then some initial barrier seemed to collapse within her, and her tongue was reacting as if with an intelligence of its own, following his and complementing its movements, darting and glancing about in an instinctive rhythm of barely simulated oral fucking.

Melanie's heart seemed to leap into her throat as she felt Jed Wilson's hands on the move over her body, sliding deftly down from their vantage point on her shoulders to clasp the outer swell of her ripe young woman's breasts. She tensed immediately, pushing against his broad chest with both hands as if to escape from his clutches, but she suddenly seemed to have lost all strength from her arms and he held her easily.

Wilson's hands worked slowly and lovingly over the globes of Melanie's tremulous breasts, stroking, milking and fondling those fleshy weights through the thin dual restraints of her blouse and lacy little bra. She flushed bright red with shame and abject humiliation as she felt her cherry little nipples stiffening in response to his touch, spiking outward noticeably through her clothing as his thumbs and fingertips danced and swirled across the sensory little nodes.

Melanie was vastly ashamed of her young body's traitorous response to the wandering hands of this lecherous intruder. She knew deep inside herself that such involuntary response to a would-be rapist was wrong, quite possibly even perverted, but she could not seem to control her own body's instinctive reaction to the fondling of firm and confident male hands.

Jed Wilson sensed the conflicting emotions and feelings within his young hostage, and played upon her growing uncertainty with a master's skill. His hands were not still for a single moment, roaming constantly and taunting her tingling breast flesh until the girl felt weak in the knees and feared she would faint dead away at his feet right there in her own kitchen. Every movement of his stroking, rotating palms evoked new waves of electrifying erotic sensation from her manhandled young tits, sending responsive waves of feeling fanning outward and downward across her trembling torso to ignite responsive fires of budding lust between her tightly clenched young thighs.

A new, stronger shiver raced through Melanie's body as she felt Jed Wilson's hands leaving her breasts briefly, then returning to attack the tiny buttons which held her thin blouse together in front. He unfastened them one at a time and slowly, taking his time as if to heighten his own sexual anticipation and to prolong her own feverish anxiety. She counted every button as it slid slowly open, letting her blouse gap that much wider in front and expose that much more of her milky breast flesh, barely covered by the lacy little brassiere which she wore more from habit than from need.

Finally Jed was finished toying with the fastenings of her blouse, and the garment hung open and useless away from her thrusting young tits. He stepped back from her half a pace, ignoring the bright blush of shame on her cheeks as he feasted his hungry eyes on the mounding orbs of her tits, ogling the way in which her cherry pink little nipples were plainly visible even through the thin material of her almost transparent bra.

Those thrusting little nipple buds fascinated Wilson, riveting his gaze as they seemed to stare back at him like two beady pupils, taut with desire. He reached forward with both of his big hands, seizing one nipple between each of his thumbs and forefingers.

At first Jed Wilson's grip on her nipples was soft, gentle, even inciteful. He twirled the little sensory buds between his fingers artfully, first slowly, then rapidly, evoking the utmost in electrifying pleasure from each of the thrusting little fleshy stems. Melanie could feel her passionate response growing inside her in spite of herself and the nagging voice of conscience which cried out to her from the cloudy back of her mind. She was rapidly losing control of her own feelings, and she instinctively knew that there was not one damned thing in the world she could do to recover that control.

Suddenly, totally unexpectedly, Wilson tightened his grip on her rigid little nipples to a painful degree. Melanie first winced, clenching her eyes and teeth tightly shut, then cried out her pain aloud as the discomfort became nearly unbearable. Her cries for mercy seemed only to inflame Wilson further, for he tightened his cruel grip still more, and actually began twisting her nipples, each in a clockwise motion.

Melanie's knees were weak and trembling, and bitter tears streaked their paths down her pale cheeks, as she stood stock still and trembled violently in the sadistic man's tight grip. She was afraid to offer any effective resistance to his cruel assault, for fear that Wilson would tighten his death grip still more or, worse still, release her tits only to hurt her far more, in more fiendish and terrible ways. If only she could endure the pain for a few moments longer, she told herself through shimmering waves of agony, perhaps he would finally tire of the perverted game and release her aching flesh.

All of a sudden, the pain in Melanie's cruelly handled breasts began to ease dramatically. She glanced swiftly down at her aching tits, shocked to find that in fact Jed Wilson still maintained his hard grip on her tingling nipples, and if anything he seemed to have increased the great manual pressure. Strangely, however, some defense mechanism inside her own body had moved to nullify the pain, and as she stood there in amazement, her breasts actually began to glow with a bizarre sort of sensual warmth which was truly exciting.

Melanie Tucker could not fully understand what was happening to her body, although she had read long ago that some women actually derive sexual pleasure from receiving pain. She did not believe that she could be such a perverted creature, for surely she would have noticed some telltale traits long before this. And yet, the evidence of her now tingling and glowing breasts was unmistakable and undeniable. God help her, she was beginning to enjoy the harsh treatment which had seemed like the ultimate torture only seconds earlier.

Jed Wilson watched the captive young girl very closely, correctly judging her reactions and the immediate state of her feelings and emotions. Without warning he released her trapped little nipple buds, watching the look of shock and surprise spread over her angelic features as the fire in her breasts continue to build and grow of its own accord, causing the girl to almost topple backward against the restraining stove once more. Her young eyes were half-closed, and her breath was coming in short pants as she found herself totally unable to control the unbelievable reactions of her traitorous young body.

Wilson took full advantage of the moment, reaching forward again with one hand and hooking the fingers of that hand in the flimsy material of her bra, looping downward into the deep cleavage between her vibrant site. Then, with a single violent sweep of his arms, he shredded the flimsy garment, casting it aside with a continuation of the same smooth gesture.

The violent removal of her brassiere jerked Melanie Tucker upright once more, yanking her away from the stove on which she was leaning and depositing her on her own two feet. Her large breasts bobbled wildly from the force of their suddenly being freed, her excited and stiffened little nipples describing crazy patterns for the amusement of Jed Wilson's closely following eyes. Melanie looked down at herself, shocked and ashamed to find herself standing semi-nude before this lecherous invader of her home, but at the moment she lacked either the physical strength or the willpower to try and cover her nakedness.

Jed Wilson moved once more to capitalize upon his young prisoner's indecision, cupping the smooth, silken cones of her breasts in almost worshipful palms. He stroked and caressed the tingling globes, almost as if to make atonement for the harsh treatment he had dealt them only moments before. Within a very few seconds, the soothing, milking action of his constantly moving hands had lulled Melanie into an erotic sense of security, and she was rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet in time to his tit-teasing gesture, moaning and mewling out little cries of pleasure from deep in her throat.

Wilson flicked at her rigid little nipples with his thumbs, taking time from the lecherous exercise to trace the outline of her wide pink areolae, thus sending out little shooting chills of mounting passion throughout Melanie's tremulous young frame. He played upon her tits like a virtuoso might play upon a musical instrument, milking the ultimate in erotic sensations from those pliable cones of titflesh.

Not content to possess Melanie's breasts solely with his ravenous hands, Wilson bent forward from the waist, slowly and gently bringing his lips into contact with the soft ivory curve of one breast. Slowly, tauntingly, he nibbled and licked his way along the smooth slope of her tit until he reached the rigid little apex of her vibrant nipple. He virtually inhaled that little nub of sensory nerve endings, engulfing a great mouthful of breast flesh in the process and pinning it between gentle teeth, his flicking, darting tongue-tip already at work on the task of driving her little nipple insane with liquid heated desire.

Melanie might have collapsed to the floor at that very moment if she had not thrust her trembling hands upward, seizing Wilson's broad shoulders and thus supporting herself. The action also served to arch her back slightly, thrusting her excited breasts outward and offering them more openly to the avidly working mouth of the syndicate hit man.

Wilson slowly, tauntingly drew his mouth away from the shivering peaks of her excited little nipples, letting his lips and flicking tongue trail wetly down the palpitating plain of her flat little belly. He was sinking slowly to his knees now, giving himself easier access to her lower body as he licked, sucked and nibbled his way downward across her stomach.

Melanie instinctively knew what was coming and what the evil stranger had in mind, but she could not bring herself to acknowledge his desire until she felt his big hands on her firm thighs, relentlessly sliding under the hem of her short, tight skirt. That hem caught on his thick wrists, forcing the covering garment farther upward with each fraction of an inch his hands and arms traveled, threatening to reveal her entire panty-covered little crotch to his gaze momentarily.

Young Melanie Tucker trembled violently at the idea of the man feasting his lusthungry eyes upon her scantily-clad loins. She knew that her panties were almost transparent, all the more so due to the wetness engendered there by her own lewd fingerfucking of the previous hour and the earlier lubrication brought on by Jed Wilson's oral assault on her tingling breasts. It seemed to her that he would literally be able to look directly through her little panties, seeing and studying every single detail of her pouting little cuntal lips beneath.

Melanie could not suppress a sob as the hem of her now useless skirt reached her wide hips and continued upward, clearing her loins completely now as Jed Wilson lifted it out of the way and tucked it quickly and expertly in the waistband of her skirt. Now his hands and eyes were paying homage to the tanned columns of her firm but pliant thighs, fingertips grazing little electric paths of illicit excitement up and down the ivory flesh, drawing ever closer to the barely-covered seat of her feminine lust.

Melanie closed her eyes tightly, breathing through flaring nostrils as she fought to regain some slight measure of her own rapidly disappearing self-control. In the name of common sense and common decency, she simply had to reassert herself, to prevent her traitorous young body from reacting favorably to each and every one of this evil stranger's lewd advances. There might be nothing she could do to physically stop his ravishment of her still-virginal loins, but by God, she was determined not to enjoy it!!

Melanie Tucker's stern resolve was forcibly shattered by the sudden wet touch of Jed Wilson's tongue high on the sensitive flesh of her soft inner thigh. She gasped aloud at the electrifying sensation, recoiling away from that ultimate act of perversion so that her plump little ass cheeks butted tightly against the stove behind her. Wilson followed her every move, scooting forward on his knees, his flicking, darting tongue nearer losing a stroke as it maneuvered onward and upward along her stinging thigh.

The young girl was sobbing bitterly now, bringing down her hands to tangled clawed fingers in the older man's hair, desperately fighting to force his ravenous face away from the target zone of her chaste loins. To her chagrin and dismay, she found that she simply did not possess the physical strength needed to wrench his mouth away from the moist flesh of her upper thigh, or to toss him away from her entirely as she had hoped.

Jed Wilson pressed his face close into the tight valley formed by the young girl's tightly clenched thighs. His eyes were on a direct level with the sopping wet crotchband of her almost transparent little bikini underpants, and he could plainly smell the rich womanly aroma of her feminine lust secretions seeping through the panties. The odor was enough to inflame him to the utmost, driving him almost insane with raging carnal desire for the young girl's plainly virginal body.

Wilson hooked the clawed fingers of his two big hands in the tight elastic waistband of Melanie Tucker's panties. He jerked sharply downward on the yielding garment, uttering a low animal growl of pure lust as he made his aggressive attack. Her panties were quickly hauled down to mid thigh, totally revealing the downy curls of pubic hair to his gaze, and then the flimsy material parted in his hands with a loud ripping noise. Satisfied at last, Wilson flung the useless scraps of wet material away onto the floor at either side.

Melanie let out a croaking little sob of shame and humiliation now that her naked loins were totally revealed to the eyes and hands of this clearly lecherous older man. She trembled violently, suddenly going weak in the knees as she realized that his probing eyes were on a direct level with the puckered little nether lips of her cunt, examining every furrow and swell of her secret genitals with prurient curiosity, She had never felt so naked and ashamed before in all her life, and it seemed to Melanie that she could almost feel his gaze like an unclean physical caress upon her tingling genital flesh.

With a rumbling growl of pure animal sexuality, Jed Wilson suddenly thrust his face forward, plastering the sucking lips of his hungry mouth directly over the pink little portal of Melanie Tucker's cunt. The girl uttered a little gasping cry of surprise at that liquid, electrifying contact, her knees suddenly going rubbery and weak as her entire lower body was consumed in a roaring inferno of rapidly building lust.

Wilson wasted no time or effort in his ruthless assault upon the young woman's naked genitalia, fairly gnawing upon the tender little outer lips of her cunt and flailing about with his snake- like tongue all the while. Again Melanie's hands flew to his head, seeking to ward off the assault upon her nude and vulnerable loins, but once more she found herself woefully lacking in the strength she would need to repel his attack. Her hands were trembling feebly, and what she meant to be a decisive blow against the top and sides of Jed Wilson'a skull became almost a cloying caress as she tottered and wobbled there before him.

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