Naked With Her Dog - Cover

Naked With Her Dog


Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

Saturday afternoon Maureen came over to Janey's house with a bottle of champagne.

"What's the celebration?" asked Janey, after a momentary hesitation because it was only three o'clock.

"Down, Duke, down," she said, patting him firmly but aloofly on the head and shoulders. "What it is, Janey, is my sex life. I'm going a mile a minute. Terry on Thursday night and this guy Mike again last night."

"You got two good ones, huh?"

"Both of 'em can fuck like gorillas, and Mike has a tongue like an elephant."

"Next thing you ought to get is a donkey," responded Janey with a bright laugh.

"Whoa," cried Maureen as the plastic cork shot out of the champagne bottle with a loud pop. She quickly lowered the neck so the bubbly would pour into a glass. "Janey, that guy Terry's dingus is bigger than a donkey's, and he smells a whole lot better over all."

"I should hope so. Last time I was on a farm the last thing I thought about was sex."

"You never had a horse or anything, did you?"

"No! But I've looked at them."

"Who hasn't."

"I wonder what would be like?"

"Wouldn't be like anything, Janey. A horse might be too big, or it would take long to mount him. You'd be cold. Now the thing to do would be to train Duke to go after you. Down, boy! Actually it looks like you don't have too far to go."

Janey gave her a funny smile.

"Maureen, you haven't told me much about this guy, Mike."

"I thought you were a good girl. You don't want to hear things that'll drag you back into the fishbowl."

"Rodney's, going to be away all weekend working. Go ahead; I can at least listen."

"Janey, this guy has a taste for everything. The first time I met him we weren't kissing for more than ten minutes before he went down on me and gave me the greatest head I've ever received. And when we had more time, he went all around the world with me. If I wanted to, I could just lie there and let him cover me with kisses."

Petting Duke's head, Janey stared kind of meltingly at her and nodded.

She smiled back at Janey, seeing that she was hot but didn't say anything. "So after a while, I get on top of him and fuck like a two-legged mare. He's the type of person who wants to do everything, and from the way he talks in between sex, it sounds like he's done everything already."

"Like what?"

"Using ticklers and dildos, having threesomes, orgies. He wanted to put on a huge dildo and go up my ass with it, but I held hack. I let him put his penis in there though. It's fairly long, kind or slender--really feels good."

Janey drank some more. Her face was crowded with lust.

"I tell you, honey, I would do almost anything with him. And now he's got these friends, a man and a woman, he showed me their pictures--nude pictures, yet! --and he's going I arrange a little party with us and them."

"Have you ever done that?"

"Just a few times."

"I only did it once." There was a longish pause. "It wasn't bad. You really have to he in the mood. The sex happens naturally. It doesn't matter who you're with in those situations."

Maureen nodded. "When I'm fucking with a man, don't mind if a woman is there."

"Would you kiss another woman?"

Maureen looked at her kind of embarrassedly Janey felt that way, too. A lump formed in her throat.

"I've done it," said Maureen slowly. "If you're in the mood, it's not that different. It's--even kind of a thrill."

Janey hissed without meaning to. Their eyes met intimately, played and probed, and danced away. Janey felt her nipples hardening. "You ought to invite him over here, she said.

"Which one?"

"Both of them."

Maureen laughed loudly. That felt better. The joking was a release. She went over to the couch. Duke followed her.

"Good boy," she said, patting him on the head. He started sniffing noisily up and down her upper leg, crossed over the other one. "That tickles, boy!" She rubbed his head and neck some more. "Janey, this animal is awfully friendly." "

Janey laughed but said nothing, continued to sip her champagne. When the glass was empty she poured some more.

Maureen had a maxi dress on that buttoned up the middle of the skirt section. She brought her dangling foot down to the floor and watched Duke, sniff around her hem and then stick his head up underneath eagerly.

"Janey! This dog is something else!" She laughed at her friend with her face all pinched up by humour, lust and wine.

"Wait a minute, Janey! Wait a minute... he's going right at me. What a sniffer, what a... oh, Janey." drawled Maureen with amazement and pleasure. "Oh... Janey... What is he doing with his tongue, Janey..."

Janey felt hot now. She couldn't hold the secret back any longer. "He likes to lick me sometimes, and I let him Does he feel good?"

Maureen nodded slowly, staring at Janey.

Janey walked over to the couch with her glass and bottle, both of which she placed on the floor. She and Maureen looked at each other for a while, then Janey put her arm around Maureen's shoulders. They leaned their heads back against the top of the couch and looked at each other with strange abandon. Janey felt all tingly. She felt suddenly free, yet possessed. With Maureen inviting her, she mover her face forward slowly and gently kissed her friend on the lips. Maureen responded with a soft kiss, opening her lips and touching the tip of her tongue to the tip of Janey's lips.

Janey's left arm was around Maureen's shoulders and her right hand held Maureen's in Maureen's lap, right above Duke's active head. Maureen closed her eyes and let her mouth gape slightly. She was savouring the genital licking the dog was giving her. She squeezed Janey's hand. Janey stared at her face.

"Take off your pants," she said slowly. "It's much better that way."

Maureen opened her eyes "Oh." she replied lazily, "I don't know."

"It's OK," said Janey, feeling she was more the excited one.

"It's OK," she repeated. "I'll take off mine, too. It feels good, doesn't it? We can let him lick both of us. All we have to do is sit here. It's better than talking about it. You're not nervous, are you?"

"Not now," said Maureen softly, shaking her head.

Janey let go her hand and started to unzip her slacks. Maureen watched her friend stand up and slid the garment down her legs. Janey had a pretty ass. The silk panties clung to them alluringly.

Maureen pulled the flap of her skirt upward steadily, popping the snaps one after the other. Then she undid the buttons of her top part, until her entire dress was open and she sat there really covered only by a bra and panties. Janey stared a while at Maureen's nipples pushing out of the fine bra fabric. Then she called Duke away from Maureen's crotch and guided him to her own. Duke nuzzled her eagerly and began licking right against the panties. Janey closed her eyes and moved her hips slowly. Then she quickly pulled down her panties, giving Maureen a terrific sudden view of her naked ass. When she straightened up, Maureen liked how she looked even better--round, firm, prominent hips, a few wispy black hairs at the bottom.

"Mm," said Janey, "that feels good, Duke. Lick me, boy, lick me!" She enjoyed that for a while, and when she turned around to get back on the couch, she saw Maureen without her bra and panties. Janey sat down and they stared at each other. Duke was licking Janey's cunt.

"Let me take this off for you," said Maureen, running her hand smoothly over the front of Janey's bra. Janey sat forward a little and let Maureen reach behind her to undo the clasp. When it was free, Janey took the garment off and tossed it aside. Maureen rubbed the top of her back and shoulders for a while.

"That feels good," said Janey. Her tits got goose pimples, and her nipples got very erect. She touched the right one and stroked her back and Duke licked her fragrant and now very damp pussy. She could smell her own, and she could smell Maureen's too.

Maureen moved her head closer, letting her long hair fall onto Janey's skin. She moved her head around, trailing the hair across Janey's sensitive shoulder and part of her breast. Maureen touched Janey's left breast softly, feeling the goose-pimpled skin and hard nipple. She tweaked it between thumb and forefinger.

"Does it feel good?" she asked.

"Yes," said Janey, struggling to overcome the lump in her throat.

Maureen pulled away and leaned back against the couch, her shoulders wide, displaying her longer breasts which curved upward slightly at the tips. Her brown nipples looked very long. Janey looked at her friend's body. The belly was a bit rounder, the black pubic hair not as abundant as Janey's, but it trailed up past Maureen's navel and out across her thighs and down her legs a little further. She touched the top of Maureen's near thigh. Her skin was a little bit darker than Janey's.

Duke hit a very sensitive spot and Janey spoke to him, urging him to continue more aggressively. She spread her legs wider and moved deeper into the cushion to expose more of her crotch to the animal. Her hand played with Maureen's knee. Maureen played with her own bush and watched the dog eat Janey.

"It's amazing," she said. "He really goes for it." You're so lucky, Janey, to have somebody around who'll go down on you any time you want but never talk back to you."

Janey laughed. "I just started doing this with him. Think of what I almost wasted!"

They both stared, smiling, faces flushed with lust, eyes and mouth damp, as the handsome head of the Dane bobbed and dug between Janey's legs. When his lips brushed across her clit and tickled her, she jumped. She lay back, legs open to him, gradually starting to move up and down as the dog brought her pitch up. "I shouldn't hog it all for myself," she said.

"That's OK," said Maureen. "It's fascinating. It makes me hot to watch."

Janey turned her head around and looked at her with a kind of twisted grin. It looked like she might be ready to come soon. Maureen gazed into her eyes. Both of them felt softer, warmer, hotter, melting inside their chests with desire. Maureen reached out a hand and touched Janey's tit again. Her hand was firmer now and squeezed the lovely breast confidently. Their eyes met and seemed to draw them closer. Their mouths opened in readiness to kiss. A thrill ran through their bodies. Their legs touched and leaned against each other. Janey started to rub hers against Maureen's. Maureen came closer, till their arms, sides, and one breast touched. Their faces came together again, this time without hesitation. They kissed like real lovers, slowly, wetly, warmly. Their mouths opened and stuck together. Tongues felt each other and ran deeply into each other's mouths. Their hands caressed each other's arms, tits, sides. Janey touched Maureen's belly, putting a finger into the belly button, trailing her fingertips down the hairy warmth to Maureen's bush. There she spread her fingers out firmly and combed her way through. Soon her hand rested on Maureen's cunt, which was hot and wet. The musk of it grew stronger, deeper, more concentrated and tantalised Janey's nostrils. She moved her hand around on her friend's organ.

"That feels good, Duke," she said.

"That feels good, too, Janey," said Maureen.

Janey stroked the hairs around the warm pussy lips. Her wet hand spread out the moisture and dampened the hairs. She caressed Maureen's pussy and crotch while Maureen kissed her warmly on the cheek and then ran her tongue tip into Janey's ear, feeling the outline of the involuted structure, then plastering her whole tongue into the opening.

It gave Janey a new thrill and more impetus to her stroking. She was lifting her own crotch up and down against Duke's eager, noisy, whining face (she caressed his flanks with her feet at some points). At the same time she stroked Maureen's cunt with longer and deeper motions. The wet pussy opened up to her, the soft thick wet lips spread around her fingers and subtly beckoned them inside. Janey ran her finger tip all around Maureen's tough little clitoris, and Maureen started squirming. She kissed Janey hungrily on the mouth some more and gripped her wrist tightly with her left hand, urging Janey to play with her more. Their passions were still rising. Maureen encircled Janey's shoulders and neck with her other arm and caressed her girlfriend's warm smooth skin. She dangled her hand over farther and tickled Janey's far tit with the skin of her fingertips. Then she touched the nipple and toyed with it, pinched it gently, and stroked circles around and over it. Janey moaned it pleasure. Two bodies acting on her sexually! The thought gave her as much pleasure as the actual movements of flesh and doubled her excitement.

She pulled her mouth away from Maureen's hungry one just enough to say, "Maureen, it feels so good, keep touching me, feel me more like this!" Their breaths mingled hotly for a few seconds as they played with each other's bodies, and now and then little cries, moans, and sighs escaped their lips like kisses. Maureen stuck her tongue way out and dragged the tip across Janey's mouth. Janey revelled in the sensation, then met Maureen's tongue with her own. They locked tongues and licked around and around each other's tongues. Their tongues flicked on each other, and then leaped together in a full French mouth embrace. Their lips met again and melted against each other. Maureen's hands rubbed and squeezed Janey's tits so well--Duke sucked her cunt to the edge of orgasm, and she finger-fucked Maureen's pussy and rubbed it up and down with masturbatory frenzy. They were both writhing on the couch in the throes of sex, and suddenly forgot about the dog. Janey swung around to meet Maureen and the two of them pressed their cunts together and embraced face on, kissing deeply and passionately. Their tits pressed together, and their hands flew over each other's backs. Maureen pressed forward, and Janey went down on her back. Their thighs and cunts rubbed together wildly. Duke was not passive in all this. He began frisking about, nuzzling them here and there, licking Maureen's legs and feet, tickling the sensitive areas of her skin and thus driving her even further on.

She let go Janey's tongue and kissed her mouth and nose again very quickly, demandingly, uncontrollably. Janey felt a trembling in her loins, and so did Maureen. The dog climbed up onto the couch too and started licking Maureen's ass, deftly stimulating the hips and the wet fragrant crack between. She pressed her crotch down onto Janey's and rubbed it firmly. At some points it seemed their clitorises were in direct contact, but the sensation was new to them, they weren't always sure.

What they were sure of, however, was the great pleasure they were feeling from this warm contact. Their cunts throbbed in unison, the juices and odours mingling till it seemed like each of them was transformed. Maureen looked at Janey's arm, an inch away. So close it looked unlike the arm of her old friend. Janey's whole body looked like that of a different person. Of course Maureen had never seen it naked, nor had she been naked in front of Janey before--though they might as well have been, from the way they shared sexual gossip. Was this the natural next step? No, not necessarily. But, it was natural. And it felt good. And it was new. From now on, they would never be the same two people again. The thought exhilarated Maureen, and it scared her just a little bit, too. But she knew this intimacy they shared, their new mutual secret, had to be a good thing.

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