Mom's Best Friend - Cover

Mom's Best Friend


Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

When they returned to Adam's house, they found the children getting along fine. Mary was delighted, as was Adam. Mary offered to help prepare a snack, but Emily thanked her and told her she could handle it. Sensing that it was the thing to do, Mary went into the kitchen with the girl, helping only a little as they chatted, Emily seeming to warm to her almost in spite of herself.

"Emily," Mary said impulsively, "I guess you know that your father and I are serious about each other. I think we're very good for each other."

"You do seem to be good for him," the girl admitted as she stacked some biscuits on a plate, not looking up.

"The one thing I want to stress, Emily, is that I'm not going to compete with you for his affection. He has enough of that quality for a dozen people."

This time the girl did look up. For a second there was no expression at all on her face; then she surprised Mary by turning on a winning smile. "I hadn't thought of it that way," she said and looked genuinely pleased. "Sharon makes you sound like a pretty wonderful woman. Dad does, too, for that matter."

"I don't think I'm all that wonderful, Emily, but I like being happy and like having happy people around me. If we want it, we can have a wonderful life, five warm, friendly people living and loving together." It wasn't the time to say it, but Mary had thoughts which almost made her tremble, thoughts of all five engaging in wild sexual romps with no holds barred.

The TV was turned off and forgotten as the two families ate and chatted. Emily had come totally into the spirit of the evening following her chat with Mary, and she proved to be vivacious. She showed more than a little of her thighs, and Mary liked what she saw, telling herself that since she was going to get involved in lesbian fun and games with Sharon, it would be sheer delight to romp with Emily as well.

She wondered how she would seduce the girl, then thought that perhaps she should leave that to her daughter, and went on to think that it would be easy as well as pleasant for her to seduce twelve-year-old Dean. That thought caused her thighs to press warmly together.

It was still a little before ten when Mary decided to take her daughter home and seduce her. Emily sounded sincere in asking them to stay longer, but Adam, who knew why Mary was taking her daughter home early, said nothing, and they left a few minutes later.

During the short drive to their home, Mary and her daughter talked warmly.

"All of a sudden, I'm just so happy. Life seems so beautiful," Sharon said impulsively.

"I'm pleased, dear," Mary told her and patted her on the thigh. "Do you think our little session this afternoon had anything to do with the way you feel?"

"I'm sure of that. Gee, it was really exciting. I'm still excited about it."

"That's nice, darling. Perhaps we'll go to my room when we get home and do something about that. Would you like that, or are you tired?"

"Are you kidding? I'll never be too tired for things like that. Do you really mean it, Mother?"

"Of course I do. Why do you think we left so early?"

"Oh, Mom, I'm so excited! Tell me," she went on, lowering her voice, "did you and Adam go back to our place and fuck?"

"We really went there to talk about some very important things, but after we'd talked them all out, we were both so horny that we had to do something. I sat on his face and he lapped my cunt twice, and then he took his cock out and I sucked him off. He gave me a big drink of cream."

"Ooh, Mother! You're so sexy and exciting," Sharon said, then put a hand on her mother's warm thigh.

"It's a good thing we're home," Mary said as she turned the car into the driveway. "That naughty hand of yours doesn't make for safe driving."

As Mary turned off the ignition, Sharon's hand became very naughty as it worked into the warmth between her mother's thighs and stroked her panty crotch, which felt a little moist.

"You really were naughty with Adam, weren't you?" Sharon said as she stroked and her mother's crotch began to get hotter.

"Well, his mouth did leave my pussy very wet and when we finished, he just put my panties on and we left. All that juice had to go somewhere."

"I'd love to see you two in action," Sharon said in a warm whisper. "In fact, I'd love just to see his cock. From what you tell me, it must be something special."

"Who knows what could happen in the very near future, darling," Mary told her daughter. "For now, though, let's get into the house and out of our clothes. I know what's going to happen there, even if you don't yet."

They hurried into the house, and Sharon kept asking her mother what she meant, but all she got by way of answers were excited smiles. Then they were in Mary's bedroom, undressing eagerly, ready to romp, Sharon aware that her mother planned something more than fingering, but not aware what it was.

Both wore garter belts and nylons, and Mary told her daughter that they could leave them on for the time being since they wouldn't be in the way. "Besides," she added, "I think nylons make a woman's legs look sexier."

"Oh, yes, Mother. I love the way the tops expand around your thighs and contrast with your white skin."

"Thank you, angel," Mary said as she reached for her daughter. "Now let's share a loving kiss before we get on the bed. This is going to be a night you'll remember for a long time, and so will I."

Sharon moved smoothly into her warm embrace, and they kissed with passion which kept mounting as their mouths mashed wetly together. When Mary's hands went slowly down to her daughter's behind to fondle it, Sharon did the same to her, thrilling to the feel of the plump, smooth cheeks. Before the kiss ended, Mary felt her daughter's heart pounding and knew how exciting and how passionate their meeting was going to be. She thought again of how she was going to suck the girl's tender young cunt, and she trembled violently.

The kiss finished. Both of them starry-eyed, mother and daughter got onto the bed and moved into another hot embrace. It lasted for a long time and left them breathless.

"Oh, Mother, tell me what we're going to do," Sharon asked, her voice small, the tone warm and excited.

"We're going to do lots of sexy, exciting things," her mother told her, "and we're going to have lots of nice big comes. This morning, when you got up, you were a girl. When you go to sleep tonight, you'll be a woman and you'll never look back."

As she listened to the words, her heart hammering at her rib cage, Sharon thought it sounded as if she were going to get fucked, but since that wasn't possible, she told herself, her mother must have something special in mind, something very special and very thrilling, she felt sure.

For a little while, they fondled and sucked tits, Sharon delighting in the feel of her mother's boobs in her hands and in her mouth. It was no less thrilling when Mary sucked her tits, doing it so excitingly and making the girl think of her mother sucking Adam's prick. She thought, too, of the hint her mother had given earlier, a hint which indicated that she might soon get to see that big cock which seemed to work such magic on her mother.

And then there was a hand in Sharon's crotch, and it felt so good as it gently rubbed her virgin cunt. She kept sighing and moaning, then found that she was able to reach into her mother's crotch and feel her hot, moist cunt, and that added to her thrill as mother and daughter stroked pussies and exchanged sighs.

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