Naked With Her Dog - Cover

Naked With Her Dog


Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

Janey balled Rodney on Saturday night, and two nights later was over at Margaret's. The other woman let her in the front door of the little house with a great little smile and real diamonds of excitement in her moist, slitted eyes. She was smaller through and through than Janey'd remembered, just enough to make her fine- boned body feel engulfed by Janey's hug in response to her. She thought she looked good leading the way down the hall quickly, talking over her shoulder to make Janey catch up, but she was devouring the momentary idea of bringing Rod in with her. Of course she was there for Margaret and Fido and whatever pleasures might ensue, but this didn't prevent her from imagining the rock- like penis of Rod in the rooms with them at certain silent or distracted times.

Margaret was really effusive, talking about everything non- stop, especially our furry friends, of the canine family.

"The first time I ever got off with my dog was when I took care of a bunch, of basset hounds, honey. Those long fat little warm-bloods looked, so involved and so cute that I let myself tail into fantasy like you have all the time, you know, and touch myself in the crotch."

"I always associated the basset hound with the old TV show."

"You mean that Jackie Cooper thing? Yeah! But that was a sluggish dog; I'm talking about beautiful basset hounds, Janey. Long little ears. I'd alway grab 'em and kiss 'em, rub their little bellies, and chests. Their dicks weren't out of the question either, I'd stroke 'em a little bit. I never got off on a female, but the men were kind of cute with those attractive things they got."

Janey just laughed at her. It was friendly, though. She wasn't trying to put Margaret down. Just funny the way she went on.

"So when I saw two of my basset hounds fucking, I thought, well, it's, the best thing I've run into all day or so, and it was suggesting what I'd been missing from my own sex life. Busy as I was or without the right emotional attitude."

"I don't know", said Janey, shrugging.

Margaret's wolfhound walked into the room. Margaret immediately said something to the dog and petted him before he could respond in any way to Janey.

"He's beautiful," said Janey. "How long have you had him?"

"Oh, pretty long," Margaret broke up. "And he's pure bred, too."

"What a fine tail! What a crazy head! Strong looking dog"

Margaret beamed with pride. "I keep him around me all the time. I've completely lost my fear of the streets at night. Nobody says anything to me that get me turned on the wrong way without him yapping their heads off."

Janey said, "He seem friendly enough."

"Friendly enough for what?! Are you ready to breed him for me? I've been, wanting to come up with a girl-like he dog or a girl servant-companion who's dumb and dog-like."

Oh!" cried Janey boldly. "That's sick!"

"Ha-ha-ha! I'm just kidding! The nearest thing to that I ever got was when I bred giant dogs with each other to get even bigger dogs that could put their paws on a human's shoulder and still tower above your head!"

"Wow! What kind were they?"

"No special kind. They were furry but in coils, kind of sparse like a terrier can be, only they were more setters, borzois, hounds... kind of freakish dogs."

"Must have been. Oh, this room is nice! So bright everywhere," she said, looking around at the white and pale yellow painted walls, the numerous fixtures, and furniture but white plastic couch with a long very thin cushion and some chair and pillows. The rug moved springily to Janey's feet. It seemed like somebody else was going to be in there--with them, or just with her? She sat down, took off her shoes. Margaret stooped to her chair and picked the shoes by the backs of them with her thumb and first two fingers.

"What can I get you? Bloody Mary? Vodka screwdriver? Gin and tonic?"

"Uh," said Janey, giggling, "do you have any whisky?"

They decided on two Canadian cocktails.

"What I wanted to say," Janey mentioned, as they drank in rapid sips, and lolled in their seats; Janey swung her chair wide and thoughtfully, "was that your dog, the one who grew above people's heads?"

"Yes," replied Margaret, smiling across at Janey with just enough deadpan to get across her exaggeration. "I put my arms around his neck and swung down along his belly like a monkey. Sometimes a saddle and I went on his back, but usually I laid him in a hammock underneath."

Janey tried not to laugh. "How big--a bulb--did he get."

"Enough to tie me on for twenty-four hours." said Margaret before throwing her head back in wild laughter.

Janey mused, and looked at Margaret's trim compact body, stretched out near her from short brown hair and more experienced looking face to her plaid blouse and blue slacks and open-toed shoe tilted up... just a few inches away from Janey's own crawling.

Margaret smiled and looked up as Janey's foot rubbed hers. She stood up. She walked over, every step loose quick yet intense to Janey's eyed and hers, bent and kissed her as they embraced and hugged with a return of warm passion.

She caressed Janey's back as they clasped, then returning to a kiss from cheeks to lips, they felt each others breasts through their blouses. Janey had on a different knit one over her blue jeans. Margaret got her nipples right away, wishing she could return hers for a second. It felt good to stroke them under that modest clinging cloth. Her hands and Janey's big tits felt slippery. A fiery tongue licked up the nerves of Margaret's upper thighs and lower belly.

Their tongues played audacious gradual games, touching the other girl's lips and mouth, nose and cheeks, as well as the other person's tongue.

Their mouths plastered together. Their bodies moved together from waist to knees. Margaret moved her pubis against Janey's own mound, and Janey stopped for a second. Margaret immediately stepped back and began to undo the buttons on her blouse. Janey watched and almost involuntarily licked her lips. It took a while for Margaret to take all that off, including a bra, but they were so cute when she exposed them! Also smaller than Janey remembered, but fine big handfuls, firm and brown stiff nippled. The two trouser-clad women moved together again for the excitement of a bare-bosomed embrace. They writhed against each other sensuously.

Margaret stopped around the ankles. It was so tightly piled up. The tight legs and hips she had carefully uncovered, and now she was impatient to enjoy her prize. One hand grabbed Janey's lower leg and the other held and pulled on the trousers while Janey stepped out of them, leg by leg. She could feel her tits bounce with anticipation as each foot came down on the rug heavily. The dog whimpered and Janey stroked his high head, across the forehead back over the ears. He was a superb dog. He looked up a her with a huge smile, his long tongue curving well out over his lower jaw and back toward his neck. It was all wet and glistening and he panted infectiously.

"Oh, nice," she barely heard Margaret whisper as Margaret slid softly up her legs and squatted caressing the backs of her thighs softly and smoothly. She smiled down at Margaret and saw her touch herself then touch Bela low on the belly. He was up in the air with his paws held by them, one in Janey's hand, one on top of Margaret's shoulder. The dog has a hard-on, she thought. Even before she touched him. It felt sexy to watch Margaret expertly stroke the dog from sheath to tip and back to balls. She must have done this hundreds of times, thought Janey.

A fire built in her loins. She watched for almost three minutes while Margaret played with Bela's genital parts. The dog was really excited. Soon of course he had to drop back on all fours. Janey wanted to go down on him for a second, but Margaret pressed her hands firmly against Janey's belly and continued to stare at her girlfriend's big outcurling hair and finely shaped vagina.

Her hands stroked Janey's legs with great desire. Her mouth moved drily against the outer reaches of Janey's pubic hair. She rubbed her face on Janey's belly mound and legs, holding the girl firmly with her hands on other hips and sometimes her hips.

Margaret was still squatting and Janey tried to give her some soft penetrating toe, but it was almost impossible, except when Margaret turned far enough to one side of Janey's middle, but she wouldn't or couldn't, all her attention was fastened on the centre of Janey's body below the waist. She caressed Janey's hot skin. Her mouth pressed warm open kisses on the girl's vagina.

Janey closed her eyes and sighed with pleasure. Her breath started to come and go very deeply, sometimes sharply. The ardent lips and skillful tongue of Margaret were like a thousand tiny needles or jets of hot water scouring and stimulating her tough genital tissue. Her cunt opened up to Margaret's licking. The big curly lips swelled outward in a puckered kind of way.

Margaret put her tongue everywhere inside those lips and rubbed the inner lips as well, the nubby clitoris, and the hole in the very centre which was so used to a big penis.

"It feels good," said Janey, with warm emphasis on the last word. "I love it when you kiss it all up and down like that, it feels like you're sucking."

Margaret smiled and ran her mouth a little faster, fully attentive to the expert methods of her cunt-eating.

The loud noises her tongue made reached Janey's inflamed ears and brought a further burst to her mind and body as a whole as she felt her lips move and expose new parts of their anatomy to Margaret's fine little gobbly tongue.

But the noises couldn't all be coming from her own pussy. No, absolutely not, she found when she opened her eyes and saw that fantastic dog ducking his long muzzle right under Margaret's squatting buttocks, pushing his head in front the side and getting underneath just enough to flash his long tongue in and out of Margaret's excited cunt. The nose of the dog rubbed against his mistress's excited cunt. Sometimes he licked up, getting her ass, and the outer and upper parts of her hip, too.

They were both well into the tryst. Janey embraced Margaret's wonderful unselfish pleasure-giving head tightly and even stood closer, pressing her thighs against the sides of Margaret's head. Margaret's face buried in her pussy, humping Margaret while Margaret kissed and sucked her off.

"Ooooh," she said. "Oh, oh,..." shaking and quivering, and after she had come, standing straighter and straighter up against Margaret who continued to lick her pussy gently. The dog was getting her.

When Janey'd had enough, Margaret got down on all fours and asked Janey to help her. Janey got down on the floor on her belly and chest and watched the approach of the excited dog to Margaret's nude, wet hindquarters. The large pink penis stood out of the sheath excitingly. Janey put her fingers around it and stroked with rapid firm slips all up and down, front to back of its erect contour. Bela panted and moved closer. Janey wondered what it would be like. She watched attentively as the dog finally grabbed the middle of Margaret's body above the waist and brought his pelvis up. His hips jerked forward convulsively, rubbing his penis against Margaret's lovely compact buttocks, which Janey stroked from top to bottom many times during all this before finally guiding the erection into her friend's cunt, which is what Margaret had been referring to in the first place when she asked for help.

Bela gave his all to the act. While Margaret backed up at him and pushed and wriggled her body, the dog humped her frantically, with a show of uncontrollable passion, which drove on both of them. Margaret's body thrilled to the enveloping furry clutch of the wildly working animal, whose pumping hindquarters, with penis now swollen inside of her, moved with heat and friction not to be denied. She came with wild little cries escaping from her body, and Janey felt creamy just watching. The dog ejaculated moments later with jerks and gasps.

Janey petted the animal's hindquarters as he slowed down and waited for the chance to disengage. He felt furry and warm and strong.

It was not long before she got her own chance. Margaret had got her a full-length fine fur robe to put on over her nudity, and the feel of the garment was just fantastic as she modeled it before a full-length mirror in the bedroom and walked back into the first room with it on. Margaret petted Bela in such a way that Janey knew she was giving the animal some pre-trained messages, and the idea thrilled her to uncontrollable readiness.

She imagined Margaret commanding the dog to move aggressively on Janey, and lay back in the couch with an exhilarating vision of the big beast advancing on her, nudging and snuffling, licking momentarily, then mounting with a huge erection that he trapped inside her by his bulb at the head of the erection and never came out!

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