Impotent Husband - Cover

Impotent Husband


Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

The next week passed quickly at times, and slowly at others. Both Owen and Rita, knowing that they had been cheating on each other, tried hard to please each other. When Owen had arrived back at his house, he was a little sheepish with Rita. The last thing he wanted her to suspect was that he had been fucking the lovely dark haired woman who lived just two doors down from him. He was very apologetic with Rita, and he refused to get angry with her, no matter what she said. While fucking Tina in her mouth had been something he wanted to do over and over again, he still liked the thought of being married to Rita. After all, of all the women he had known in college, he had chosen to marry Rita because he loved her, and feelings like that die very hard.

But he really had nothing to worry about with Rita. She had done something she never thought she would do in her life... let a man who was not her husband fuck her, and in her own home no less. If Owen ever found out about that, she thought, he would beat her to within an inch of her life and leave her. She loved him, and had ever since their first date. Even though Bob Reed had given her the orgasm her own husband had been failing to for the last six months or so, she was certain, now more than ever, that the problem lie with Owen. She wasn't going to bring it up again, though, since she was certain that she would let something slip about her escapade with Bob.

For the week before the party, both Owen and Rita were tense with each other, each trying overly hard to please the other in bed. It was from trying so hard that they both failed. Instead of doing those things which should come naturally, they were trying to cover up those things they considered mis-deeds.

The end result was, by the end of the week, that they were both on edge, and could just about stand being with each other. Neither one had managed to find the courage to talk much to the Reeds, though separately, on different occasions during the week, both Owen and Rita had called them up to confirm the party.

It was the party that the two of them were living for. The week of being in the same room with each other and not being able to think of anything to say was driving them both up a wall. Even though they had secret apprehensions about being with Tina and Bob, they believed that with so many other people around, their tensions would loosen up somewhat, and that it would be enjoyable.

All day Saturday, while Owen was away with the kids at the ice rink, Rita straightened up the house and made herself as presentable as she could. She wanted to make a good impression, not only on Bob again, and on Tina as well, but on the new people they would be meeting. She washed and set her golden, thick hair, making it fluffy without being frizzy, and while she had never felt the need for make up before, she decided that this time she would apply just a bit. She didn't know what kind of people she would be meeting, and she wanted to make sure she offended none of them by being too outlandish or too flippant and casual. She highlighted her cheeks with a hint of red, adding some of the color she had lost during the sunless winter. She glossed her lips with a flesh-tone lipstick, making them shine moistly. She did her nails in a clear lacquer and her eyes in a black liner. Then deciding that she would wear her two-piece black pants suit, she presented herself in the full length mirror of her bedroom for a final inspection. black pants suit, she presented herself in the full length mirror of her bedroom for a final inspection.

She had always thought that she had a nice figure, and she had been told as much many times, but when she looked at herself in the mirror, she had to admit that she had really out-done herself this time. For a moment, she wondered if perhaps she weren't going a little too far. The blouse of the pants suit was designed in such a way so that the top two buttons could be either fastened or not, and she had decided that she would leave them open. The cream whiteness of her flesh contrasted sharply with the black of the blouse, revealing a deep-plunging neck line and the fleshy cleft of her full, round breasts. The delightfully eye pleasing globes looked as though they wanted to tear the garment asunder, and wearing a bra to pull them together was useless with the outfit she had chosen. It just wouldn't look right at all. She stepped back a bit to admire the way her clothing followed the curves and contours of her form, hugging her waist and thighs, showing her for the total woman she knew she was. The final addition was a simple silver necklace, and she was amazed at how sensual and... well... sexy it made her look. She was smiling at her reflection, knowing that the evening would be a nice one, when she heard Owen come home.

He ran up the stairs, sounding as though he had worked up a lot of energy at the hockey practice, and she knew, she just knew, that the party was the very thing she and Owen needed. She turned to face him as he came into the bedroom, remembering what had happened the last time he had come home from the rink. She didn't want to do anything that would spoil this evening for them, and she forced a happy expression in her voice.

"Hello, honey," she said as casually as she could. "I gather you had a nice time with the kids."

"It was all right," he said coming into the room. "Some of them..."

He stopped as his eyes fixed on the pleasing form of his lovely blonde wife looking at him with hopeful anticipation in her pale blue eyes.

"Saaaayyyyy..." he said as he recovered from the light shock of seeing her looking so beautiful. "I like that. I'll bet you make all the husbands green with envy!"

The sincerity in his voice was total, and Rita could feel herself blushing slightly.

"Do you really think I look nice?" she asked in a timid voice."

"Foolish question," he said, taking several steps and hugging her. He inhaled deeply the arousing aroma of her perfume, and then planted his lips firmly against hers, running his hands up and down her back, and shivering slightly as he felt her loins pressing against his.

"I... I thought this might be a little too much," she said softly. "I mean... this week has not been one of our best."

She bit on her lower lip, hoping that this would not start an argument with Owen. More and more she was finding that she didn't know what he was thinking half the time, and the last thing she wanted to do was make him angry at her for any reason. At the very least, that could ruin their evening with the Reeds.

But Owen didn't want to upset the apple-cart any more than Rita did. Even though he had totally enjoyed fucking Tina, he still had some guilt feelings about it, and while he believed that sometime, soon, he would be getting his thick cock into the hot little pussy of their neighbor again, he had to remember that he was still married, and as such had certain obligations.

"I'll agree with that... that this hasn't been one of our better weeks," he answered, pulling away from her and going into the bathroom to wash up. "And I've been wanting to do something about it. But to tell the truth, I really don't know what to say."

"Neither do I," Rita said quickly, relieved that Owen seemed to be a little more understanding.

"I was thinking... thinking about what you said last week," Owen called out over the running water. "You know... about how I've been failing to... well... you know."

Rita could feel her heart quicken as he brought up me topic. It had been tacitly taboo between them, and it was the last thing she wanted to talk about now.

But if Rita was apprehensive about it, Owen was determined that he was going to do his best to clear at least some of the air. "I was wrong to go storming out of the house like I did," he told her, drying his hands and neck with a towel. "You had something you wanted to talk about, and it was wrong of me to just leave you hear all alone."

Rita almost let slip that things had worked out very well because of that, but she checked herself just in time.

"A husband and wife should talk about zings like that," Owen continued. "And I'd like to start this evening off on the right foot by saying that, when we get home, if you still want to, we can talk about it then."

Rita could feel tears welling up in her eyes, but she didn't know if they were tears of joy or not. She loved her husband, but she couldn't get out of her mind the cataclysmic orgasm Bob Reed had given her. She would have given everything she had to have another orgasm like the one she'd had a week ago, and she had been disappointed with herself for not making an effort to contact Bob when Owen had been away. Of course, mat worked both ways. Bob hadn't called her either.

She could sense that a lot of dead wood would be cleared away at me party tonight. She would have to speak to Bob Reed alone, and she was looking forward to the chance.

If Owen had known what his wife was thinking, he wouldn't have felt so guilty about his own thoughts. He wanted to talk to Tina again, and had been wanting to all week. Things just hadn't been possible, though. He sensed the presence of Bob every time he went past the Reed home, and the last thing he wanted to do was pay Tina a visit with her husband around.

"Oh... Owen," Rita said, walking to her husband and giving him a tight hug. "That's the nicest thing you've said to me all week."

"So suppose you let go of me and let me get ready for the party," he grinned. "I wouldn't want your loveliness to overshadow me."

I'll wait for you downstairs," Rita said, feeling better than she had in a long time. It looked like she was going to have her husband back after so long of feeling totally detached from him.

Tina and Bob were setting those things out they would need to make the meeting a success. Tina was casually dressed in her favorite blue skirt and matching white cotton blouse, feeling that she should be as simply dressed as possible. She didn't have the need to try and make a good impression with her clothes, since she had gone through all the male members of the club before this. Bob was sipping on his Scotch as he helped his wife with the hors d'oeuvres, excitement a living thing in his powerful body.

"Think Rita and Owen will be the first ones here?" he asked to make conversation. He'd been looking forward to meeting Rita again, and had been a little confused when she failed to call him.

"They might be, love. They live closer than anyone else."

''I can't figure them out," Bob said thoughtfully. "They're acting like a couple of children. Rita went wild when I had my cock in her, and I could see what you were doing to Owen just about made him lose his mind."

They hadn't had much of a chance to compare notes with each other over the week. Getting ready for the meeting had been more work than either of them had expected.

"Maybe some people just shouldn't get married to each other," Tina said thoughtfully.

"Bullshit," Bob grinned. "If there was ever a couple that deserved to be together for the rest of their lives, it's Owen and Rita. Football quarterback, head cheerleader... that's a match made in heaven."

"Do you think we might have scared them off?" "Naaahhhhh... They're coming, right? That means there's a little hope for them."

"I wonder if they've cleared up their uh problem."

"Probably not," Bob answered. "I'll bet they've been trying to hide their little romp from each other."

"Everything will be out in the open tonight," Tina said, chuckling. "Who have you matched them up with?"

According to the rules of the club, the host and hostess got first crack at any new members, but since Tina and Bob had already taken care of Owen and Rita, they had agreed that they would let someone else have a shot at them.

"Jack and Kelly Garner," Bob said, waiting for his wife's reaction.

"Whew. You want to give those kids the full treatment, don't you?"

"What the hell?" Bob said. "Just seeing Owen and Rita with Jack and Kelly will make the evening worthwhile."

At that moment, the door bell rang, and the Reeds knew the party was about to begin. Vaguely wondering who it could be, Tina walked to the door, but before she got there, there was a loud pounding and a boisterious voice calling: "Open the fucking door, will ya? I'm freezing my balls off."

"Speak of the devil," Tina smiled at her husband. Guess who the first people arriving are?"

The lovely dark-haired woman opened the door and admitted Jack and Kelly. If there were two people in the club... in the world... that Tina would rather do without, it was Jack and Kelly Garner. Middle aged and slightly paunchy and balding, Jack had all the tact of a Sherman tank in the heat of battle. There wasn't anything he wouldn't do to get between a woman's legs with his cock or tongue, and he liked to make his intentions known clearly... and right away.

His wife, Kelly, was the grossest s.o.b. Tina knew. Her flaming red hair matched the stereotype she had decided to set for herself. Generally, her piercing laughter could be heard all through what ever home they were in, and she was fairly quick to get her hands on what ever cock was available to her.

But despite their obnoxious personalities, they were among the most popular members of the club. Time and time again Tina had felt the incredible thickness of Jack's penis fucking up into her pussy, and it was that cock of his that made him so popular with the wives of the club. Tina had never seen or felt anything like it, and judging from what she heard from the other wives, no one else had either. That penis was Jack's greatest asset, and he knew how to use it to its greatest advantage.

There was nothing Kelly wouldn't do to please the man fucking her... and there were several times during the meetings when she would take on some of me wives as well. She and Jack worked as a team, and loved every moment of it.

"Hi, lovely pussy," Jack said, pulling Tina tightly against him. "I hope that cunt of yours is hot and ready for King Richard. I've been saving my sperm for you all week."

King Richard was me pet name Jack had given his cock, though why was beyond Tina's understanding. She had never asked him about it, and she really didn't care all mat much... not when she had it between her legs, splitting her thighs apart with its thick, blood-swollen girth.

"Well... you'll have to save that sperm of yours for a little while," Tina said, pulling away from him and returning to the few things that had to be done for the party. We've got a new couple coming tonight."

"Awwwww... fuck that bullshit, lover," Jack said with a childishly hurt tone in his voice. "I've been dreaming of that dark, tight cunt of yours all week."

"I think you'll like what you get," Bob said. "We're giving you first crack at them."

"Really?" Kelly asked, licking her lips as she feasted her eyes on Bob's lithe body. "How come you're being so generous? They dogs or something?"

"Have a little faith," Tina said smiling, wondering what would be running through Rita's mind when she learned what lay in store for her. "Bob and I have already tried them out, and we've come to the conclusion that they need the best. They've been having some... well... problems."

"Well, they're gonna get the best," Jack said, taking the drink offered to him by Bob. "Kelly and I been practicing every day for the last two weeks for tonight."

"Jack's cock gets so large sometimes," Kelly said, slightly giggling.

Tina sighed with relief when the door bell rang again. Fucking with Jack was all right, but she would hate to be trapped in the same room with him... alone. Her mind just wouldn't be able to take it. Tina liked a good time as much as the next person, but there were times when subtlety was fun, something Jack and Kelly never teamed, and never would learn.

The new arrivals were Sam and Kate Wilhelm, two people Tina especially liked. Not only could Sam fuck like there was no tomorrow, but talking with him was a sheer joy. He was in the same line of work that Bob was, and she found that there were remarkable similarities between the computer operators. She wondered if it was that sameness that made Sam so appealing to her, or the slight differences that made him as different from Bob as night and day.

Tina glanced at Bob, who winked, letting her knew that he had paired them up with Sam and Kate. Knowing that made Tina feel a little easier, and she smiled sweetly at the Wilhelms.

"Long time no see, Sam," she said as she took his coat. "What have you and Kate been doing with yourselves? "

"Oh... a little bit of this and a little bit of that," Sam said. "You know how it is."

"Who have you and Bob decided that we should be paired up with?" Kate asked a little apprehensively.

"Myself and Bob," Tina said.

"That's a relief," Kate whispered, leaning forward so she would only be heard by her hostess. "I was dreading the thought that you might have teamed us up with Jack and Kelly."

"Ohhhh... we've got something special in mind for them," Tina said with a wry smile. "There's a new couple coming tonight, and Jack and Kelly are going to take care of them."

"What's the matter? You don't like the new people," Sam teased.

"Just a little something Bob and I have been planning for a while. You know how I like to play games sometimes."

"Uh huh."

Several more times, the door bell rang, and each time, Tina thought it might be the Temples. It was starting to get a little late, and both Bob and Tina knew that they couldn't begin until the new couple arrived. Just thinking about having Sam's thick cock between her legs was making Tina's vagina seep a warm, sticky fluid, and she could tell that Bob was getting a little anxious about fucking Kate. The lovely black-haired wife was about to call Owen and Rita when they finally showed up.

"About time the two of you got here," Tina said as she took their coats and hung them up. "I was beginning to think that you weren't coming. And we had such a good time planned."

As she spoke, she gave a little wink to Owen, who was looking only at her. Rita was letting her eyes wander about the room, noticing that the general noise of the party had come to something of a halt and all the men were staring at her. She began to feel a little self-conscious, as though she had underdressed, especially when she heard one man of the far side of the room give a very definite whistle.

She turned to him, disliking him right away. There was something about the way he carried his slight paunch that turned Rita off... and his thinning hair added to a general aura about him that made Rita feel as though she was little more than a pretty object for him to look at. He had been standing next to a red-head, but even as Rita watched him, he ignored that woman.

"Well, lovely lady," he said, leering at her, "you must be the new member Tina was talking about."

As he spoke, he ran his eyes up and down Rita's lovely form, dwelling long and hard at the generous swell of her breasts and the deep-clefted valley between them. Rita had only worn the outfit she had a couple of times before, and she had never felt funny about it then. Now, though, she couldn't help but feel that the man was stripping her with his eyes. She could almost feel his gaze burning through her garment, and it took her several moments to realize what he had said, so distracting was his presence.

"New members?" she questioned, and then looked to Tina.

"Oh, I guess I didn't tell you," the lovely dark haired woman said. "This is a... neighborhood club. You and Owen are attending one of our twice a month meetings."

Rita turned to her husband and tried to smile. She hadn't expected something as formal as a meeting, though she didn't seem to notice that there was really nothing formal about the gathering. The silence that had pervaded when she first walked into the house had ended as people once again began their conversations. The clinking of ice in glasses filled the room, and she felt a little ill at ease, especially with the middle aged man leering at her still.

"Excuse me," Tina said, distracted for a moment. "Rita, I'd like to introduce you to Jack Garner."

"No introductions needed with this one, Tina love," Jack leered, giving Rita a deliberate wink. "This cute little blonde knows what's coming off, don't you?"

Reflexively, Rita smiled, though she really didn't know what was coming off. She did know that she didn't like the way Jack was looking at her though, and she turned to her husband.

The red-head who Jack had been talking to had sauntered across the room and was now looking at Owen the same way Jack was leering at her. Owen was trying hard to make conversation with Tina, and Rita assumed that it was merely because he didn't want to have anything to do with the red-head who was acting a little drunk.

"Well, Owen," Tina said with a suggestive smile and turn of her head, "I see you're making some headway with Jack's wife, Kelly."

Owen turned to the young dark-haired woman with a lost expression on his face.

Tina, though, was eager for the party to begin, and the only way that was going to happen was for her and her husband, as hostess and host, to give the signal.

"All right, everyone," she said, totally ignoring the new- comers, "you all know who to go with, so suppose we start. Everyone here is familiar with the house, so let's get started."

There was something of a cheer, and both Rita and Owen watched as people began pairing off and traveling to various places in me huge home. Owen started to say something to Tina, who was walking away from him, but the red-headed Kelly put her arm around Owen's neck.

"Come on, handsome," she said in a voice that was loud enough for Rita to hear, "suppose you let me show you around the house."

Owen opened his mouth to toll her to get lost, but she was demandingly pulling him away. Giving his wife a hopeless glance, he let the older woman lead him through the living room, leaving Rita alone with Jack at the front door.

The young blonde wife strained her neck, trying to avoid the presence of lack Kelly as she looked for Bob Reed. She could see him, busy talking with another woman, and even though she knew she had no right, she felt a strange pang of jealously. Bob Reed was leaning very close to the auburn-haired woman, and every now and then he would say something that made the lovely girl giggle.

"Hey, baby," Jack said, positioning himself in front of Rita's view. "What ya looking for? Everything you could possibly want is standing right in front of you."

"I beg your pardon?"

"I'm talking about me, lover. Tina and Bob have assigned Kelly and me to bring you into the little group we have here."

His words brought Rita to an instant awareness about what was going on. She snapped her head around to look directly at Jack, both anger and fear flushing her face. Why would Tina do something like that? Certainly Jack was little more than a boisterous drunk. Could Tina have learned something about what Bob and she had done last week? Could this be Tina's way of getting back at her?"

But that was silly, she thought. Tina couldn't possibly know what had happened. Jack took Rita by the hand and led her through the room, to the other side from where Kelly and Owen were talking, their bodies looking just a little too close for Rita's comfort.

"Have a drink, lovely lady," Jack said, pressing an already poured glass into Rita's hand before she had a chance to protest. "I can tell that the two of us are going to have some good times ahead."

Automatically, Rita began sipping on the drink, wishing that she could somehow get away from Jack, but not seeing any way she could.

The lights of the entire house began to get dimmer, until it was nearly impossible for Rita to see anything. She could feel Jack's powerful hand tugging on her arm, and she slowly sank to a sitting position. She was trying to be brave, but she had the overwhelming sensation that something was going to happen... something she knew she wouldn't like.

"Suppose you and I talk a little... get to know each other a little better," she heard Jack whisper in her ear. "Though I can tell right now, I've seen enough of you to knows that I'm going to like spending the evening with you."

Rita was having some trouble figuring out what was going on. As her eyes grew more accustomed to the near darkness, she could see that some people were hugging and kissing, their hands wandering over each other's bodies, squeezing and massaging here and there. She found where her husband was, and over the bodies of people sitting on the floor and couch, she could see Kelly with her arm around Owen's waist, pulling him tightly against her. Her mouth hung open as she saw that Owen wasn't making the slightest move to resist. Far from it, in fact. Owen was moving his arm around Kelly's waist now, drawing the loud red-head tightly against his powerful frame.

A shiver of hatred, fear and frustration rippled through Rita's entire body, and she wanted to walk across me room and ask Owen just what the hell he thought he was doing, but her attention was arrested by the sensation of Jack drawing up against her, his buttocks pressing tightly, urgently against hers.

"What's the matter, baby?" he breathed into her ear. "Don't you like what you've got?"

"Just what is this anyway?" Rita asked, her voice as angry as she could make it, though she whispered, not wanting to disturb the strange, forbidding hush that had taken over when the lights had been dimmed.

"You mean you really don't know?" Jack asked, drawing his broad face away in mock surprise. "I find it hard to believe that Tina and Bob didn't tell you. This is a wife-swapping club. You and that hubby of yours are the guests of honor. You must be, to be getting a couple of gems like Kelly and me."

Rita's shoulders slumped as she heard his words! This couldn't be true. She had heard about things like this, but she didn't think that the stories were real. Why hadn't Tina mentioned something like this? If she had known this, Rita would never have come.

"Hey... relax will ya," Jack whispered demandingly, placing his arm around her waist, opening his palm around her thigh. "That handsome hubby of yours looks like he's getting the hang of it."

Rita snapped her head to where Owen was sitting with Kelly, and saw that it was true. Owen was no longer talking to the red- head... he was kissing her. Even in the darkness, Rita could see that their tongues were twining around each other, first in Owen's mouth, and then in Kelly's. Rita stared unblinkingly as Owen's hand came up to cup and squeeze Kelly's left breast through the fabric of her paisley blouse... and then dip inside to caress the naked flesh! How could her husband be doing something like that? And after what he had said about wanting to talk out their problems! The nerve! The utter nerve! And he knew damn well that she was in same room with him.

Rita pursed her lips, feeling nothing but anger now. Owen was acting as though he were back in college again, with total disregard to the fact that he was married. He was kissing and caressing a woman he had met only minutes before! The irate blonde wife gritted her teeth and prepared to walk across the room and ask him at the top of her voice just what the hell he thought he was doing. What their neighbors might like was one thing, but Owen had gone right into it without even thinking!

She stiffened her muscles, and then she felt Jack nudge close again and wrap his arm tighter around her, his lips brushing lightly against her cheek.

"Suppose you get into the swing of things like your husband... or is he that much ahead of you?" Jack whispered as his tongue flicked out and lashed at the flesh of her cheek.

Everything was happening just a little too quickly for Rita to comprehend, though she knew that she was angry at Owen. She had wanted to talk to Bob, and she had thought that she would, but she could see now that it was going to be impossible.

And then a thought entered her mind. Hell, what could she lose by getting "into the swing of things"? Owen obviously didn't care about her wishes. In fact, he was going out of his way to ignore the fact mat he was married. Rita began wondering how long that had been going on. She knew that she had transgressed her marriage vows once, but Owen was acting as though it was merely a matter of course for him. Why not do like Owen was going?


She turned her head and faced the man sitting next to her, pressing his lips against her. She found him totally obnoxious and it was for mat reason that she decided that she would go through with what he had in mind. Maybe if her husband saw that she was being... fucked... she forced herself to think of the word... he would realize that she could not be toyed with. It was a desperate move on her part, but the last six months, and especially me last week, had brought the young blonde wife to the end of her rope. She had tried making her husband love her as he used to... had tried finding consolation in Bob's friendship... Why not give pure and total lust a try. There was nothing to lose and everything to be gained!

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