Early Adventures Of Tracy And Jeannie - Cover

Early Adventures Of Tracy And Jeannie


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Lesbian   Novel-Pocketbook  

Ted and I climbed into the shower first, taking time to adjust the temperature and the flow until it was perfect. Just this side of scalding, and a spray strong enough to massage your skin and muscle.

I breathed a deep sigh as the hot water washed Al's sticky come from my tits. I hugged Ted's muscular body to mine and kissed him passionately. I was deeply grateful that he wasn't jealous or upset at me for sucking Al's cock. It was just being caught up in the moment I had explained. And after all, the four of us were as close to each other as friends could possibly get. We knew each others secrets and fears, their likes and dislikes, as well as we each knew our own.

Tonight, we'd just taken that love and trust to another level.

And I didn't want to come down!

As for Ted, as he had come around the kitchen table with his reborn hard-on waving to me after only two minutes ago showering Jeannie's body with his come, I knew that he had enjoyed watching me suck the come from Al's cock just as much as I had enjoyed doing it!

I hugged Ted as hard as I could in the shower now, loving the feel of the hot water washing over us.

I was also feeling Ted's prick sneaking up between my legs.

"Geez," I said, "Doesn't it ever go down?"

"I guess you have the right moves to keep it up!" Ted replied. "You've got me hotter than I've ever been in my life Trace. I love what you do!"

His cock was at full staff now, and I relished the feeling of it as he slid it between my grasping thighs. The soap made him slippery as he fucked my legs. I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the overall feeling of the steam, and the spray, and his cock

A couple of minutes later, we were joined by Al and Jeannie. I guess they took some time to talk things over just as Ted and I had. By the smiles on their faces, I could see that everything was fine. They got their own shower head to the right temp and flow and started to soap each other down. Al's cock was flaccid now, but he was wide awake again, and feeling his oats.

Jeannie, as usual, looked gorgeous with the water washing over her magnificent tits. I wondered when our time would come

It was fair to say that the bathroom was almost the largest room in the house. The only exception was the living room.

Ted's uncle loved to,"entertain" the ladies, and he knew that one way to impress a lady was with a bath room right out of the fantasy magazines.

Well, this bath room fit the bill to a "T". Under it's greenhouse like glass roof, it was filled with large plants and tropical foliage, giving one the feeling of being in a jungle. Two walls were covered with floor to ceiling mirrors, which added to the illusion of being in a jungle, doubling in your mind's eye, the size of the room and the number of plants.

The other two walls were huge sliding glass doors that opened with the push of a button, to allow access to the lawn outside and the woods beyond. Ted's uncle owned 145 acres surrounding his,"hideaway," so there was never any problem with privacy or worries about too much noise.

Inside the room, you could lie back and luxuriate in the Jaccuzi tub which comfortably fit six adults, take a private bath in the smaller whirlpool tub, or, as we were doing enjoy the shower area, which could, conceivably, hold eight. It was HUGE!

The shower really was just a area in the middle of the room. Sunken about four inches, with a drain in the middle, the area had four separate shower heads with separate controls for each. These jutted out from four pillars that ran floor to ceiling. The pillars were almost covered in ivy-like vines, and at the top of each was a floodlight that shown into the shower area, and each light was controlled by a rheostat dimmer, keeping the mood romantic.

Just as important as all the rest was the ventilation system. According to Ted, his uncle had spent close to ten thousand dollars installing a system of fans and ducts that, when switched on, kept the moisture away from the mirrors, glass walls, and the ceiling.

The end result was such that you could look up from a steaming hot bath or shower and see a sky FULL of stars. Or, you could use the mirrors however you wanted to, or gaze out into the woods beyond, where occasionally, a deer or two would peer back at you.

It was all just TOO beautiful!

Amazingly, no one even came close to an orgasm in the shower. I think we were all just enjoying the erotic feeling of the hot water on our skin.

Ted's cock was hard as a rock again, and Jeannie had a hard time keeping her eyes off it, but she controlled herself and concentrated on soaping her body, and soaping Al's cock. Soon Al, too, was back to full staff.

The stamina of these guys was fantastic! Already, counting the theater, which was only two hours ago, they had both come three times and here they were, ready for action again!

I wandered outside the bath, through the sliding glass door and shivered as the cool night air hit my nakedness. I felt my nipples harden as a chill washed over me. I'd never, in my life been outside like this naked to the world, feeling the chill air skim over my tits and between my legs. As hot as I was this night, The air and the woods only added to it.

I sat in one of the patio chairs and listened to my friends playing in the shower. Never had I felt so peaceful and at ease. Love and trust was flowing amongst us all and I was caught up in something I really didn't understand, but really didn't need to understand.

It was easier and simpler just to let it flow.

Maybe it had something to do with the fact that I had finally admitted to myself that I really enjoyed acting like a slut. I'd certainly had these feeling before, but rarely out loud, never in action, and even thinking about them I felt a bit guilty.

Tonight, I'd allowed myself to open up mentally and physically and found that I had friends who felt the same passions, who enjoyed the same abandon, who enjoyed acting like sluts also!

I wasn't wrong after all and, more importantly I wasn't alone.

I sat in the night with my reflections. At peace at last.

Except for the burning desire I was wallowing in. There was no peace in that. Just hot desire that only sex could cool.

I smiled as I thought of how much we'd changed in the past few hours. Sex was nothing new to Ted and I, but this level certainly was.

The changes, of course, seemed quite positive, and surely seemed to agree with Ted. His cock seemed to have a life of it's own. Or, maybe, nine lives.

The last time that Ted had come this many times in an evening was the night after our night at the drive-in. The night after I'd watched Jeannie jerk Al off in the backseat for the first time.

It ad been Jeannie, in the back seat of Ted's mom's station wagon, who had been the first to pull a guys hard cock into the open and into her hand.

It was our second double date with Ted and Al, and just the next night after our first date together.

I'd been dating Ted for about three months, and Jeannie had been going out with Al for about two.

We'd spent many nights together over the last few weeks, discussing our respective boyfriends, and what we'd done on our dates.

Jeannie and I were running pretty much on parallel tracks when it came to sexual fulfillment. If she told me that Al had unhooked her bra, and played with her tits, then the next opportunity I had, I'd allow Ted the same,"privilege". That way, neither one of us got too far,"ahead," so to speak. It was a game we'd been playing for years, only now, it involved real guys, and real cocks!

Anyway, last night after our first double date, I'd told Jeannie that I had unzipped Ted's pants, and felt his cock with my fingers!

We were parked in Ted's mom's car. I'd been rubbing his hard prick through his trousers, and he was playing with my tits through my sweater. It was really as far as we ever went, but this night, I was feeling especially hot from Ted's hands. I fell in love with Ted's ability to caress my breasts,"just the right way".

Anyway, I was in the front seat with Ted, and his hands were rhythmically squeezing my breasts through my sweater. I couldn't get the image of his cock out of my head, and without even thinking about it, I moved my hand up, and pulled his zipper down in one steady motion. I continued to rub him on the outside of his pants, but moved my thumb into the opening.

Ted moaned as my thumb grazed his naked cock! He hadn't worn any underwear that night, and with my thumb I felt hair and wetness along his shaft. I was moving my hand awkwardly, cause this was the first time for me. But as I was moving around to get my hand into his opening, I felt him tense up, and hold his breath.

As he pumped his hips into my hand, I reached my fingers into his pants and felt his cock in my hand for the first time! I felt him twitching, and I figured he was coming off in his pants. I explored a bit with my fingers, and I felt his sticky come covering his pole. It felt so thick and hot!

I felt so powerful knowing that I was making him come by just touching him! I was so hot!

Jeannie, of course, beat me up about the fact that I didn't pull his cock out, and jerk him off.

"Chicken !," she taunted me good naturedly. "I would have at least wrapped my hand around it, Trace Geez, what a wimp!"

I was getting a bit pissed off with her jeering, even if she was just playing.

"Well" I said to her. "I didn't see you jerking anyone off, Miss Sophisticate. What happened to all of YOUR bravery!"

Jeannie looked at me as an idea formed in her head.

"Well, we've got the drive-in tomorrow night don't we? Maybe I'll just show you there," Her eyes got a lustful look.

"Really, Jeannie ?" I stammered, "Do you think."

"What did it feel like?" Jeannie was all action now, and wanted the details. We spent a good part of the night sitting in bed talking about hard cocks, and how to jerk them off.

I'd never seen his cock, actually, but I had many images to draw from, thanks to Jeannie's frequent borrowing from her parents huge X-rated video library.

Pretty much every weekend Jeannie and I would get together in my room and watch her newest selection. We'd often do this in the afternoon, before our dates with the guys, and that's where our little competition started.

Jeannie would get extremely hot during these viewings, as would I, and often we'd end up masturbating ourselves slowly as we stared at the screen. Most of the films involved fucking, and, at that time, we knew we weren't ready for that. Maybe in a few years, or hell, maybe in a few months, but not now. We both agreed on that. Besides, there were so many alternatives!

The films offered us a wonderful glimpse into the alternative worlds of sex, and that's what really got us going. Whenever a new situation would present itself that looked hot but didn't involve actual fucking, we'd look at each other and smile.

Then we'd argue about who would do that first to her boyfriend, or who would allow her boyfriend to do that to her.

Some things, like cocksucking, took some mental getting used to especially when we'd see the cock shooting come all over a girls face or chest. Not that we found the distasteful, in fact it looked fucking HOT!

It was just that logistically it looked difficult. Most of our "sessions" with the guys took place at the movies, or at the drive-in. We'd rarely have an opportunity to use someone's house, and we were NEVER naked. So to have a cock shoot like that meant some messy clothes to explain to our parents when we got home.

I didn't think I was ready to suck Ted's cock but I'd been thinking about it for a while.

Anyway, Jeannie and I would watch these fuck films, sometimes for hours before we went out, and would challenge each other to do certain things.

Naturally, at first, it was the simple things like,"letting him feel your tits," or,"letting him feel your thigh THIS high,"

Lately, it had progressed to feeling the guys cocks under our hands and feeling their hands on our naked tits.

Jeannie was the first one to let Al open her blouse and unhook her bra, but at least I was the first to feel a naked cock, even if I didn't take it out and jerk Ted off!

Jeannie did concede that, after we finished jousting with each other. And she admitted that I was also the first to feel real come on my fingers, and to smell it.

By the time we got to sleep, we were worn out and very, very horny.

I went to sleep thinking about the next evening, and dreamed all night of Ted's pumping cock shooting off in my hands.

I was nervous, but more excited than I'd ever been!

"You okay, babe ?" Ted's voice cut through my reminiscing. "You've been out here for quite a while I got worried."

The sincerity in Ted's voice made me shiver again.

"Yeah, Ted I'm really great." I replied, turning to face him. He was standing in the doorway, leaning out to talk. I grinned as I noticed his hard cock jutting out from his waist.

"I'm fine, lover. Just flashing back on some of the fun we've had this year. Remember the drive-in ?" I grinned as Ted's cock jumped. "I was just remembering the first time I jerked you off,"

"Yeah.I do remember. That was quite a weekend. And this is another one, lover C'mon in and let's make a new memory!" Ted was grinning from ear to ear. He was obviously having the best time of his life.

Come to think of it, so was I!

We shared a moment, then I turned back to my thoughts. I was enjoying this re-living of the past.

"I'll be in in a minute or two," I said to him. I turned to glance again at his pole. "But keep that thing warm for me, huh?"

Ted groaned with a smile and slid the door shut. I went back to that first night at the drive-in.

So here we were, it was Saturday night and we were steaming up the windows once more in Ted's mom's station wagon.

Ted and I were in the front seat, and Al and Jeannie were in the back. I was lying on my back with my head in Ted's lap and he was doing his best to stick his tongue down my throat. I could feel the heat and hardness of his cock against my neck.

His hands were working their magic on my breasts as he kissed me.

I moaned when I felt him working on the buttons of my blouse, so duly encouraged, Ted proceeded to unbutton every one, pausing occasionally to see if I was going to stop him.

Stopping him tonight was the last thing on my mind!! I couldn't wait to feel his warm hands playing over my tits. In fact, I even reached down, untucked my blouse, and unbuttoned the final button that had been hidden in my skirt! I felt his cock jump, and he moaned into my open mouth.

As Ted kissed me passionately, I moved my head back and forth on his hard-on. The motion of my head on his cock made him even hotter, and he kissed me deeper, making my head move even more! My mind was torn between thinking about his cock being my pillow, and thinking about his hands on my tits. I was panting like a racehorse, I was so hot! Ted's tongue was moving in and out of my mouth as I sucked frantically on it. With my eyes closed, I was imagining that it was a cock in my mouth rather than a tongue.

The thought made me shiver with excitement and suck harder on Ted's tongue, trying to draw it deeper into my mouth.

Suddenly I felt both of Ted's hands close over my breasts. I moaned loudly, knowing that Jeannie was listening to us, but mostly because Ted's hands felt so damn good!

My legs were opening and closing involuntarily, and I felt the night air on my legs as my skirt fell away from my thighs.

His cock jumped beneath my head as I felt him turn his head to look at my legs. I knew he could see the new black panties I'd worn!

I was so fucking hot knowing that I was lying with my head in Ted's lap, with my blouse unbuttoned and open, and my skirt around my waist! I was close to naked in his arms!! I groaned at the thought, and worked my head against Ted's hard-on.

I turned my head to the side, and I could feel his cock against my cheek. My mind raced as I worked my tongue against the inside of my cheek, feeling his cock through the skin. I knew that he could feel my tongue against his hard cock, and I turned my head back to face him giving him a mischievous smile.

During this time Ted's hands didn't miss a beat. His left met his right in the middle of my bra, and I knew what was next.

I looked him in the eye as I felt my center clasp give way, and groaned loudly as I felt my tits spill into view. Ted dove down immediately and sucked my right nipple into his mouth. I groaned again, and pushed my tit into his face. At the same time I shook my head vigorously from side to side against his cock.

Ted sucked one of my nipples and covered my other tit with his left hand, as I felt his right hand moving along the seat. I smiled against his lips as I imagined where it was going

Then I felt it on my knee. Ted rested his hand there for a moment, and then slowly started to move up my leg. His hand felt wonderful on my naked thigh.

When he reached about half way up my leg, I slammed my legs shut, trapping his hand. He immediately tried to with draw his hand but I held it fast! He opened his eyes and looked in mine, a quizzically guilty expression on his face.

He thought he'd been, "caught," but I was looking for emphasis.

I smiled up at him and slowly opened my legs, spreading them until my left leg hit the dash, and my right hit the seat back. I pumped my hips off the seat, making my skirt fall further upwards and exposing the small expanse of skin between my panties and the waistband of my skirt.

I wantonly offered my panty covered pussy to his probing hand. I felt so sexy being this exposed to him. I felt my pussy getting wet with anticipation, and underneath my panties, I could feel my lips parting and opening as I spread my legs as wide as I could.

Ted's eyes widened as far as my legs! I think that both of us were getting shocked by my boldness! But both of us were enjoying it too!

His hand slid up my leg until I felt him against my pussy. This was a first for both of us, and I for one, was impossibly turned on.

I started to come as soon as I felt the back of Ted's hand against my lips. My hips started to pump as Ted turned his hand and cupped my mound. I reached down and covered his hand with mine, pulling him closer to my cunt. I know he must have felt my wetness as I came against his hand. I was in ecstasy!! His middle finger pushed my panties into my cunt as I pulled him closer.

I was coming like I'd never come before against his finger. I wanted so badly for him to move my panties aside and slide his finger into my pussy. But just the thought of that was triggering an orgasm that totally incapacitated me.

I just pumped my hips against Ted's hand and moaned repeatedly into his mouth.

This was the first time in my life that a hand other than my own had caused me to have an orgasm!! I was almost laughing out loud as I fucked my pussy into Ted's hand! I felt glorious!

I kissed Ted's neck, and held his hand still as my orgasm subsided. As I came to my senses, I was suddenly aware of Ted's hips pumping into the back of my head.

"Poor guy," I thought and I smiled at him. I knew he was ready to explode from the heat!

I thought back to the conversation that Jeannie and I had last night (and all through today ) about jerking a guy off.

I had one thought in my mind then. And that was unzipping Ted's pants, taking out his cock and jerking him off until he came.

I imagined him shooting off in high spurting arcs that landed all around us

I'd never seen a real cock shoot, cause I'd never really jerked a boy off, but I'd seen plenty of shooting cocks in the videos Jeannie and I watched.

And then, I,"remembered" Jeannie and Al in the backseat. Of course, I knew they were there all along, but I hadn't been thinking about them. I'd been distracted

I kissed Ted, and sat up, hugging my knees as another wave of pleasure washed over me.

I turned and fell into Ted's waiting arms. My naked tits burned against his chest as I kissed him deeply. At the same time, I glanced over the top of the seat and snuck a peek at Jeannie and Al.

The heat continued as I saw them locked in a passionately sexual embrace. Al's hands were inside Jeannie's blouse, and her hand was in Al's lap stroking his hard cock.

I reached my hand down and laid it on Ted's thigh. He moaned as I slid higher, knowing what I was going after.

I felt like a queen as I confidently kept moving upwards until I felt his balls next to my hand. Not pausing for a moment, I kept moving until I felt his long hard cock under my hand. I felt his wetness even through his pants, and knew that he was close to coming. I stroked his cock slowly, up and down, wanting it to last a little longer for him. I know that my hand on his cock had made Ted come in his pants on other occasions, but this time I wanted more.

Ted moaned in appreciation on my handiwork. I continued to pump him through his pants, but my eyes and my attention shifted to the back seat, where Jeannie and Al were going at it, hot and heavy!

Jeannie was stroking Al's cock through his jeans, and I started matching her, move for move, slowly stroking Ted's cock and enjoying his gentle caresses on my tits.

The windows were so steamed up that we couldn't have seen the movie if we had to!

Suddenly, I saw Jeannie's left hand join her right in Al's lap. I heard his sharp intake of breath as she used two hands on his hardness.

I saw her fingers move to unbutton his pants and I knew she was going in,"for the kill". She looked up and smiled when she saw me watching. She slowly pulled Al's zipper down as far as it would go.

I realized then that Jeannie had been waiting for me to peek over the seat! She was determined to be the first of us to hold a cock in her hand! And she wanted me to witness it! She smiled her most delighted smile at me, and reached into Al's pants.

"Two can play this game" I thought.

I smiled back at her and slid my hand up Ted's cock. I undid his belt, making certain to make plenty of noise with the buckle, and undid the top button on his pants. Ted was panting now, and moaning softly. His hips kept up their pumping motion into my hand.

I looked back as I heard Al groan. He was moving his hands over Jeannie's chest and I noticed that one of her breasts had escaped it's confinement.

I knew that Jeannie had Al's cock in her hand, but I couldn't see anything!

I grasped Ted's zipper and slowly pulled it down. In a repeat of last nights,"performance," I slid three finger into his opening, keeping an eye on Jeannie and Al.

I just played my fingertips over the surface of Ted's hardness, loving the feeling of his hot skin under my hand. I left his cock in his pants though, I wanted to watch Jeannie first And, I wanted my full attention on Ted as I made him come. I didn't want to miss that!

She and Al were both extremely excited. And so was I!

Al unhooked Jeannie's front clasp of her bra, and her tits spilled out into his waiting hands. Immediately he dove down and sucked a nipple into his mouth, his hand encircling her right tit at the same time.

I heard Jeannie moan and her head tilted back, as Al nibbled her nipple. I could see her elbow moving and knew she was pumping his cock, but she'd lost control, and I'd lost my view!

I felt like yelling at Al to move the hell out of the way so I could see Jeannie jerk him off, but realized that would upset the whole apple cart.

To say nothing about upsetting Ted. I'm sure he'd have been a little distressed to know that my attention was focused on his best friend's cock and not his own!

Anyway, I kept my composure. Luckily, Jeannie came down from her high, and realized that Al was blocking my view.

She whispered in his ear and he released her breast. He looked a little confused but Jeannie had him sit back in his seat and she continued to stroke his cock slowly. She kissed him to put him at ease, and then, releasing his cock, and sitting back against the door, she reached up and deftly slipped her blouse off her shoulders.

Both Al and I had a sharp intake of breath as she did this, and that made Jeannie smile.

She also removed her unhooked bra, and leaned back, giving Al a full view of her naked tits. Jeannie was totally naked from the waist up now, and her skirt had ridden up her legs to expose her thighs and her red panties.

Still smiling, her face showing that she was caught up in the lust filled moment, she brought her long blond hair over her shoulders and covered her tits with it. Then, shutting her eyes, she started to squeeze her breasts through her hair. She was moaning softly and undulating her body like a belly dancer.

Al started stroking his cock as he watched Jeannie, and my hand reached further into Ted's pants.

Jeannie was outdoing herself tonight. She was turning me on immensely, to say nothing about poor Al!

He was panting heavily by now and his cock was jumping all by itself.

Acting calm and collected, Jeannie put her bra into her purse, and then slipped her blouse back over her shoulders. She left it unbuttoned, though, and flipped the sides away so her tits were still exposed.

Then she smiled and moved her hand up to grip Al's cock again. It glistened with dripping pre-come juice as Jeannie's hand worked it up and down.

Al just slouched down into his seat, and let her have her way

She turned her head slightly and, catching my eye, she smiled broadly, then turned her attention back to Al.

The end result of her performance was that now Al was sitting straight back in his seat. His desire to suck and lick Jeannie's tits had been replaced with his desire to have Jeannie stroke his naked cock with her hand.

And the other result was that I now had a dead on, unobstructed view of Jeannie jerking her boyfriend off! God, she was slick! The girl never ceased to amaze me. Jeannie smiled at me again and winked as she pumped the full length of Al's cock for my benefit.

Her hand was sheathed with the wet film of Al's pre-come, and it was making slick wet noises as she pumped him off.

Her own panting was increasing. I knew she was getting as turned on as Al, just knowing she was going to bring him off!

My own hand continued to stroke Ted's hard cock inside his pants. I was tempted to follow Jeannie's lead and open his pants and pull his cock out, but I was still just a little nervous. Plus, I was engrossed with watching Jeannie and Al.

She was first, I would give her that, but I took comfort in the knowledge that I'd be jerking Ted off in a minute or two.

First, though, I wanted to see Jeannie jerk Al off! I couldn't wait to see his cock shoot! It was like watching a movie!

Ted's warm hands felt wonderful on my naked tits, and I got an idea. I'd at least follow one lead of Jeannie's.

Removing my hand from Ted's cock, I leaned back against the passenger door. Ted got the same confused look on his face that Al had gotten. So far so good I thought with a smile.

Looking over at Ted, I reached up and opened my blouse, exposing my tits to his stare. I moved both hands up and cupped my breasts, bringing a groan from his lips. Then I grabbed the sides of my blouse and as Jeannie had done, slowly pulled it off my shoulders.

As an extra touch, I leaned forward and handed it to Ted, who's mouth was hanging open. I loved the,"power" even then.

Next I pulled my arms through the straps of my bra and removed that. I felt so sexy to be this naked in front of him. It was dark in the car, and he certainly didn't have a clear view, but I'm also sure that his imagination made up for what his eyes were missing!

"Can I have that, now," I purred. My hands were covering my tits, but were squeezing them at the same time. "Thanks" I said when Ted handed me my blouse. He was moving like a zombie. He couldn't believe his eyes.

I was getting so hot by teasing him and turning him on like this! I noticed that his cock had escaped the confines of his trousers and was sticking in the air like a redwood tree! It glistened in the light from the dashboard.

I took my time putting my arms through the sleeves to allow him a clear as possible view. Then, like Jeannie had, I slipped it on and flipped the sides back.

"That's much better," I whispered to Ted, moving into his arms.

I reached over and encircled his cock with my hand, relishing the slippery feel of his juices as they squeezed through my fingers.

I was holding a hard, naked cock in my hand! The feeling was awesome! I looked into Ted's eyes and started to jerk him off.

The power I felt, holding his huge hard-on, was fantastic. I chided myself for waiting this long for something this good.

He groaned out loud as his cock slid through my clutching hand. I started to pump faster, wanting to feel him come in my hand.

I'd made Ted come in his pants before, but I'd never held a cock in my hand, to say nothing of a spurting one!! I was getting majorly excited.

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