Mom's Summer Camp Swap - Cover

Mom's Summer Camp Swap


Chapter 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5 -

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Incest   Mother   Son   Novel-Pocketbook  

It wasn't until mid-afternoon that Mavis was finally able to get one of the children alone for a talk. The day had been busy right from the start. The Richards family had been awakened, in fact, by the sound of someone knocking at their front door; the someone turning out to be guests arriving bright and early after an all-night drive up from Illinois, ready to register and move into their cabin and begin their week of relaxation and fun. From that point on it had been nothing but more of the same. It was the first weekend of the summer vacation season.

It was a beautiful, bright sunny day, and many of the new arrivals had merely checked in and taken off again to get in some fishing out on Lake Michigan or some golfing on one of the three local courses or just some sightseeing in general. But in any event, by two-thirty things had calmed down enough for Mavis to suggest to Debby that they take a walk together to unwind a bit and get some peace and quiet.

Mavis had wanted Billy along too, but there was still the MacCauley family, the people who had not arrived yet. So she had to tell Billy to stay at the office to check them in when they got there. She promised that she and Debby would be back shortly, and together mother and daughter walked off through the woods and across nearly a half-mile of adjoining meadow until they were at last far enough removed from the resort that Mavis felt they could just unwind and be honest with each other.

"Debby," she said as they reached the far side of the meadow and another tree line began, "Why don't we sit down and talk? There are... uh, some things I'd... uh, like to discuss with you, if you don't mind."

As they made themselves comfortable on the lush, soft carpet of grass, Debby got a curious half-frown on her face as she studied her mother.

"Sure, Mom," she said. "Is... is something wrong? You look worried about something."

Mavis stretched out on her side and propped her head up with a hand as she cleared her throat and returned her daughter's gaze. She had decided even before they'd left the resort that there would be no beating around the bush when the walking started. Still... some things were so very hard to say, even between mother and daughter.

"Debby," she began, "I... I want you to know that I saw what happened in your bedroom last night, between you and your brother."

She hadn't even finished the sentence before the blood began draining from the girl's face. Debby had trouble finding her voice for a moment.

"You... you... what?"

Mavis nodded, still trying to keep things casual and relaxed. "You heard me, Debby," she said. "I guess you and Billy just didn't realize just how thin the walls in that cabin of ours really are." She grinned to try and lighten things up a bit. "Well, they are thin!"

"Oh, Mom... uh... I-I-"

"How long has this been going on between the two of you, Deborah?"

Debby was too much in shock to answer right away. Oh no! she was thinking. This is terrible! Mom knows... she knows! What will she do?

"Uh, well..." she stuttered. "That is... we, uh..."

It was as if Mavis could read her daughter's thoughts. She gave Debby a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, honey," she said, her tone softening. "I'm not such a mean old witch that you're afraid of some vile, inhumane punishment, am I?"

"Oh, no, Mom, it's not that," Debby stammered. "It's just that--"

"I know what it is, Deb," Mavis said. "And you should be ashamed of what you and your brother did. But I'm not going to punish you, or Billy."


"I just wanted to have this talk with you to let the both of you know that I'm aware of what's been happening, and to let you know that I want your promise that it won't happen again. It isn't right, you know, what the two of you were doing. It isn't right at all."

Debby looked down at her hands, having trouble finding the words that she wanted to say. But find them she did, in a voice that was almost a whisper.

"I... I don't see what's so wrong with it," she said.

Her mother's eyes popped wide open at that. Mavis left her relaxed pose and sat straight up with her legs still curled beneath her.

"What?" she gasped. "You don't see anything wrong with sleeping with your own brother? Why, Debby, that's... that's incest!!"

"I know, Mother..."

"Well, if you know, what--"

"Mom, listen," the girl said, "please. Billy and I know that some people really see what we're doing as evil, but... well, we're not some people. We're us! And we love each other. We love each other just as brother and sister, but we love each other enough not to let our heads get screwed up by what's going on, and we do like to sleep with each other." A slight blush came to her cheeks as she caught her mother's eye and added shyly, "If you saw what happened last night, you know what a great guy in bed Billy is."

Mavis couldn't believe her ears. It was all too much, too much of an assault on her senses. What her daughter was saying, and the slight warm tremor that ran through Mavis as, for just a fleeting instant, her girl's words brought back a picture of the fantasy that had brought her to orgasm last night...

She fought weakly to regain control of a situation she knew had already slipped from her grasp.

"But... Debby... incest--"

"Don't worry, Mom," Debby said. "Billy and I have both got it worked out in our heads. We won't hurt each other, physically or mentally. You don't have to worry."


"Mom, Billy and I both have really strong sexual urges and, let's face it, it's a lot better to, uh, get it at home than to have to go out on dates. Maybe we are more mature than most kids, but... that's just the way it is."

Mavis felt her lower lip trembling. She just didn't know what to make of this sudden turning of the tables. Five minutes ago she had been so sure of herself, all set to lecture her thirteen-year-old daughter on the evils of incest, and now...


"I hope I haven't hurt your feelings, and Billy and I will obey you," Debby said sincerely. "But... I hope you just realize that we're not harming each other. That it's good for us, know what I mean?"

"Debby... I just don't know what to think any more..."

"Don't worry, Mom. If anything's wrong, it's just that maybe Billy and I are a little oversexed." Realizing that this was a rare close moment between them--that it was more like two women talking than simply mother and child--Debby reached over and took her mom's hand in her own and added, in an affectionately teasing voice, "And you're the one we inherited our sexuality from, you know. Billy and I know how lonely you are, and we understand. We know how lonely you are... and how horny you are, Mom. Billy saw you yesterday afternoon behind that cabin... he saw what you were doing and... and that's what got us so turned on last night that we made love..."

"Oh, Debby!" cried Mavis, falling forward into her young daughter's arms and crying against Debby's shoulder.

It was as if some emotional dam had broken, and the torrent of Mavis' held-back anxieties burst forth as her body shook with sobs, sobs of frustration, of shame, and yes, of happiness... of finally having someone to lean on, if only just for a moment, if only the shoulder of her own daughter.

Debby was a little taken aback at first, but she adjusted quickly. She realized that, just the way her relationship with Billy had been altered that one night, now her relationship with her mother was altered. There was a closeness, a bond, that had never been there before; that was formed and made strong as she reached up and touched her fingers to her mother's hair and made soft, relaxing sounds as Mavis cried out all of the things that had been building up and tormenting her from within.

Something, in that instant, made Debby Richards lift her fingers to her mother's face and tilt her mother's face up to her own. Their eyes met, and both women saw in the other's face something that surprised and yet excited them.

"I love you, Mother," Debby said softly.

"Oh, Debby..."

Their lips moved together, and they kissed.

It was a gentle kiss at first. A kiss of quivering lips and shallow breath. A butterfly kiss. But once their soft, pliant lips had touched, a new energy overcame them and their lips pressed harder.

Debby's other hand came up and she was now cupping her mother's face in both her hands. Her tongue darted out, at first just to moisten her mom's lips, and then to dart like some teasing serpent into her mother's mouth. She swirled her tongue around in small circles, then stabbed it in and out, and the first time her tongue touched Mavis' tongue, both women moaned sexily.

"Mmmmmmmmmmm, Mother..."

Mavis pulled her face back for just an instant. "Ohh, Debby, Debby... wh-what's happening to us?"

Debby shook her head. "I-I don't know," she said, somewhat dazed herself. "But it's... it's what I want to happen... w- with all my heart..."

"Debby... my beautiful child..."

They drew together again. Debby's arms went around Mavis and tilted her back until both girls were lying stretched out across the ground. Their lips met again, and again their tongues played their teasing game, only this time Mavis took part as well, her own tongue dueling with Debby's as their hands ran up and down each other's bodies.

Debby was still the aggressive one. With one hand circled around behind her mother's neck, her other ran lightly down the length of Mavis' form, all the way down her side as far as Debby could reach. Then Debby brought her fingertips back up along Mavis' inner thigh, letting her hand just glide smoothly over the crotch of her mother's jeans. It was just a slight grazing touch, but as the fingers brushed her there Mavis' hips arched up and her legs spread apart.

"Mmmmmmmm... ohhhhhhhh, Debby..."

Debby's fingers creased up over her mother's flat belly, which was quivering now from her shallow breathing, up across her ribcage, and finally to the fine pair of proud, full boobs. They were flattened out because Mavis was lying down, but the nipples were still hard and hot, and poked through the clinging material of the sheer blouse.

"Mother..." Debby whispered against the older woman's ear. "You have such beautiful breasts..."

"Ohh, play with them, Debby... please play with them... they're on fire for your touch!"

Debby herself felt her temperature rising. Her own little titties were aching for kissing and sucking, and she could feel her panties beginning to grow wet, her pussy was so excited. It was all so terribly exciting. Last night she had gotten so turned on listening to Billy tell about watching Mom masturbate. The vision had steamed her up so badly that she'd finally allowed her big brother to bang her box. And now, here was her mom in the flesh, begging her to play with her titties! It was almost more than the thirteen-year-old nymph could bear. She knew she could probably cum right there, without her pulsating cunt even being touched!

But that would never do. She wanted to make this last.

"Oh Mom, you're such a fox..." she breathed into the older woman's ear.

Her tongue began flicking out to play with that ear, and Mavis' neck and throat as well, as she finally started to give Mavis' jugs the loving attention they craved. But she still was not direct. She still teased...

Her free hand cupped the big boob from underneath and she caressed it with her small palm, squeezing it and letting just an index finger flick over the nipple from below. Yet the minute that finger teased her yearning flesh, it was as if Mavis had been hit by an electrical shock. Her whole body jerked and a wild gasp escaped her lips.

"Ohh... more... more... Debby, please... do that some more... oh, lord..."

Debby got a teasing glint in her eye. "You mean... like this?" she asked.

The finger flicked again. Mavis bucked again.

"Yes... yes... oh, yes... ohhhhhhhhh..."

"Do you want me to play with your titties, Mother? Do you want me to use my fingers on them and pinch and tease them? Is that what you want?"

Mavis' head whipped back and forth on the ground as Debby's one finger continued to maddeningly tease her flaming tit.

"Ohhhh, yes... make them hurt... make them hurt, Debby... please, I need it!"

Debby was merciless. The finger would flick, then pause, then flick again, until the burning tip of the breast was as hard as a rock.

"But you're my own mother..." she teased.

"Ohhh oh, Debby... I don't care," Mavis panted like the bitch in heat that she was. "I... I watched you and your brother fuck last night and I... I got so excited... I couldn't stand it... I had to hump myself on m-my own bed, but now I've got you, baby, I've got you... and I don't care if you're my daughter... it... it just excites me more!"

"Oh, you beautiful bitch!" Debby cried, and she slid her hand up from under her mother's boob to cup the whole thing against her palm.

Mavis almost screamed her delight that the delicious torture of her titties was over. "Ohhhh, Debby... my darling daughter... play with them, baby... play with them!"

Debby couldn't help but obey. Her entire body was on fire with lust for this hot fox that was writhing under her.

She slid her other arm from beneath her mother's head. At the same time she sat up straight with a leg on each side of her mother. Now both hands were free, and Mavis was beneath her, dying for attention.

She gave it to her!

She took both hands and cupped both of her mother's firm tits. Then she really began playing with them. She tweaked at the nipples, pulling them up with her fingers and twisting and pinching them. Flicking them back and forth with her thumbs. And palming them, moving her hands in hard, small, fast circles. Then she went back to teasing, then palming, then teasing again, over and over, and all the while the juices of her own pussy soaked through her panties and even her jeans. The more loving she gave to her mother's boobs, the hotter Mavis became, until Mavis' own hands came over Debby's, increasing the pressure on her boobs.

"Ohhhh, that's it, baby," Mavis panted. "Play with them like that only... take off my blouse... mmmmmmmm, I don't know what's happening to us, but I love it... I love it!"

After a few more minutes of tittie-play, Debby began to unbutton her mother's blouse. And all the while she did this, she was dry-humping Mavis, rocking back and forth over her mother's stomach, the pressure of the friction through the crotch of her jeans driving her almost blind with need.

At last the final button on Mavis' blouse broke free and Debby parted the material. Mavis wore no bra and her aching titties were there to be sucked and played with in all their shaking, shimmering glory. Debby bent over and took one of the hard nipples into her mouth.

"OHHHHHH, MY GODDD..." cried Mavis the instant Debby's warm, wet sucking mouth clamped around the nipple and went to work.

While Debby sucked and licked one tit, she played with the other. Then she switched. Her mother thrashed and moaned below her, completely out of her mind now with horniness. Mavis had hung up all rational thought with that first tongue kiss. All there was now was the need to cum; to feel the kind of mind- blowing orgasm she had experienced twice yesterday, and wanted again today.

The fact that it was her own daughter sucking her tits didn't bother Mavis a bit right then. The fact that it was Debby who was down there doing all those delightful things to her titties just seemed to make it all the more exciting; seemed to make her pussy grow just that much wetter.

"Here," she gasped, reaching for the buckle of Debby's jeans. "Let... let me take these things off, my darling. Let Mommy be nice to you too!"

Somewhat reluctantly, because it was bringing her cunt so much pleasure, Debby rolled off her mother's belly. But she knew there were more beautiful pleasures just waiting to be experienced!

"Oh yes," she sighed. "Strip me, Mommy... strip me, please, and make love to me..."

Mavis swayed around onto her knees and, kneeling over her daughter, undid the girl's pants and slid them down her slim, tanned legs. Then she removed the panties and even after she had dropped them to the ground, the moisture from them still clung to her fingers.

And as she did this and got ready to go down on her daughter and suck her pussy dry, one more exciting thought raced through her head, hammering away at her lust like a hard cock ramming a horny pussy, and just made her own twat drip that much more.

I'm so excited, she thought, looking at Debby. I'm so hot, but... if only Billy were here now... if only Billy were here to fuck one of us or both of us with that strong cock of his! Ohh, then it would be complete... my horny family would be complete... if only Billy were here...

The truth of the matter was, Billy was there, although at that moment he was well hidden from the line of vision of either his mother or his sister. Not that either of them were looking for him!

Yes, Billy was there all right and he couldn't believe his eyes!

He'd been picking up some weird vibes from his mom all morning, and when she'd suggested that she and Debby take a walk alone that afternoon, his curiosity had been aroused and, at a safe distance, he'd tagged along to see what was up. And right at that moment he knew what was up--it was his own pecker, throbbing and straining to break loose from the confines of his pants.

They're beautiful! he thought from his hiding place a few yards away from where his mother and Debby were stripping each other. God, how I'd love to join them...

But he knew he shouldn't, and so he contented himself with just watching. His mother had just stripped off Debby's jeans and now she was taking off her own slacks, and the sight of all those smoothly rounded feminine curves glowing there in the sunlight before his eyes made him know that there was only one thing to do while he watched.

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