Naked With Her Dog - Cover

Naked With Her Dog


Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

At the office, Janey felt a little weird. Good, but rangy. Different, very turned on, she was rushing around with her work, asking questions of her superiors, bull-shitting with other girls on the prompting of an instant, often spewing out five minutes of talk with them in two minutes, shifting impatiently from foot to foot. They didn't think she was trying to get away, rather they enjoyed the attention she showed them. Always friendly, she was today being aggressive, solicitous, and even passionate, seeming to speak with the gleam of her eyes and the motions of her tongue as much as she did with the words.

For her part, Janey very lustful. She had been gazing about her all day, watching office people run in and out, bend over the work at their desks, frowning or with neutral faces or smiling and laughing, and reflecting how they all looked like animals. Human dogs! She said to herself and laughed out loud at the crazy idea. They all looked like bunch of barnyard creatures to her. Look at them in their tight slacks, buttocks prominently outlined to all eyes. Look at their short tight skirts and dresses, showing their legs and sometimes a glimpse of their panties. If they were animals, they would get together and sniff each other. She fell like a dog and fantasised that they were all dogs and could run around sniffing each other on the buttocks as a means of saying, Hi, hello, how are you, Shall we do more?

In her fantasy everybody looked good to her. All those women with unique hips, bushy vaginas, and musky scents! She could run up and give them each a dog sniff! Or do it to those guys, each one a brand-new pair of hairy balls, long hosey tubes or short little cute pricks that would triple their size if she played with them.

Seated at her desk she surreptitiously pressed a hand against her pubis. She was really getting wet. If she didn't get some relief soon or forget about it, she'd be filling the office with her scent and they'd all be over sniffing her.

After while she forgot about it and went about her work very busily and energetically, but she couldn't keep it neutral. Every five minutes an image was popping up in front of her. Once the image of one of the men standing in front of her on purpose, even though he never looked at her, and pointing at her with a clothed erection, like a pointing dog. But she noticed finally there was no hard-on, no attention to her.

She felt a random horniness. Any woman with a decent body made her sensitive, and some of them had superb figures or parts of figures: fine faces, legs, hands, perfect bottoms, fine torpedoes. She was in one of those fits where she saw everybody's pubic hair in her mind's eye.

Soon she was in the lavatory masturbating in a stall. Her head went to an intense image and stayed there so she could concentrate enough to bring herself over the edge. At one point two women were talking quietly in another part of the bathroom, and there was another lone woman next to her for a couple of minutes, she was sure at certain times that each of them could hear her playing with herself and were listening--perhaps with interest! The thought amused her and made her laugh as he washed, up and walked out of the room.

That night Rodney called her up, and she refused to go see him. She was tired, but the fact was Duke stayed with her in bed all night. She hadn't been aware while speaking to Rodney that the dog was going to take his place in bed.

The next night she went to visit him, and he felt an irritating coolness or detachment in her. "What's on your mind?" he kept asking her, but she didn't know what he meant. She realised her own feeling and response were thinner, but could she tell him that the sex was being diluted by Duke? Maybe she would have to choose, or develop more potential energy.

She gave him what he wanted, though, she worked very carefully and considerately on him and got herself off. They passed into sleep very happily.

The next day at work, after stopping at home early and felting Duke out for a quarter of an hour after his long night alone, she found another old superior at the office, a Mr. Adams, playing with her papers and pens and paper clips, extremely interested in what he was telling her about some procedure or other and anecdotes about the billing department, sitting on her desk and rapping on and on, smiling through her oblique stare, not caring that she didn't want to pay attention.

He was eyeing her tits very interestedly, for she wore a low cut light sweater and had no bra. He kept leaning towards her and peeking over the top of her garment. If anyone noticed they kept it to themselves. A couple of times she leaned toward him to let his eye in deeper, and smiled when he responded as she thought he might. It was also so clear that he had an erection for her. She wanted to reach over and squeeze it. They got into talking about going into another room. She got up with a mild smile and gave signs that she wanted to move along but lingered from him and he was aware that it was funny that he wanted to get and go, too, right now, but had an erection that it wouldn't do to show to everybody. Imagine walking down the hall like that! The very thought made his cock stick out even more for a little while.

However, all things came to pass, and Mr. Adams and Janey were soon ambulating slowly down the corridor of the floor, through and past many offices like the one Janey worked in, but mostly full of strangers. He liked gazing momentarily at her pretty strong and slender legs, flashing out or her miniskirt in their light hosiery. He was a bit of a shoe man, too, and when he got to the tiny back room he had in mind and had locked the door behind them and sat on a stool near the end of a row of storage bins, he asked her to put her shoe up on his leg and stand there for a while, during which he spoke to her in a very quiet, rapid voice, rubbed her feet and the shoe leather and her legs and begged her to give him her pussy. He was about to shove money out of his pocket when he saw her pull her panties down--first lift her skirt, then peel her panty-hose down thighs a ways, then run underpants down as far, exposing terrific big bush that he rubbed admiringly with his hand, just brushing the silky hairs on their outer perimeter and layers, laying his hand onto her mound and squeezing the flesh there very firmly and lovingly. He undid his pants at the same time and flipped out his swollen tube. She took in hand without a word and rubbed it up into rigidity.

He caressed her further down, getting now into her wettening pussy. The lips parted for his fingertips, felt pleasant from the low firm gentle stroking he was giving her.

She sighed, moved forward and spread her thighs, stood up on her toes and guided the head of his dick into her soft opening. Moving down slowly, she engulfed his hard erection. Squeezing, she moved up and down lowly, but carefully impaling herself on his flesh stick.

He undulated his hips, moving his rod in her, and she pumped back. Their rhythm was a little sluggish, though synchronised, and it wasn't long till they had speeded up a bit and were drawing terrific breathy thrills out of the stimulating friction of their genitals.

"You feel good, baby," she said to him kindly. She felt some affection for him, had in the past, though she was, mainly doing this because he approached her when she was ready for some. More than ready!

The pleasure were blazing and intense. His cock struck sparks of electricity in her hollow cable. She gripped him with a cunt convulsed by orgasm after orgasm, mild mellow and sweet, and he hurried naturally and shot off his fire inside her. The friction slowed to a halt, where they relaxed both very satisfied.

He offered her his handkerchief to clean off a little if she wanted. It seemed fresh enough.

A few minutes later, they were approaching the door.

"Nobody'll never believe this or know about this, will they?" said Janey humorously.

"Nope," he said assuredly as he drew the bolt back, opened the door, and let her go out ahead of him.

He lingered, she walked past some empty desks, and turned into the hall and went on without him.

At her desk, Maureen waiting. What a pleasant surprise.

"Hi, what's new?" said Janey, sliding into, her seat.

Maureen leaned over from her perch on the end of Janey's desk. "Mike and I will come pick you up at eight o'clock on Saturday if you still want to go."

"Of course," replied Janey in an ironic kind of way that made Maureen laugh.

"What have you been doing?" she asked with a brief burning stare.

"Same old stuff," said Janey, looking down at her desk eye distracted, face neutral.

Maureen stopped gloating. "Incidentally, told somebody you had this Great Dane who was great in terms of what kind of dog he was, the form and the colour; she wanted to know if you'd think of breeding him. She might pay, I think."

Janey frowned. "Who is she?"

"Millie, who works on the public counter."

"Oh, I know her."

"You do? Good. I've got her address and phone here. You keep it and give her a call or something. What else? I don't know. But I've got to get back. I was here for five minutes before you came."

"OK, Maureen, thanks a lot, honey." But Janey wasn't really so sure about breeding Duke. Seemed like she just didn't want to exploit his beauty for money.

Of course everybody would say she was crazy. Rodney and Maureen would.

I don't care, she thought. I know what I like and what I want.

That night Rod came to see her. Duke jumped all over him, and he seemed to take to Duke much better, which made Janey glad.

"Guess what I got today?" asked Rodney.

"A quart of apple jack."

"Naw! Think again!"

"A King Kong suit?"


She stroked his neck. Her face lay on his chest. One of her hands had been cupping his genitals.

"A box of skins."


"Wait and see."

"Rubbers?" she asked. He nodded. "What is so special about them?"

He wouldn't reply except to make a pass at her. Having thought about making love with her all day, the rush was on and she responded quickly because she had been ready, too, and soon got him ready to go.

She lay back on the bed in the other room, the door closed behind them. She stared expectantly at him, begging him to enter her. He smiled over his quivering mast and tore open one of the foil packages. He shook the prophylactic in his fingers until some of it unrolled. "Here, Janey, put it on me!"

He came over to her and she complied. The lubrication was very thick feeling, though sparingly applied to the condom, and it had a nice scent as well. She slowly rolled the rubber on his cock.

"Yowee!" said Rod in sort of a manic matter-of-fact way. "That's the way to tantalise a guy, young lady."

"Look at that!" remarked Janey. "The rubber's got a tip like one of those old lamp-bulbs. It makes your prick look like its got a sharp arrowhead for a tip."

He laughed at her comparison and climbed over her on the bed.

She spread he legs. The moist cunt glistened up at him. He caught a slight whiff of her scent.

Slowly he lowered himself down and entered her vagina with gradual, intense penetration.

"That's fine," she said, enticingly, full of pleasure in her organ. "That's really good, move it in all the way."

After a couple minutes of having him completely inside, she realised that something felt different. Her cunt felt hotter, yet more able to move and less painfully sensitive it friction. The lubrication on his condom was apparently an aphrodisiac. She asked him the name, but it was some Latin name, a long technical sounding thing she couldn't repeat.

"It makes me feel like I'm already coming," she cried brightly.

Rodney was pleased that the stuff was so good. The fellow assured him it was an organic mixture, and Rodney was a little bit sceptical that it would do anything. Janey gratified him with her response.

He moved in and out with slow long strokes, moving in deep, and hanging when he moved out, leaving his cock-head in, rolling it about the rim of her opening.

"Ohhh, Rodney, that really feels good."

She squeezed him and squirmed. Felt like a thousand new nerve had grown inside the walls of her cunt and were pressing down on his penis, trapping within her orgasmic place forever.

"Yes, Rodney, it really feel good!"

"I have two dozen," he sighed, sweetly penetrating with his penis to the hilt once more.

"Put them on!" she said.

After fifteen minutes of rather explosive preparatory rhythmical fucking, they got to the pitch of explosion and ejaculation.

"Oooh," she cried, "Ooooh!" Helplessly, but quite aware, she threw herself at him, humping away like mad, arching her pelvis into his from the small of her back, wiggling her pubis on his.

He stroked her fast, deeply in and out, faster and faster, breathing heavily, until sparks flew along his erection, dancing up his tube with the rising, squirting sperm that jerked out of his pulsing penis with great spasms of pleasure.

"Oooh, that felt good," said Rodney, still jerking inside his tube.

"Yes. Wear that thing any time. It really does something," said Janey.

Rodney was pleased and also thought of how he could maybe get more and sell them to some of his friends.

On Saturday Rod was working as he had the weekend before, and they decided on Friday (when they spent the night together) that they wouldn't get together on Saturday, since he would be better off working as late as possible to get the job almost done.

Janey spent the day walking outside with Duke, not only in the small park near their home but as far as the big city park nearly a mile away. There he could run long distances without stopping, meet a lot more dogs, scamper about with them, and still hear her loud cautious calls carrying through the long corridor between street and trees. He mainly stayed on this long wide field of grass, occasionally straying into the area behind the trees and bushes with other dogs of various kinds. Almost never did he find one of his own variety. Janey thought this was peculiar. Only once in the past year had they ever encountered another Dane on their walks. It had been a female dog with whom Duke had exchanged a lot of sniffs while her master and Janey smiled and shot the bull.

That had been months ago. Anyway, it didn't appear now that Janey need be concerned about Duke--he was getting plenty of companionship from her after all. Actually she wished he could get down on all fours with him out where the breeze blew and nature filled all her senses. Get down and let him sniff her? Even kiss him and wrestle with him? Let him fuck her out in the middle of the park while all the other dog owners and dogs watched with curious, fascinated excitement.

By five o'clock, they were back home. Janey brushed Duke off some more, finishing the coat cleaning and grooming job she had started in the park and worked at so assiduously there. Then she gave him fresh water and dry dog food from the twenty-five pound bag in the pantry and rubbed his flanks and haunches while he bent hungrily to his meal.

She warmed up some meat loaf and vegetable casserole for herself. The remains of what she had made for her and Rod last night.

She thought about what a good fuck they'd had. Both last night and this morning. She still satisfied from it, swollen up and hollow inside, tender and glowing.

She took a shower and she towelled off in the warm steamy bathroom, she anointed herself with fragrant oil, just here and there. Her cunt felt tender, yes, but it wasn't too sensitive to put her finger inside for a little investigation. Her hand was by now impregnated with oil and it left some strong traces in her cunt and on the outside lips and hairy mound where she rubbed her oiled hand, too, and on her upper thighs, through all her crotch, and in her ass.

As she stood up and combed her hair before the mirror over the sink, she smelled the delicately sweet fumes and enjoyed the mild sensual intoxication it gave her.

She brushed her hair for a long time after, wrapping a long bath towel around her damp body. Her hair grew silkier and fuller from the action of the brush. Even the hair picked up some of the oil, a few traces, and had its own subtle fragrance from the shampoo.

She took a long time getting dressed, too. First she painted her toenails with a flesh-pink colour, made up her face lightly with eye-shadow, pencil, and some red lipstick which she stared at for a while in the mirror and then wiped completely off. Her own lips looked good enough to attract those she might want to attract. And she didn't want to be leaving traces--they often landed in the wrong places.

After brushing her pussy with a whisk of talcum powder, she pulled on a white pair of her tightest, scantiest briefs. They clung to her body with just enough firmness and were flexible and comfortable no matter how she bended or sat. Then she pulled a very short tan skirt up her legs and fastened it at the waist. She rarely wore this garment. It was definitely a party skirt. She didn't even like to wear it on the street for more than half a block because it always drew stares and often comments.

Finally she donned a thin knit top, which clung nicely to her bare breasts, and on the top of it she wore an open tan jacket without buttons or clasps in front that made a kind of brief suit with the short skirt.

She looked at herself in the full-length mirror inside her bedroom after putting on some high heeled shoes.

Looks good, Janey dear, she said to herself. She laughed at the daring of it. Her slender shapely legs looked even longer because of the high heels and with such a short skirt, looked like they could be bare all the way up to the crotch. She turned around a few times, checking herself out from various angles, walking away and walking back toward the mirror. She liked the way she moved.

She sat and waited for Maureen and Mike to arrive.

At exactly eight o'clock. She heard a purring motor cut near her building. She opened the curtain, shielded her eyes from the near streetlight and looked down. The passenger door of a big white GM car swung open and a couple of seconds later Maureen was outside. She wore heels, and was dressed in dark clothes. She turned to say something Janey couldn't hear to Mike apparently, who was going to stay in the car.

Janey got up from the window and grabbed her shawl and a tiny purse with her keys and a couple of bucks in it.

When the buzzer went off, she pushed the button to let Maureen in several times, said goodbye to Duke, patted him, and set off down the hall to meet her friend, slamming the door behind her and making sure it was locked.

She waited outside the elevator and met Maureen, who was surprised at first. They got into the elevator together and went down to the street.

"You look nice," said Maureen, looking Janey's body over with gleaming eyes.

"You, too," said Janey admiring Maureen's low cut black dress that ended at mid-thigh and her black stockings that showed off her shapely legs to perfection.

"This is Janey," said Maureen through the window to Mike just before opening the door for Janey to swing in on the front seat. Janey got in without hesitation and she and Mike greeted each other with smiles. He had sharp friendly intense eyes. He glanced at her legs once, and started the car, checked the mirror, and looked out his window as he accelerated the car away from the curb.

Janey swung against Maureen as the car moved quickly to its left. She put her hand on Maureen's thigh to steady herself and for a while they held hands in the dark.

"These people are very interesting and give excellent parties," said Mike.

"Good," said Janey. "I haven't been to a good party in a long time."

"This will be a swinging affair," said Maureen.

"I know a couple of the people that'll be there, and they're wild!"

"Oooh," said Mike with a short wave of his hand and a genteel movement that was meant to signify a rolling of his eyes, "anything goes at this place. Anything! There are many rooms and many things going on. But you don't necessarily have to join in and do any of them. You can get crazy, you can dance, you can say anything, or you can find a place to sit by yourself or even rest all night. They even have a healed swimming pool."

"Sounds like a palace," said Janey with an excited flush in her face.

"It is," said Mike. "It's a pleasure palace."

They spoke well together like they were all three old friends, and the ride did not take very long. Within a few miles they were pulling into the curb among a whole wilderness of other legally arranged automobiles. They got out and waited while Mike locked the car door.

"I wonder if I should leave my purse in the glove compartment," wondered Janey out loud.

"No," said Maureen. "What if we should get separated long about one or two o'clock and you want to go home with somebody else or something?"

Mike said. "Mary always has a small guest room for coats and valuables. She keeps the door locked and wears the key on a gold chain around her neck."

They walked up to the front door, their heels clicking on the pavement, their voices excitedly babbling with anticipation.

They rang the door bell of a huge home. From afar they heard the muffled noise of a large gathering. Suddenly the door swung open and they were hit with a blast of talking, shouting, shrieks and laughs, and the hostess, Janey immediately gathered, was standing in front of them with a big welcoming smile. She was a somewhat older lady, ample of flesh, and very expensively dressed. She said hello to Mike and gazed excitedly at the faces and the breasts of the two young women he had with him.

"Mary, this is Maureen, and this is her friend, Janey."

They exchanged pleasantries with the lady, taking her hand in turn, entering the big warm house and letting her close the door behind them.

The hall was carpeted, had a very high ceiling, and led into numerous other rooms from which came the sounds of merrymaking at high volume.

"Come in here now," said Mary, unlocking a door just to their right. She threw the bolt, twisted the knob, and threw the door back, holding it open as the three of them brushed by her in turn. "Find a good place for those things you most care not to lose," said Mary. "And don't forget where you put them! I hate having people lose things of value even though I know everyone here or know somebody who can vouch for them, there have been things lost and it makes a very unpleasant effect on a party when someone discovers a loss, even if it's not a theft."

They did so and filed back out of the room. She locked the door behind them and dropped the key back down between her breasts.

"Now," she said, grabbing Janey by the arm, "I want you to meet the guests."

Janey smiled and led the way with Mary. Mike and Maureen were right behind them. They walked straight down the hall, leisurely and curiously. They glanced into each room, waved and said hello to strangers, smiled at the funny games they were playing, old party games and kids games with an adult twist, passed one room where a beautiful girl, covered with sweat, was doing a fast nude dance on top of a table while people watched, shouted above the music, or drummed the edge of the table with their hands.

At the end of the hall, they veered left into a kitchen full of hors d'oeuvre tables and cocktail food. "Here are the drinks," said Mary. "Take whatever you like, whenever you, want it. You have only to ask." They nodded hello to the uniformed bartenders.

Finally they emerged in the back of the house and found themselves suddenly in a dark area surrounding a large pool where people frolicked with lots of laughter and splashing.

"The water is heated," explained Mary. "You may also feel free to leave your clothes on one of the chairs or tables around the sides if you care to swim or ask me if you can find me to lock your clothes in the room where you left your belongings. There are also some bathing suits in the lockers at the end of the pool apron if you feel that you need them. But most of us don't bother to wear them while we swim here. I personally think they just get in the way.

"Crazy," said Mike.

The three of them wandered slowly back toward the back door of the house.

"Now there are lots of things to do and lots of new friends to make," said Mary. "Remember there are three floors in my house and you are free to walk anywhere that's not locked. If you need anything, just holler." She disappeared into the crowd.

The three of them stood in a tight circle for a few moments feeling their way into things. There were lots of nude people walking around and sounds of moaning from a dark corner at the far end of the pool, perhaps closer... Mike was visibly getting excited. Janey felt a pounding in her blood, too.

A tall nude redhead with striking dark nippled boobs and a widespread growth of curly pubic hair passed by them wearing heels and recognised Mike. "Hello, darling," she said delightedly, putting her hand on his ass instead of his arm for back, and he smiled at her, too, as they exchanged pleasantries.

Janey and Maureen looked at each other quizzically. The burst of surprise, and perhaps jealousy, passed quickly, though. Everything seemed too free to get hung-up on, at least for now.

The other woman kissed Mike goodbye and walked into the house. All three of them watched her move away--she had a great ass and fine legs.

They grinned together with flushed faces. "This is a bit beyond," muttered Janey.

"Beyond what?" asked Maureen.

"Beyond my expectations."

"Make you glad or what?" asked Mike.

"Well, I'm not sure!" she laughed in reply. "But I think it's good. Take me a little while to get that loose, however," she concluded, jerking her head in the direction of the friend of Mike's had taken.

"Oh, she's nice," said Mike, going on then to explain

They made their way slowly to the kitchen, having to squeeze past knots of people in the corridors, often congested in tete-a- tetes of people fully dressed talking to people fully undressed. It struck Janey as ludicrous at times--mainly when it was a nude man talking to a dressed woman--but she liked to look at the men, gauge what they might be like, physically.

She and Maureen and Mike had cocktails mixed for them by the bartenders. They stood around sipping and talking and gradually got into conversation with other people, especially as the crowd grew larger and larger until, as the clock down the hall chimed nine, the whole floor seemed to be buzzing with excited social drinkers looking for a partner.

Mike was talking to a tall busty blonde in a white dress that was cut low and exposed most of her uplifted breasts. There was so much noise, Janey never did catch a single word they said to each other, but she saw when Mike put his hand on her cleavage, left it there and even stroked her tits openly for a good long minute. Maureen was also talking to the tall blonde. The three of them became a very tight animated group Jay noticed how Maureen and the other woman shook hands and looked at each other when Mike introduced them. They were all red-faced from drinking, the heat, the crowd, and the obviously sexual excitement they inspired in each other. It appeared that the three of them were about to retire somewhere else. Janey made a "see you later" signal at Maureen and, watched them move away, the tall blonde's ass rolling alluringly inside her dress. Mike's hand patting and stroking it just before they got sucked into the crowd in the hallway.

Soon Janey put down her empty glass and went toward the stairs. She walked up slowly, intent on where she was going, though was nowhere special, and aware but uninterested by the men who stared up her dress as she went upstairs.

Here there was almost as much conversation in the halls, though she was drawn mainly to the music coming loudly from a big room nearby. She walked in and gazed up at the vaulted ceiling, then down the finely decorated walls to the professional pop group at the far end of the room that was providing the dancers with music.

The people dancing were really into it, twisting, grinding, moving and stepping generally with grace and involvement. Janey enjoyed just standing there and watching them for a while.

A guy came up to her and asked her to dance. She Smiled and agreed immediately.

They got into a loud, vibrating, shaking piece, and while stepping carefully in those shoes, Janey began to feel the music get into her as she moved, and before long she was really moving with it. The guy was a good dancer and led the way, always keeping up with her when she suddenly up-tempoed. She was enjoying herself, moving with abandon and sensuousness. He liked the way her body twisted and flowed; he watched her tits shake and vibrate against her top, too, and she smiled back at him when he saw him staring longer and longer at her. Soon it was obvious that he had hard-on; it was causing a swelling in his tight trousers. He was a slim well-built man. As he danced, he often swung close to her, brushing her body as he went past in an arc. They had plenty of room to move like this, and when he brushed against her, it was generally with his stiff penis touching her leg or her ass. Or even her hand as she moved her arms to the tune. Normally this kind of forward behaviour would have been so overt as to strike her as perverted, but this was obviously a crazy party and she was in its mood already. Nothing could surprise her now, she thought. Not even the guy propositioning her at the end of the dance, whispering hotly into her ear as she listened wide-eyed, let him squeeze her hand, and felt his erection throbbing against her body. She said nothing, and as the group moved into a slow dance, he took her and began dancing closely. She moved in time with him, letting her body move against his firmly. His hands were not exactly running all over her, but they moved sensuously and firmly, caressingly, where they did touch, which was her sides, her back, and her hips. His cheek was hot and flushed against hers, which grew equally warm. His cock was standing up high and hard in his pants and twitched occasionally against her. At times he embraced her hard and just rubbed himself against her. She let him do all this without protest, in fact she began encouraging him, and soon she was as eager as he was.

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