Mom's Summer Camp Swap - Cover

Mom's Summer Camp Swap


Chapter 7

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 7 -

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Incest   Mother   Son   Novel-Pocketbook  

It was another lovely, cool night in northern Wisconsin. The scent of fresh pines seemed that much more noticeable due to the crispness of the clean air, and the chirping of birds and the forest insects filled the darkness, along with the distant, constant sound of Lake Michigan lapping up against the beach and rocks all around the peninsula. One felt a comfortable closeness to nature here... and yet, weird things could happen anywhere, Mavis Richards knew as she and her two children walked down the path from their cabin to where the MacCauleys were staying.

She hadn't been able to shake the premonition that something strange was about to occur once they got to the MacCauleys' cabin. The feeling had lingered all during dinner, and was even stronger now as the cabin drew near.

The first surprise of the evening was when Helen MacCauley opened the front door to Mavis' knock. Mavis and her children had not dressed up for the occasion by any means--they were dressed super-casual in fact--but they had nothing on Helen.

The statuesque redhead came to the door in a white combination robe-negligee that left nothing to the imagination in the way it clung lovingly to the full curves of her lush body. It was obvious that she wore nothing underneath. Her erect nipples poked through the smooth cotton material just below the dipping neckline, and the way the ankle-length robe sculpted itself to her thighs and long legs, the play of shadows made one almost think you could actually see the delicious bush of red pubic hair that would be snuggled in between her legs.

Mavis gulped audibly. She'd thought Helen to be a very attractive woman back there in the office, but seeing her like this... Mavis felt vague tremors of excitement coursing through her at the unexpected sight.

Mrs. MacCauley held the door open and stepped aside with a lovely smile on her face. "Well, we're so glad you could make it," she said in that throaty voice of hers. "Won't you come in, folks?"

The front room of the cabin glowed softly and sensuously in the light of half a dozen tall, well-placed candles. Lou MacCauley had been sitting on one of the couches, apparently sharing drinks with his wife, and he rose as Mavis and her children stepped in. He was dressed in slacks and an open-necked shirt and, despite his considerable size, there was still a virile attractiveness about him.

"Ahh, Mavis," he greeted cheerily. "Billy and Debby... so nice of you to come. Won't you sit down?"

Soft music drifted around the room from some hidden speakers. Combined with the candlelight, it created a relaxed, friendly, intimate atmosphere that Mavis and her kids immediately became a part of.

The three of them moved into the living room as Helen closed the door behind them. As they sat, Mr. MacCauley stood and crossed the room to a portable bar. After asking what they wanted, he fixed Mavis a Scotch on the rocks and poured each of the kids a coke. Coming back to the couch where they sat, he handed the drinks out and returned to the side of his wife, who was sitting on the couch across from the Richards clan. He raised his glass in a toast.

"To new friends," he said.

Everyone gave a pleasant murmur and took a long sip of their beverage. It was at this point that Mrs. MacCauley noticed that the children, especially Debby, seemed to be looking around for someone or something.

"Dear," she said to her husband, "I think one of the... uh, family... is missing."

Lou MacCauley snapped his fingers. "Of course! Sorry, kids," he said, and raising his voice he called, "Jason! Come here, boy! Come here!"

A moment later the German Shepherd came trotting into the living room from some other part of the house. He first came over to MacCauley, who gave him a quick pat, and then moved directly to Debby, nuzzling the back of his neck against her legs. He seemed to be more interested in her than ever.

"Well, you seem to have made a new friend," said Helen. "Jason really likes you."

"And I like him," Debby said, running her fingers along the animal's sleek body. "He's so... so strong and... and muscular- looking..."

As they spoke, Mavis was taking another sip of her drink. She had only taken three drinks from her glass and already the room seemed warmer, the music seemed more sensual...

"Have you managed this resort before?" asked Lou.

It took a moment for Mavis to realize she was being spoken to. "Umm... w-what was that?" she asked slowly.

Mavis was vaguely aware that Helen seemed to have a sly, yet warm, loving smile on her face. "I think it's taking effect, dear," she said to her husband.

Sitting between his mother and sister, Billy Richards set his coke glass down on a coffee table. "Mom," he said lazily. "I... I feel kind of funny... I... I feel kind of sleepy..."

Mavis took another sip of her drink. She knew what Billy was talking about. She too felt lazy and aglow with some strange sensual feeling. The drink! she suddenly decided. The MacCauleys have put something in our drinks... we've been drugged!

Jason was now standing before Debby with a front paw on each of her knees. Since her legs were spread somewhat, the way children will sit, Jason's underside was fully exposed, and it was obvious that the animal was getting stirred up about something. The shiny red flesh of his dick was throbbing to life from beneath his fur. He was still sniffing at Debby, rubbing his nose against her inner thighs. And Debby was fascinated by the dog too. Her eyes were glued to the throbbing animal-prick.

When Mr. MacCauley spoke, his voice was a deep, rich whisper, thick with lust.

"It is a beautiful cock, isn't it?" he asked the girl.

Debby gasped at the dirty word, but not because she was shocked. The word just struck a chord in her that suddenly brought her own lust to the surface. She had been scratching Jason under his neck. Now, with her fingers spread wide, she slid her hand along the dog's belly until it came to his prick. Her eyes met those of the dog's and they just seemed to stare at each other as she wrapped her fingers loosely around the red, warm cock and began stroking it. As soon as she did this, Jason let out a long, low sound from deep in his throat, and the dick in Debby's hand seemed to grow even bigger. As she continued to stroke, Jason's hips began to thrust.

"Ohh, it's lovely..." the girl sighed, still transfixed by the sight.

Next to her on the couch, both Billy and Mavis felt they should protest, but they could not. They were excited by the scene too!

The soft, teasing music, the warm glow of the candles, and whatever it was that Mr. MacCauley had slipped into their drinks, all combined to draw them into a sexual mood that grew deeper and deeper, more delicious with each passing moment. Both Billy and his mom watched transfixed as Jason fucked Debby's warm little hand. Billy felt his own prick grow hard as a pool cue, and Mavis knew that her pussy was wet and hot; she could feel the damp material of her panties clinging to her crotch.

"It is beautiful, isn't it?" Helen MacCauley said softly.

Mavis looked at her. Helen sat like the others, watching the delightful, forbidden scene of a thirteen-year-old girl masturbating a German Shepherd. It was unbelievably erotic, and Mrs. MacCauley had completely given in to her kinky desires. She sat somewhat slouched down in the couch beside her husband. Beneath her robe her legs were parted and her nostrils flared at the sight before her. She was running her hand up and down one of her husband's legs, and it was obvious that he too was excited; his cock bulged from the front of his slacks.

"Oh, by the way," Lou whispered smoothly to the people across from him as he touched his wife's thigh through the robe and continued to watch Debby and Jason, "you needn't be alarmed about the potent yet harmless aphrodisiac which I've placed in your drinks. An ancient Etruscan narcotic. Quite effective, don't you think?"

None of the Richards answered him directly. Debby was still engrossed in her delicious task.

"Mommy..." she said softly. "Jason's big prick... isn't it... isn't it beautiful!"

"Yes," Mavis replied, unable to take her eyes from the sight of the warm, wet cock sliding in and out of Debby's fist. "It's so... different from a man's but... still so exciting--"

"It'll sure be beautiful when he cums," said Billy, and both women moaned at his words.

Debby stroked Jason's cock faster and faster. The German Shepherd's strong flanks were pumping with steady, even thrusts. His tongue was hanging out and he was breathing loudly as he fucked the girl's hand, but his sounds were now indiscernible from the sighs and moans of the humans in the room.

"Ah, I see you don't object to me tampering with your drinks then," Mr. MacCauley continued. "But then, I didn't think you would. You see, Mrs. MacCauley and I are, uh, swingers, I suppose the proper term would be, and we go on vacation every year looking for people to share our... diversions with. Sometimes people are willing but need their, shall we say, code of conduct eroded somewhat. We nearly always let these people know what they're drinking first but, in your case, we thought we'd make an exception. You see, my sensuous Richards family, Helen and I arrived early today and took a long walk and, quite by accident I assure you, we came upon a most exciting spectacle in one of the fields near here..."

"We saw you," Helen MacCauley said thickly. "We saw you fucking and sucking, you beautiful people, and we wanted to fuck and suck all of you."

Mr. MacCauley's eyes connected with Mavis'. "Any objections to that, Mrs. Richards?" he asked pleasantly.

Mavis was almost too excited to hear him, but at last she did nod, still loving and being turned on by the sight of her little Debby and the big dog. The drug in her drink certainly was knocking away all of her inhibitions, that was for sure. She'd never experienced anything like it. The whole atmosphere of the room was one of sensuous sexual freedom.

As if reading her mind, Mr. MacCauley said to all of them, "I want you to do whatever you feel like doing. I want you to masturbate, or to make love to anyone in this room whom you would like to..."

And so saying, he stood up and began removing his clothes. His eyes moved from the scene of the girl and the dog to where Mavis sat. As he slipped off his slacks, his cock snapped up to attention. It was gigantic! A thick, long, mature slab of hot, aroused meat.

That was all Billy needed! He unzipped his jeans, not even taking them all the way off, and grabbed his hard young pecker. As Debby hand-fucked the German Shepherd, the boy watched, sliding his hand up and down the white pillar of his own cock.

Beside him, Debby finally spoke. "Did... did you say we could make love to anyone in this room?" she asked hotly, not stopping her hand.

Helen MacCauley caught her meaning and nodded. "Anyone, or anything, child," she replied. "What did you have in mind, darling?"

At last Debby stopped her hand and ran both her hands up and down the dog's body.

"Jason..." she said. "I-I want to make love to this beautiful dog..."

If she had expected any protests, there were none.

Mavis was now staring at MacCauley. "I want to be screwed by that big beautiful cock," she said plainly.

And Helen was transfixed by the sight of Billy beating his meat. "And when that lovely dick shoots its load of cum," she moaned, "I want it all deep down in my throat..."

MacCauley clasped his hands together and rubbed them. "Well, then," he said, "what are we waiting for? Would anyone-heh--heh-- care for another drink?"

No one even heard the offer. The aphrodisiac was a powerful one and the amount already consumed had been more than enough to submerge everyone in the room in a sea of lusting need.

Debby stood up first and gracefully stripped the clothes from her body. Everyone in the room took a moment to pause and drink in the smooth lines of her young body. The small pert breasts and the lean hips and the firm, nicely curved ass.

"Lovely," murmured Helen. "Just lovely..."

After she had stripped off her panties and tossed them into a pile with the rest of her clothes, Debby lowered herself to the floor, stretching out on her back. Jason came over to her at once. The first thing he did was to lower his face to hers, and his tongue lapped out and gave her a kiss. Then he trotted around to between her legs. He sniffed at the girl's cunt briefly, then lowered his face to it.

"As you can see," Lou pointed out, "Jason is a very well- trained dog..."

Debby reached down between her legs and touched the dog's head as it sniffed her cunt. It stopped sniffing, and its tongue licked out across the pink, sensitive, glistening pussy lips.

Debby's body writhed on the carpet. "OHHHH... oh, Jason..." she gasped.

The dog began licking faster and harder. Yes, Jason was well trained--he centered the lapping of his long hard tongue right around the area of Debby's clitoris, and soon the girl was gasping and grinding her hips against the animal's face as the German Shepherd slurped away.

Sitting on the couch watching her, Billy stroked his cock faster and faster, while with each thrust of his hand, Helen MacCauley felt herself becoming more aroused.

Ohhh, she thought, it's been so long since I've given head to a young boy like Billy...

Meanwhile, Mavis had followed the lead of her daughter and, standing, had slipped from her clothes. Extending a hand to Lou MacCauley, she whispered huskily, "Come here, you well-hung stud, and sit down on the couch. I want to sit on top of you... would you fuck me that way... please?"

"Sure, Mavis," he said, coming past her and sitting with his legs spread slightly on the couch where Mavis had just been sitting, next to Billy. His ten-inch cock was pointing directly at the ceiling. "Have a seat, baby," he invited.

Unable to take her eyes off the dick, Mavis moved forward.

On the floor, Jason had stopped eating out Debby's cunt. A worried look crossed the aroused teenager's face, but disappeared as she looked between her legs and saw what the animal was doing. No, he was not finished with her. Not by any means! He had just stopped licking her because now there was something else on his horny mind!

This was obviously not the first time Jason had screwed a woman, and for one fleeting instant, Debby wondered how many times Jason had taken Lou MacCauley's place with Helen...

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