Impotent Husband - Cover

Impotent Husband


Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

"I wish your sister would run her own fucking errands," Bob Reed told his wife, Tina, as she dressed to go out. "I mean, Christ, love, she wanted the kid. She should take care of him."

"You just want me here so you can fuck me again, don't you?" Tina smiled as she slipped into her overcoat. It was white, pure white mink, and her ebony shoulder-length hair contrasted with it as sharply as night contrasts with day.

"Well of course," Bob smiled back at her. He wasn't really angry, though the thought of having his wife away from him on an afternoon like this for even an hour or so made him feel a little alone. Shit, what else was there to do on a cold Saturday in Amherst but fuck his wife?

"I'm sorry," she said, using a tone of voice that let him know she really wasn't sorry. "Abby had a million things to do today, and I promised that I would pick Larry up and deliver him to her house."

Abby was Tina's older sister, and while the two women had not been all that close, there were still family ties. Besides, Larry wasn't the only reason she wanted to go to the school ice-rink.

"Uh huh... and I'll bet you really jumped at the chance to get a closer look at that coach," Bob said, tongue in cheek.

"Owen Temple? You mean that strong, handsome red-head who's been keeping himself pretty much secluded with his lovely wife? Why... I hardly even notice him."

Bob went into a coughing fit, so hard was his laughter.

"That's right, love," he said after he was able to catch his breath. "And I haven't seen Rita, that lovely little blue-eyed blonde with the firm hard breasts."

Tina kissed Bob lightly and smiled. "I don't understand them," she said as she began buttoning her coat. "He's never home, and she's never with him."

"That's something to think about," Bob mused. "Maybe I should pay a little visit to them."

"They would certainly make a good addition to the club," Tina agreed. "Some of the members have been asking me why we haven't brought them to the meetings, since we live just two houses down from them."

"And what did you say?"

"I told them the truth. I told them we just haven't talked to them all that much."

"You know something?" Bob said thoughtfully. "Maybe it's high time that we changed that. Maybe we should really get down to it and bring them out."

"Uuuuummmm..." Tina said as she ran her pink little tongue across her full, lush lips. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Suppose you tell me what you have in mind."

"Getting them separated is not much of a problem," Tina told him. "He goes out, she stays home. You work on her, I'll work on him."

"Sure... that's simple for me, but who knows where he goes half the time? How would you like to go chasing all over the town following him?".

"No one said that the good things in life are easy to come by," Tina said, wincing at the thought of chasing after Owen. "Still, it could be worth it. Just watching him walk around makes my cunt tingle."

"And thinking about Rita's tight little cunt really set my cock off," Bob said. "Hey, don't get me wrong. We can work something out that will make it a little easier for you."

"That's what I love about you," she said as she pulled away from him and looked through her purse for her car keys. "You're so considerate. But I think I would like the thrill of the chase. It would make me feel like a little school girl again."

"Wench," Bob smiled.

"Lover," Tina said. "Suppose I give things a little feel this afternoon while I'm at the rink. Maybe we can come up with something after I've had a chance to talk to him."

"Whatever you say, love," Bob shrugged. "And to give you as much time as you want, I'll stay home while you're away. No... no," he told her, exaggerating his motions. "I'm willing to wait a couple of days more before I get into Rita's pussy. You have a word or two with Owen and we'll put our heads together when you get back. We have a week before the meeting, and a lot can happen in a week, now that we've decided that we're going to take some action."

Tina gave a little chuckle and opened the door, letting in a cold blast of air.

"That's what I like about you," she said, standing in the open doorway. "You're willing to make a sacrifice to see to it that I'm happy."

"Close the fucking door, will ya? Heat doesn't grow on trees."

Tina blew him a kiss and pulled the door after her. Getting into her car, she found that already she was formulating a plan of sorts. She had been pretty busy with the other members of the swap club, and she hadn't had much of a chance to really think deeply about Owen Temple. Even so, he had been in the back of her mind ever since she had watched him move into the neighborhood during the summer. She was impressed when she learned that he was a football hero. She really didn't follow sports that much, but that little bit of knowledge made her want him all the more. And Bob, she knew, was hot and ready for Rita's pussy. It was strange that things had taken so long to develop, but they had, and now was the time to see to it that something happened. Now that she and her husband had agreed that something had to be done, there would be no turning back. Should this opportunity slip away, Tina knew they would never get around to getting the couple in the club.

She moved her car along the ice-slicked roads with ease, heading for the school where her nephew was practicing with Owen. Having to use an excuse like a kid to get to meet Owen made Tina feel like she was in high school again, where she used to "accidentally" bump into boys she was attracted to. Most of them had been too shy to make the first move, but Tina was anything but shy. She had learned, though, that some people had to be handled with a certain degree of delicacy, so as not to scare them away. Even a good looking fucker like Owen must have his weak points. If he didn't, he and Rita would have more people than they do for visits.

Come to think of it, the lovely voluptuous dark-haired woman thought as she pulled into a parking spot in the school's lot, they don't have anyone over to visit. It's almost as though the two of them live in a world all their own. Wellllll... that's interesting.

The early setting sun and ensuing darkness made the air around the new school bitter cold, and Tina hurried inside, taking great care that she did not slip and fall on the ice. As soon as she was inside, she took off her coat, revealing her casual dress. Knowing that she would not be spending too much time away from the warmth of buildings or her car, she hadn't bothered to dress warmly. Though slightly older than Rita, Tina carried herself as though she were still in college, and dressed pretty much the way she had when she had been attending school. Tight jeans, a light casual blouse and simple shoes. Her rich, luxurious hair, cleanly parted in the center of her head, fell softly to her shoulders and framed her head, bouncing lightly as she walked through the building. As she passed several reflective windows, she automatically glanced at herself, and was pleased with what she saw. She took good care of her body, and her looks had not in the slightest left her. Even as she walked quickly through the empty halls, she could see in the profile of her reflections, the generous swelling of her breasts behind her cotton blouse. Even though her globes were large, they were firm and hard, and had never needed the support of a bra. They, like her hair, bobbed sensually as she sauntered through the halls, and the rubbing of her nipples on the light cloth brought about a sense of arousal. Good, she thought to herself. Feeling like this will make me just a little more brazen than normal. We'll check this Owen guy out real good. She could feel her pussy starting to secrete fluids of desire as she found the doors to the indoor ice rink, and she moved her mink coat in such a way so as to hide any stain that might show through her jeans around her vaginal area. She wanted to be a little brazen, but not totally wanton! She wanted Owen to think of her as just another woman. That way he would act more naturally, and she could get a better feel about him.

The echoing sounds of shouting and laughter filled the rink area, and she searched through the huge room, looking first for her nephew, and, finding him, looked for Owen.

She found him when he blew his whistle loudly.

"All right," he boomed, his voice bouncing off the walls. "I think we've had enough for today. Let's break it up. I'm ready for dinner."

"Larry," Tina called at the top of her lungs, delighting when she saw everyone, including Owen, turning to see her finally. "Larry," she called again.

The young boy skated across the rink. "Aunt Tina," he started.

"Your mother sent me to pick you up," she said quickly, keeping her eyes on Owen all the while. "My car is in the parking lot. It's unlocked. You get changed and wait for me there. I have a little something I have to do. I won't be long."

Larry shrugged his shoulders and went to change. Tina followed Owen's hard muscled form as the hockey coach went to one of the side benches and sat down to take off his skates. Sighing deeply, Tina walked along the ice to him.

"You seem to be pretty popular with the kids," she said to start the conversation.

Owen looked up and stared at her for a moment. He could feel his breathing stop as his eyes fixed on her ripe beauty. Then he broke into a huge grin and returned to taking off his skates. "Yes... I like them and they like me," he told her. "I don't think they've had a coach who really understood the game before."

"I thought football was your sport," Tina said, sitting close, but not too close, to him. She bent forward and looked with intensive eagerness.

Owen gave a little chuckle. He was used to having women come over and talk to him. Lots of them had done that in his college days, and he prided himself on being able to handle situations like this.

"Well... it is. Or was, I should say. But I like all sports. I have to admit that you don't look like the kind of woman who would be interested in football, though."

"I'm not," Tina said, smiling and raising her eyebrows.

"And something tells me that you're not interested in hockey, either."

"I never thought a jock could have so much insight," Tina said, just a little seductively.

Owen chuckled to himself. This little game was one that he hadn't played in a long time... not since he'd married Rita. He could tell that this lovely woman was coming on to him, and even though he was a married man, it gave him a little thrill to know that he still projected that special something that most women go for. And he wasn't even trying. Well...

"You sure don't look old enough to be Larry's mother," he said, looking away from his skates and directly into her coal- black eyes.

"I'm not," Tina said, still smiling, and looking right back at him. So far, there was nothing shy about this handsome man.

Owen regarded her for a moment, and then narrowed his eyes as though he was deep in thought.

"I know you from somewhere," he said quietly. "I know you..."

He searched through his memory, trying to recall the faces of the women he used to date in college. They hadn't been countless, but most of them had been for little more than a couple of weeks, hardly long enough to leave a lasting impression in his mind.

"No... you've probably just seen me," she said, looking hard at him, and then leaning back. Bob and I live two doors down from you and Rita."

Owen thought about that for a moment, and then his face brightened with a sudden understanding.

"Of course," he said as though he had just stumbled on to some brilliant thought. "Well... it's nice to be talking to you. I'm sorry that Rita and I haven't been making the rounds in the neighborhood. She and I are just a little new to the ways of the suburbs. Both of us come from the city, you know, and making the..."

"No need to apologize," Tina said quickly. Now that she had him talking, the last thing she wanted him to do was feel as though he had done something wrong. "Bob and I know how it can be. When we first moved here, we didn't know a soul, and it took us some time to make new friends. Someone has to make the first move."

Owen felt instantly relieved. Talking to this lovely woman was a pleasure. She was friendly, open and casual. He had at first thought that he would have to go into some long speech about how he was married and wasn't playing the field anymore, but now that he knew a little more about her, he began to feel as though he had known her for a long, long time. Some people are like that, he thought quickly to himself as his eyes lingered on the generous swell of her breasts pushing out her light cotton blouse. Some people make you feel at ease right away.

"I'm really glad we met," he said finally, remembering that he was married, and was therefore entitled to do little more than just look and not touch. If he weren't married, he might make a play for her, even though he knew she was. One of the things Owen had no hang-ups about was making it with married women. Shit... if they wanted to have some guy besides their husband fuck them, that was all right with him.

"So am I," she said, fully meaning it. This was the closest she had been to him, and she could see that, if anything, she had under-estimated him. She wasn't sure, but she believed that she could see a swelling of his cock under his pants... a swelling that told her he would be able to satisfy her in bed many times over. She could tell that he was staring at her breasts, and that made her feel very happy. If she could get the least bit of arousal out of him, there was an opening.

"Now that we've met," she continued, "what would you say to you and Rita coming over to our house some time in the near future? Bob and I love to entertain, and we would be very happy to have you two over."

"Why... that would be very nice," Owen said. "Of course, I'll have to talk to Rita about it, but I'm sure she'll go along with me. She hasn't said as much, but I'm certain she would like to meet new people."

"Is she a little shy about finding new friends?"

"Well... in a way. She can be very outgoing when she wants to be. I think living out here has really thrown her for a loop."

He finished taking off his skates and placed them in his bag. Then, standing up, he looked down at the lovely woman.

"Shall I walk you to your car?" he asked, offering her his arm.

As they left the ice rink area, Owen pulled himself up next to her, delighting in the excitement that seemed to flow from her.

"What does Bob... your husband... what does he do for a living?" Owen asked, thinking that it would be a little better if he made sure that he and Tina remained just friends. He didn't want her to get the idea that he would fuck her. Even though he was certain he could get a lot of pleasure out of it, he had never been able to handle more than one girl at a time. He would go from one to another... sometimes rather quickly, but he would never have more than one girl at a time. Things could get out of hand then. And having an affair would be harder than having two girl friends. A wife can get pretty mad...

What are you thinking about Owen, he thought. You can't even be considering fucking this woman. Just forget it. You're not in college any more. You have a wife and a job and a home...

"Something tells me that you weren't listening to me," Tina's voice broke in on his thoughts. "That's not very nice, asking me about my husband and then drifting off like that."

"Uuuuuummm? Oooooohhh... I'm sorry," Owen said, remembering that he was talking to her, and not trying to work out his whole life around her. "I was thinking of... of a personal matter."

"That's all right," Tina said. "Like I was saying, Bob is a computer programmer with several banks in Buffalo. If I may be allowed a little wifely pride, his services are in great demand."

And as she said that, she broke up into peals of laughter. It had been unintentional humor, but the pun fit. At all the gatherings of the group, most of the wives wanted Bob's "services," and would sometimes fight to get them.

"What's so funny?" Owen asked, feeling a little left out.

"Ooohhh... I was just thinking of a personal matter," she said teasingly, evasively.

"Your personal life is that funny?"

"It can be... sometimes."

They reached her car and Owen opened her door for her. Larry was sitting in the back, reading a comic book.

"Hi, coach," the young boy said.

"How's it going, Larry?" Owen said, both glad and a little unhappy that Larry was around. He would have liked to spend a little more time with Tina, but having Larry around sort of took that decision away from him. It was probably for the better, since he knew he could get into a lot of trouble with Tina. He wasn't sure but that she might still be coming on to him, in her own way, and he would like to have explored that possibility. Well... there was plenty of time to get to know her better.

"You and Rita will give us a call soon?" Tina asked as she climbed into her car.

"You bet," he said, just a little too quickly. Damn, he might still be attracting women, but he was losing the touch once he had them. He was being just a little too obviously anxious, and he remembered a lesson he had learned long ago... Never tip your hand too early. That was what he was doing now, and as he watched Tina drive away, he felt like a little school boy talking to a girl for the first time.

And then, again, he remembered that he was married...

His mind was becoming confused with several conflicting thoughts. If he were still single, he would probably have made a pass at Tina. The more he thought about what had happened, the more he was convinced that he had done just that. He had made a pass at her, though it had been a very mild and clumsy pass. And he hadn't wanted to do that anyway.

"Jesus," he said out loud as it suddenly dawned on him that it was colder than a witch's tit. Skating around the rink had made him work up one hell of a sweat, and that sweat was making him feel chilled now.

He hurried across the lot to his own car, feeling a little better, now that he was out of the wind, and remembering that he was hungry. Rita had better have quite a meal ready for him. He felt as though he could eat a horse.

Rita stared at the clock, wishing that Owen would come home soon. She had been walking around the neighborhood, trying to think of the words she would use to tell him that he was failing to satisfy her. She had run through dozens of conversations in her mind, but none of them had turned out the way she had wanted. She had a fair idea when he would be coming home, and as that time approached, she could feel herself getting anxious and nervous. She really had no idea what Owen would do when she told him. Nothing like this had ever happened to her and she was pretty certain that a man like Owen would take it pretty hard. He might not even believe her. After all, he had been one of the most popular men in college, and she knew he had pleased a lot of women. His pride was at stake, and he was liable to lash out at her.

That's silly, she thought to herself. Owen loves me. There's no reason why he shouldn't know about his failure. There was nothing wrong with him. He's just under a lot of pressure, that's all. He was all right in the beginning. There's no reason to think he can't be all right again.

Her heart skipped a beat and her breath quickened as she heard his car pull into the driveway. She stood up from her easy chair and faced the doorway, desperately trying to calm herself down. If she acted a little funny, he might suspect something right off. That would put him on the defensive, and the last thing she wanted him to think was that she was attacking him in any way, shape or form. She wanted to be calm and rational about the whole thing. That was the best way to handle it, she decided.

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