Hidden Camera - Cover

Hidden Camera


Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

When the phone rang that day a couple of months ago, Nancy had heard the familiar voice and knew who it was immediately: Rita Colbert newly married and now Mrs. Tom Nelson. Nancy had laughed. Whatever her name now, it was good to hear from Rita. They had gone to college together and, after graduation, they had drifted apart and lost contact with one another. Nancy was genuinely glad to hear from Rita, for she had really liked her at school. Warm, tender, a bit wacky and rumored to be "racy!" Nancy found Rita more sinned against than sinning. Rita liked to stay out late and have a good time. She liked to drink a little too much, but she had a good heart and common sense. Besides, she was the one girl she knew at college that didn't resent her stunning beauty and the way men buzzed around her. "Hell," Rita had cracked, "it gives me a chance to meet a lot of groovy swingers."

"Nancy, how the hell are you and guess who this is?" The voice was gay and kind of brazen.

"Rita! Where are you?"

"Here in Chicago."

And that had been the start of it. Nancy didn't, at that time, suspect a thing. She never knew that Tom was checking her out from the bar, seeing if she was right. They met for lunch down on the busy loop. Rita had suggested a place which turned out to be an expensive bar with pine paneling and leather chairs studded with brass nails. It was darkly lighted and the lunch was expensive and tasteful and it was good to see Rita once more. Nancy had noticed that a lot of handsome men and attractive women were meeting one another. Also, a lot of men were openly staring at her ink-black hair and stunning sensually full lips that contrasted so wantonly with her delicately chiseled features.

And Rita. Rita had changed since college. She was flashier, more heavily made up and... with Nancy trying not to notice... she wasn't above flirting with complete strangers. Twice Nancy thought they were going to be joined by men and ruin their chance for woman-talk. Rita seemed to be inviting it the way she looked across the crowded room at the men with that almost brazen smile and the way she wore her dress cut low... cut almost indecently low... so that everyone could get a good look at her firmly swelling deep cleavage that quivered with her every movement.

But they weren't interrupted and they had a chance for long talk and catching up on one another. Rita had married Tom who was an up-and-coming young executive in public relations. Rita yakked a mile a minute, telling Nancy of all the young people they were meeting, of all the parties and celebrities she was meeting. "And what are you doing?"

Nancy felt almost embarrassed; her own life with Allan was so dull by comparison. She apologized and Rita waved a hand. "Listen, I'm fascinated. Tell me all about him, your Allan."

Nancy had! She told her friend almost everything, including the fact that Allan had to go out of town periodically, going to other branches. "He volunteers for a lot of it." She looked off, toying with her salad. "He wants so much to get ahead. I understand... still, I get lonely."

Rita was all enthusiasm, ordering another drink, another luncheon martini with a flourish. "Tell you what. Next time he goes out, you come with me. We'll make the rounds. You'll meet Tom. We'll have a blast. We'll do the town up and keep each other company. Tom will be all over the place, and won't have too much time for us. He'll be working actually. I swear to God, sometimes when I want to see my husband, I have to go to an opening or reception or some cocktail party. I swear, when I slow down, I'm going to pass out. What say, is it a deal?"

Nancy had smiled. A bit of partying and fun wouldn't be out of line. After all, it was boring being at home alone at night. How many nights could one girl spend cleaning and washing? How many nights watching idiots prance on Let's Make A Deal? How avidly could one read the Reader's Digest and TV Guide? A crooked incongruous grin split Nancy's classic good looks. Her mouth gave her away, for it was sensuously full and red. "Okay, if it all works out."

"If what works out?"

"If Allan is out of town on a night when you're doing something."

Rita laughed and cocked her head. "Where's Allan now?"

"He's in Cleveland. He'll be home tomorrow evening."

Rita made a face. "You're on. We're going to the premiere of some movie tonight. At least that's what I think is happening. I think Tom said something about a big party and then this premiere of a new movie."

The two girls looked at one another and laughed. "Okay!" Nancy said. Actually, she liked such sudden, improvisational happenings. To suddenly take the hunch of the moment... to accept a wild dare... to have fun... to run wild in an amusement park... that was Nancy's idea of having fun. Allan was always quietly amused by her antics and wild ideas. One day they had been quietly strolling in Lincoln Park when Nancy had paused on a bridge over a pond. "Listen, let's just jump in, huh?" she'd said seriously. Allan had quietly and patiently explained here and now wasn't such a good idea. He was always pointing out folly to her. He treated her as if she were addlepated and had to be protected from the world. "You trust everyone," he was fond of saying. "You never look before you leap."

Allan was out of town, far away, unable to advise her or ask her to think when Rita invited her along. No one was there to stop or even warn her. Indeed, there was nothing to worry about. Ahead lay a party and a movie... a premiere. Nancy grinned and felt a giddy recklessness. "Okay, let's go on the town!"

It turned out to be an exciting afternoon and early evening. Nancy slipped right into Rita's mood which was one of mock boredom. They laughed a great deal and shopped in the better downtown Chicago stores. It was a beautiful summer day, not too hot or windy, and the girls enjoyed themselves hugely, leaving a wake of turned male heads wherever they went.

In the late afternoon it grew hotter and Rita suggested killing some time in a bar before it was time to go to the party. They found a fashionable bar which Rita said was frequented by lawyers. Some of them knew Rita... rather intimately, it seemed. Men came up to her and put their arms around her, grinning in a way that Nancy didn't approve. She also didn't like the way they looked at her and her figure, and asked about her... it was like she was... something to be bought and sold... something to be used.

"You got to get used to this kind of life, honey," Rita said, rolling her eyes as if she were bored and disgusted with the whole thing. "I mean, everybody is informal and friendly. One gets used to such things."

"I bet."

"Hey, drink up, you're lagging behind." Rita jiggled the ice cubes in her empty glass and ordered another round with a nod to the waiter.

Nancy noted how hard and fast Rita was drinking. She never used to back in her college days. At lunch, she had downed three big martinis with no visible effect. Now, they were drinking more, and Nancy was beginning to feel the effect of her cocktails. At home, Allan never allowed more than once cocktail before dinner. He frowned on people who drank too much. But... Nancy smiled to herself... Allan was out of town and wouldn't be back until late tomorrow. She grinned at Rita. She was feeling no pain and just a little wicked. It was fun, doing something different, meeting people who seemed just a little bit disreputable and racy. It was exciting and just enough irresponsible to feel glamorous and jet-set-type, drinking the afternoon away in a downtown Chicago bar.

They sat, two extremely attractive women, drinking with men coming over and buying them drinks and flirting with both of them... they flirted with Rita because of her deep cleavage. Her breasts seemed high and firm, and men were constantly peering down at them. They flirted with Nancy because of her incredibly good looks. She sat smiling, looking fresh and clean, her voluptuously supple body barely hidden beneath her clothes. She sat with her long tapering legs crossed at the knee, showing a flash of sheathed thigh all firm and white. Invariably, when men came over to their table, they ended up flirting with Nancy.

At first, she was flattered and pleased with all the attention she was getting; but as the long afternoon wore on and more drinks were consumed and cocktails began to stock up in front of her, she found the conversation getting rough. One man whose name she didn't catch, was sitting next to her. He was a big man, older, with a gruff voice. He put a sweaty hand on her thigh and squeezed it, hoarsely whispering, "Let's you and me go have some action."

Nancy smiled at him with her elegant features serene and composed. "I beg your pardon? "

"Fuck," the man whispered in her ear.

Nancy reacted as if hit in the face by a wet towel. She looked at the man, astonished. Surely she hadn't heard right.

"Fuck," the man repeated. "Get a couple of bottles and a hotel room and fuck. I'd like to fuck you to within an inch of your life. I'd like to fuck you until you beg me to stop."

The flow and company around their table suddenly shifted, everybody moving like they all were in a kaleidoscope. Nancy suddenly realized she was getting drunk, and she pushed her drink away and upset several drinks. Everyone laughed and no one seemed to mind. Several men ordered more drinks as Nancy looked around, trying to find the man who had whispered in her ear.

His words burned in her brain like acid sears through steel. He had been crude and vulgar and... filthy. His words had sounded lewd and visions of a couple... naked... in a hotel room was in her mind. She was shocked and indignant by what the man had so lasciviously whispered in her ear... and... Oh God, she was oddly aroused. No one... ever... had ever dared talked to her like that before... no one! His suggestion was obscene and insulting and yet, yet, she found a little smile playing about her sensuously pulpy lips. "No more for Nancy, she's smashed!"

Nancy peered across the table to see a man pawing Rita rather boldly, as Rita laughed and pointed at her. "She's my friend and I gotta take her to the party and the premiere!" Rita called out.

"Hey, the party! The premiere!" The call went up around the table, and Nancy found herself being helped to her feet. Everyone was talking at once as the men settled the bill among themselves, and it appeared to Nancy that everyone was talking at once... and she really couldn't understand what anyone was saying. She let herself guided among the tables and led along as Rita laughed and shouted something to her, and they were suddenly out on the street where Nancy found herself gulping in hot night air and her face felt the sultry heat of a Chicago summer night. They were out of the cooling air conditioning, and it was dark outside. The loop was awash in light from cars and taxis and the great office buildings that towered over them. Nancy stood a little tipsy, feeling strong men's hands holding her up, as she realized it was night! She wondered how long they had been in the bar?

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