Mom's Summer Camp Swap - Cover

Mom's Summer Camp Swap


Chapter 6

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6 -

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Incest   Mother   Son   Novel-Pocketbook  

"Would you like a joint, Mom?"

Billy asked the question as casually as he could. The three of them were still lounging in the field. They had slipped into their clothes, but not much had been said. They were still catching their collective breath. The sun had begun arcing towards the west and Mavis could tell that it must be getting into late afternoon. She knew that they ought to be starting back soon, but she just couldn't seem to get herself in gear. And, besides, there were things to discuss...

"Sure, Billy," she said. "Not that we need any mellowing out..."

Debby, leaning with her back against a tree, gave a small giggle. "Boy, I'll say," she chimed in. "I feel... I feel like I'm floating in outer space someplace. I don't think I've ever felt this good!"

Billy reached into his shirt pocket and came out with a tightly rolled joint. Lighting it, he took a long drag and handed it to his mother.

As he exhaled, he said, "I'm sure glad you guys didn't flip when I came out to join you. It's just that I got so horny watching."

Mavis passed the number on to Debby after taking a toke of her own. "My days of flipping are over, children," she said steadily. "At first I thought it was just this place, Sunny Acres."

"What do you mean, Mom?" asked Debby.

"I mean," said Mavis, "that from the minute we got here yesterday, I've felt different. Of course it felt great to get away from the city and all, but there was more to it than that. I felt... well, sexy. Really sexy! Sexier than I've felt in a long, long time."

As the joint continued to pass among them, Billy gave an understanding smile. "I know what you mean," he said. "I saw you yesterday, remember?"

"Yes," Mavis said, nodding. "I-I don't know what came over me. At least, I didn't know until I did some thinking about it. That wasn't like me, masturbating out in the open while I watched another couple make love. But there I was all right, doing it!"

The pot was going to work on Debby already. She reached up and touched one of her boobs, feeling the nipple tingle at her own touch.

"It must have been beautiful..." she said wistfully.

"And then last night," Mavis continued. "After so many months of playing with each other but not actually screwing, last night--your first night here, mind you--you kids decided to screw. And I saw it, and I have to admit, it really turned me on. I went back into my room and I masturbated again, thinking about you." She reached out and touched a hand to Billy's inner thigh, close up to his crotch. "I-I was thinking mostly about you, Billy. About that lovely dick of yours, and how I'd love to have it fucking me."

Billy was both flattered and startled. "Really, Mom? Jeez!"

"Then today... well, today all of our fantasies came true," she added happily.

"So what are you saying, Mom?" asked Debby. "You don't think Sunny Acres has something to do with it--"

"It does in the sense that we're here," said Mavis. "We've all needed this for a long time, kids."

"I don't think I understand..." said Billy.

"It's like this," explained Mavis, "I've been living the life of a supposedly proper, upstanding young mother for quite a few years now, trying to set a good example for you kids. Well, it just doesn't seem like that's necessary any more, does it? I mean, we're not in Milwaukee any more, so I don't have to worry about what people think. And it looks like I really don't have to worry about setting an example for you two any more, either." She gave a pleasant laugh. "You seem to have done just fine on your own, if you know what I mean. So where does that leave your mother? It leaves me at what I consider a great place to be!"

"I get it," said Billy. "So now that the reasons for holding back are gone--"

Mavis nodded. "Exactly. Now that the reasons are gone, I just think I'll do with this body of mine what I damn well please!"

Debby grinned happily. "With us?"

"With anyone I damn well please!" Mavis replied. "But yes, with you kids especially. Debby and Billy, welcome to the sexual reawakening of Mavis Richards!"

Debby reached out and entwined her fingers through her mother's. She could still feel the sexual attraction tingle between them.

"Can we... play again tonight?" asked Debby as she rose to her feet.

"Yes," Mavis said. "Tonight. Tonight and every night, if we feel like it... which we probably will! But right now we've got to earn our keep. Come on, kids, let's go!"

And together, the three of them holding hands like the happiest, most ideal family on earth, retraced their way back across the meadow and through the woods to the Sunny Acres Resort.

A long black Continental sat waiting for them in the gravel driveway before the office when they returned, its chrome glinting in the late-afternoon sun. There was a dog in the car, a big German Shepherd, but outside of that no one else was around.

"Oh, I knew this would happen," Mavis said with a sigh. "They came while we were gone. This doesn't look good for us at all."

"Don't worry, Mom," said Billy. "They're probably just taking a stroll. I'm sure they haven't been here long."

Debby had walked over and was looking in at the dog. "Golly, isn't he pretty," she said. "I wonder if he bites? I--"

"Oh, you don't have to worry about Jason," came a voice from behind them. "He's one of the most well-trained dogs you'll ever come across." The voice belonged to a portly man in his late forties or early fifties. He walked over to the car and opened the door. "Isn't that right, Jason?" he said.

The dog, panting happily with its tongue hanging out, jumped from the car and pranced around the man who was obviously his master.

Reaching down and stroking the dog's neck, the man said, "My name's Lou MacCauley, and this is my wife, Helen. We have reservations here for two."

The woman who had followed her husband from the path through the woods was in her forties and remarkably beautiful; a full- figured redhead with a bright, beguiling smile and a throaty voice.

Mavis returned them a bright smile of her own. "Well then, won't you step inside and register?" she suggested cheerily. "We have your cabin all ready."

"That would be just fine," said Mr. MacCauley. Then, looking at the dog he added, "Jason, why don't you stay out here and make friends with the kids?"

Jason seemed more than pleased to obey. He certainly was a friendly dog. As Debby and Bill petted and played with him, he continually nuzzled his nose up against them, especially Debby. And especially against her crotch. But dogs do that often, and Debby, or Billy for that matter, didn't think anything of it at the time...

About five minutes later Mr. and Mrs. MacCauley and Mavis stepped from the office.

"So, everything's all set," said Mr. MacCauley. "Dear, were there any questions you had for Mrs. Richards?"

The older woman smiled. "No," she said, "but I was wondering, dear, if maybe we might invite them over one night. The children certainly do seem to be getting along with Jason, and perhaps Mavis here might like some company. In a place like this there can be people all over and still no one to just sit down and have a drink and watch the sunset with. How does that sound to you, Mavis? Would you and your children care to join us one of these evenings? Just a little get-together?"

Mavis was a bit surprised at the unexpected invitation, but it did sound like a good idea to her. She always enjoyed meeting new people.

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