Mom's Best Friend - Cover

Mom's Best Friend


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

"Mother, are you having sex with Adam?" Sharon asked her mother as they met in the kitchen after school the next day.

"Yes, dear, I am. I've never lied to you, so I see no reason to start now. After all, sex is a natural thing between a man and a woman, especially when they're in love."

"I'm glad for you, Mother. Is sex always good?"

"No, dear, it isn't always. It is with Adam and me, though, and I have a hunch it'll only get better."

"It wasn't good with Daddy, was it?"

"In the beginning it was. Then it died out. I'm not saying it was his fault or that he was a bad man. Things just died between us."

"I think you're being very generous to him. I'm still just a kid and I was younger then, but I know he spent every evening drinking beer and watching TV. He was usually drunk when he went to bed, wasn't he?"

"You're more than just a kid, dear. Actually, you're very observant. Yes, it's true that your father lost interest in sex. I was hungry for a long time, and since Adam came along, it's like being born again in a beautiful new world."

"Sex must be so exciting," Sharon observed with a little sigh, "and I've got so long to wait."

"I know, dear. I can understand how you feel. I was thirteen once, you know. When I had that longing to grow up and try sex, I'd go to my room, take my panties off and masturbate. I take it you do that when you're in the mood?"

"Gee, Mother you're really frank. I keep wondering about it. I hear other girls talking about it, and they make it sound nice, but I'm afraid."

"Afraid? Why?"

"Because, well, I heard that if you do it too much, you can break your cherry and that too much of it makes your pussy too big and men don't like that."

"Oh, you poor lamb, that's all garbage. It's like telling boys that if they jack off, they'll grow hair on the palms of their hands. Those are just things that are said to scare children. I suspect most of them began with churches or religious parents who think that to have fun is a sin."

"You mean there's nothing wrong with masturbating? It isn't abnormal or anything?" Sharon asked, surprised.

"It's as normal and as natural as breathing, dear. Far from being a bad thing, it's a good one. People who don't masturbate suppress natural feelings, and suppressed feelings can lead to trouble. It's natural for people, children as well as adults, to get horny from time to time. I pity anyone who doesn't. When that happens, there comes a certain tension. Masturbation is nature's safety valve."

"You mean anytime I feel that way, it's all right to go ahead and finger my pussy?"

"Well now, when you say anytime, I'm not sure I can go that far. If you fingered your pussy in class, it wouldn't go over too well."

"Oh, Mother!" Sharon said, and they both laughed. "I wish we'd had this talk before."

"I'm sorry, dear. The fault's mostly mine. I should have paid more attention."

"Don't blame yourself, Mother. You're wonderful. I wouldn't want any other woman in the world for a mother," Sharon said and hugged her mother tightly.

"Mmmm, this must be my week," Mary said and beamed. "First Adam told me so many wonderful things, and now you. If you keep this up, I'll start believing it all."

"You should believe it, Mother. It's true and I'll bet what he tells you is, too. Mother, now that we've gone this far, I guess it's time for me to ask you something."

Mary hugged her daughter more tightly; then she asked in a whisper, "Do you mean you want to learn more about fingering your pussy?"

"Yes," her daughter replied and blushed.

"Then let's go to the bedroom for a little lesson. You're going to like it a lot, dear," Mary told her as they left the kitchen.

In the bedroom, Sharon hugged her mother again, and Mary felt her trembling. "Nervous, darling?" she asked.

"Yes, I guess I'm plenty nervous, but I feel kind of excited, too."

"That's a good way to feel, darling. I always feel that way when I'm getting ready to finger myself. I like it best in the mornings when I'm still sleepy. Sex is always best first thing in the morning, as far as I'm concerned."

"Tell me about it, Mother. Tell me what you do and how you feel."

They sat on the edge of the bed. Mary put an arm around her daughter, then tried to explain it in full detail, not just her actions, but her feelings as well. Since she had decided to be totally honest with her daughter, she told of some of the fantasies she enjoyed while masturbating, fantasies which included a man who sucked and fondled her tits and ass and cunt, and who fucked her. While she talked, her daughter squirmed with passion. It wasn't long before Mary was doing the same.

"It must be thrilling to have a man suck your cunt, Mother," Mary said, her voice breaking.

"Yes, darling, it is and your day will come. You're close to fourteen now. Just a few more years and you'll be ready."

"Oh, Mother, I know I shouldn't ask this, but I can't help it. Has Adam sucked your cunt yet?"

"Yes, darling. Last night after you were asleep, we went down to the rec room and played for a long time. We were both naked, and he did everything to me. He sucked my cunt and made me come three or four times that way, and I took his cock in my mouth and sucked him off. I've never met a man as exciting as Adam. He's such a lover."

"Oooohhh, Mother!" Sharon squealed. "That's so exciting! Did you ever suck Daddy's cock?"

"Yes, he's the one who taught me. Adam tells me nobody ever sucked his cock as beautifully as I did. I hope he really meant it. I did my best, and it took me half an hour before I made him shoot his cream in my mouth."

"Oh, Mother," Sharon squealed and pressed closer, "I'm so horny!"

"Now that you mention it, dear, I'm pretty horny myself. I think after you've had your come, I'll need one, too."

"Oh, yes, Mother, do it! I know, you do it first and I can watch you. Come on, Mother, let's take all out clothes off and do it right now."

"Wait a minute, dear, I'll have to think about that a bit," Mary said, trying to find the strength to resist, but she searched in vain, and then they were standing by the bed, undressing, Sharon almost tearing her clothes off in her hurry, eager to see the mature body of her mother, sensing that it was going to be a very beautiful one.

"What a little beauty you are, darling," Mary said as she eyed her naked daughter. "Your titties are coming along so nicely. It's hard to believe you're not even fourteen yet. That's a nice little pussy bush you're developing, too. Turn around and let me see your ass."

Eagerly, the girl turned and Mary smiled as she looked at her buttcheeks. Like her own, they were perfect mounds, and she hoped they would stay that way as Sharon developed.

"You're going to have an ass like mine, I think," Mary told her. "I've always felt mine was too big, but Adam swears it's the most beautiful one he's ever seen. He loves to kiss and lick it, and it drives me right up the wall, it feels so good."

Moving closer to her daughter, Mary put a hand on one cheek and squeezed. She found firm flesh and skin that was smoother than silk; then she found herself enjoying it too much and took the hand away.

"That felt nice, Mother, nice and sexy. I guess I'm sexy all over today," Sharon added as she turned and watched her mother unhooking her bra. She gasped as the garment was removed, and her eyes blinked at the sight of the big boobs, so big yet so firm and smooth-looking.

"Oh, Mother, what a beautiful big pair of ti... breasts you have. Gee, you're beautiful."

"Thank you, darling. It's all right to call them tits. I like the word. Adam and I use all the strong words. It makes it more fun that way."

"Oh, please, Mother, let me touch them. Let me feel your tits."

While Mary hesitated, thinking that perhaps it was time to draw the line, Sharon reached for the big, firm boobs, and then she was panting as she fondled them. Her hands felt good, so good that Mary's nipples hardened fast, elongated excitingly, the size of them delighting her wildly aroused daughter.

"Honest, Mom, I'm not queer or anything," Sharon panted as she fondled the luscious tits, "but this feels so good. I never knew tits could be so exciting to feel like this."

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